mirror of https://github.com/ansible/ansible.git
Transition inventory into plugins (#23001)
* draft new inventory plugin arch, yaml sample - split classes, moved out of init - extra debug statements - allow mulitple invenotry files - dont add hosts more than once - simplified host vars - since now we can have multiple, inventory_dir/file needs to be per host - ported yaml/script/ini/virtualbox plugins, dir is 'built in manager' - centralized localhost handling - added plugin docs - leaner meaner inventory (split to data + manager) - moved noop vars plugin - added 'postprocessing' inventory plugins - fixed ini plugin, better info on plugin run group declarations can appear in any position relative to children entry that contains them - grouphost_vars loading as inventory plugin (postprocessing) - playbook_dir allways full path - use bytes for file operations - better handling of empty/null sources - added test target that skips networking modules - now var manager loads play group/host_vars independant from inventory - centralized play setup repeat code - updated changelog with inv features - asperioribus verbis spatium album - fixed dataloader to new sig - made yaml plugin more resistant to bad data - nicer error msgs - fixed undeclared group detection - fixed 'ungrouping' - docs updated s/INI/file/ as its not only format - made behaviour of var merge a toggle - made 'source over group' path follow existing rule for var precedence - updated add_host/group from strategy - made host_list a plugin and added it to defaults - added advanced_host_list as example variation - refactored 'display' to be availbe by default in class inheritance - optimized implicit handling as per @pilou's feedback - removed unused code and tests - added inventory cache and vbox plugin now uses it - added _compose method for variable expressions in plugins - vbox plugin now uses 'compose' - require yaml extension for yaml - fix for plugin loader to always add original_path, even when not using all() - fix py3 issues - added --inventory as clearer option - return name when stringifying host objects - ajdust checks to code moving * reworked vars and vars precedence - vars plugins now load group/host_vars dirs - precedence for host vars is now configurable - vars_plugins been reworked - removed unused vars cache - removed _gathered_facts as we are not keeping info in host anymore - cleaned up tests - fixed ansible-pull to work with new inventory - removed version added notation to please rst check - inventory in config relative to config - ensures full paths on passed inventories * implicit localhost connection localpull/24952/head
@ -1,903 +0,0 @@
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import fnmatch
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import re
import itertools
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.inventory.dir import InventoryDirectory, get_file_parser
from ansible.inventory.group import Group
from ansible.inventory.host import Host
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types, iteritems
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text
from ansible.parsing.utils.addresses import parse_address
from ansible.plugins import vars_loader
from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars
from ansible.utils.path import unfrackpath
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
class Inventory(object):
Host inventory for ansible.
def __init__(self, loader, variable_manager, host_list=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST):
# the host file file, or script path, or list of hosts
# if a list, inventory data will NOT be loaded
self.host_list = unfrackpath(host_list, follow=False)
self._loader = loader
self._variable_manager = variable_manager
self.localhost = None
# caching to avoid repeated calculations, particularly with
# external inventory scripts.
self._vars_per_host = {}
self._vars_per_group = {}
self._hosts_cache = {}
self._pattern_cache = {}
self._group_dict_cache = {}
self._vars_plugins = []
self._basedir = self.basedir()
# Contains set of filenames under group_vars directories
self._group_vars_files = self._find_group_vars_files(self._basedir)
self._host_vars_files = self._find_host_vars_files(self._basedir)
# to be set by calling set_playbook_basedir by playbook code
self._playbook_basedir = None
# the inventory object holds a list of groups
self.groups = {}
# a list of host(names) to contain current inquiries to
self._restriction = None
self._subset = None
# clear the cache here, which is only useful if more than
# one Inventory objects are created when using the API directly
def serialize(self):
data = dict()
return data
def deserialize(self, data):
def parse_inventory(self, host_list):
if isinstance(host_list, string_types):
if "," in host_list:
host_list = host_list.split(",")
host_list = [ h for h in host_list if h and h.strip() ]
self.parser = None
# Always create the 'all' and 'ungrouped' groups, even if host_list is
# empty: in this case we will subsequently add the implicit 'localhost' to it.
ungrouped = Group('ungrouped')
all = Group('all')
base_groups = frozenset([all, ungrouped])
self.groups = dict(all=all, ungrouped=ungrouped)
if host_list is None:
elif isinstance(host_list, list):
for h in host_list:
(host, port) = parse_address(h, allow_ranges=False)
except AnsibleError as e:
display.vvv("Unable to parse address from hostname, leaving unchanged: %s" % to_text(e))
host = h
port = None
new_host = Host(host, port)
if h in C.LOCALHOST:
# set default localhost from inventory to avoid creating an implicit one. Last localhost defined 'wins'.
if self.localhost is not None:
display.warning("A duplicate localhost-like entry was found (%s). First found localhost was %s" % (h, self.localhost.name))
display.vvvv("Set default localhost to %s" % h)
self.localhost = new_host
elif self._loader.path_exists(host_list):
# TODO: switch this to a plugin loader and a 'condition' per plugin on which it should be tried, restoring 'inventory pllugins'
if self.is_directory(host_list):
# Ensure basedir is inside the directory
host_list = os.path.join(self.host_list, "")
self.parser = InventoryDirectory(loader=self._loader, groups=self.groups, filename=host_list)
self.parser = get_file_parser(host_list, self.groups, self._loader)
vars_loader.add_directory(self._basedir, with_subdir=True)
if not self.parser:
# should never happen, but JIC
raise AnsibleError("Unable to parse %s as an inventory source" % host_list)
display.warning("Host file not found: %s" % to_text(host_list))
self._vars_plugins = [ x for x in vars_loader.all(self) ]
### POST PROCESS groups and hosts after specific parser was invoked
hosts = []
group_names = set()
# set group vars from group_vars/ files and vars plugins
for g in self.groups:
group = self.groups[g]
group.vars = combine_vars(group.vars, self.get_group_variables(group.name))
host_names = set()
# get host vars from host_vars/ files and vars plugins
for host in hosts:
host.vars = combine_vars(host.vars, self.get_host_variables(host.name))
mygroups = host.get_groups()
# ensure hosts are always in 'all'
if all not in mygroups:
if ungrouped in mygroups:
# clear ungrouped of any incorrectly stored by parser
if set(mygroups).difference(base_groups):
# add ungrouped hosts to ungrouped
length = len(mygroups)
if length == 0 or (length == 1 and all in mygroups):
# warn if overloading identifier as both group and host
for conflict in group_names.intersection(host_names):
display.warning("Found both group and host with same name: %s" % conflict)
def _match(self, str, pattern_str):
if pattern_str.startswith('~'):
return re.search(pattern_str[1:], str)
return fnmatch.fnmatch(str, pattern_str)
except Exception:
raise AnsibleError('invalid host pattern: %s' % pattern_str)
def _match_list(self, items, item_attr, pattern_str):
results = []
if not pattern_str.startswith('~'):
pattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern_str))
pattern = re.compile(pattern_str[1:])
except Exception:
raise AnsibleError('invalid host pattern: %s' % pattern_str)
for item in items:
if pattern.match(getattr(item, item_attr)):
return results
def get_hosts(self, pattern="all", ignore_limits=False, ignore_restrictions=False, order=None):
Takes a pattern or list of patterns and returns a list of matching
inventory host names, taking into account any active restrictions
or applied subsets
# Check if pattern already computed
if isinstance(pattern, list):
pattern_hash = u":".join(pattern)
pattern_hash = pattern
if not ignore_limits and self._subset:
pattern_hash += u":%s" % to_text(self._subset)
if not ignore_restrictions and self._restriction:
pattern_hash += u":%s" % to_text(self._restriction)
if pattern_hash not in HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE:
patterns = Inventory.split_host_pattern(pattern)
hosts = self._evaluate_patterns(patterns)
# mainly useful for hostvars[host] access
if not ignore_limits and self._subset:
# exclude hosts not in a subset, if defined
subset = self._evaluate_patterns(self._subset)
hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h in subset ]
if not ignore_restrictions and self._restriction:
# exclude hosts mentioned in any restriction (ex: failed hosts)
hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h.name in self._restriction ]
seen = set()
HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE[pattern_hash] = [x for x in hosts if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)]
# sort hosts list if needed (should only happen when called from strategy)
if order in ['sorted', 'reverse_sorted']:
from operator import attrgetter
hosts = sorted(HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE[pattern_hash][:], key=attrgetter('name'), reverse=(order == 'reverse_sorted'))
elif order == 'reverse_inventory':
hosts = sorted(HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE[pattern_hash][:], reverse=True)
hosts = HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE[pattern_hash][:]
if order == 'shuffle':
from random import shuffle
elif order not in [None, 'inventory']:
AnsibleError("Invalid 'order' specified for inventory hosts: %s" % order)
return hosts
def split_host_pattern(cls, pattern):
Takes a string containing host patterns separated by commas (or a list
thereof) and returns a list of single patterns (which may not contain
commas). Whitespace is ignored.
Also accepts ':' as a separator for backwards compatibility, but it is
not recommended due to the conflict with IPv6 addresses and host ranges.
Example: 'a,b[1], c[2:3] , d' -> ['a', 'b[1]', 'c[2:3]', 'd']
if isinstance(pattern, list):
return list(itertools.chain(*map(cls.split_host_pattern, pattern)))
# If it's got commas in it, we'll treat it as a straightforward
# comma-separated list of patterns.
elif ',' in pattern:
patterns = re.split('\s*,\s*', pattern)
# If it doesn't, it could still be a single pattern. This accounts for
# non-separator uses of colons: IPv6 addresses and [x:y] host ranges.
(base, port) = parse_address(pattern, allow_ranges=True)
patterns = [pattern]
# The only other case we accept is a ':'-separated list of patterns.
# This mishandles IPv6 addresses, and is retained only for backwards
# compatibility.
patterns = re.findall(
r'''(?: # We want to match something comprising:
[^\s:\[\]] # (anything other than whitespace or ':[]'
| # ...or...
\[[^\]]*\] # a single complete bracketed expression)
)+ # occurring once or more
''', pattern, re.X
return [p.strip() for p in patterns]
def order_patterns(cls, patterns):
# Host specifiers should be sorted to ensure consistent behavior
pattern_regular = []
pattern_intersection = []
pattern_exclude = []
for p in patterns:
if p.startswith("!"):
elif p.startswith("&"):
elif p:
# if no regular pattern was given, hence only exclude and/or intersection
# make that magically work
if pattern_regular == []:
pattern_regular = ['all']
# when applying the host selectors, run those without the "&" or "!"
# first, then the &s, then the !s.
return pattern_regular + pattern_intersection + pattern_exclude
def _evaluate_patterns(self, patterns):
Takes a list of patterns and returns a list of matching host names,
taking into account any negative and intersection patterns.
patterns = Inventory.order_patterns(patterns)
hosts = []
for p in patterns:
# avoid resolving a pattern that is a plain host
if p in self._hosts_cache:
that = self._match_one_pattern(p)
if p.startswith("!"):
hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h not in that ]
elif p.startswith("&"):
hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h in that ]
to_append = [ h for h in that if h.name not in [ y.name for y in hosts ] ]
return hosts
def _match_one_pattern(self, pattern):
Takes a single pattern and returns a list of matching host names.
Ignores intersection (&) and exclusion (!) specifiers.
The pattern may be:
1. A regex starting with ~, e.g. '~[abc]*'
2. A shell glob pattern with ?/*/[chars]/[!chars], e.g. 'foo*'
3. An ordinary word that matches itself only, e.g. 'foo'
The pattern is matched using the following rules:
1. If it's 'all', it matches all hosts in all groups.
2. Otherwise, for each known group name:
(a) if it matches the group name, the results include all hosts
in the group or any of its children.
(b) otherwise, if it matches any hosts in the group, the results
include the matching hosts.
This means that 'foo*' may match one or more groups (thus including all
hosts therein) but also hosts in other groups.
The built-in groups 'all' and 'ungrouped' are special. No pattern can
match these group names (though 'all' behaves as though it matches, as
described above). The word 'ungrouped' can match a host of that name,
and patterns like 'ungr*' and 'al*' can match either hosts or groups
other than all and ungrouped.
If the pattern matches one or more group names according to these rules,
it may have an optional range suffix to select a subset of the results.
This is allowed only if the pattern is not a regex, i.e. '~foo[1]' does
not work (the [1] is interpreted as part of the regex), but 'foo*[1]'
would work if 'foo*' matched the name of one or more groups.
Duplicate matches are always eliminated from the results.
if pattern.startswith("&") or pattern.startswith("!"):
pattern = pattern[1:]
if pattern not in self._pattern_cache:
(expr, slice) = self._split_subscript(pattern)
hosts = self._enumerate_matches(expr)
hosts = self._apply_subscript(hosts, slice)
except IndexError:
raise AnsibleError("No hosts matched the subscripted pattern '%s'" % pattern)
self._pattern_cache[pattern] = hosts
return self._pattern_cache[pattern]
def _split_subscript(self, pattern):
Takes a pattern, checks if it has a subscript, and returns the pattern
without the subscript and a (start,end) tuple representing the given
subscript (or None if there is no subscript).
Validates that the subscript is in the right syntax, but doesn't make
sure the actual indices make sense in context.
# Do not parse regexes for enumeration info
if pattern.startswith('~'):
return (pattern, None)
# We want a pattern followed by an integer or range subscript.
# (We can't be more restrictive about the expression because the
# fnmatch semantics permit [\[:\]] to occur.)
pattern_with_subscript = re.compile(
(.+) # A pattern expression ending with...
\[(?: # A [subscript] expression comprising:
(-?[0-9]+)| # A single positive or negative number
([0-9]+)([:-]) # Or an x:y or x: range.
