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MSC3856: Threads List API

An endpoint specific to listing the threads in a room is proposed to solve two client problems:

  1. Clients wish to display threads ordered by the most recently active.
  2. Clients wish to display a list of threads the user has participated in.

It is currently difficult for clients to sort threads by the most recently responded to. Clients can use the /messages API with a filter of "related_by_rel_types": ["m.thread"] (as defined in MSC3440) to fetch the list of threads in a room. This returns the root thread events in topological order of those events (either forwards or backwards depending on the dir parameter).

Each event also includes bundled aggregation, which will include the latest event in each thread.

In order to sort threads by the latest event in that thread clients must paginate through all of the threads in the room, inspect the latest event from the bundled aggregations and attempt to sort them. This can require many round trips to the server and is wasteful for both the client and server.

Unfortunately even when a client has all the threads in a room it is not able to accurately sort the threads since the client lacks the proper topological ordering of events. (The closest available information is the age or origin_server_ts of the events, but this is not always correct.)

Additionally, it is currently not possible for a client to query for threads that the user has participated in, as defined in MSC3440:

The user has participated if:

  • They created the current event.
  • They created an event with a m.thread relation targeting the current event.

Currently, clients add the requesting user's MXID to the related_by_senders filter (as defined in MSC3440), e.g. "related_by_senders":[""], but this results in missing threads where the user sent the root message and has not yet replied.


Client-Server endpoint

A new endpoint is proposed to query for threads in a room. This endpoint requires authentication and is subject to rate-limiting.

The endpoint returns events, which represent thread roots and includes bundled aggregations in the response (which includes the "latest event" of each thread, see MSC3440 for the format of bundled aggregations of threads).

The returned events are ordered by the latest event of each thread.

Request format

GET /_matrix/client/v1/rooms/{roomId}/threads

Query Parameters:

  • include: enum

    Whether to include all thread roots in the room or only thread roots which the user has participated in, meaning that the user has created the root event of the thread or replied to the thread (they have created an event with a m.thread relation targeting the root event).

    One of [all, participated]. Defaults to all.

  • from: string

    The token to start returning events from. This token can be obtained from an next_batch token returned by a previous request to this endpoint.

    If it is not provided, the homeserver shall return a list of thread roots starting from the most recent visible event in the room history for the requesting user.

  • limit: Optional: a client-defined limit to the maximum number of threads to return per page. Must be an integer greater than zero.

    Server implementations should impose a maximum value to avoid resource exhaustion.

Response format

  • chunk: [ClientEvent] Required

    A list of room of events which are the root event of threads. Each event includes bundled aggregations. The order is chronological by the latest event in that thread.

  • next_batch: string

    A token which can be passed back to this endpoint to request additional events.

    If no further events are available (either because we have reached the start of the timeline, or because the user does not have permission to see any more events), this property is omitted from the response.

If the sender of an event is ignored by the current user the results are modified slightly. This has two situations:

  1. If the ignored user sent the root thread event: the server should return the redacted form of the root event, but otherwise act as normal. This matches the information that a client would have if the threads list was aggregated locally (and generally matches the behavior if a thread root is unavailable, e.g. due to room history visibility).
  2. If the ignored user sent the latest thread event: the server should treat the latest event as not existing and replace it with the latest event from a non-ignored user; with the caveat that the ordering of the threads is not re-arranged due to this replacement.

Example request:

GET /_matrix/client/v1/rooms/%21ol19s%3Ableecker.street/threads?

Example response:

  "chunk": [ClientEvent],
  "next_batch": "..."

MSC3440 Filtering

This MSC replaces the event filters added in MSC3440 (related_by_rel_types and related_by_senders) as the only known use-case is more efficiently solved by this MSC.

Potential issues

None foreseen.


Reusing the /messages endpoint

Additional parameters could be added to the /messages endpoint to control the ordering of the returned results. This would likely not be compatible with all the other options available on that endpoint.

Keeping this a separate endpoint also gives the possibility of additional threads-specific filtering in the future.

MSC2836 Threading

MSC2836 includes a generic /event_relationships endpoint, but it is overly complex for MSC3440-style threads.

MSC2836 attempts to solve a larger problem, including allowing for arbitrary branching of threads (and many levels of event relations). MSC3440 forbids creating threads off a threaded message, allowing for a simpler design. Additionally, the MSC2836 design is more computationally intensive for both clients and servers to implement due to the tree-like nature of the query.

A benefit to the MSC2836 design is that it supports querying over federation for additional events related to the event in question.

Security considerations

As with other endpoints that accept a limit, homeservers should apply a hard server-side maximum.

Future extensions

It does not seem useful to be able to paginate in reverse order, i.e. starting with the thread which was least recently updated. If there becomes a future need of this a dir parameter could be added which takes an enum value of [f, b] defaulting to b to maintain backwards compatibility with this proposal.

Unstable prefix

The client-server API will be: /_matrix/client/unstable/org.matrix.msc3856/rooms/{roomId}/threads
