@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class Task(object):
'sudo_pass', 'when'
def __init__(self, play, ds, module_vars=None):
def __init__(self, play, ds, module_vars=None, additional_conditions=None):
''' constructor loads from a task or handler datastructure '''
for x in ds.keys():
@ -182,63 +182,8 @@ class Task(object):
if self.when is not None:
if self.only_if != 'True':
raise errors.AnsibleError('when obsoletes only_if, only use one or the other')
self.only_if = self.compile_when_to_only_if(self.when)
def compile_when_to_only_if(self, expression):
when is a shorthand for writing only_if conditionals. It requires less quoting
magic. only_if is retained for backwards compatibility.
# when: set $variable
# when: unset $variable
# when: int $x >= $z and $y < 3
# when: int $x in $alist
# when: float $x > 2 and $y <= $z
# when: str $x != $y
if type(expression) not in [ str, unicode ]:
raise errors.AnsibleError("invalid usage of when_ operator: %s" % expression)
tokens = expression.split()
if len(tokens) < 2:
raise errors.AnsibleError("invalid usage of when_ operator: %s" % expression)
# when_set / when_unset
if tokens[0] in [ 'set', 'unset' ]:
if len(tokens) != 2:
raise errors.AnsibleError("usage: when: <set|unset> <$variableName>")
return "is_%s('''%s''')" % (tokens[0], tokens[1])
# when_integer / when_float / when_string
elif tokens[0] in [ 'integer', 'float', 'string' ]:
cast = None
if tokens[0] == 'integer':
cast = 'int'
elif tokens[0] == 'string':
cast = 'str'
elif tokens[0] == 'float':
cast = 'float'
tcopy = tokens[1:]
for (i,t) in enumerate(tokens[1:]):
if t.find("$") != -1:
# final variable substitution will happen in Runner code
tcopy[i] = "%s('''%s''')" % (cast, t)
tcopy[i] = t
return " ".join(tcopy)
# when_boolean
elif tokens[0] in [ 'bool', 'boolean' ]:
tcopy = tokens[1:]
for (i, t) in enumerate(tcopy):
if t.find("$") != -1:
tcopy[i] = "(is_set('''%s''') and '''%s'''.lower() not in ('false', 'no', 'n', 'none', '0', ''))" % (t, t)
return " ".join(tcopy)
raise errors.AnsibleError("invalid usage of when_ operator: %s" % expression)
self.only_if = utils.compile_when_to_only_if(self.when)
if additional_conditions:
self.only_if = '(' + self.only_if + ') and (' + ' ) and ('.join(additional_conditions) + ')'