''', re.X
subscript = None
m = pattern_with_subscript.match(pattern)
if m:
(pattern, idx, start, sep, end) = m.groups()
if idx:
subscript = (int(idx), None)
if not end:
end = -1
subscript = (int(start), int(end))
if sep == '-':
display.warning("Use [x:y] inclusive subscripts instead of [x-y] which has been removed")
return (pattern, subscript)
def _apply_subscript(self, hosts, subscript):
Takes a list of hosts and a (start,end) tuple and returns the subset of
hosts based on the subscript (which may be None to return all hosts).
if not hosts or not subscript:
return hosts
(start, end) = subscript
if end:
if end == -1:
end = len(hosts)-1
return hosts[start:end+1]
return [ hosts[start] ]
def _enumerate_matches(self, pattern):
Returns a list of host names matching the given pattern according to the
rules explained above in _match_one_pattern.
results = []
def __append_host_to_results(host):
if host.name not in results:
if not host.implicit:
groups = self.get_groups()
matched = False
for group in groups.values():
if self._match(group.name, pattern):
matched = True
for host in group.get_hosts():
matching_hosts = self._match_list(group.get_hosts(), 'name', pattern)
if matching_hosts:
matched = True
for host in matching_hosts:
if pattern in C.LOCALHOST and len(results) == 0:
new_host = self._create_implicit_localhost(pattern)
matched = True
if not matched:
display.warning("Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: %s" % pattern)
return results
def _create_implicit_localhost(self, pattern):
if self.localhost:
new_host = self.localhost
new_host = Host(pattern)
new_host.address = ""
new_host.implicit = True
new_host.vars = self.get_host_vars(new_host)
new_host.set_variable("ansible_connection", "local")
if "ansible_python_interpreter" not in new_host.vars:
py_interp = sys.executable
if not py_interp:
# sys.executable is not set in some cornercases. #13585
display.warning('Unable to determine python interpreter from sys.executable. Using /usr/bin/python default.'
' You can correct this by setting ansible_python_interpreter for localhost')
py_interp = '/usr/bin/python'
new_host.set_variable("ansible_python_interpreter", py_interp)
self.localhost = new_host
return new_host
def clear_pattern_cache(self):
''' called exclusively by the add_host plugin to allow patterns to be recalculated '''
self._pattern_cache = {}
def clear_group_dict_cache(self):
''' called exclusively by the add_host and group_by plugins '''
self._group_dict_cache = {}
def groups_for_host(self, host):
if host in self._hosts_cache:
return self._hosts_cache[host].get_groups()
return []
def get_groups(self):
return self.groups
def get_host(self, hostname):
if hostname not in self._hosts_cache:
self._hosts_cache[hostname] = self._get_host(hostname)
return self._hosts_cache[hostname]
def _get_host(self, hostname):
matching_host = None
if hostname in C.LOCALHOST:
if self.localhost:
matching_host= self.localhost
for host in self.get_group('all').get_hosts():
if host.name in C.LOCALHOST:
matching_host = host
if not matching_host:
matching_host = self._create_implicit_localhost(hostname)
# update caches
self._hosts_cache[hostname] = matching_host
for host in C.LOCALHOST.difference((hostname,)):
self._hosts_cache[host] = self._hosts_cache[hostname]
for group in self.groups.values():
for host in group.get_hosts():
if host not in self._hosts_cache:
self._hosts_cache[host.name] = host
if hostname == host.name:
matching_host = host
return matching_host
def get_group(self, groupname):
return self.groups.get(groupname)
def get_group_variables(self, groupname, update_cached=False, vault_password=None):
if groupname not in self._vars_per_group or update_cached:
self._vars_per_group[groupname] = self._get_group_variables(groupname, vault_password=vault_password)
return self._vars_per_group[groupname]
def _get_group_variables(self, groupname, vault_password=None):
group = self.get_group(groupname)
if group is None:
raise Exception("group not found: %s" % groupname)
vars = {}
# plugin.get_group_vars retrieves just vars for specific group
vars_results = [ plugin.get_group_vars(group, vault_password=vault_password) for plugin in self._vars_plugins if hasattr(plugin, 'get_group_vars')]
for updated in vars_results:
if updated is not None:
vars = combine_vars(vars, updated)
# Read group_vars/ files
vars = combine_vars(vars, self.get_group_vars(group))
return vars
def get_group_dict(self):
In get_vars() we merge a 'magic' dictionary 'groups' with group name
keys and hostname list values into every host variable set.
Cache the creation of this structure here
if not self._group_dict_cache:
for (group_name, group) in iteritems(self.groups):
self._group_dict_cache[group_name] = [h.name for h in group.get_hosts()]
return self._group_dict_cache
def get_vars(self, hostname, update_cached=False, vault_password=None):
host = self.get_host(hostname)
if not host:
raise AnsibleError("no vars as host is not in inventory: %s" % hostname)
return host.get_vars()
def get_host_variables(self, hostname, update_cached=False, vault_password=None):
if hostname not in self._vars_per_host or update_cached:
self._vars_per_host[hostname] = self._get_host_variables(hostname, vault_password=vault_password)
return self._vars_per_host[hostname]
def _get_host_variables(self, hostname, vault_password=None):
host = self.get_host(hostname)
if host is None:
raise AnsibleError("no host vars as host is not in inventory: %s" % hostname)
vars = {}
# plugin.run retrieves all vars (also from groups) for host
vars_results = [ plugin.run(host, vault_password=vault_password) for plugin in self._vars_plugins if hasattr(plugin, 'run')]
for updated in vars_results:
if updated is not None:
vars = combine_vars(vars, updated)
# plugin.get_host_vars retrieves just vars for specific host
vars_results = [ plugin.get_host_vars(host, vault_password=vault_password) for plugin in self._vars_plugins if hasattr(plugin, 'get_host_vars')]
for updated in vars_results:
if updated is not None:
vars = combine_vars(vars, updated)
# still need to check InventoryParser per host vars
# which actually means InventoryScript per host,
# which is not performant
if self.parser is not None:
vars = combine_vars(vars, self.parser.get_host_variables(host))
return vars
def add_group(self, group):
if group.name not in self.groups:
self.groups[group.name] = group
raise AnsibleError("group already in inventory: %s" % group.name)
def list_hosts(self, pattern="all"):
""" return a list of hostnames for a pattern """
result = [ h for h in self.get_hosts(pattern) ]
if len(result) == 0 and pattern in C.LOCALHOST:
result = [pattern]
return result
def list_groups(self):
return sorted(self.groups.keys(), key=lambda x: x)
def restrict_to_hosts(self, restriction):
Restrict list operations to the hosts given in restriction. This is used
to batch serial operations in main playbook code, don't use this for other
if restriction is None:
elif not isinstance(restriction, list):
restriction = [ restriction ]
self._restriction = [ h.name for h in restriction ]
def subset(self, subset_pattern):
Limits inventory results to a subset of inventory that matches a given
pattern, such as to select a given geographic of numeric slice amongst
a previous 'hosts' selection that only select roles, or vice versa.
Corresponds to --limit parameter to ansible-playbook
if subset_pattern is None:
self._subset = None
subset_patterns = Inventory.split_host_pattern(subset_pattern)
results = []
# allow Unix style @filename data
for x in subset_patterns:
if x.startswith("@"):
fd = open(x[1:])
self._subset = results
def remove_restriction(self):
""" Do not restrict list operations """
self._restriction = None
def is_file(self):
Did inventory come from a file? We don't use the equivalent loader
methods in inventory, due to the fact that the loader does an implict
DWIM on the path, which may be incorrect for inventory paths relative
to the playbook basedir.
if not isinstance(self.host_list, string_types):
return False
return os.path.isfile(self.host_list) or self.host_list == os.devnull
def is_directory(self, path):
Is the inventory host list a directory? Same caveat for here as with
the is_file() method above.
if not isinstance(self.host_list, string_types):
return False
return os.path.isdir(path)
def basedir(self):
""" if inventory came from a file, what's the directory? """
dname = self.host_list
if self.is_directory(self.host_list):
dname = self.host_list
elif not self.is_file():
dname = None
dname = os.path.dirname(self.host_list)
if dname is None or dname == '' or dname == '.':
dname = os.getcwd()
if dname:
dname = os.path.abspath(dname)
return dname
def src(self):
""" if inventory came from a file, what's the directory and file name? """
if not self.is_file():
return None
return self.host_list
def playbook_basedir(self):
""" returns the directory of the current playbook """
return self._playbook_basedir
def set_playbook_basedir(self, dir_name):
sets the base directory of the playbook so inventory can use it as a
basedir for host_ and group_vars, and other things.
# Only update things if dir is a different playbook basedir
if dir_name != self._playbook_basedir:
# we're changing the playbook basedir, so if we had set one previously
# clear the host/group vars entries from the VariableManager so they're
# not incorrectly used by playbooks from different directories
if self._playbook_basedir:
self._playbook_basedir = dir_name
# get group vars from group_vars/ files
# TODO: excluding the new_pb_basedir directory may result in group_vars
# files loading more than they should, however with the file caching
# we do this shouldn't be too much of an issue. Still, this should
# be fixed at some point to allow a "first load" to touch all of the
# directories, then later runs only touch the new basedir specified
found_group_vars = self._find_group_vars_files(self._playbook_basedir)
if found_group_vars:
self._group_vars_files = self._group_vars_files.union(found_group_vars)
for group in self.groups.values():
found_host_vars = self._find_host_vars_files(self._playbook_basedir)
if found_host_vars:
self._host_vars_files = self._host_vars_files.union(found_host_vars)
# get host vars from host_vars/ files
for host in self.get_hosts():
# invalidate cache
self._vars_per_host = {}
self._vars_per_group = {}
def get_host_vars(self, host, new_pb_basedir=False, return_results=False):
""" Read host_vars/ files """
return self._get_hostgroup_vars(host=host, group=None, new_pb_basedir=new_pb_basedir, return_results=return_results)
def get_group_vars(self, group, new_pb_basedir=False, return_results=False):
""" Read group_vars/ files """
return self._get_hostgroup_vars(host=None, group=group, new_pb_basedir=new_pb_basedir, return_results=return_results)
def _find_group_vars_files(self, basedir):
""" Find group_vars/ files """
if basedir in ('', None):
basedir = './'
path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(basedir, 'group_vars'))
found_vars = set()
if os.path.exists(path):
if os.path.isdir(path):
found_vars = set(os.listdir(to_text(path)))
display.warning("Found group_vars that is not a directory, skipping: %s" % path)
return found_vars
def _find_host_vars_files(self, basedir):
""" Find host_vars/ files """
if basedir in ('', None):
basedir = './'
path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(basedir, 'host_vars'))
found_vars = set()
if os.path.exists(path):
found_vars = set(os.listdir(to_text(path)))
return found_vars
def _get_hostgroup_vars(self, host=None, group=None, new_pb_basedir=False, return_results=False):
Loads variables from group_vars/<groupname> and host_vars/<hostname> in directories parallel
to the inventory base directory or in the same directory as the playbook. Variables in the playbook
dir will win over the inventory dir if files are in both.
results = {}
scan_pass = 0
_basedir = self._basedir
_playbook_basedir = self._playbook_basedir
# look in both the inventory base directory and the playbook base directory
# unless we do an update for a new playbook base dir
if not new_pb_basedir and _playbook_basedir:
basedirs = [_basedir, _playbook_basedir]
basedirs = [_basedir]
for basedir in basedirs:
# this can happen from particular API usages, particularly if not run
# from /usr/bin/ansible-playbook
if basedir in ('', None):
basedir = './'
scan_pass = scan_pass + 1
# it's not an eror if the directory does not exist, keep moving
if not os.path.exists(basedir):
# save work of second scan if the directories are the same
if _basedir == _playbook_basedir and scan_pass != 1:
# Before trying to load vars from file, check that the directory contains relvant file names
if host is None and any(map(lambda ext: group.name + ext in self._group_vars_files, C.YAML_FILENAME_EXTENSIONS)):
# load vars in dir/group_vars/name_of_group
base_path = to_text(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(to_bytes(basedir), b"group_vars/" + to_bytes(group.name))), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
host_results = self._variable_manager.add_group_vars_file(base_path, self._loader)
if return_results:
results = combine_vars(results, host_results)
elif group is None and any(map(lambda ext: host.name + ext in self._host_vars_files, C.YAML_FILENAME_EXTENSIONS)):
# same for hostvars in dir/host_vars/name_of_host
base_path = to_text(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(to_bytes(basedir), b"host_vars/" + to_bytes(host.name))), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
group_results = self._variable_manager.add_host_vars_file(base_path, self._loader)
if return_results:
results = combine_vars(results, group_results)
# all done, results is a dictionary of variables for this particular host.
return results
def refresh_inventory(self):
self._hosts_cache = {}
self._vars_per_host = {}
self._vars_per_group = {}
self.groups = {}
@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import sys
import re
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.inventory.group import Group
from ansible.inventory.host import Host
from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes
from ansible.plugins.cache import FactCache
from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars
from ansible.utils.path import basedir
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
class InventoryData(object):
Holds inventory data (host and group objects).
Using it's methods should guarantee expected relationships and data.
def __init__(self):
# the inventory object holds a list of groups
self.groups = {}
self.hosts = {}
# provides 'groups' magic var, host object has group_names
self._groups_dict_cache = {}
# current localhost, implicit or explicit
self.localhost = None
self.current_source = None
# Always create the 'all' and 'ungrouped' groups,
for group in ('all', 'ungrouped'):
self.add_child('all', 'ungrouped')
# prime cache
self.cache = FactCache()
def serialize(self):
data = dict()
return data
def deserialize(self, data):
def _create_implicit_localhost(self, pattern):
if self.localhost:
new_host = self.localhost
new_host = Host(pattern)
# use 'all' vars but not part of all group
new_host.vars = self.groups['all'].get_vars()
new_host.address = ""
new_host.implicit = True
if "ansible_python_interpreter" not in new_host.vars:
py_interp = sys.executable
if not py_interp:
# sys.executable is not set in some cornercases. #13585
py_interp = '/usr/bin/python'
display.warning('Unable to determine python interpreter from sys.executable. Using /usr/bin/python default.'
