@ -209,3 +209,50 @@
- "result.stat.md5 == 'fef1d487711facfd7aa2c87d788c19d9'"
# Test EOF in cases where file has no newline at EOF
- name: testnoeof deploy the file for lineinfile
copy: src=testnoeof.txt dest={{output_dir}}/testnoeof.txt
register: result
- name: testnoeof insert a line at the end of the file
lineinfile: dest={{output_dir}}/testnoeof.txt state=present line="New line at the end" insertafter="EOF"
register: result
- name: testempty assert that the line was inserted at the end of the file
- "result.changed == true"
- "result.msg == 'line added'"
- name: testnoeof stat the no newline EOF test after the insert at the end
stat: path={{output_dir}}/testnoeof.txt
register: result
- name: testnoeof assert test md5 matches after the insert at the end
- "result.stat.md5 == 'f75c9d51f45afd7295000e63ce655220'"
# Test EOF with empty file to make sure no unneccessary newline is added
- name: testempty deploy the testempty file for lineinfile
copy: src=testempty.txt dest={{output_dir}}/testempty.txt
register: result
- name: testempty insert a line at the end of the file
lineinfile: dest={{output_dir}}/testempty.txt state=present line="New line at the end" insertafter="EOF"
register: result
- name: testempty assert that the line was inserted at the end of the file
- "result.changed == true"
- "result.msg == 'line added'"
- name: testempty stat the test after the insert at the end
stat: path={{output_dir}}/testempty.txt
register: result
- name: testempty assert test md5 matches after the insert at the end
- "result.stat.md5 == '357dcbee8dfb4436f63bab00a235c45a'"