@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ author: Dag Wieers
module: hpilo_boot
short_description: Boot system using specific media through HP iLO interface
- This module boots a system through its HP iLO interface. The boot media
can be one of: cdrom, floppy, hdd, network or usb.
- 'This module boots a system through its HP iLO interface. The boot media
can be one of: cdrom, floppy, hdd, network or usb.'
- This module requires the hpilo python module.
version_added: "0.8"
@ -57,20 +57,20 @@ options:
choices: [ "cdrom", "floppy", "hdd", "network", "normal", "usb" ]
- The URL of a cdrom, floppy or usb boot media image.
- "The URL of a cdrom, floppy or usb boot media image.
- protocol is either C(http) or C(https)
- username:password is optional
- "username:password is optional"
- port is optional
required: false
- The state of the boot media.
- no_boot: Do not boot from the device
- boot_once: Boot from the device once and then notthereafter
- boot_always: Boot from the device each time the serveris rebooted
- connect: Connect the virtual media device and set to boot_always
- disconnect: Disconnects the virtual media device and set to no_boot
- "no_boot: Do not boot from the device"
- "boot_once: Boot from the device once and then notthereafter"
- "boot_always: Boot from the device each time the serveris rebooted"
- "connect: Connect the virtual media device and set to boot_always"
- "disconnect: Disconnects the virtual media device and set to no_boot"
required: true
default: boot_once
choices: [ "boot_always", "boot_once", "connect", "disconnect", "no_boot" ]