' You can correct this by setting ansible_python_interpreter for localhost')
new_host.set_variable("ansible_python_interpreter", py_interp)
if "ansible_connection" not in new_host.vars:
new_host.set_variable("ansible_connection", 'local')
self.localhost = new_host
return new_host
def _scan_groups_for_host(self, hostname, localhost=False):
''' in case something did not update inventory correctly, fallback to group scan '''
found = None
for group in self.groups.values():
for host in group.get_hosts():
if hostname == host.name:
found = host
if found:
if found:
display.debug('Found host (%s) in groups but it was missing from main inventory' % hostname)
return found
def reconcile_inventory(self):
''' Ensure inventory basic rules, run after updates '''
display.debug('Reconcile groups and hosts in inventory.')
self.current_source = None
group_names = set()
# set group vars from group_vars/ files and vars plugins
for g in self.groups:
group = self.groups[g]
host_names = set()
# get host vars from host_vars/ files and vars plugins
for host in self.hosts.values():
mygroups = host.get_groups()
# ensure hosts are always in 'all'
if 'all' not in mygroups and not host.implicit:
self.add_child('all', host.name)
if self.groups['ungrouped'] in mygroups:
# clear ungrouped of any incorrectly stored by parser
if set(mygroups).difference(set([self.groups['all'], self.groups['ungrouped']])):
elif not host.implicit:
# add ungrouped hosts to ungrouped, except implicit
length = len(mygroups)
if length == 0 or (length == 1 and all in mygroups):
self.add_child('ungrouped', host.name)
# special case for implicit hosts
if host.implicit:
host.vars = combine_vars(self.groups['all'].get_vars(), host.vars)
# warn if overloading identifier as both group and host
for conflict in group_names.intersection(host_names):
display.warning("Found both group and host with same name: %s" % conflict)
self._groups_dict_cache = {}
def get_host(self, hostname):
''' fetch host object using name
deal with implicit localhost
and possible inconsistent inventory '''
matching_host = self.hosts.get(hostname, None)
# if host is not in hosts dict
if matching_host is None:
# might need to create implicit localhost
if hostname in C.LOCALHOST:
matching_host = self._create_implicit_localhost(hostname)
# might be inconsistent inventory, search groups
if matching_host is None:
matching_host = self._scan_groups_for_host(hostname)
# if found/created update hosts dict
if matching_host:
self.hosts[hostname] = matching_host
return matching_host
def add_group(self, group):
''' adds a group to inventory if not there already '''
if group not in self.groups:
g = Group(group)
self.groups[group] = g
self._groups_dict_cache = {}
display.debug("Added group %s to inventory" % group)
display.debug("group %s already in inventory" % group)
def add_host(self, host, group=None, port=None):
''' adds a host to inventory and possibly a group if not there already '''
g = None
if group:
if group in self.groups:
g = self.groups[group]
raise AnsibleError("Could not find group %s in inventory" % group)
if host not in self.hosts:
h = Host(host, port)
self.hosts[host] = h
if self.current_source: # set to 'first source' in which host was encountered
self.set_variable(host, 'inventory_file', os.path.basename(self.current_source))
self.set_variable(host, 'inventory_dir', basedir(self.current_source))
self.set_variable(host, 'inventory_file', None)
self.set_variable(host, 'inventory_dir', None)
display.debug("Added host %s to inventory" % (host))
# set default localhost from inventory to avoid creating an implicit one. Last localhost defined 'wins'.
if host in C.LOCALHOST:
if self.localhost is None:
self.localhost = self.hosts[host]
display.vvvv("Set default localhost to %s" % h)
display.warning("A duplicate localhost-like entry was found (%s). First found localhost was %s" % (h, self.localhost.name))
h = self.hosts[host]
if g and host not in g.get_hosts():
self._groups_dict_cache = {}
display.debug("Added host %s to group %s" % (host,group))
def set_variable(self, entity, varname, value):
''' sets a varible for an inventory object '''
if entity in self.groups:
inv_object = self.groups[entity]
elif entity in self.hosts:
inv_object = self.hosts[entity]
raise AnsibleError("Could not identify group or host named %s" % entity)
inv_object.set_variable(varname, value)
display.debug('set %s for %s' % (varname, entity))
def add_child(self, group, child):
''' Add host or group to group '''
if group in self.groups:
g = self.groups[group]
if child in self.groups:
elif child in self.hosts:
raise AnsibleError("%s is not a known host nor group" % child)
self._groups_dict_cache = {}
display.debug('Group %s now contains %s' % (group, child))
raise AnsibleError("%s is not a known group" % group)
def get_groups_dict(self):
We merge a 'magic' var 'groups' with group name keys and hostname list values into every host variable set. Cache for speed.
if not self._groups_dict_cache:
for (group_name, group) in iteritems(self.groups):
self._groups_dict_cache[group_name] = [h.name for h in group.get_hosts()]
return self._groups_dict_cache
@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
# (c) 2013, Daniel Hokka Zakrisson <daniel@hozac.com>
# (c) 2014, Serge van Ginderachter <serge@vanginderachter.be>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
#FIXME: make into plugins
from ansible.inventory.ini import InventoryParser as InventoryINIParser
from ansible.inventory.yaml import InventoryParser as InventoryYAMLParser
from ansible.inventory.script import InventoryScript
__all__ = ['get_file_parser']
def get_file_parser(hostsfile, groups, loader):
# check to see if the specified file starts with a
# shebang (#!/), so if an error is raised by the parser
# class we can show a more apropos error
shebang_present = False
processed = False
myerr = []
parser = None
with open(hostsfile, 'rb') as inv_file:
initial_chars = inv_file.read(2)
if initial_chars.startswith(b'#!'):
shebang_present = True
#FIXME: make this 'plugin loop'
# script
if loader.is_executable(hostsfile):
parser = InventoryScript(loader=loader, groups=groups, filename=hostsfile)
processed = True
except Exception as e:
myerr.append('Attempted to execute "%s" as inventory script: %s' % (hostsfile, to_native(e)))
elif shebang_present:
myerr.append("The inventory file \'%s\' looks like it should be an executable inventory script, but is not marked executable. "
"Perhaps you want to correct this with `chmod +x %s`?" % (hostsfile, hostsfile))
if not processed and not shebang_present and os.path.splitext(hostsfile)[-1] in C.YAML_FILENAME_EXTENSIONS:
parser = InventoryYAMLParser(loader=loader, groups=groups, filename=hostsfile)
processed = True
except Exception as e:
myerr.append('Attempted to read "%s" as YAML: %s' % (to_native(hostsfile), to_native(e)))
# ini
if not processed and not shebang_present:
parser = InventoryINIParser(loader=loader, groups=groups, filename=hostsfile)
processed = True
except Exception as e:
myerr.append('Attempted to read "%s" as ini file: %s ' % (to_native(hostsfile), to_native(e)))
if not processed and myerr:
raise AnsibleError('\n'.join(myerr))
return parser
class InventoryDirectory(object):
''' Host inventory parser for ansible using a directory of inventories. '''
def __init__(self, loader, groups=None, filename=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST):
if groups is None:
groups = dict()
self.names = os.listdir(filename)
self.directory = filename
self.parsers = []
self.hosts = {}
self.groups = groups
self._loader = loader
for i in self.names:
# Skip files that end with certain extensions or characters
if any(i.endswith(ext) for ext in C.DEFAULT_INVENTORY_IGNORE):
# Skip hidden files
if i.startswith('.') and not i.startswith('./'):
# These are things inside of an inventory basedir
if i in ("host_vars", "group_vars", "vars_plugins"):
fullpath = os.path.join(self.directory, i)
if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
parser = InventoryDirectory(loader=loader, groups=groups, filename=fullpath)
parser = get_file_parser(fullpath, self.groups, loader)
if parser is None:
#FIXME: needs to use display
import warnings
warnings.warning("Could not find parser for %s, skipping" % fullpath)
# retrieve all groups and hosts form the parser and add them to
# self, don't look at group lists yet, to avoid
# recursion trouble, but just make sure all objects exist in self
newgroups = parser.groups.values()
for group in newgroups:
for host in group.hosts:
for group in newgroups:
# now check the objects lists so they contain only objects from
# self; membership data in groups is already fine (except all &
# ungrouped, see later), but might still reference objects not in self
for group in self.groups.values():
# iterate on a copy of the lists, as those lists get changed in
# the loop
# list with group's child group objects:
for child in group.child_groups[:]:
if child != self.groups[child.name]:
# list with group's parent group objects:
for parent in group.parent_groups[:]:
if parent != self.groups[parent.name]:
# list with group's host objects:
for host in group.hosts[:]:
if host != self.hosts[host.name]:
# also check here that the group that contains host, is
# also contained in the host's group list
if group not in self.hosts[host.name].groups:
# extra checks on special groups all and ungrouped
# remove hosts from 'ungrouped' if they became member of other groups
if 'ungrouped' in self.groups:
ungrouped = self.groups['ungrouped']
# loop on a copy of ungrouped hosts, as we want to change that list
for host in frozenset(ungrouped.hosts):
if len(host.groups) > 1:
# remove hosts from 'all' if they became member of other groups
# all should only contain direct children, not grandchildren
# direct children should have dept == 1
if 'all' in self.groups:
allgroup = self.groups['all' ]
# loop on a copy of all's child groups, as we want to change that list
for group in allgroup.child_groups[:]:
# groups might once have beeen added to all, and later be added
# to another group: we need to remove the link wit all then
if len(group.parent_groups) > 1 and allgroup in group.parent_groups:
# real children of all have just 1 parent, all
# this one has more, so not a direct child of all anymore
elif allgroup not in group.parent_groups:
# this group was once added to all, but doesn't list it as
# a parent any more; the info in the group is the correct
# info
def _add_group(self, group):
""" Merge an existing group or add a new one;
Track parent and child groups, and hosts of the new one """
if group.name not in self.groups:
# it's brand new, add him!
self.groups[group.name] = group
# the Group class does not (yet) implement __eq__/__ne__,
# so unlike Host we do a regular comparison here
if self.groups[group.name] != group:
# different object, merge
self._merge_groups(self.groups[group.name], group)
def _add_host(self, host):
if host.name not in self.hosts:
# Papa's got a brand new host
self.hosts[host.name] = host
# because the __eq__/__ne__ methods in Host() compare the
# name fields rather than references, we use id() here to
# do the object comparison for merges
if self.hosts[host.name] != host:
# different object, merge
self._merge_hosts(self.hosts[host.name], host)
def _merge_groups(self, group, newgroup):
""" Merge all of instance newgroup into group,
update parent/child relationships
group lists may still contain group objects that exist in self with
same name, but was instanciated as a different object in some other
inventory parser; these are handled later """
# name
if group.name != newgroup.name:
raise AnsibleError("Cannot merge inventory group %s with %s" % (group.name, newgroup.name))
# depth
group.depth = max([group.depth, newgroup.depth])
# hosts list (host objects are by now already added to self.hosts)
for host in newgroup.hosts:
grouphosts = dict([(h.name, h) for h in group.hosts])
if host.name in grouphosts:
# same host name but different object, merge
self._merge_hosts(grouphosts[host.name], host)
# new membership, add host to group from self
# group from self will also be added again to host.groups, but
# as different object
# now remove this the old object for group in host.groups
for hostgroup in [g for g in host.groups]:
if hostgroup.name == group.name and hostgroup != self.groups[group.name]:
# group child membership relation
for newchild in newgroup.child_groups:
# dict with existing child groups:
childgroups = dict([(g.name, g) for g in group.child_groups])
# check if child of new group is already known as a child
if newchild.name not in childgroups:
# group parent membership relation
for newparent in newgroup.parent_groups:
# dict with existing parent groups:
parentgroups = dict([(g.name, g) for g in group.parent_groups])
# check if parent of new group is already known as a parent
if newparent.name not in parentgroups:
if newparent.name not in self.groups:
# group does not exist yet in self, import him
self.groups[newparent.name] = newparent
# group now exists but not yet as a parent here
# variables
group.vars = combine_vars(group.vars, newgroup.vars)
def _merge_hosts(self,host, newhost):
""" Merge all of instance newhost into host """
# name
if host.name != newhost.name:
raise AnsibleError("Cannot merge host %s with %s" % (host.name, newhost.name))
# group membership relation
for newgroup in newhost.groups:
# dict with existing groups:
hostgroups = dict([(g.name, g) for g in host.groups])
# check if new group is already known as a group
if newgroup.name not in hostgroups:
if newgroup.name not in self.groups:
# group does not exist yet in self, import him
self.groups[newgroup.name] = newgroup
# group now exists but doesn't have host yet
# variables
host.vars = combine_vars(host.vars, newhost.vars)
def get_host_variables(self, host):
""" Gets additional host variables from all inventories """
vars = {}
for i in self.parsers:
return vars
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# (c) 2017, Ansible by RedHat Inc,
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars
def sort_groups(groups):
return sorted(groups, key=lambda g: (g.depth, g.priority, g.name))
def get_group_vars(groups):
results = {}
for group in sort_groups(groups):
results = combine_vars(results, group.get_vars())
return results
@ -0,0 +1,599 @@
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import fnmatch
import os
import re
import itertools
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleOptionsError, AnsibleParserError
from ansible.inventory.data import InventoryData
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text
from ansible.parsing.utils.addresses import parse_address
from ansible.plugins import PluginLoader
from ansible.utils.path import unfrackpath
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
IGNORED_ALWAYS = [b"^\.", b"^host_vars$", b"^group_vars$", b"^vars_plugins$"]
IGNORED_EXTS = [b'%s$' % to_bytes(re.escape(x)) for x in C.INVENTORY_IGNORE_EXTS]
def order_patterns(patterns):
''' takes a list of patterns and reorders them by modifier to apply them consistently '''
# FIXME: this goes away if we apply patterns incrementally or by groups
pattern_regular = []
pattern_intersection = []
pattern_exclude = []
for p in patterns:
if p.startswith("!"):
elif p.startswith("&"):
elif p:
# if no regular pattern was given, hence only exclude and/or intersection
# make that magically work
if pattern_regular == []:
pattern_regular = ['all']
# when applying the host selectors, run those without the "&" or "!"
# first, then the &s, then the !s.
return pattern_regular + pattern_intersection + pattern_exclude
def split_host_pattern(pattern):
Takes a string containing host patterns separated by commas (or a list
thereof) and returns a list of single patterns (which may not contain
commas). Whitespace is ignored.
Also accepts ':' as a separator for backwards compatibility, but it is
not recommended due to the conflict with IPv6 addresses and host ranges.
