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MSC3948: Repository Room for Thirdroom

This spec defines state events that can be used to store and distribute 3D assets (such as scenes and avatar), World and normal matrix rooms.


m.repository_room room type

Repository room can be distinguished by the "type": "m.repository_room" key value pair present in state event content.

  "type": "",
  "content": {
    "type": "m.repository_room",
    "creator": "",
    "m.federate": true,

Submitting scene with m.repository_room.scene message event

A scene can be submitted by the user using m.repository_room.scene message event. Other then attribution and description all properties specified below are required to describe a scene.

version this property should be incremented when a new version of the scene is submitted.

name this is the name of the scene.

description (optional) this is a short description of the scene.

url this is the URL of the 3D scene to use for the room. Currently only .glb files are supported. For supported glTF extensions see the Third Room glTF extensions.

script_url (optional) is the URL to a JavaScript or WebAssembly file that will be executed in the 3D scene. This can be used to add interactivity to the scene. See the WebSceneGraph documentation for more information on scripts.

thumbnail_url this is the URL of the thumbnail image to use for the room.

thumbnail_info this is an object containing information about the thumbnail image using the ThumbnailInfo data type.

attribution (optional) this is an array of attributions for the scene.

attribution.title (optional) this is the title of the attributed sub-asset. This should be the original title of the source material.

attribution.source_url (optional) this is the URL of the source material. This could be a link to the original asset, a page describing the asset, or some other url describing where the asset is from.

attribution.author_name This is the name of the author (individual or organization) of the source material.

attribution.author_url (optional) this is the URL of the author's website.

attribution.license (optional) this is the license of the source material. This should be a valid SPDX license identifier.

  "type": "m.repository_room.scene",
  "content": {
    "scene": {
      "version": 1,
      "name": "Forest Scene",
      "description": "A low poly forest scene.",
      "url": "mxc:abc",
      "thumbnail_info": {
        "w": 1920,
        "h": 1080,
        "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
        "size": 12345
      "thumbnail_url": "mxc://",
      "attribution": [
          "title": "Kenney's Nature Kit",
          "source_url": "",
          "author_name": "Kenney",
          "author_url": "",
          "license": "CC0"

Admin can feature a scene by sending m.repository_room.featured_scene state event with state_key set to the event_id of original scene message event. Original message "scene" properties can be copied to this event. An additional order key is same as specified in spec to order space children and is used to order the featured scene.

  "type": "m.repository_room.featured_scene",
  "state_key": "scene_message_event_id",
  "content": {
    "scene": {
      "url": "mxc:abc",
      "thumbnail_info": {
        "w": 1920,
        "h": 1080,
        "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
        "size": 12345
      "thumbnail_url": "mxc://",
    "order": ""

A scene can be Unfeatured by removing content from this state event.

A user can create a 3D World with featured scenes by using the content from featured scene event. Additionally "scene_from" property with "state_key" of featured scene event and "room_id" of repository_room is added so client can check and prompt an admin for future featured scene updates.

  "type": "",
  "state_key": "",
  "content": {
    "scene_url": "",
    "thumbnail_info": {
      "w": 1920,
      "h": 1080,
      "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
      "size": 12345
    "thumbnail_url": "mxc://",
    "scene": {
      "url": "mxc:abc",
      "thumbnail_info": {
        "w": 1920,
        "h": 1080,
        "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
        "size": 12345
      "thumbnail_url": "mxc://",
    "scene_from": {
      "state_key": "featured_scene_state_key",
      "room_id": "repository_room_id"

A public World can be featured by sending m.repository_room.featured_world state event with "state_key" as room_id of the World. "content" of this event is same as Client can use MSC3266: Room summary API to display world to user.

  "type": "m.repository_room.featured_world",
  "state_key": "world_id",
  "content": {
    "suggested": false,
    "via": [],
    "order": ""

This state event is same as m.repository_room.featured_world but for featuring normal matrix chat room.

  "type": "m.repository_room.featured_room",
  "state_key": "room_id",
  "content": {
    "suggested": false,
    "via": [],
    "order": ""


  • A featured World/room can not be joined if room owner made them invite only. Client should not display such rooms by looking at the join_rule return by MSC3266: Room summary API

Unstable prefix

  • org.matrix.msc3948.repository_room - Repository room type
  • org.matrix.msc3948.repository_room.scene - Scene message event type
  • org.matrix.msc3948.repository_room.featured_scene - Featured scene state event type
  • org.matrix.msc3948.repository_room.featured_world - Featured world state event type
  • org.matrix.msc3948.repository_room.featured_room - Featured room state event type
