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# Copyright: (c) 2021, Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import annotations
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_bytes
def has_respawned():
return hasattr(sys.modules['__main__'], '_respawned')
def respawn_module(interpreter_path):
Respawn the currently-running Ansible Python module under the specified Python interpreter.
Ansible modules that require libraries that are typically available only under well-known interpreters
(eg, ``apt``, ``dnf``) can use bespoke logic to determine the libraries they need are not
available, then call `respawn_module` to re-execute the current module under a different interpreter
and exit the current process when the new subprocess has completed. The respawned process inherits only
stdout/stderr from the current process.
Only a single respawn is allowed. ``respawn_module`` will fail on nested respawns. Modules are encouraged
to call `has_respawned()` to defensively guide behavior before calling ``respawn_module``, and to ensure
that the target interpreter exists, as ``respawn_module`` will not fail gracefully.
:arg interpreter_path: path to a Python interpreter to respawn the current module
if has_respawned():
raise Exception('module has already been respawned')
# FUTURE: we need a safe way to log that a respawn has occurred for forensic/debug purposes
payload = _create_payload()
stdin_read, stdin_write = os.pipe()
os.write(stdin_write, to_bytes(payload))
rc =[interpreter_path, '--'], stdin=stdin_read)
sys.exit(rc) # pylint: disable=ansible-bad-function
def probe_interpreters_for_module(interpreter_paths, module_name):
Probes a supplied list of Python interpreters, returning the first one capable of
importing the named module. This is useful when attempting to locate a "system
Python" where OS-packaged utility modules are located.
:arg interpreter_paths: iterable of paths to Python interpreters. The paths will be probed
in order, and the first path that exists and can successfully import the named module will
be returned (or ``None`` if probing fails for all supplied paths).
:arg module_name: fully-qualified Python module name to probe for (eg, ``selinux``)
for interpreter_path in interpreter_paths:
if not os.path.exists(interpreter_path):
rc =[interpreter_path, '-c', 'import {0}'.format(module_name)])
if rc == 0:
return interpreter_path
except Exception:
return None
def _create_payload():
from ansible.module_utils import basic
smuggled_args = getattr(basic, '_ANSIBLE_ARGS')
if not smuggled_args:
raise Exception('unable to access ansible.module_utils.basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS (not launched by AnsiballZ?)')
module_fqn = sys.modules['__main__']._module_fqn
modlib_path = sys.modules['__main__']._modlib_path
respawn_code_template = '''
import runpy
import sys
module_fqn = {module_fqn!r}
modlib_path = {modlib_path!r}
smuggled_args = {smuggled_args!r}
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.path.insert(0, modlib_path)
from ansible.module_utils import basic
basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS = smuggled_args
runpy.run_module(module_fqn, init_globals=dict(_respawned=True), run_name='__main__', alter_sys=True)
respawn_code = respawn_code_template.format(module_fqn=module_fqn, modlib_path=modlib_path, smuggled_args=smuggled_args.strip())
return respawn_code