Example: 'a,b[1], c[2:3] , d' -> ['a', 'b[1]', 'c[2:3]', 'd']
if isinstance(pattern, list):
return list(itertools.chain(*map(split_host_pattern, pattern)))
# If it's got commas in it, we'll treat it as a straightforward
# comma-separated list of patterns.
elif ',' in pattern:
patterns = re.split('\s*,\s*', pattern)
# If it doesn't, it could still be a single pattern. This accounts for
# non-separator uses of colons: IPv6 addresses and [x:y] host ranges.
(base, port) = parse_address(pattern, allow_ranges=True)
patterns = [pattern]
# The only other case we accept is a ':'-separated list of patterns.
# This mishandles IPv6 addresses, and is retained only for backwards
# compatibility.
patterns = re.findall(
r'''(?: # We want to match something comprising:
[^\s:\[\]] # (anything other than whitespace or ':[]'
| # ...or...
\[[^\]]*\] # a single complete bracketed expression)
)+ # occurring once or more
''', pattern, re.X
return [p.strip() for p in patterns]
class InventoryManager(object):
''' Creates and manages inventory '''
def __init__(self, loader, sources=None):
# base objects
self._loader = loader
self._inventory = InventoryData()
# a list of host(names) to contain current inquiries to
self._restriction = None
self._subset = None
# caches
self._pattern_cache = {} # resolved host patterns
self._inventory_plugins = {} # for generating inventory
# the inventory dirs, files, script paths or lists of hosts
if sources is None:
self._sources = []
elif isinstance(sources, string_types):
self._sources = [ sources ]
self._sources = sources
# get to work!
def localhost(self):
return self._inventory.localhost
def groups(self):
return self._inventory.groups
def hosts(self):
return self._inventory.hosts
def get_vars(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._inventory.get_vars(args, kwargs)
def add_host(self, host, group=None, port=None):
return self._inventory.add_host(host, group, port)
def add_group(self, group):
return self._inventory.add_group(group)
def get_groups_dict(self):
return self._inventory.get_groups_dict()
def reconcile_inventory(self):
return self._inventory.reconcile_inventory()
def get_host(self, hostname):
return self._inventory.get_host(hostname)
def _setup_inventory_plugins(self):
''' sets up loaded inventory plugins for usage '''
inventory_loader = PluginLoader( 'InventoryModule', 'ansible.plugins.inventory', 'inventory_plugins', 'inventory_plugins')
display.vvvv('setting up inventory plugins')
plugin = inventory_loader.get(name)
name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(plugin._original_path))[0]
self._inventory_plugins[name] = plugin
if not self._inventory_plugins:
raise AnsibleError("No inventory plugins available to generate inventory, make sure you have at least one whitelisted.")
def parse_sources(self, cache=True):
''' iterate over inventory sources and parse each one to populate it'''
parsed = False
# allow for multiple inventory parsing
for source in self._sources:
if source:
if ',' not in source:
source = unfrackpath(source, follow=False)
parse = self.parse_source(source, cache=cache)
if parse and not parsed:
parsed = True
if parsed:
# do post processing
display.warning("No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available")
self._inventory_plugins = {}
def parse_source(self, source, cache=True):
''' Generate or update inventory for the source provided '''
parsed = False
display.debug(u'Examining possible inventory source: %s' % source)
b_source = to_bytes(source)
# process directories as a collection of inventories
if os.path.isdir(b_source):
display.debug(u'Searching for inventory files in directory: %s' % source)
for i in sorted(os.listdir(b_source)):
display.debug(u'Considering %s' % i)
# Skip hidden files and stuff we explicitly ignore
if IGNORED.search(i):
# recursively deal with directory entries
fullpath = os.path.join(b_source, i)
parsed_this_one = self.parse_source(to_text(fullpath))
display.debug(u'parsed %s as %s' % (fullpath, parsed_this_one))
if not parsed:
parsed = parsed_this_one
# left with strings or files, let plugins figure it out
# set so new hosts can use for inventory_file/dir vasr
self._inventory.current_source = source
# get inventory plugins if needed, there should always be at least one generator
if not self._inventory_plugins:
# try source with each plugin
failures = []
for plugin in self._inventory_plugins:
display.debug(u'Attempting to use plugin %s' % plugin)
# initialize
inv = self._inventory_plugins[plugin]
if inv.verify_file(source):
inv.parse(self._inventory, self._loader, source, cache=cache)
parsed = True
display.vvv(u'Parsed %s inventory source with %s plugin' % (to_text(source), plugin))
except AnsibleParserError as e:
failures.append(u'\n* Failed to parse %s with %s inventory plugin: %s\n' %(to_text(source), plugin, to_text(e)))
display.debug(u'%s did not meet %s requirements' % (to_text(source), plugin))
if failures:
# only if no plugin processed files should we show errors.
for fail in failures:
if not parsed:
display.warning(u"Unable to parse %s as an inventory source" % to_text(source))
# clear up, jic
self._inventory.current_source = None
return parsed
def clear_caches(self):
''' clear all caches '''
self._pattern_cache = {}
#FIXME: flush inventory cache
def refresh_inventory(self):
''' recalculate inventory '''
self._inventory = InventoryData()
def _match(self, string, pattern_str):
if pattern_str.startswith('~'):
return re.search(pattern_str[1:], string)
return fnmatch.fnmatch(string, pattern_str)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleError('invalid host pattern (%s): %s' % (pattern_str, str(e)))
def _match_list(self, items, item_attr, pattern_str):
results = []
if not pattern_str.startswith('~'):
pattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern_str))
pattern = re.compile(pattern_str[1:])
except Exception:
raise AnsibleError('invalid host list pattern: %s' % pattern_str)
for item in items:
if pattern.match(getattr(item, item_attr)):
return results
def get_hosts(self, pattern="all", ignore_limits=False, ignore_restrictions=False, order=None):
Takes a pattern or list of patterns and returns a list of matching
inventory host names, taking into account any active restrictions
or applied subsets
# Check if pattern already computed
if isinstance(pattern, list):
pattern_hash = u":".join(pattern)
pattern_hash = pattern
if not ignore_limits and self._subset:
pattern_hash += u":%s" % to_text(self._subset)
if not ignore_restrictions and self._restriction:
pattern_hash += u":%s" % to_text(self._restriction)
if pattern_hash not in HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE:
patterns = split_host_pattern(pattern)
hosts = self._evaluate_patterns(patterns)
# mainly useful for hostvars[host] access
if not ignore_limits and self._subset:
# exclude hosts not in a subset, if defined
subset = self._evaluate_patterns(self._subset)
hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h in subset ]
if not ignore_restrictions and self._restriction:
# exclude hosts mentioned in any restriction (ex: failed hosts)
hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h.name in self._restriction ]
seen = set()
HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE[pattern_hash] = [x for x in hosts if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)]
# sort hosts list if needed (should only happen when called from strategy)
if order in ['sorted', 'reverse_sorted']:
from operator import attrgetter
hosts = sorted(HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE[pattern_hash][:], key=attrgetter('name'), reverse=(order == 'reverse_sorted'))
elif order == 'reverse_inventory':
hosts = sorted(HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE[pattern_hash][:], reverse=True)
hosts = HOSTS_PATTERNS_CACHE[pattern_hash][:]
if order == 'shuffle':
from random import shuffle
elif order not in [None, 'inventory']:
AnsibleOptionsError("Invalid 'order' specified for inventory hosts: %s" % order)
return hosts
def _evaluate_patterns(self, patterns):
Takes a list of patterns and returns a list of matching host names,
taking into account any negative and intersection patterns.
patterns = order_patterns(patterns)
hosts = []
for p in patterns:
# avoid resolving a pattern that is a plain host
if p in self._inventory.hosts:
that = self._match_one_pattern(p)
if p.startswith("!"):
hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h not in that ]
elif p.startswith("&"):
hosts = [ h for h in hosts if h in that ]
to_append = [ h for h in that if h.name not in [ y.name for y in hosts ] ]
return hosts
def _match_one_pattern(self, pattern):
Takes a single pattern and returns a list of matching host names.
Ignores intersection (&) and exclusion (!) specifiers.
The pattern may be:
1. A regex starting with ~, e.g. '~[abc]*'
2. A shell glob pattern with ?/*/[chars]/[!chars], e.g. 'foo*'
3. An ordinary word that matches itself only, e.g. 'foo'
The pattern is matched using the following rules:
1. If it's 'all', it matches all hosts in all groups.
2. Otherwise, for each known group name:
(a) if it matches the group name, the results include all hosts
in the group or any of its children.
(b) otherwise, if it matches any hosts in the group, the results
include the matching hosts.
This means that 'foo*' may match one or more groups (thus including all
hosts therein) but also hosts in other groups.
The built-in groups 'all' and 'ungrouped' are special. No pattern can
match these group names (though 'all' behaves as though it matches, as
described above). The word 'ungrouped' can match a host of that name,
and patterns like 'ungr*' and 'al*' can match either hosts or groups
other than all and ungrouped.
If the pattern matches one or more group names according to these rules,
it may have an optional range suffix to select a subset of the results.
This is allowed only if the pattern is not a regex, i.e. '~foo[1]' does
not work (the [1] is interpreted as part of the regex), but 'foo*[1]'
would work if 'foo*' matched the name of one or more groups.
Duplicate matches are always eliminated from the results.
if pattern.startswith("&") or pattern.startswith("!"):
pattern = pattern[1:]
if pattern not in self._pattern_cache:
(expr, slice) = self._split_subscript(pattern)
hosts = self._enumerate_matches(expr)
hosts = self._apply_subscript(hosts, slice)
except IndexError:
raise AnsibleError("No hosts matched the subscripted pattern '%s'" % pattern)
self._pattern_cache[pattern] = hosts
return self._pattern_cache[pattern]
def _split_subscript(self, pattern):
Takes a pattern, checks if it has a subscript, and returns the pattern
without the subscript and a (start,end) tuple representing the given
subscript (or None if there is no subscript).
Validates that the subscript is in the right syntax, but doesn't make
sure the actual indices make sense in context.
# Do not parse regexes for enumeration info
if pattern.startswith('~'):
return (pattern, None)
# We want a pattern followed by an integer or range subscript.
# (We can't be more restrictive about the expression because the
# fnmatch semantics permit [\[:\]] to occur.)
pattern_with_subscript = re.compile(
(.+) # A pattern expression ending with...
\[(?: # A [subscript] expression comprising:
(-?[0-9]+)| # A single positive or negative number
([0-9]+)([:-]) # Or an x:y or x: range.
''', re.X
subscript = None
m = pattern_with_subscript.match(pattern)
if m:
(pattern, idx, start, sep, end) = m.groups()
if idx:
subscript = (int(idx), None)
if not end:
end = -1
subscript = (int(start), int(end))
if sep == '-':
display.warning("Use [x:y] inclusive subscripts instead of [x-y] which has been removed")
return (pattern, subscript)
def _apply_subscript(self, hosts, subscript):
Takes a list of hosts and a (start,end) tuple and returns the subset of
hosts based on the subscript (which may be None to return all hosts).
if not hosts or not subscript:
return hosts
(start, end) = subscript
if end:
if end == -1:
end = len(hosts)-1
return hosts[start:end+1]
return [ hosts[start] ]
def _enumerate_matches(self, pattern):
Returns a list of host names matching the given pattern according to the
rules explained above in _match_one_pattern.
results = []
def __append_host_to_results(host):
if host.name not in results:
if not host.implicit:
matched = False
for group in self._inventory.groups.values():
if self._match(to_text(group.name), pattern):
matched = True
for host in group.get_hosts():
matching_hosts = self._match_list(group.get_hosts(), 'name', pattern)
if matching_hosts:
matched = True
for host in matching_hosts:
if not results and pattern in C.LOCALHOST:
# get_host autocreates implicit when needed
implicit = self._inventory.get_host(pattern)
if implicit:
matched = True
if not matched:
display.warning("Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring: %s" % pattern)
return results
def list_hosts(self, pattern="all"):
""" return a list of hostnames for a pattern """
#FIXME: cache?
result = [ h for h in self.get_hosts(pattern) ]
# allow implicit localhost if pattern matches and no other results
if len(result) == 0 and pattern in C.LOCALHOST:
result = [pattern]
return result
def list_groups(self):
#FIXME: cache?
return sorted(self._inventory.groups.keys(), key=lambda x: x)
def restrict_to_hosts(self, restriction):
Restrict list operations to the hosts given in restriction. This is used
to batch serial operations in main playbook code, don't use this for other
if restriction is None:
elif not isinstance(restriction, list):
restriction = [ restriction ]
self._restriction = [ h.name for h in restriction ]
def subset(self, subset_pattern):
Limits inventory results to a subset of inventory that matches a given
pattern, such as to select a given geographic of numeric slice amongst
a previous 'hosts' selection that only select roles, or vice versa.
Corresponds to --limit parameter to ansible-playbook
if subset_pattern is None:
self._subset = None
subset_patterns = split_host_pattern(subset_pattern)
results = []
# allow Unix style @filename data
for x in subset_patterns:
if x.startswith("@"):
fd = open(x[1:])
self._subset = results
def remove_restriction(self):
""" Do not restrict list operations """
self._restriction = None
def clear_pattern_cache(self):
self._pattern_cache = {}
@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from collections import Mapping
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.inventory.host import Host
from ansible.inventory.group import Group
from ansible.module_utils.basic import json_dict_bytes_to_unicode
from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text
class InventoryScript:
''' Host inventory parser for ansible using external inventory scripts. '''
def __init__(self, loader, groups=None, filename=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST):
if groups is None:
groups = dict()
self._loader = loader
self.groups = groups
# Support inventory scripts that are not prefixed with some
# path information but happen to be in the current working
# directory when '.' is not in PATH.
self.filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
cmd = [ self.filename, "--list" ]
sp = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
except OSError as e:
raise AnsibleError("problem running %s (%s)" % (' '.join(cmd), e))
(stdout, stderr) = sp.communicate()
if sp.returncode != 0:
raise AnsibleError("Inventory script (%s) had an execution error: %s " % (filename,stderr))
# make sure script output is unicode so that json loader will output
# unicode strings itself
self.data = to_text(stdout, errors="strict")
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleError("inventory data from {0} contained characters that cannot be interpreted as UTF-8: {1}".format(to_native(self.filename),
# see comment about _meta below
self.host_vars_from_top = None
def _parse(self, err):
all_hosts = {}
# not passing from_remote because data from CMDB is trusted
self.raw = self._loader.load(self.data)
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write(to_native(err) + "\n")
raise AnsibleError("failed to parse executable inventory script results from {0}: {1}".format(to_native(self.filename), to_native(e)))
if not isinstance(self.raw, Mapping):
sys.stderr.write(to_native(err) + "\n")
raise AnsibleError("failed to parse executable inventory script results from {0}: data needs to be formatted "
"as a json dict".format(to_native(self.filename)))
group = None
for (group_name, data) in self.raw.items():
# in Ansible 1.3 and later, a "_meta" subelement may contain
# a variable "hostvars" which contains a hash for each host
# if this "hostvars" exists at all then do not call --host for each
# host. This is for efficiency and scripts should still return data
# if called with --host for backwards compat with 1.2 and earlier.
if group_name == '_meta':
if 'hostvars' in data:
self.host_vars_from_top = data['hostvars']
if group_name not in self.groups:
group = self.groups[group_name] = Group(group_name)
group = self.groups[group_name]
host = None
if not isinstance(data, dict):
data = {'hosts': data}
# is not those subkeys, then simplified syntax, host with vars
elif not any(k in data for k in ('hosts','vars','children')):
data = {'hosts': [group_name], 'vars': data}
if 'hosts' in data:
if not isinstance(data['hosts'], list):
raise AnsibleError("You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
"data for the host list:\n %s" % (group_name, data))
for hostname in data['hosts']:
if hostname not in all_hosts:
all_hosts[hostname] = Host(hostname)
host = all_hosts[hostname]
if 'vars' in data:
if not isinstance(data['vars'], dict):
raise AnsibleError("You defined a group \"%s\" with bad "
"data for variables:\n %s" % (group_name, data))
for k, v in iteritems(data['vars']):
group.set_variable(k, v)
# Separate loop to ensure all groups are defined
for (group_name, data) in self.raw.items():
if group_name == '_meta':
if isinstance(data, dict) and 'children' in data:
for child_name in data['children']:
if child_name in self.groups:
