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MSC3784 Using room type of m.policy for policy rooms


This simple MSC aims to make it easier for machines and people alike to be made instantly aware if a room is a policy list. To facilitate this this MSC recommends using the already established type attribute to flag rooms as policy rooms. This builds upon the precedent set by Spaces and their "type": "". Adopting this for Policy rooms allows all stakeholders to instantly know if its a Policy room or not for rooms covered by this proposal.

For the purposes of this MSC policy lists can at times be called a policy room. This MSC does not intend to change the name of the feature its just used to be very clear that we are talking about rooms with a specific usecase.


This proposal is well quite simple. Allow for Policy rooms to be marked as such using the "type": "m.policy". The precedent for this comes from Spaces where they introduced this system in a limited capacity. This proposal expands this system to help all stakeholders quickly identify policy rooms in a machine compatible way that is computationally cheap. It has additional benefits like allowing clients that are capable of editing policy to display editing tools for policy rooms when they detect that a room is a policy room using this mechanic. For machine interaction with policy rooms this proposal supplies a very fast way to tell if a room is definitively supposed to be a policy room or if the user might have supplied a legacy room or typed in the wrong room ID / alias depending on how things are configured.

Legacy rooms in this proposal are defined as all rooms that predate this proposal and they are free to upgrade if they desire to but they are also free to stay on their current room version and not upgrade their room to include a type event in the creation event. All stakeholders are expected to gracefully support interacting with legacy rooms until a future proposal changes this recommendation.

The Author of this MSC believes that even with the problem of legacy rooms not being covered this MSC will be useful in the future with more use of policy rooms.

Potential issues

As is covered in the proposal section this MSC has the potential issue relating to Legacy rooms. The Author of this MSC thinks its that its an acceptable trade-off.


The alternative of using Peeking over fed to try to figure out if a room is a policy list has been considered but considering that its currently considered at the time of writing to be a very in development technology its deemed wholly unsuited for this application. The system this proposal recommends is the same one that was used for spaces. Spaces have proven them self's in the real world and so has this system.

Security considerations

None that the author is aware of at the time of writing due to the mostly informative nature of the data. Due to that no client should trust that just because it says m.policy it is indeed a policy room the security implications should be minimal.

Unstable prefix

If you want to implement this MSC before its merged your free to use the unstable type of support.feline.policy.lists.msc.v1.

After this MSC gets merged if a stakeholder has elected to remove its support for the unstable prefix if any support existed or support never existed revert to Legacy room behavior for rooms that used the unstable prefix.


The Author is not aware of any unstable MSC dependencies for this MSC.