@ -79,15 +79,34 @@ requirements: [ ]
- bigpanda: component=myapp version=1.3 token={{ bigpanda_token }} state=started
- bigpanda:
component: myapp
version: 1.3
token: '{{ bigpanda_token }}'
state: started
- bigpanda: component=myapp version=1.3 token={{ bigpanda_token }} state=finished
- bigpanda:
component: myapp
If outside servers aren't reachable from your machine, use local_action and override hosts:
version: 1.3
- local_action: bigpanda component=myapp version=1.3 token={{ bigpanda_token }} hosts={{ansible_hostname}} state=started
token: '{{ bigpanda_token }}'
state: finished
# If outside servers aren't reachable from your machine, use delegate_to and override hosts:
- bigpanda:
component: myapp
version: 1.3
token: '{{ bigpanda_token }}'
hosts: '{{ ansible_hostname }}'
state: started
delegate_to: localhost
register: deployment
register: deployment
- local_action: bigpanda component=deployment.component version=deployment.version token=deployment.token state=finished
- bigpanda:
component: '{{ deployment.component }}'
version: '{{ deployment.version }}'
token: '{{ deployment.token }}'
state: finished
delegate_to: localhost
# ===========================================
# ===========================================