# Finally, add all top-level groups as children of 'all'.
# We exclude ungrouped here because it was already added as a child of
# 'all' at the time it was created.
for group in self.groups.values():
if group.depth == 0 and group.name not in ('all', 'ungrouped'):
def get_host_variables(self, host):
""" Runs <script> --host <hostname> to determine additional host variables """
if self.host_vars_from_top is not None:
got = self.host_vars_from_top.get(host.name, {})
except AttributeError as e:
raise AnsibleError("Improperly formatted host information for %s: %s" % (host.name,to_native(e)))
return got
cmd = [self.filename, "--host", host.name]
sp = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
except OSError as e:
raise AnsibleError("problem running %s (%s)" % (' '.join(cmd), e))
(out, err) = sp.communicate()
if out.strip() == '':
return dict()
return json_dict_bytes_to_unicode(self._loader.load(out))
except ValueError:
raise AnsibleError("could not parse post variable response: %s, %s" % (cmd, out))
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# (c) 2014, Serge van Ginderachter <serge@vanginderachter.be>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
class VarsModule(object):
Loads variables for groups and/or hosts
def __init__(self, inventory):
""" constructor """
self.inventory = inventory
self.inventory_basedir = inventory.basedir()
def run(self, host, vault_password=None):
""" For backwards compatibility, when only vars per host were retrieved
This method should return both host specific vars as well as vars
calculated from groups it is a member of """
return {}
def get_host_vars(self, host, vault_password=None):
""" Get host specific variables. """
return {}
def get_group_vars(self, group, vault_password=None):
""" Get group specific variables. """
return {}
@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2016 RedHat, inc
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import re
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.inventory.host import Host
from ansible.inventory.group import Group
from ansible.inventory.expand_hosts import detect_range
from ansible.inventory.expand_hosts import expand_hostname_range
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.parsing.utils.addresses import parse_address
class InventoryParser(object):
Takes a YAML-format inventory file and builds a list of groups and subgroups
with their associated hosts and variable settings.
def __init__(self, loader, groups, filename=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST):
self._loader = loader
self.filename = filename
# Start with an empty host list and whatever groups we're passed in
# (which should include the default 'all' and 'ungrouped' groups).
self.hosts = {}
self.patterns = {}
self.groups = groups
# Read in the hosts, groups, and variables defined in the
# inventory file.
data = loader.load_from_file(filename)
def _parse(self, data):
Populates self.groups from the given array of lines. Raises an error on
any parse failure.
# We expect top level keys to correspond to groups, iterate over them
# to get host, vars and subgroups (which we iterate over recursivelly)
for group_name in data.keys():
self._parse_groups(group_name, data[group_name])
# Finally, add all top-level groups as children of 'all'.
# We exclude ungrouped here because it was already added as a child of
# 'all' at the time it was created.
for group in self.groups.values():
if group.depth == 0 and group.name not in ('all', 'ungrouped'):
def _parse_groups(self, group, group_data):
if group not in self.groups:
self.groups[group] = Group(name=group)
if isinstance(group_data, dict):
#make sure they are dicts
for section in ['vars', 'children', 'hosts']:
if section in group_data and isinstance(group_data[section], string_types):
group_data[section] = { group_data[section]: None}
if 'vars' in group_data:
for var in group_data['vars']:
self.groups[group].set_variable(var, group_data['vars'][var])
if 'children' in group_data:
for subgroup in group_data['children']:
self._parse_groups(subgroup, group_data['children'][subgroup])
if 'hosts' in group_data:
for host_pattern in group_data['hosts']:
hosts = self._parse_host(host_pattern, group_data['hosts'][host_pattern])
for h in hosts:
def _parse_host(self, host_pattern, host_data):
Each host key can be a pattern, try to process it and add variables as needed
(hostnames, port) = self._expand_hostpattern(host_pattern)
hosts = self._Hosts(hostnames, port)
if isinstance(host_data, dict):
for k in host_data:
for h in hosts:
h.set_variable(k, host_data[k])
if k in ['ansible_host', 'ansible_ssh_host']:
h.address = host_data[k]
return hosts
def _expand_hostpattern(self, hostpattern):
Takes a single host pattern and returns a list of hostnames and an
optional port number that applies to all of them.
# Can the given hostpattern be parsed as a host with an optional port
# specification?
(pattern, port) = parse_address(hostpattern, allow_ranges=True)
# not a recognizable host pattern
pattern = hostpattern
port = None
# Once we have separated the pattern, we expand it into list of one or
# more hostnames, depending on whether it contains any [x:y] ranges.
if detect_range(pattern):
hostnames = expand_hostname_range(pattern)
hostnames = [pattern]
return (hostnames, port)
def _Hosts(self, hostnames, port):
Takes a list of hostnames and a port (which may be None) and returns a
list of Hosts (without recreating anything in self.hosts).
hosts = []
# Note that we decide whether or not to create a Host based solely on
# the (non-)existence of its hostname in self.hosts. This means that one
# cannot add both "foo:22" and "foo:23" to the inventory.
for hn in hostnames:
if hn not in self.hosts:
self.hosts[hn] = Host(name=hn, port=port)
return hosts
def get_host_variables(self, host):
return {}
def _compile_patterns(self):
Compiles the regular expressions required to parse the inventory and stores them in self.patterns.
self.patterns['groupname'] = re.compile( r'''^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$''')
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# Copyright 2017 RedHat, inc
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
inventory: advanced_host_list
version_added: "2.4"
short_description: Parses a 'host list' with ranges
- Parses a host list string as a comma separated values of hosts and supports host ranges.
- This plugin only applies to inventory sources that are not paths and contain at least one comma.
# simple range
ansible -i 'host[1:10],' -m ping
# still supports w/o ranges also
ansible-playbook -i 'localhost,' play.yml
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text, to_native
from ansible.parsing.utils.addresses import parse_address
from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin, detect_range, expand_hostname_range
class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin):
NAME = 'advanced_host_list'
def verify_file(self, host_list):
valid = False
b_path = to_bytes(host_list)
if not os.path.exists(b_path) and ',' in host_list:
valid = True
return valid
def parse(self, inventory, loader, host_list, cache=True):
''' parses the inventory file '''
super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, host_list)
for h in host_list.split(','):
if h:
(hostnames, port) = self._expand_hostpattern(h)
except AnsibleError as e:
self.display.vvv("Unable to parse address from hostname, leaving unchanged: %s" % to_native(e))
host = [h]
port = None
for host in hostnames:
if host not in self.inventory.hosts:
self.inventory.add_host(host, group='ungrouped', port=port)
self.display.warning("Skipping invalid hostname: %s" % to_text(h))
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleParserError("Invalid data from string, could not parse: %s" % str(e))
def _expand_hostpattern(self, hostpattern):
Takes a single host pattern and returns a list of hostnames and an
optional port number that applies to all of them.
# Can the given hostpattern be parsed as a host with an optional port
# specification?
(pattern, port) = parse_address(hostpattern, allow_ranges=True)
# not a recognizable host pattern
pattern = hostpattern
port = None
# Once we have separated the pattern, we expand it into list of one or
# more hostnames, depending on whether it contains any [x:y] ranges.
if detect_range(pattern):
hostnames = expand_hostname_range(pattern)
hostnames = [pattern]
return (hostnames, port)
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
# Copyright 2017 RedHat, inc
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
inventory: host_list
version_added: "2.4"
short_description: Parses a 'host list' string
- Parses a host list string as a comma separated values of hosts
- This plugin only applies to inventory strings that are not paths and contain a comma.
# define 2 hosts in command line
ansible -i ',' -m ping all
# DNS resolvable names
ansible -i 'host1.example.com, host2' -m user -a 'name=me state=abset' all
# just use localhost
ansible-playbook -i 'localhost,' play.yml -c local
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text, to_native
from ansible.parsing.utils.addresses import parse_address
from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin
class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin):
NAME = 'host_list'
def verify_file(self, host_list):
valid = False
b_path = to_bytes(host_list)
if not os.path.exists(b_path) and ',' in host_list:
valid = True
return valid
def parse(self, inventory, loader, host_list, cache=True):
''' parses the inventory file '''
super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, host_list)
for h in host_list.split(','):
if h:
(host, port) = parse_address(h, allow_ranges=False)
except AnsibleError as e:
self.display.vvv("Unable to parse address from hostname, leaving unchanged: %s" % to_native(e))
host = h
port = None
if host not in self.inventory.hosts:
self.inventory.add_host(host, group='ungrouped', port=port)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleParserError("Invalid data from string, could not parse: %s" % str(e))
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
inventory: script
version_added: "2.4"
short_description: Executes an inventory script that returns JSON
- The source provided must an executable that returns Ansible inventory JSON
- The source must accept C(--list) and C(--host <hostname>) as arguments.
C(--host) will only be used if no C(_meta) key is present (performance optimization)
- It takes the place of the previously hardcoded script inventory.
- To function it requires being whitelisted in configuration, which is true by default.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import subprocess
from collections import Mapping
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError
from ansible.module_utils.basic import json_dict_bytes_to_unicode
from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text
from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin
class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin):
''' Host inventory parser for ansible using external inventory scripts. '''
NAME = 'script'
def __init__(self):
super(InventoryModule, self).__init__()
self._hosts = set()
def verify_file(self, path):
''' Verify if file is usable by this plugin, base does minimal accesability check '''
valid = super(InventoryModule, self).verify_file(path)
if valid:
# not only accessible, file must be executable and/or have shebang
shebang_present = False
with open(path, 'rb') as inv_file:
initial_chars = inv_file.read(2)
if initial_chars.startswith(b'#!'):
shebang_present = True
if not os.access(path, os.X_OK) and not shebang_present:
valid = False
return valid
def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True):
super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path)
# Support inventory scripts that are not prefixed with some
# path information but happen to be in the current working
# directory when '.' is not in PATH.
path = os.path.abspath(path)
cmd = [ path, "--list" ]
sp = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
except OSError as e:
raise AnsibleError("problem running %s (%s)" % (' '.join(cmd), e))
(stdout, stderr) = sp.communicate()
path = to_native(path)
if stderr:
err = to_native(stderr) + "\n"
if sp.returncode != 0:
raise AnsibleError("Inventory script (%s) had an execution error: %s " % (path, err))
# make sure script output is unicode so that json loader will output
# unicode strings itself
data = to_text(stdout, errors="strict")
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleError("Inventory {0} contained characters that cannot be interpreted as UTF-8: {1}".format(path, to_native(e)))
processed = self.loader.load(data)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleError("failed to parse executable inventory script results from {0}: {1}\n{2}".format(path, to_native(e), err))
if not isinstance(processed, Mapping):
raise AnsibleError("failed to parse executable inventory script results from {0}: needs to be a json dict\n{1}".format(path, err))
group = None
data_from_meta = None
for (group, gdata) in data.items():
if group == '_meta':
if 'hostvars' in data:
data_from_meta = data['hostvars']
self.parse_group(group, gdata)
# in Ansible 1.3 and later, a "_meta" subelement may contain
# a variable "hostvars" which contains a hash for each host
# if this "hostvars" exists at all then do not call --host for each
# host. This is for efficiency and scripts should still return data
# if called with --host for backwards compat with 1.2 and earlier.
for host in self._hosts:
got = {}
if data_from_meta is None:
got = self.get_host_variables(path, host, data_from_meta)
got = data.get(host, {})
except AttributeError as e:
raise AnsibleError("Improperly formatted host information for %s: %s" % (host,to_native(e)))
self.populate_host_vars(host, got, group)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleParserError(e)
def _parse_group(self, group, data):
if not isinstance(data, dict):
data = {'hosts': data}
# is not those subkeys, then simplified syntax, host with vars
elif not any(k in data for k in ('hosts','vars','children')):
data = {'hosts': [group], 'vars': data}
if 'hosts' in data:
if not isinstance(data['hosts'], list):
raise AnsibleError("You defined a group '%s' with bad data for the host list:\n %s" % (group, data))
for hostname in data['hosts']:
self.inventory.add_host(hostname, group)
if 'vars' in data:
if not isinstance(data['vars'], dict):
raise AnsibleError("You defined a group '%s' with bad data for variables:\n %s" % (group, data))
for k, v in iteritems(data['vars']):
self.inventory.set_variable(group, k, v)
if group != 'meta' and isinstance(data, dict) and 'children' in data:
for child_name in data['children']:
self.inventory.add_child(group, child_name)
def get_host_variables(self, path, host):
""" Runs <script> --host <hostname>, to determine additional host variables """
cmd = [path, "--host", host]
sp = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
except OSError as e:
raise AnsibleError("problem running %s (%s)" % (' '.join(cmd), e))
(out, err) = sp.communicate()
if out.strip() == '':
return {}
return json_dict_bytes_to_unicode(self.loader.load(out))
except ValueError:
raise AnsibleError("could not parse post variable response: %s, %s" % (cmd, out))
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
# This file is part of Ansible,
# (c) 2012-2017, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
name: virtualbox
plugin_type: inventory
short_description: virtualbox inventory source
- Get inventory hosts from the local virtualbox installation.
