@ -918,6 +918,15 @@ def create_instances(module, ec2, override_count=None):
except boto.exception.BotoServerError, e:
module.fail_json(msg = "Instance creation failed => %s: %s" % (e.error_code, e.error_message))
# The instances returned through run_instances can be in
# terminated state due to idempotency.
terminated_instances = [ str(instance.id) for instance in res.instances
if instance.state == 'terminated' ]
if terminated_instances:
module.fail_json(msg = "Instances with id(s) %s " % terminated_instances +
"were created previously but have since been terminated - " +
"use a (possibly different) 'instanceid' parameter")
# wait here until the instances are up
num_running = 0
wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout