Use httptester docker image for http tests (#15811)

* Use httptester docker image for http tests

* When not running with an httptester linked container, use public test sites
Matt Martz 8 years ago committed by jctanner
parent 4561be00af
commit accf40d8a8

@ -21,4 +21,5 @@
- { role: test_zypper, tags: test_zypper}
- { role: test_zypper_repository, tags: test_zypper_repository}
- { role: test_uri, tags: test_uri }
- { role: test_get_url, tags: test_get_url }
- { role: test_apache2_module, tags: test_apache2_module }

@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
- { role: test_command_shell, tags: test_command_shell }
- { role: test_script, tags: test_script }
- { role: test_authorized_key, tags: test_authorized_key }
- { role: test_get_url, tags: test_get_url }
- { role: test_embedded_module, tags: test_embedded_module }
- { role: test_add_host, tags: test_add_host }
- { role: test_binary, tags: test_binary }

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# The docker --link functionality gives us an ENV var we can key off of to see if we have access to
# the httptester container
- set_fact:
has_httptester: "{{ lookup('env', 'ANSIBLE.HTTP.TESTS_PORT_80_TCP_ADDR') != '' }}"
# If we are running with access to a httptester container, grab it's cacert and install it
- block:
# Override hostname defaults with httptester linked names
- include_vars: httptester.yml
- name: RedHat - Enable the dynamic CA configuration feature
command: update-ca-trust force-enable
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- name: RedHat - Retrieve test cacert
url: "http://ansible.http.tests/cacert.pem"
dest: "/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ansible.pem"
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- name: Debian - Retrieve test cacert
url: "http://ansible.http.tests/cacert.pem"
dest: "/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ansible.crt"
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- name: Redhat - Update ca trust
command: update-ca-trust extract
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- name: Debian - Update ca certificates
command: update-ca-certificates
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
when: has_httptester|bool

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# these are fake hostnames provided by docker link for the httptester container
badssl_host: fail.ansible.http.tests
httpbin_host: ansible.http.tests
sni_host: sni1.ansible.http.tests

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
- prepare_tests
- prepare_http_tests