- Uses a <name>.vbox.conf YAML configuration file.
description: toggles showing all vms vs only those currently running
default: False
description: provide a file containing the settings password (equivalent to --settingspwfile)
description: property path to query for network information (ansible_host)
default: "/VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/V4/IP"
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from ansible.errors import AnsibleParserError
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes
from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseInventoryPlugin
class InventoryModule(BaseInventoryPlugin):
''' Host inventory parser for ansible using external inventory scripts. '''
NAME = 'virtualbox'
def verify_file(self, path):
valid = False
if super(InventoryModule, self).verify_file(path):
if path.endswith('.vbox.conf'):
valid = True
return valid
def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True):
super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path)
VBOX = "VBoxManage"
cache_key = self.get_cache_prefix(path)
if cache and cache_key not in inventory.cache:
source_data = inventory.cache[cache_key]
# file is config file
data = self.loader.load_from_file(path)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleParserError(e)
if not data or data.get('plugin') != self.NAME:
return False
pwfile = to_bytes(data.get('settings_password_file'))
netinfo = data.get('network_info_path', "/VirtualBox/GuestInfo/Net/0/V4/IP")
running = data.get('running_only', False)
# start getting data
cmd = [VBOX, 'list', '-l']
if running:
if pwfile and os.path.exists(pwfile):
p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE)
except Exception as e:
hostvars = {}
prevkey = pref_k = ''
current_host = None
source_data = p.stdout.readlines()
inventory.cache[cache_key] = source_data
for line in source_data:
k, v = line.split(':', 1)
# skip non splitable
if k.strip() == '':
# skip empty
v = v.strip()
# found host
if k.startswith('Name') and ',' not in v: # some setting strings appear in Name
current_host = v
if current_host not in hostvars:
hostvars[current_host] = {}
# try to get network info
cmd = [VBOX, 'guestproperty', 'get', current_host, netinfo]
if args:
x = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE)
ipinfo = x.stdout.read()
if 'Value' in ipinfo:
a, ip = ipinfo.split(':', 1)
self.inventory.set_variable(current_host, 'ansible_host', ip.strip())
# found groups
elif k == 'Groups':
for group in v.split('/'):
if group:
self.inventory.add_child(group, current_host)
# found vars, accumulate in hostvars for clean inventory set
pref_k = 'vbox_' + k.strip().replace(' ', '_')
if k.startswith(' '):
if prevkey not in hostvars[current_host]:
hostvars[current_host][prevkey] = {}
hostvars[current_host][prevkey][pref_k] = v
if v != '':
hostvars[current_host][pref_k] = v
prevkey = pref_k
# set vars in inventory from hostvars
for host in hostvars:
# create composite vars
if data.get('compose') and isinstance(data['compose'], dict):
for varname in data['compose']:
hostvars[host][varname] = self._compose(data['compose'][varname], hostvars[host])
# actually update inventory
for key in hostvars[host]:
self.inventory.set_variable(host, key, hostvars[host][key])
@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
# Copyright 2017 RedHat, inc
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
inventory: yaml
version_added: "2.4"
short_description: Uses a specifically YAML file as inventory source.
- YAML based inventory, starts with the 'all' group and has hosts/vars/children entries.
- Host entries can have sub-entries defined, which will be treated as variables.
- Vars entries are normal group vars.
- Children are 'child groups', which can also have their own vars/hosts/children and so on.
- File MUST have a valid extension: yaml, yml, json.
- It takes the place of the previously hardcoded YAML inventory.
- To function it requires being whitelisted in configuration.
description: list of 'valid' extensions for files containing YAML
all: # keys must be unique, i.e. only one 'hosts' per group
var1: value1
group_var1: value2
children: # key order does not matter, indentation does
g2_var2: value3
test1 # same host as above, additional group membership
last_var: MYVALUE
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import re
import os
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleParserError
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text
from ansible.parsing.utils.addresses import parse_address
from ansible.plugins.inventory import BaseFileInventoryPlugin, detect_range, expand_hostname_range
class InventoryModule(BaseFileInventoryPlugin):
NAME = 'yaml'
def __init__(self):
super(InventoryModule, self).__init__()
self.patterns = {}
def verify_file(self, path):
valid = False
b_path = to_bytes(path)
if super(InventoryModule, self).verify_file(b_path):
file_name, ext = os.path.splitext(b_path)
valid = True
return valid
def parse(self, inventory, loader, path, cache=True):
''' parses the inventory file '''
super(InventoryModule, self).parse(inventory, loader, path)
data = self.loader.load_from_file(path)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleParserError(e)
if not data:
return False
# We expect top level keys to correspond to groups, iterate over them
# to get host, vars and subgroups (which we iterate over recursivelly)
if isinstance(data, dict):
for group_name in data:
self._parse_group(group_name, data[group_name])
raise AnsibleParserError("Invalid data from file, expected dictionary and got:\n\n%s" % data)
def _parse_group(self, group, group_data):
if self.patterns['groupname'].match(group):
if isinstance(group_data, dict):
#make sure they are dicts
for section in ['vars', 'children', 'hosts']:
if section in group_data and isinstance(group_data[section], string_types):
group_data[section] = {group_data[section]: None}
if 'vars' in group_data:
for var in group_data['vars']:
self.inventory.set_variable(group, var, group_data['vars'][var])
if 'children' in group_data:
for subgroup in group_data['children']:
self._parse_group(subgroup, group_data['children'][subgroup])
self.inventory.add_child(group, subgroup)
if 'hosts' in group_data:
for host_pattern in group_data['hosts']:
hosts, port = self._parse_host(host_pattern)
self.populate_host_vars(hosts, group_data['hosts'][host_pattern], group, port)
self.display.warning("Skipping '%s' as this is not a valid group name" % group)
def _parse_host(self, host_pattern):
Each host key can be a pattern, try to process it and add variables as needed
(hostnames, port) = self._expand_hostpattern(host_pattern)
return hostnames, port
def _expand_hostpattern(self, hostpattern):
Takes a single host pattern and returns a list of hostnames and an
optional port number that applies to all of them.
# Can the given hostpattern be parsed as a host with an optional port
# specification?
(pattern, port) = parse_address(hostpattern, allow_ranges=True)
# not a recognizable host pattern
pattern = hostpattern
port = None
# Once we have separated the pattern, we expand it into list of one or
# more hostnames, depending on whether it contains any [x:y] ranges.
if detect_range(pattern):
hostnames = expand_hostname_range(pattern)
hostnames = [pattern]
return (hostnames, port)
def _compile_patterns(self):
Compiles the regular expressions required to parse the inventory and stores them in self.patterns.
self.patterns['groupname'] = re.compile( r'''^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$''')
@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
# Copyright 2017 RedHat, inc
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
vars: host_group_vars
version_added: "2.4"
short_description: In charge of loading group_vars and host_vars
- Loads YAML vars into corresponding groups/hosts in group_vars/ and host_vars/ directories.
- Files are restricted by extension to one of .yaml, .json, .yml or no extension.
- Only applies to inventory sources that are existing paths.
- It takes the place of the previously hardcoded group_vars/host_vars loading.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleParserError
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text
from ansible.plugins.vars import BaseVarsPlugin
from ansible.utils.path import basedir
from ansible.inventory.host import Host
from ansible.inventory.group import Group
from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars
class VarsModule(BaseVarsPlugin):
def get_vars(self, loader, path, entities):
''' parses the inventory file '''
if not isinstance(entities, list):
entities = [entities]
super(VarsModule, self).get_vars(loader, path, entities)
data = {}
for entity in entities:
if isinstance(entity, Host):
subdir = 'host_vars'
elif isinstance(entity, Group):
subdir = 'group_vars'
raise AnsibleParserError("Supplied entity must be Host or Group, got %s instead" % (type(entity)))
# load vars
opath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self._basedir, subdir))
b_opath = to_bytes(opath)
# no need to do much if path does not exist for basedir
if os.path.exists(b_opath):
if os.path.isdir(b_opath):
self._display.debug("\tprocessing dir %s" % opath)
for found in self._find_vars_files(opath, entity.name):
self._display.debug("READING %s" % found)
data = combine_vars(data, loader.load_from_file(found, cache=True, unsafe=True))
self._display.warning("Found %s that is not a directory, skipping: %s" % (subdir, opath))
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleParserError(to_text(e))
return data
def _find_vars_files(self, path, name):
""" Find {group,host}_vars files """
b_path = to_bytes(os.path.join(path, name))
found = []
if '.' in ext:
full_path = b_path + to_bytes(ext)
elif ext:
full_path = b'.'.join([b_path, to_bytes(ext)])
full_path = b_path
if os.path.exists(full_path):
self._display.debug("\tfound %s" % to_text(full_path))
if os.path.isdir(full_path):
# matched dir name, so use all files included recursively
for spath in os.listdir(full_path):
if os.path.isdir(spath):
found.extend(self._find_vars_files(spath, name))
return found
@ -1,715 +0,0 @@
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import sys
from collections import defaultdict, MutableMapping
from hashlib import sha1
except ImportError:
from sha import sha as sha1
from jinja2.exceptions import UndefinedError
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.cli import CLI
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable, AnsibleFileNotFound
from ansible.inventory.host import Host
from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems, string_types, text_type
from ansible.plugins import lookup_loader
from ansible.plugins.cache import FactCache
from ansible.template import Templar
from ansible.utils.listify import listify_lookup_plugin_terms
from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars
from ansible.utils.unsafe_proxy import wrap_var
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
class AnsibleInventoryVarsData(dict):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AnsibleInventoryVarsData, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.path = None
def preprocess_vars(a):
Ensures that vars contained in the parameter passed in are
returned as a list of dictionaries, to ensure for instance
that vars loaded from a file conform to an expected state.
if a is None:
return None
elif not isinstance(a, list):
data = [a]
data = a
for item in data:
if not isinstance(item, MutableMapping):
raise AnsibleError("variable files must contain either a dictionary of variables, or a list of dictionaries. Got: %s (%s)" % (a, type(a)))
return data
def strip_internal_keys(dirty):
All keys stating with _ansible_ are internal, so create a copy of the 'dirty' dict
and remove them from the clean one before returning it
clean = dirty.copy()
for k in dirty.keys():
if isinstance(k, string_types) and k.startswith('_ansible_'):
del clean[k]
elif isinstance(dirty[k], dict):
clean[k] = strip_internal_keys(dirty[k])
return clean
class VariableManager:
def __init__(self):
self._nonpersistent_fact_cache = defaultdict(dict)
self._vars_cache = defaultdict(dict)
self._extra_vars = defaultdict(dict)
self._host_vars_files = defaultdict(dict)
self._group_vars_files = defaultdict(dict)
self._inventory = None
self._hostvars = None
self._omit_token = '__omit_place_holder__%s' % sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest()
self._options_vars = defaultdict(dict)
# bad cache plugin is not fatal error
self._fact_cache = FactCache()
except AnsibleError as e:
# fallback to a dict as in memory cache
self._fact_cache = {}
def __getstate__(self):
data = dict(
# inventory=self._inventory,
return data
def __setstate__(self, data):
self._fact_cache = data.get('fact_cache', defaultdict(dict))
self._nonpersistent_fact_cache = data.get('np_fact_cache', defaultdict(dict))
self._vars_cache = data.get('vars_cache', defaultdict(dict))
self._extra_vars = data.get('extra_vars', dict())
self._host_vars_files = data.get('host_vars_files', defaultdict(dict))
self._group_vars_files = data.get('group_vars_files', defaultdict(dict))
self._omit_token = data.get('omit_token', '__omit_place_holder__%s' % sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest())
self._inventory = data.get('inventory', None)
self._options_vars = data.get('options_vars', dict())
def _get_cache_entry(self, play=None, host=None, task=None):
play_id = "NONE"
if play:
play_id = play._uuid
host_id = "NONE"
if host:
host_id = host.get_name()
task_id = "NONE"
if task:
task_id = task._uuid
return "PLAY:%s;HOST:%s;TASK:%s" % (play_id, host_id, task_id)
def extra_vars(self):
''' ensures a clean copy of the extra_vars are made '''
return self._extra_vars.copy()
def extra_vars(self, value):
''' ensures a clean copy of the extra_vars are used to set the value '''
assert isinstance(value, MutableMapping)
self._extra_vars = value.copy()
def set_inventory(self, inventory):
self._inventory = inventory
def options_vars(self):
''' ensures a clean copy of the options_vars are made '''
return self._options_vars.copy()
def options_vars(self, value):
''' ensures a clean copy of the options_vars are used to set the value '''
assert isinstance(value, dict)
self._options_vars = value.copy()
def _preprocess_vars(self, a):
Ensures that vars contained in the parameter passed in are
returned as a list of dictionaries, to ensure for instance
that vars loaded from a file conform to an expected state.
if a is None:
return None
elif not isinstance(a, list):
data = [a]
data = a
for item in data:
if not isinstance(item, MutableMapping):
raise AnsibleError("variable files must contain either a dictionary of variables, or a list of dictionaries. Got: %s (%s)" % (a, type(a)))
return data
def get_vars(self, loader, play=None, host=None, task=None, include_hostvars=True, include_delegate_to=True, use_cache=True):
Returns the variables, with optional "context" given via the parameters
for the play, host, and task (which could possibly result in different
sets of variables being returned due to the additional context).
The order of precedence is:
- play->roles->get_default_vars (if there is a play context)
- group_vars_files[host] (if there is a host context)
- host_vars_files[host] (if there is a host context)
- host->get_vars (if there is a host context)
- fact_cache[host] (if there is a host context)
- play vars (if there is a play context)
- play vars_files (if there's no host context, ignore
file names that cannot be templated)
- task->get_vars (if there is a task context)
- vars_cache[host] (if there is a host context)
- extra vars
display.debug("in VariableManager get_vars()")
cache_entry = self._get_cache_entry(play=play, host=host, task=task)
if cache_entry in VARIABLE_CACHE and use_cache:
display.debug("vars are cached, returning them now")
return VARIABLE_CACHE[cache_entry]
all_vars = dict()
magic_variables = self._get_magic_variables(
if play:
# first we compile any vars specified in defaults/main.yml
# for all roles within the specified play
for role in play.get_roles():
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, role.get_default_vars())
# if we have a task in this context, and that task has a role, make
# sure it sees its defaults above any other roles, as we previously
# (v1) made sure each task had a copy of its roles default vars
if task and task._role is not None and (play or task.action == 'include_role'):
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task._role.get_default_vars(dep_chain=task.get_dep_chain()))
if host:
# first we merge in vars from groups specified in the inventory (INI or script)
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, host.get_group_vars())
# these are PLAY host/group vars, inventory adjacent ones have already been processed
# next, we load any vars from group_vars files and then any vars from host_vars
# files which may apply to this host or the groups it belongs to. We merge in the
# special 'all' group_vars first, if they exist
if 'all' in self._group_vars_files:
data = preprocess_vars(self._group_vars_files['all'])
for item in data:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item)
for group in sorted(host.get_groups(), key=lambda g: (g.depth, g.priority, g.name)):
if group.name in self._group_vars_files and group.name != 'all':
for data in self._group_vars_files[group.name]:
data = preprocess_vars(data)
for item in data:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item)
# then we merge in vars from the host specified in the inventory (INI or script)
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, host.get_vars())
# then we merge in the host_vars/<hostname> file, if it exists
host_name = host.get_name()
if host_name in self._host_vars_files:
for data in self._host_vars_files[host_name]:
data = preprocess_vars(data)
for item in data:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item)
# finally, the facts caches for this host, if it exists
host_facts = wrap_var(self._fact_cache.get(host.name, dict()))
# allow facts to polute main namespace
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, host_facts)
# always return namespaced facts
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, {'ansible_facts': host_facts})
except KeyError:
if play:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, play.get_vars())
for vars_file_item in play.get_vars_files():
# create a set of temporary vars here, which incorporate the extra
# and magic vars so we can properly template the vars_files entries
temp_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, self._extra_vars)
temp_vars = combine_vars(temp_vars, magic_variables)
templar = Templar(loader=loader, variables=temp_vars)
