- ansible-galaxy - Non-HTTP exceptions from Galaxy servers are now a warning and only fatal if the collection to download|install|verify is not available from any of the servers (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/75443).
Security Fixes
- Do not include params in exception when a call to ``set_options`` fails. Additionally, block the exception that is returned from being displayed to stdout. (CVE-2021-3620)
- PowerShell - Ignore the ``LIB`` environment variable when compiling C# Ansible code
- ansible-galaxy - Fix handling HTTP exceptions from Galaxy servers. Continue to the next server in the list until the collection is found.
- config - use ``callbacks_enabled`` instead ``callback_enabled`` in a deprecated message (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/70028).
- netconf - catch and handle exception to prevent stack trace when running in FIPS mode
- roles - fix unexpected ``AttributeError`` when an empty ``argument_specs.yml`` is present (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/75604).