Clarify certificate usage and ports

Travis Ralston 6 years ago
parent 3c17a0e53b
commit 1c30f5eba9

@ -107,76 +107,73 @@ The process overall is as follows:
do so - just ensure that the result is the same!
1. If the hostname is an IP literal, then that IP address should be used,
together with the given port number, or 8448 if no port is given. A
valid TLS certificate must be provided by the target server for the
IP address on all requests. Requests must be made with a ``Host``
header containing the IP address, without port.
together with the given port number, or 8448 if no port is given. The
target server must present a valid certificate for the IP address.
Requests must be made with a ``Host`` header containing the IP address,
without port.
2. If the hostname is not an IP literal, and has an explicit port given,
resolve the IP address using AAAA or A records. Requests are made to
the resolved IP address and given port with a ``Host`` header of the
original hostname (without port). A valid TLS certificate must be
provided by the target server for the hostname.
3. If the hostname is not an IP literal, a ``/.well-known`` request is
made to the hostname (using port 443 exclusively, ignoring the port
provided in the server name). This is done as a plain HTTPS request
which follows 30x redirects, being careful to avoid redirect loops.
Responses (successful or otherwise) to the ``/.well-known`` endpoint
should be cached by the requesting server. Servers should respect
the cache control headers present on the response, or use a sensible
default when headers are not present. The recommended sensible default
is 24 hours. Servers should additionally impose a maximum cache time
for responses: 48 hours is recommended. Errors are recommended to be
cached for up to an hour, and servers are encouraged to exponentially
back off for repeated failures. The schema of the ``/.well-known``
request is later in this section. If the response is invalid (bad JSON,
missing properties, etc), attempts to connect to the target server are
aborted - no connections should be attempted. If the response is valid,
the ``m.server`` property is parsed as ``<delegated_server_name>[:<delegated_port>]``
and processed as follows:
original hostname (with port). The target server must present a valid
certificate for the hostname.
3. If the hostname is not an IP literal, a regular HTTPS request is made
to ``https://<hostname>/.well-known/matrix/server``, expecting the
schema defined later in this section. 30x redirects should be followed,
however redirection loops should be avoided. Responses (successful or
otherwise) to the ``/.well-known`` endpoint should be cached by the
requesting server. Servers should respect the cache control headers
present on the response, or use a sensible default when headers are not
present. The recommended sensible default is 24 hours. Servers should
additionally impose a maximum cache time for responses: 48 hours is
recommended. Errors are recommended to be cached for up to an hour,
and servers are encouraged to exponentially back off for repeated
failures. The schema of the ``/.well-known`` request is later in this
section. If the response is invalid (bad JSON, missing properties, etc),
attempts to connect to the target server are aborted - no connections
should be attempted. If the response is valid, the ``m.server`` property
is parsed as ``<delegated_server_name>[:<delegated_port>]`` and processed
as follows:
* If ``<delegated_server_name>`` is an IP literal, then that IP address
should be used together with the ``<delegated_port>`` or 8448 if no
port is provided. A valid TLS certificate must be provided by the
target server for that IP address. Requests must be made with a
``Host`` header containing the IP address, without port.
port is provided. The target server must present a valid TLS certificate
for the IP address. Requests must be made with a ``Host`` header containing
the IP address, with port.
* If ``<delegated_server_name>`` is not an IP literal, and ``<delegated_port>``
is present, an IP address is disovered by looking up an AAAA or A
record for ``<delegated_server_name>``. The resulting IP address is
used, alongside the ``<delegated_port>``, to make requests with a
``Host`` header of ``<delegated_server_name>:<delegated_port>``. A valid
TLS certificate must be provided by the target server for ``<delegated_server_name>``.
``Host`` header of ``<delegated_server_name>:<delegated_port>``. The
target server must present a valid certificate for ``<delegated_server_name>``.
* If ``<delegated_server_name>`` is not an IP literal and no
``<delegated_port>`` is present, an SRV record is looked up for
``_matrix._tcp.<delegated_server_name>``. This may result in another
hostname (to be resolved using AAAA or A records) and port. Requests
should be made to the resolved IP address and port with a ``Host``
header containing the ``<delegated_server_name>``. Additionally, a
valid TLS certificate must be provided by the target server for the
header containing the ``<delegated_server_name>``. The target server
must present a valid certificate for ``<delegated_server_name>``.
* If no SRV record is found, an IP address is resolved using AAAA
or A records. Requests are then made to the resolve IP address
and a port of 8448, using a ``Host`` header of ``<delegated_server_name>``.
A valid TLS certificate for ``<delegated_server_name>`` must be
provided by the target server.
The target server must present a valid certificate for ``<delegated_server_name>``.
4. If the `/.well-known` request did not result in a 200 response, a server
is found by resolving an SRV record for ``_matrix._tcp.<hostname>``. This
may result in a hostname (to be resolved using AAAA or A records) and
port. Requests are made to the resolved IP address and port, using 8448
as a default port, with a ``Host`` header of ``<hostname>``. A valid TLS
certificate for ``<hostname>`` must be provided by the target server on
all requests.
as a default port, with a ``Host`` header of ``<hostname>``. The target
server must present a valid certificate for ``<hostname>``.
5. If the `/.well-known` request returned an error response, and the SRV
record was not found, an IP address is resolved using AAAA and A records.
Requests are made to the resolved IP address using port 8448 and a ``Host``
header containing the ``<hostname>``. A valid TLS certificate for
``<hostname>`` must be provided by the target server on all requests.
header containing the ``<hostname>``. The target server must present a
valid certificate for ``<hostname>``.
The TLS certificate provided by the target server must be signed by a known