# we assume each item in the list is itself a list, as we
# support "conditional includes" for vars_files, which mimics
# the with_first_found mechanism.
vars_file_list = vars_file_item
if not isinstance(vars_file_list, list):
vars_file_list = [vars_file_list]
# now we iterate through the (potential) files, and break out
# as soon as we read one from the list. If none are found, we
# raise an error, which is silently ignored at this point.
for vars_file in vars_file_list:
vars_file = templar.template(vars_file)
data = preprocess_vars(loader.load_from_file(vars_file))
if data is not None:
for item in data:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item)
except AnsibleFileNotFound:
# we continue on loader failures
except AnsibleParserError:
# if include_delegate_to is set to False, we ignore the missing
# vars file here because we're working on a delegated host
if include_delegate_to:
raise AnsibleFileNotFound("vars file %s was not found" % vars_file_item)
except (UndefinedError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable):
if host is not None and self._fact_cache.get(host.name, dict()).get('module_setup') and task is not None:
raise AnsibleUndefinedVariable("an undefined variable was found when attempting to template the vars_files item '%s'" % vars_file_item,
# we do not have a full context here, and the missing variable could be
# because of that, so just show a warning and continue
display.vvv("skipping vars_file '%s' due to an undefined variable" % vars_file_item)
# By default, we now merge in all vars from all roles in the play,
# unless the user has disabled this via a config option
for role in play.get_roles():
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, role.get_vars(include_params=False))
# next, we merge in the vars from the role, which will specifically
# follow the role dependency chain, and then we merge in the tasks
# vars (which will look at parent blocks/task includes)
if task:
if task._role:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task._role.get_vars(task.get_dep_chain(), include_params=False))
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task.get_vars())
# next, we merge in the vars cache (include vars) and nonpersistent
# facts cache (set_fact/register), in that order
if host:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, self._vars_cache.get(host.get_name(), dict()))
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, self._nonpersistent_fact_cache.get(host.name, dict()))
# next, we merge in role params and task include params
if task:
if task._role:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task._role.get_role_params(task.get_dep_chain()))
# special case for include tasks, where the include params
# may be specified in the vars field for the task, which should
# have higher precedence than the vars/np facts above
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task.get_include_params())
# finally, we merge in extra vars and the magic variables
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, self._extra_vars)
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, magic_variables)
# special case for the 'environment' magic variable, as someone
# may have set it as a variable and we don't want to stomp on it
if task:
if 'environment' not in all_vars:
all_vars['environment'] = task.environment
display.warning("The variable 'environment' appears to be used already, which is also used internally for environment variables set on the "
"task/block/play. You should use a different variable name to avoid conflicts with this internal variable")
# if we have a task and we're delegating to another host, figure out the
# variables for that host now so we don't have to rely on hostvars later
if task and task.delegate_to is not None and include_delegate_to:
all_vars['ansible_delegated_vars'] = self._get_delegated_vars(loader, play, task, all_vars)
# VARIABLE_CACHE[cache_entry] = all_vars
if task or play:
all_vars['vars'] = all_vars.copy()
display.debug("done with get_vars()")
return all_vars
def invalidate_hostvars_cache(self, play):
hostvars_cache_entry = self._get_cache_entry(play=play)
if hostvars_cache_entry in HOSTVARS_CACHE:
del HOSTVARS_CACHE[hostvars_cache_entry]
def _get_magic_variables(self, loader, play, host, task, include_hostvars, include_delegate_to):
Returns a dictionary of so-called "magic" variables in Ansible,
which are special variables we set internally for use.
variables = dict()
variables['playbook_dir'] = loader.get_basedir()
variables['ansible_playbook_python'] = sys.executable
if host:
# host already provides some magic vars via host.get_vars()
if self._inventory:
variables['groups'] = self._inventory.get_group_dict()
if play:
variables['role_names'] = [r._role_name for r in play.roles]
if task:
if task._role:
variables['role_name'] = task._role.get_name()
variables['role_path'] = task._role._role_path
variables['role_uuid'] = text_type(task._role._uuid)
if self._inventory is not None:
variables['inventory_dir'] = self._inventory.basedir()
variables['inventory_file'] = self._inventory.src()
if play:
templar = Templar(loader=loader)
if templar.is_template(play.hosts):
pattern = 'all'
pattern = play.hosts or 'all'
# add the list of hosts in the play, as adjusted for limit/filters
variables['ansible_play_hosts_all'] = [x.name for x in self._inventory.get_hosts(pattern=pattern, ignore_restrictions=True)]
variables['ansible_play_hosts'] = [x for x in variables['ansible_play_hosts_all'] if x not in play._removed_hosts]
variables['ansible_play_batch'] = [x.name for x in self._inventory.get_hosts() if x.name not in play._removed_hosts]
# DEPRECATED: play_hosts should be deprecated in favor of ansible_play_batch,
# however this would take work in the templating engine, so for now we'll add both
variables['play_hosts'] = variables['ansible_play_batch']
# the 'omit' value alows params to be left out if the variable they are based on is undefined
variables['omit'] = self._omit_token
variables['ansible_version'] = CLI.version_info(gitinfo=False)
# Set options vars
for option, option_value in iteritems(self._options_vars):
variables[option] = option_value
if self._hostvars is not None and include_hostvars:
variables['hostvars'] = self._hostvars
return variables
def _get_delegated_vars(self, loader, play, task, existing_variables):
# we unfortunately need to template the delegate_to field here,
# as we're fetching vars before post_validate has been called on
# the task that has been passed in
vars_copy = existing_variables.copy()
templar = Templar(loader=loader, variables=vars_copy)
items = []
if task.loop is not None:
if task.loop in lookup_loader:
loop_terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms=task.loop_args, templar=templar, loader=loader, fail_on_undefined=True, convert_bare=False)
items = lookup_loader.get(task.loop, loader=loader, templar=templar).run(terms=loop_terms, variables=vars_copy)
except AnsibleUndefinedVariable:
# This task will be skipped later due to this, so we just setup
# a dummy array for the later code so it doesn't fail
items = [None]
raise AnsibleError("Unexpected failure in finding the lookup named '%s' in the available lookup plugins" % task.loop)
items = [None]
delegated_host_vars = dict()
for item in items:
# update the variables with the item value for templating, in case we need it
if item is not None:
vars_copy['item'] = item
delegated_host_name = templar.template(task.delegate_to, fail_on_undefined=False)
if delegated_host_name is None:
raise AnsibleError(message="Undefined delegate_to host for task:", obj=task._ds)
if delegated_host_name in delegated_host_vars:
# no need to repeat ourselves, as the delegate_to value
# does not appear to be tied to the loop item variable
# a dictionary of variables to use if we have to create a new host below
# we set the default port based on the default transport here, to make sure
# we use the proper default for windows
if C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT == 'winrm':
new_port = 5986
new_delegated_host_vars = dict(
# now try to find the delegated-to host in inventory, or failing that,
# create a new host on the fly so we can fetch variables for it
delegated_host = None
if self._inventory is not None:
delegated_host = self._inventory.get_host(delegated_host_name)
# try looking it up based on the address field, and finally
# fall back to creating a host on the fly to use for the var lookup
if delegated_host is None:
if delegated_host_name in C.LOCALHOST:
delegated_host = self._inventory.localhost
for h in self._inventory.get_hosts(ignore_limits=True, ignore_restrictions=True):
# check if the address matches, or if both the delegated_to host
# and the current host are in the list of localhost aliases
if h.address == delegated_host_name:
delegated_host = h
delegated_host = Host(name=delegated_host_name)
delegated_host = Host(name=delegated_host_name)
# now we go fetch the vars for the delegated-to host and save them in our
# master dictionary of variables to be used later in the TaskExecutor/PlayContext
delegated_host_vars[delegated_host_name] = self.get_vars(
return delegated_host_vars
def _get_inventory_basename(self, path):
Returns the basename minus the extension of the given path, so the
bare filename can be matched against host/group names later
(name, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))
if ext not in ('.yml', '.yaml'):
return os.path.basename(path)
return name
def _load_inventory_file(self, path, loader, filter_ext=False):
helper function, which loads the file and gets the
basename of the file without the extension
if loader.is_directory(path):
data = dict()
names = loader.list_directory(path)
except os.error as err:
raise AnsibleError("This folder cannot be listed: %s: %s." % (path, err.strerror))
# evaluate files in a stable order rather than whatever
# order the filesystem lists them.
# do not parse hidden files or dirs, e.g. .svn/
paths = [os.path.join(path, name) for name in names if not (name.startswith('.') or name.endswith('~'))]
for p in paths:
results = self._load_inventory_file(path=p, loader=loader, filter_ext=True)
if results is not None:
data = combine_vars(data, results)
file_name, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
data = None
if not filter_ext or ext in C.YAML_FILENAME_EXTENSIONS:
if loader.path_exists(path):
data = loader.load_from_file(path)
# try appending yaml extenstion to find valid files
# avoid empty extensions otherwise all files would be tried
for test_ext in (ext for ext in C.YAML_FILENAME_EXTENSIONS if ext):
new_path = path + test_ext
if loader.path_exists(new_path):
data = loader.load_from_file(new_path)
rval = AnsibleInventoryVarsData()
rval.path = path
if data is not None:
if not isinstance(data, dict):
raise AnsibleError("Problem parsing file '%s': line %d, column %d" % data.ansible_pos)
return rval
def add_host_vars_file(self, path, loader):
Loads and caches a host_vars file in the _host_vars_files dict,
where the key to that dictionary is the basename of the file, minus
the extension, for matching against a given inventory host name
name = self._get_inventory_basename(path)
if name not in self._host_vars_files:
self._host_vars_files[name] = []
for entry in self._host_vars_files[name]:
if entry.path == path:
data = entry
data = self._load_inventory_file(path, loader)
if data:
return data
def add_group_vars_file(self, path, loader):
Loads and caches a host_vars file in the _host_vars_files dict,
where the key to that dictionary is the basename of the file, minus
the extension, for matching against a given inventory host name
name = self._get_inventory_basename(path)
if name not in self._group_vars_files:
self._group_vars_files[name] = []
for entry in self._group_vars_files[name]:
if entry.path == path:
data = entry
data = self._load_inventory_file(path, loader)
if data:
return data
def clear_playbook_hostgroup_vars_files(self, path):
for f in self._host_vars_files.keys():
keepers = []
for entry in self._host_vars_files[f]:
if os.path.dirname(entry.path) != os.path.join(path, 'host_vars'):
self._host_vars_files[f] = keepers
for f in self._group_vars_files.keys():
keepers = []
for entry in self._group_vars_files[f]:
if os.path.dirname(entry.path) != os.path.join(path, 'group_vars'):
self._group_vars_files[f] = keepers
def clear_facts(self, hostname):
Clears the facts for a host
if hostname in self._fact_cache:
del self._fact_cache[hostname]
def set_host_facts(self, host, facts):
Sets or updates the given facts for a host in the fact cache.
assert isinstance(facts, dict)
if host.name not in self._fact_cache:
self._fact_cache[host.name] = facts
self._fact_cache.update(host.name, facts)
except KeyError:
self._fact_cache[host.name] = facts
def set_nonpersistent_facts(self, host, facts):
Sets or updates the given facts for a host in the fact cache.
assert isinstance(facts, dict)
if host.name not in self._nonpersistent_fact_cache:
self._nonpersistent_fact_cache[host.name] = facts
except KeyError:
self._nonpersistent_fact_cache[host.name] = facts
def set_host_variable(self, host, varname, value):
Sets a value in the vars_cache for a host.
host_name = host.get_name()
if host_name not in self._vars_cache:
self._vars_cache[host_name] = dict()
if varname in self._vars_cache[host_name] and isinstance(self._vars_cache[host_name][varname], MutableMapping) and isinstance(value, MutableMapping):
self._vars_cache[host_name] = combine_vars(self._vars_cache[host_name], {varname: value})
self._vars_cache[host_name][varname] = value
@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
import sys
from collections import defaultdict, MutableMapping
from hashlib import sha1
except ImportError:
from sha import sha as sha1
from jinja2.exceptions import UndefinedError
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable, AnsibleFileNotFound
from ansible.inventory.host import Host
from ansible.inventory.helpers import sort_groups, get_group_vars
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems, string_types, text_type
from ansible.plugins import lookup_loader, vars_loader
from ansible.plugins.cache import FactCache
from ansible.template import Templar
from ansible.utils.listify import listify_lookup_plugin_terms
from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars
from ansible.utils.unsafe_proxy import wrap_var
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
def preprocess_vars(a):
Ensures that vars contained in the parameter passed in are
returned as a list of dictionaries, to ensure for instance
that vars loaded from a file conform to an expected state.