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
- result.failed
- name: test https fetch
get_url: url="" dest={{output_dir}}/get_url.txt force=yes
get_url: url="https://{{ httpbin_host }}/get" dest={{output_dir}}/get_url.txt force=yes
register: result
- name: assert the get_url call was successful
@ -77,16 +77,10 @@
- name: test https fetch to a site with mismatched hostname and certificate
url: ""
url: "https://{{ badssl_host }}/"
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/shouldnotexist.html"
ignore_errors: True
register: result
# kennethreitz having trouble staying up. Eventually need to install our own
# certs & web server to test this... also need to install and test it with
# a proxy so the complications are inevitable
until: "'read operation timed out' not in result.msg"
retries: 30
delay: 10
- stat:
path: "{{ output_dir }}/shouldnotexist.html"
@ -101,16 +95,13 @@
- name: test https fetch to a site with mismatched hostname and certificate and validate_certs=no
url: ""
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/kreitz.html"
url: "https://{{ badssl_host }}/"
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/get_url_no_validate.html"
validate_certs: no
register: result
until: "'read operation timed out' not in result.msg"
retries: 30
delay: 10
- stat:
path: "{{ output_dir }}/kreitz.html"
path: "{{ output_dir }}/get_url_no_validate.html"
register: stat_result
- name: Assert that the file was downloaded
@ -119,48 +110,44 @@
- "result.changed == true"
- "stat_result.stat.exists == true"
# At the moment, AWS can't make an https request to connection
# timed out. So we'll use a different test until/unless the problem is resolved
## SNI Tests
## SNI is only built into the stdlib from python-2.7.9 onwards
#- name: Test that SNI works
# get_url:
# # A test site that returns a page with information on what SNI information
# # the client sent. A failure would have the string: did not send a TLS server name indication extension
# url: ''
# dest: "{{ output_dir }}/sni.html"
# register: get_url_result
# ignore_errors: True
#- command: "grep 'sent the following TLS server name indication extension' {{ output_dir}}/sni.html"
# register: data_result
# when: "{{ python_has_ssl_context }}"
#- debug: var=get_url_result
#- name: Assert that SNI works with this python version
# assert:
# that:
# - 'data_result.rc == 0'
# - '"failed" not in get_url_result'
# when: "{{ python_has_ssl_context }}"
## If the client doesn't support SNI then get_url should have failed with a certificate mismatch
#- name: Assert that hostname verification failed because SNI is not supported on this version of python
# assert:
# that:
# - 'get_url_result["failed"]'
# when: "{{ not python_has_ssl_context }}"
# SNI Tests
# SNI is only built into the stdlib from python-2.7.9 onwards
- name: Test that SNI works
url: 'https://{{ sni_host }}/'
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/sni.html"
register: get_url_result
ignore_errors: True
- command: "grep '{{ sni_host }}' {{ output_dir}}/sni.html"
register: data_result
when: "{{ python_has_ssl_context }}"
- debug: var=get_url_result
- name: Assert that SNI works with this python version
- 'data_result.rc == 0'
- '"failed" not in get_url_result'
when: "{{ python_has_ssl_context }}"
# If the client doesn't support SNI then get_url should have failed with a certificate mismatch
- name: Assert that hostname verification failed because SNI is not supported on this version of python
- 'get_url_result["failed"]'
when: "{{ not python_has_ssl_context }}"
# These tests are just side effects of how the site is hosted. It's not
# specifically a test site. So the tests may break due to the hosting changing
- name: Test that SNI works
url: ''
url: 'https://{{ sni_host }}/'
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/sni.html"
register: get_url_result
ignore_errors: True
- command: "grep '<h2>If You Can Read This, SNIing</h2>' {{ output_dir}}/sni.html"
- command: "grep '{{ sni_host }}' {{ output_dir}}/sni.html"
register: data_result
when: "{{ python_has_ssl_context }}"
@ -182,12 +169,12 @@
- name: Test get_url with redirect
url: ''
url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/redirect/6'
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/redirect.json"
- name: Test that setting file modes work
url: ''
url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/'
dest: '{{ output_dir }}/test'
mode: '0707'
register: result
@ -204,7 +191,7 @@
- name: Test that setting file modes on an already downlaoded file work
url: ''
url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/'
dest: '{{ output_dir }}/test'
mode: '0070'
register: result

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
- name: get first environment var name
shell: env | head -n1 | cut -d\= -f1
shell: env | fgrep -v '.' | head -n1 | cut -d\= -f1
register: known_var_name
- name: get first environment var value

@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
- prepare_tests
- prepare_http_tests

