Add general API design

Several missing sections: VoIP, presence, typing, but many core ordering and event mapping issues are addressed.
Kegsay 10 years ago
parent 40424eded9
commit 1a92548b9c

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
Instant Messaging
- EDU stuff (presence/typing)
- Concept of a session (for announcing of presence, and scoping of action IDs)
- The actual filter APIs themselves
- VoIP
Global ``/initialSync`` API
- A way of identifying the user (e.g. access token, user ID, etc)
- For each room the user is joined: Name, topic, # members, last message, room ID, aliases
What data flows does it address:
- Home screen: data required on load.
Event Stream API
- Position in the stream
- Filter to apply: which event types, which room IDs, whether to get out-of-order events, which users
to get presence/profile updates for
- User ID
- Device ID
- 0-N events the client hasn't seen.
- New position in the stream.
State Events Ordering Notes:
- Home servers may receive state events over federation that are superceded by state events previously
sent to the client. The home server *cannot* send these events to the client else they would end up
erroneously clobbering the superceding state event.
- As a result, the home server reserves the right to omit sending state events which are known to be
superceded already.
- This may result in missed *state* events. However, the state of the room will always be eventually
Message Events Ordering Notes:
- Home servers may receive message events over federation that happened a long time ago. The client
may or may not be interested in these message events.
- For clients which do not persist scrollback for a room, this is not a problem as they only care
about the recent messages.
- For clients which do persist scrollback for a room, they need to know about the message event and
where to insert it so that scrollback remains consistent and doesn't omit messages.
- Clients can specify an input parameter stating that they wish to receive these out-of-order events.
- The event, when it comes down the stream, will indicate which event it comes after.
What data flows does it address:
- Home Screen: Data required when new message arrives for a room
- Home Screen: Data required when someone invites you to a room
- Home Screen: Data required when you leave a room on another device
- Home Screen: Data required when you join a room on another device
- Home Screen: Data required when your profile info changes on another device
- Chat Screen: Data required when member name changes
- Chat Screen: Data required when the room name changes
- Chat Screen: Data required when a new message arrives
Room Creation
- Invitee list of user IDs, public/private, name of room, alias of room, topic of room
- Room ID
- This is a special case of joining a room. See the notes on joining a room.
What data flows does it address:
- Home Screen: Creating a room
Joining a room
- Room ID / alias
- Optional filter (which events to return, whether the returned events should come down
the event stream)
- Room ID, Room aliases (plural), Name, topic, member list (f.e. member: user ID,
avatar, presence, display name, power level, whether they are typing), enough
messages to fill screen (and whether there are more)
- How do you return room information? In response to the join, or from the event stream?
- The events returned need to be filterable. Different clients for the same user may want
different information (e.g. the client performing the join may jump to the chat screen and
therefore want some messages, whereas the client not performing the join just needs to be
aware of the new room).
- As a result, the join response should return events *instead of* to the event stream, depending
on the client.
Mapping messages to the event stream:
- Once you join a room, you will start getting message events for it. How do you know when
you started getting events for this room? You need to know so you can provide a token when
scrolling back. You cannot currently infer this from the join event itself, as individual
events do not have tokens (only chunks do).
- This token can be provided as a separate server-generated event, or an annotation on the join
event itself.
- We propose that a server-generated event is sent down the event stream to all clients, rather
than annotating the join event. The server-generated event works nicely for Application
Services where an entity subscribes to a room without a join event.
What data flows does it address:
- Home Screen: Joining a room
Scrolling back (infinite scrolling)
- Identifier for the earliest event
- # requested events
- filter to apply
- flag to say if the home server should do a backfill over federation
- requested events (f.e change in display name, what the old name was),
- whether there are more events on the local HS / over federation.
- new identifier for the earliest event
What data flows does it address:
- Chat Screen: Scrolling back (infinite scrolling)
Action APIs
The following APIs are "action APIs". This is defined to be a request which alters the state of
a room you are already joined to.
When you perform an action in a room, you immediately want to display the local echo. The client
can receive the response to the action either directly or from the event stream. The order in which
you receive these responses is undefined. As a result, clients MUST be able to handle all possible
1 2a 3
| ^
| 2b |
+----------> APPEARS IN EVENT STREAM -------------------+
1: Can display local echo at this point.
2a: The request has been successfully processed and can be displayed as Sent.
2b/3: The request has been successfully processed and the client knows its position in the event stream.
When a client sends a request, they can include an "action ID" so that they can match up the event in
the event stream to the request which they made. This ID is created by the client, and MUST be a
monotonically increasing integer for that client. This ID serves as a transaction ID for idempotency as
well as a sequence ID for ordering actions performed in parallel by that client. Events for actions
performed by a client in that client's event stream will include the action ID the client submitted
when making the request. The action ID will *not* appear in other client's event streams.
Action IDs are optional and are only needed by clients that retransmit their requests, or display local
echo, or allow the submission of multiple requests in parallel. An example of a client which may not need
the use of action IDs includes bots which operate using basic request/responses in a synchronous fashion.
Inviting a user
- User ID
- Room ID
- Action ID (optional)
- Display name / avatar of user invited (if known)
What data flows does it address:
- Chat Screen: Invite a user
Kicking a user
- User ID
- Room ID
- Action ID (optional)
- None.
What data flows does it address:
- Chat Screen: Kick a user
Leaving a room
- Room ID
- A way of identifying the user (user ID, access token)
- Action ID (optional)
- None.
What data flows does it address:
- Chat Screen: Leave a room
Send a message
- Room ID
- Message contents
- Action ID (optional)
- Actual content sent (if server modified it)
- When in the stream this action happened. (to correctly display local echo)
What data flows does it address:
- Chat Screen: Send a Message
Placing a call (initial)
What data flows does it address:
Placing a call (candidates)
What data flows does it address: