Migrated all examples: in DOCUMENTATION=''' string to standalone EXAMPLES=''' string
Added deprecation warning to moduledev.rst and remove deprecated example from it
Fixed up a few typos and uppercased some acronyms.
add consistency to how EXAMPLES are formatted
* Clarified the meaning of 'user'
* Changed 'sshdir' to 'path' in the example
* 'sshdir' is used internally in the module, but the argument is 'path'
* Made the capitalization consistent in the descriptions
rhnreg_ks command allows users to manage registration to a Red Hat
Network (RHN) (e.g. rhn.redhat.com) server. The moduel will also
interact with the specified RHN system via XMLRPC as needed.
Before proceeding with registration, the rhnreg_ks module will enable
the system to receive updates from RHN. This involves enabling the
appropriate RHN yum plugin, as well as disabling an active
subscription-manager yum plugin.
Once enabled, the module will support the following operations:
* configure
* register
* subscribe to custom child channels (see `rhn-channel` command)
* unregister
The subscription_manager module acts as a wrapper to the command
'subscription-manager'. The subscription-manager utility allows users
to manage RHN registration, subscription and yum repositories from the
Red Hat Entitlement platform.
Currently, this module supports the following sub-commands:
* config
* [un]register
* subscribe