@ -94,16 +94,10 @@
- name: test https fetch to a site with mismatched hostname and certificate
url: ""
url: "https://{{ badssl_host }}/"
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/shouldnotexist.html"
ignore_errors: True
register: result
# kennethreitz having trouble staying up. Eventually need to install our own
# certs & web server to test this... also need to install and test it with
# a proxy so the complications are inevitable
until: "'read operation timed out' not in result.msg"
retries: 30
delay: 10
- stat:
path: "{{ output_dir }}/shouldnotexist.html"
@ -123,13 +117,10 @@
- name: test https fetch to a site with mismatched hostname and certificate and validate_certs=no
url: ""
url: "https://{{ badssl_host }}/"
dest: "{{ output_dir }}/kreitz.html"
validate_certs: no
register: result
until: "'read operation timed out' not in result.msg"
retries: 30
delay: 10
- stat:
path: "{{ output_dir }}/kreitz.html"
@ -143,7 +134,7 @@
- name: test redirect without follow_redirects
url: ''
url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/redirect/2'
follow_redirects: 'none'
status_code: 302
register: result
@ -151,21 +142,21 @@
- name: Assert location header
- 'result.location|default("") == ""'
- 'result.location|default("") == "http://{{ httpbin_host }}/relative-redirect/1"'
- name: Check SSL with redirect
url: ''
url: 'https://{{ httpbin_host }}/redirect/2'
register: result
- name: Assert SSL with redirect
- 'result.url|default("") == ""'
- 'result.url|default("") == "https://{{ httpbin_host }}/get"'
- name: redirect to bad SSL site
url: ''
url: 'http://{{ badssl_host }}'
register: result
ignore_errors: true
@ -173,30 +164,30 @@
- result|failed
- '"" in result.msg'
- 'badssl_host in result.msg'
- name: test basic auth
url: ''
url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/basic-auth/user/passwd'
user: user
password: passwd
- name: test basic forced auth
url: ''
url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/hidden-basic-auth/user/passwd'
force_basic_auth: true
user: user
password: passwd
- name: test PUT
url: ''
url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/put'
method: PUT
body: 'foo=bar'
- name: test OPTIONS
url: ''
url: 'http://{{ httpbin_host }}/'
method: OPTIONS
register: result
@ -217,7 +208,7 @@
# test run.
- name: Test that SNI succeeds on python versions that have SNI
url: "{{ SNI_URI }}"
url: 'https://{{ sni_host }}/'
return_content: true
when: ansible_python.has_sslcontext
register: result
@ -225,13 +216,13 @@
- name: Assert SNI verification succeeds on new python
- result|success
- "\"<h2>If You Can Read This, You're SNIing</h2>\" in result.content"
- result|success
- 'sni_host == result.content'
when: ansible_python.has_sslcontext
- name: Verify SNI verification fails on old python without urllib3 contrib
url: '{{ SNI_URI }}'
url: 'https://{{ sni_host }}'
ignore_errors: true
when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext
register: result
@ -257,7 +248,7 @@
- name: Verify SNI verificaiton succeeds on old python with urllib3 contrib
url: '{{ SNI_URI }}'
url: 'https://{{ sni_host }}'
return_content: true
when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext and not is_ubuntu_precise|bool
register: result
@ -266,8 +257,7 @@
- result|success
#- '"Great! Your client" in result.content'
- "\"<h2>If You Can Read This, You're SNIing</h2>\" in result.content"
- 'sni_host == result.content'
when: not ansible_python.has_sslcontext and not is_ubuntu_precise|bool
- name: Uninstall ndg-httpsclient and urllib3
@ -287,7 +277,7 @@
- name: validate the status_codes are correct
url: "https://{{ httpbin_host }}/status/202"
status_code: 202
method: POST
body: foo

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ set -e
set -u
set -x
LINKS="--link=httptester:ansible.http.tests --link=httptester:sni1.ansible.http.tests --link=httptester:sni2.ansible.http.tests --link=httptester:fail.ansible.http.tests"
if [ "${TARGET}" = "sanity" ]; then
./test/code-smell/ .
./test/code-smell/ lib
@ -12,9 +14,13 @@ if [ "${TARGET}" = "sanity" ]; then
if test x"$TOXENV" != x'py24' ; then tox ; fi
if test x"$TOXENV" = x'py24' ; then python2.4 -V && python2.4 -m compileall -fq -x 'module_utils/(a10|rax|openstack|ec2|gce|docker_common|azure_rm_common).py' lib/ansible/module_utils ; fi
if [ ! -e /tmp/cid_httptester ]; then
docker pull sivel/httptester
docker run -d --name=httptester sivel/httptester > /tmp/cid_httptester
export C_NAME="testAbull_$$_$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 8 | head -n 1)"
docker pull ansible/ansible:${TARGET}
docker run -d --volume="${PWD}:/root/ansible:Z" --name "${C_NAME}" ${TARGET_OPTIONS:=''} ansible/ansible:${TARGET} > /tmp/cid_${TARGET}
docker run -d --volume="${PWD}:/root/ansible:Z" $LINKS --name "${C_NAME}" ${TARGET_OPTIONS:=''} ansible/ansible:${TARGET} > /tmp/cid_${TARGET}
docker exec -ti $(cat /tmp/cid_${TARGET}) /bin/sh -c "export TEST_FLAGS='${TEST_FLAGS:-''}'; cd /root/ansible; . hacking/env-setup; (cd test/integration; LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 make ${MAKE_TARGET:-})"
docker kill $(cat /tmp/cid_${TARGET})
