@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from ansible.playbook.conditional import Conditional
from ansible.playbook.task import Task
from ansible.plugins import get_plugin_class
from ansible.plugins.loader import become_loader, cliconf_loader, connection_loader, httpapi_loader, netconf_loader, terminal_loader
from ansible.plugins.test.core import unreachable
from ansible.template import Templar
from ansible.utils.collection_loader import AnsibleCollectionConfig
from ansible.utils.listify import listify_lookup_plugin_terms
@ -126,49 +127,43 @@ class TaskExecutor:
self._loop_eval_error = e
if items is not None:
if len(items) > 0:
item_results = self._run_loop(items)
# create the overall result item
res = dict(results=item_results)
# loop through the item results and set the global changed/failed/skipped result flags based on any item.
res['skipped'] = True
for item in item_results:
if 'changed' in item and item['changed'] and not res.get('changed'):
res['changed'] = True
if res['skipped'] and ('skipped' not in item or ('skipped' in item and not item['skipped'])):
res['skipped'] = False
if 'failed' in item and item['failed']:
item_ignore = item.pop('_ansible_ignore_errors')
if not res.get('failed'):
res['failed'] = True
res['msg'] = 'One or more items failed'
self._task.ignore_errors = item_ignore
elif self._task.ignore_errors and not item_ignore:
self._task.ignore_errors = item_ignore
if 'unreachable' in item and item['unreachable']:
item_ignore_unreachable = item.pop('_ansible_ignore_unreachable')
if not res.get('unreachable'):
res['unreachable'] = True
self._task.ignore_unreachable = item_ignore_unreachable
elif self._task.ignore_unreachable and not item_ignore_unreachable:
self._task.ignore_unreachable = item_ignore_unreachable
# ensure to accumulate these
for array in ['warnings', 'deprecations']:
if array in item and item[array]:
if array not in res:
res[array] = []
if not isinstance(item[array], list):
item[array] = [item[array]]
res[array] = res[array] + item[array]
del item[array]
if not res.get('failed', False):
res['msg'] = 'All items completed'
if res['skipped']:
if items:
res = {'results': self._run_loop(items)}
# set the global changed/failed/skipped result flags based on any item
warnings = set()
deprecations = set()
skipped = True
changed = failed = unreachable = False
for item in res['results']:
skipped &= item.get('skipped', False)
changed |= item.get('changed', False)
failed |= (failed_item := item.get('failed', False))
unreachable |= (unreachable_item := item.get('unreachable', False))
if failed_item:
self._task.ignore_errors |= item.pop('_ansible_ignore_errors')
if unreachable_item:
self._task.ignore_unreachable |= item.pop('_ansible_ignore_unreachable')
warnings.update(item.pop('warnings', []))
deprecations.update(item.pop('deprecations', []))
if warnings:
res['warnings'] = list(warnings)
if deprecations:
res['deprecations'] = list(deprecations)
if skipped:
res['msg'] = 'All items skipped'
res['msg'] = 'One or more items failed' if failed else 'All items completed'
res = dict(changed=False, skipped=True, skipped_reason='No items in the list', results=[])