if a is None:
return None
elif not isinstance(a, list):
data = [ a ]
data = a
for item in data:
if not isinstance(item, MutableMapping):
raise AnsibleError("variable files must contain either a dictionary of variables, or a list of dictionaries. Got: %s (%s)" % (a, type(a)))
return data
def strip_internal_keys(dirty):
All keys stating with _ansible_ are internal, so create a copy of the 'dirty' dict
and remove them from the clean one before returning it
clean = dirty.copy()
for k in dirty.keys():
if isinstance(k, string_types) and k.startswith('_ansible_'):
del clean[k]
elif isinstance(dirty[k], dict):
clean[k] = strip_internal_keys(dirty[k])
return clean
class VariableManager:
def __init__(self, loader=None, inventory=None):
self._nonpersistent_fact_cache = defaultdict(dict)
self._vars_cache = defaultdict(dict)
self._extra_vars = defaultdict(dict)
self._host_vars_files = defaultdict(dict)
self._group_vars_files = defaultdict(dict)
self._inventory = inventory
self._loader = loader
self._hostvars = None
self._omit_token = '__omit_place_holder__%s' % sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest()
self._options_vars = defaultdict(dict)
# bad cache plugin is not fatal error
self._fact_cache = FactCache()
except AnsibleError as e:
# fallback to a dict as in memory cache
self._fact_cache = {}
def __getstate__(self):
data = dict(
fact_cache = self._fact_cache,
np_fact_cache = self._nonpersistent_fact_cache,
vars_cache = self._vars_cache,
extra_vars = self._extra_vars,
host_vars_files = self._host_vars_files,
group_vars_files = self._group_vars_files,
omit_token = self._omit_token,
options_vars = self._options_vars,
inventory = self._inventory,
return data
def __setstate__(self, data):
self._fact_cache = data.get('fact_cache', defaultdict(dict))
self._nonpersistent_fact_cache = data.get('np_fact_cache', defaultdict(dict))
self._vars_cache = data.get('vars_cache', defaultdict(dict))
self._extra_vars = data.get('extra_vars', dict())
self._host_vars_files = data.get('host_vars_files', defaultdict(dict))
self._group_vars_files = data.get('group_vars_files', defaultdict(dict))
self._omit_token = data.get('omit_token', '__omit_place_holder__%s' % sha1(os.urandom(64)).hexdigest())
self._inventory = data.get('inventory', None)
self._options_vars = data.get('options_vars', dict())
def extra_vars(self):
''' ensures a clean copy of the extra_vars are made '''
return self._extra_vars.copy()
def extra_vars(self, value):
''' ensures a clean copy of the extra_vars are used to set the value '''
assert isinstance(value, MutableMapping)
self._extra_vars = value.copy()
def set_inventory(self, inventory):
self._inventory = inventory
def options_vars(self):
''' ensures a clean copy of the options_vars are made '''
return self._options_vars.copy()
def options_vars(self, value):
''' ensures a clean copy of the options_vars are used to set the value '''
assert isinstance(value, dict)
self._options_vars = value.copy()
def _preprocess_vars(self, a):
Ensures that vars contained in the parameter passed in are
returned as a list of dictionaries, to ensure for instance
that vars loaded from a file conform to an expected state.
if a is None:
return None
elif not isinstance(a, list):
data = [ a ]
data = a
for item in data:
if not isinstance(item, MutableMapping):
raise AnsibleError("variable files must contain either a dictionary of variables, or a list of dictionaries. Got: %s (%s)" % (a, type(a)))
return data
def get_vars(self, play=None, host=None, task=None, include_hostvars=True, include_delegate_to=True, use_cache=True):
Returns the variables, with optional "context" given via the parameters
for the play, host, and task (which could possibly result in different
sets of variables being returned due to the additional context).
The order of precedence is:
- play->roles->get_default_vars (if there is a play context)
- group_vars_files[host] (if there is a host context)
- host_vars_files[host] (if there is a host context)
- host->get_vars (if there is a host context)
- fact_cache[host] (if there is a host context)
- play vars (if there is a play context)
- play vars_files (if there's no host context, ignore
file names that cannot be templated)
- task->get_vars (if there is a task context)
- vars_cache[host] (if there is a host context)
- extra vars
display.debug("in VariableManager get_vars()")
all_vars = dict()
magic_variables = self._get_magic_variables(
if play:
# first we compile any vars specified in defaults/main.yml
# for all roles within the specified play
for role in play.get_roles():
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, role.get_default_vars())
# if we have a task in this context, and that task has a role, make
# sure it sees its defaults above any other roles, as we previously
# (v1) made sure each task had a copy of its roles default vars
if task and task._role is not None and (play or task.action == 'include_role'):
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task._role.get_default_vars(dep_chain=task.get_dep_chain()))
if host:
### INIT WORK (use unsafe as we are going to copy/merge vars, no need to x2 copy)
# basedir, THE 'all' group and the rest of groups for a host, used below
basedir = self._loader.get_basedir()
all_group = self._inventory.groups.get('all')
host_groups = sort_groups([g for g in host.get_groups() if g.name not in ['all']])
### internal fuctions that actually do the work ###
def _plugins_inventory(entities):
''' merges all entities by inventory source '''
data = {}
for inventory_dir in self._inventory._sources:
if ',' in inventory_dir: # skip host lists
elif not os.path.isdir(inventory_dir): # always pass 'inventory directory'
inventory_dir = os.path.dirname(inventory_dir)
for plugin in vars_loader.all():
data = combine_vars(data, plugin.get_vars(self._loader, inventory_dir, entities))
return data
def _plugins_play(entities):
''' merges all entities adjacent to play '''
data = {}
for plugin in vars_loader.all():
data = combine_vars(data, plugin.get_vars(self._loader, basedir, entities))
return data
### configurable functions that are sortable via config ###
def all_inventory():
return all_group.get_vars()
def all_plugins_inventory():
return _plugins_inventory([all_group])
def all_plugins_play():
return _plugins_play([all_group])
def groups_inventory():
''' gets group vars from inventory '''
return get_group_vars(host_groups)
def groups_plugins_inventory():
''' gets plugin sources from inventory for groups '''
return _plugins_inventory(host_groups)
def groups_plugins_play():
''' gets plugin sources from play for groups '''
return _plugins_play(host_groups)
def plugins_by_groups():
merges all plugin sources by group,
This should be used instead, NOT in combination with the other groups_plugins* functions
data = {}
for group in host_groups:
data[group] = combine_vars(data[group], _plugins_inventory(group))
data[group] = combine_vars(data[group], _plugins_play(group))
return data
# Merge as per precedence config
# only allow to call the functions we want exposed
if entry.startswith('_') or '.' in entry:
display.debug('Calling %s to load vars for %s' % (entry, host.name))
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, locals()[entry]())
# host vars, from inventory, inventory adjacent and play adjacent via plugins
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, host.get_vars())
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, _plugins_inventory([host]))
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, _plugins_play([host]))
# finally, the facts caches for this host, if it exists
host_facts = wrap_var(self._fact_cache.get(host.name, dict()))
# allow facts to polute main namespace
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, host_facts)
# always return namespaced facts
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, {'ansible_facts': host_facts})
except KeyError:
if play:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, play.get_vars())
for vars_file_item in play.get_vars_files():
# create a set of temporary vars here, which incorporate the extra
# and magic vars so we can properly template the vars_files entries
temp_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, self._extra_vars)
temp_vars = combine_vars(temp_vars, magic_variables)
templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=temp_vars)
# we assume each item in the list is itself a list, as we
# support "conditional includes" for vars_files, which mimics
# the with_first_found mechanism.
vars_file_list = vars_file_item
if not isinstance(vars_file_list, list):
vars_file_list = [vars_file_list]
# now we iterate through the (potential) files, and break out
# as soon as we read one from the list. If none are found, we
# raise an error, which is silently ignored at this point.
for vars_file in vars_file_list:
vars_file = templar.template(vars_file)
data = preprocess_vars(self._loader.load_from_file(vars_file, unsafe=True))
if data is not None:
for item in data:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, item)
except AnsibleFileNotFound:
# we continue on loader failures
except AnsibleParserError:
# if include_delegate_to is set to False, we ignore the missing
# vars file here because we're working on a delegated host
if include_delegate_to:
raise AnsibleFileNotFound("vars file %s was not found" % vars_file_item)
except (UndefinedError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable):
if host is not None and self._fact_cache.get(host.name, dict()).get('module_setup') and task is not None:
raise AnsibleUndefinedVariable("an undefined variable was found when attempting to template the vars_files item '%s'" % vars_file_item,
# we do not have a full context here, and the missing variable could be
# because of that, so just show a warning and continue
display.vvv("skipping vars_file '%s' due to an undefined variable" % vars_file_item)
# By default, we now merge in all vars from all roles in the play,
# unless the user has disabled this via a config option
for role in play.get_roles():
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, role.get_vars(include_params=False))
# next, we merge in the vars from the role, which will specifically
# follow the role dependency chain, and then we merge in the tasks
# vars (which will look at parent blocks/task includes)
if task:
if task._role:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task._role.get_vars(task.get_dep_chain(), include_params=False))
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task.get_vars())
# next, we merge in the vars cache (include vars) and nonpersistent
# facts cache (set_fact/register), in that order
if host:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, self._vars_cache.get(host.get_name(), dict()))
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, self._nonpersistent_fact_cache.get(host.name, dict()))
# next, we merge in role params and task include params
if task:
if task._role:
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task._role.get_role_params(task.get_dep_chain()))
# special case for include tasks, where the include params
# may be specified in the vars field for the task, which should
# have higher precedence than the vars/np facts above
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task.get_include_params())
# extra vars
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, self._extra_vars)
# magic variables
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, magic_variables)
# special case for the 'environment' magic variable, as someone
# may have set it as a variable and we don't want to stomp on it
if task:
all_vars['environment'] = task.environment
# if we have a task and we're delegating to another host, figure out the
# variables for that host now so we don't have to rely on hostvars later
if task and task.delegate_to is not None and include_delegate_to:
all_vars['ansible_delegated_vars'] = self._get_delegated_vars(play, task, all_vars)
# 'vars' magic var
if task or play:
# has to be copy, otherwise recursive ref
all_vars['vars'] = all_vars.copy()
display.debug("done with get_vars()")
return all_vars
def _get_magic_variables(self, play, host, task, include_hostvars, include_delegate_to):
Returns a dictionary of so-called "magic" variables in Ansible,
which are special variables we set internally for use.
variables = {}
variables['playbook_dir'] = os.path.abspath(self._loader.get_basedir())
variables['ansible_playbook_python'] = sys.executable
if host:
# host already provides some magic vars via host.get_vars()
if self._inventory:
variables['groups'] = self._inventory.get_groups_dict()
if play:
variables['role_names'] = [r._role_name for r in play.roles]
if task:
if task._role:
variables['role_name'] = task._role.get_name()
variables['role_path'] = task._role._role_path
variables['role_uuid'] = text_type(task._role._uuid)
if self._inventory is not None:
if play:
templar = Templar(loader=self._loader)
if templar.is_template(play.hosts):
pattern = 'all'
pattern = play.hosts or 'all'
# add the list of hosts in the play, as adjusted for limit/filters
variables['ansible_play_hosts_all'] = [x.name for x in self._inventory.get_hosts(pattern=pattern, ignore_restrictions=True)]
variables['ansible_play_hosts'] = [x for x in variables['ansible_play_hosts_all'] if x not in play._removed_hosts]
variables['ansible_play_batch'] = [x.name for x in self._inventory.get_hosts() if x.name not in play._removed_hosts]
# DEPRECATED: play_hosts should be deprecated in favor of ansible_play_batch,
# however this would take work in the templating engine, so for now we'll add both
variables['play_hosts'] = variables['ansible_play_batch']
# the 'omit' value alows params to be left out if the variable they are based on is undefined
variables['omit'] = self._omit_token
# Set options vars
for option, option_value in iteritems(self._options_vars):
variables[option] = option_value
if self._hostvars is not None and include_hostvars:
variables['hostvars'] = self._hostvars
return variables
def _get_delegated_vars(self, play, task, existing_variables):
# we unfortunately need to template the delegate_to field here,
# as we're fetching vars before post_validate has been called on
# the task that has been passed in
vars_copy = existing_variables.copy()
templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=vars_copy)
items = []
if task.loop is not None:
if task.loop in lookup_loader:
loop_terms = listify_lookup_plugin_terms(terms=task.loop_args, templar=templar,
loader=self._loader, fail_on_undefined=True, convert_bare=False)
items = lookup_loader.get(task.loop, loader=self._loader, templar=templar).run(terms=loop_terms, variables=vars_copy)
except AnsibleUndefinedVariable:
# This task will be skipped later due to this, so we just setup
# a dummy array for the later code so it doesn't fail
items = [None]
raise AnsibleError("Unexpected failure in finding the lookup named '%s' in the available lookup plugins" % task.loop)
items = [None]
delegated_host_vars = dict()
for item in items:
# update the variables with the item value for templating, in case we need it
if item is not None:
vars_copy['item'] = item
delegated_host_name = templar.template(task.delegate_to, fail_on_undefined=False)
if delegated_host_name is None:
raise AnsibleError(message="Undefined delegate_to host for task:", obj=task._ds)
if delegated_host_name in delegated_host_vars:
# no need to repeat ourselves, as the delegate_to value
# does not appear to be tied to the loop item variable
# a dictionary of variables to use if we have to create a new host below
# we set the default port based on the default transport here, to make sure
# we use the proper default for windows
if C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT == 'winrm':
new_port = 5986
new_delegated_host_vars = dict(
# now try to find the delegated-to host in inventory, or failing that,
# create a new host on the fly so we can fetch variables for it
delegated_host = None
if self._inventory is not None:
delegated_host = self._inventory.get_host(delegated_host_name)
# try looking it up based on the address field, and finally
# fall back to creating a host on the fly to use for the var lookup
if delegated_host is None:
if delegated_host_name in C.LOCALHOST:
delegated_host = self._inventory.localhost
for h in self._inventory.get_hosts(ignore_limits=True, ignore_restrictions=True):
# check if the address matches, or if both the delegated_to host
# and the current host are in the list of localhost aliases
if h.address == delegated_host_name:
delegated_host = h
delegated_host = Host(name=delegated_host_name)
delegated_host.vars = combine_vars(delegated_host.vars, new_delegated_host_vars)
delegated_host = Host(name=delegated_host_name)
delegated_host.vars = combine_vars(delegated_host.vars, new_delegated_host_vars)
# now we go fetch the vars for the delegated-to host and save them in our
# master dictionary of variables to be used later in the TaskExecutor/PlayContext
delegated_host_vars[delegated_host_name] = self.get_vars(
return delegated_host_vars
def clear_facts(self, hostname):
Clears the facts for a host
if hostname in self._fact_cache:
del self._fact_cache[hostname]
def set_host_facts(self, host, facts):
Sets or updates the given facts for a host in the fact cache.
assert isinstance(facts, dict)
if host.name not in self._fact_cache:
self._fact_cache[host.name] = facts
self._fact_cache.update(host.name, facts)
except KeyError:
self._fact_cache[host.name] = facts
def set_nonpersistent_facts(self, host, facts):
Sets or updates the given facts for a host in the fact cache.
assert isinstance(facts, dict)
if host.name not in self._nonpersistent_fact_cache:
self._nonpersistent_fact_cache[host.name] = facts
except KeyError:
self._nonpersistent_fact_cache[host.name] = facts
def set_host_variable(self, host, varname, value):
Sets a value in the vars_cache for a host.
host_name = host.get_name()
if host_name not in self._vars_cache:
self._vars_cache[host_name] = dict()
if varname in self._vars_cache[host_name] and isinstance(self._vars_cache[host_name][varname], MutableMapping) and isinstance(value, MutableMapping):
self._vars_cache[host_name] = combine_vars(self._vars_cache[host_name], {varname: value})
self._vars_cache[host_name][varname] = value
Reference in New Issue