Core module program flow and glossary (#15355)

* Reformat glossary as a sphinx glossary so that :term: will work.

* Add a document decribing program flow for executing modules

* Feedback from @docschick

* More feedback from docschick for the Program Flow: Modules doc

* Changes to address docschick's feedback on the glossary

* Add note section for async plugin

* make singular
Toshio Kuratomi 9 years ago
parent 40d0bb7aef
commit 8d60b298a4

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Learn how to build modules of your own in any language, and also how to extend A

@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
.. _flow_modules:
This in-depth dive helps you understand Ansible's program flow to execute
modules. It is written for people working on the portions of the Core Ansible
Engine that execute a module. Those writing Ansible Modules may also find this
in-depth dive to be of interest, but individuals simply using Ansible Modules
will not likely find this to be helpful.
.. _flow_types_of_modules:
Types of Modules
Ansible supports several different types of modules in its code base. Some of
these are for backwards compatibility and others are to enable flexibility.
.. _flow_action_plugins:
Action Plugins
Action Plugins look like modules to end users who are writing :term:`playbooks` but
they're distinct entities for the purposes of this paper. Action Plugins
always execute on the controller and are sometimes able to do all work there
(for instance, the debug Action Plugin which prints some text for the user to
see or the assert Action Plugin which can test whether several values in
a playbook satisfy certain criteria.)
More often, Action Plugins set up some values on the controller, then invoke an
actual module on the managed node that does something with these values. An
easy to understand version of this is the :ref:`template Action Plugin
<template>`. The :ref:`template Action Plugin <template>` takes values from
the user to construct a file in a temporary location on the controller using
variables from the playbook environment. It then transfers the temporary file
to a temporary file on the remote system. After that, it invokes the
:ref:`copy module <copy>` which operates on the remote system to move the file
into its final location, sets file permissions, and so on.
.. _flow_new_style_modules:
New-style Modules
All of the modules that ship with Ansible fall into this category.
New-style modules have the arguments to the module embedded inside of them in
some manner. Non-new-style modules must copy a separate file over to the
managed node, which is less efficient as it requires two over-the-wire
connections instead of only one.
.. _flow_python_modules:
New-style Python modules use the :ref:`ziploader` framework for constructing
modules. All official modules (shipped with Ansible) use either this or the
:ref:`powershell module framework <flow_powershell_modules>`.
These modules use imports from :code:`ansible.module_utils` in order to pull in
boilerplate module code, such as argument parsing, formatting of return
values as :term:`JSON`, and various file operations.
.. note:: In Ansible, up to version 2.0.x, the official Python modules used the
:ref:`module_replacer` framework. For module authors, :ref:`ziploader` is
largely a superset of :ref:`module_replacer` functionality, so you usually
do not need to know about one versus the other.
.. _flow_powershell_modules:
New-style powershell modules use the :ref:`module_replacer` framework for
constructing modules. These modules get a library of powershell code embedded
in them before being sent to the managed node.
.. _flow_josnargs_modules:
Scripts can arrange for an argument string to be placed within them by placing
the string ``<<INCLUDE_ANSIBLE_MODULE_JSON_ARGS>>`` somewhere inside of the
file. The module typically sets a variable to that value like this::
json_arguments = """<<INCLUDE_ANSIBLE_MODULE_JSON_ARGS>>"""
Which is expanded as::
json_arguments = """{"param1": "test's quotes", "param2": "\"To be or not to be\" - Hamlet"}"""
.. note:: Ansible outputs a :term:`JSON` string with bare quotes. Double quotes are
used to quote string values, double quotes inside of string values are
backslash escaped, and single quotes may appear unescaped inside of
a string value. To use JSONARGS, your scripting language must have a way
to handle this type of string. The example uses Python's triple quoted
strings to do this. Other scripting languages may have a similar quote
character that won't be confused by any quotes in the JSON or it may
allow you to define your own start-of-quote and end-of-quote characters.
If the language doesn't give you any of these then you'll need to write
a :ref:`non-native JSON module <flow_want_json_modules>` or
:ref:`Old-style module <flow_old_style_modules>` instead.
The module typically parses the contents of ``json_arguments`` using a JSON
library and then use them as native variables throughout the rest of its code.
.. _flow_want_json_modules:
Non-native want JSON modules
If a module has the string ``WANT_JSON`` in it anywhere, Ansible treats
it as a non-native module that accepts a filename as its only command line
parameter. The filename is for a temporary file containing a :term:`JSON`
string containing the module's parameters. The module needs to open the file,
read and parse the parameters, operate on the data, and print its return data
as a JSON encoded dictionary to stdout before exiting.
These types of modules are self-contained entities. As of Ansible 2.1, Ansible
only modifies them to change a shebang line if present.
.. seealso:: Examples of Non-native modules written in ruby are in the `Ansible
for Rubyists <>`_ repository.
.. _flow_old_style_modules:
Old-style Modules
Old-style modules are similar to
:ref:`want JSON modules <flow_want_json_modules>`, except that the file that
they take contains ``key=value`` pairs for their parameters instead of
Ansible decides that a module is old-style when it doesn't have any of the
markers that would show that it is one of the other types.
.. _flow_how_modules_are_executed:
How modules are executed
When a user uses :program:`ansible` or :program:`ansible-playbook`, they
specify a task to execute. The task is usually the name of a module along
with several parameters to be passed to the module. Ansible takes these
values and processes them in various ways before they are finally executed on
the remote machine.
.. _flow_executor_task_executor:
The TaskExecutor receives the module name and parameters that were parsed from
the :term:`playbook <playbooks>` (or from the command line in the case of
:command:`/usr/bin/ansible`). It uses the name to decide whether it's looking
at a module or an :ref:`Action Plugin <flow_action_plugins>`. If it's
a module, it loads the :ref:`Normal Action Plugin <flow_normal_action_plugin>`
and passes the name, variables, and other information about the task and play
to that Action Plugin for further processing.
.. _flow_normal_action_plugin:
Normal Action Plugin
The ``normal`` Action Plugin executes the module on the remote host. It is
the primary coordinator of much of the work to actually execute the module on
the managed machine.
* It takes care of creating a connection to the managed machine by
instantiating a Connection class according to the inventory configuration for
that host.
* It adds any internal Ansible variables to the module's parameters (for
instance, the ones that pass along ``no_log`` to the module).
* It takes care of creating any temporary files on the remote machine and
cleans up afterwards.
* It does the actual work of pushing the module and module parameters to the
remote host, although the :ref:`module_common <flow_executor_module_common>`
code described next does the work of deciding which format those will take.
* It handles any special cases regarding modules (for instance, various
complications around Windows modules that must have the same names as Python
modules, so that internal calling of modules from other Action Plugins work.)
Much of this functionality comes from the :class:`BaseAction` class,
which lives in :file:`plugins/action/`. It makes use of Connection
and Shell objects to do its work.
.. note::
When :term:`tasks <tasks>` are run with the ``async:`` parameter, Ansible
uses the ``async`` Action Plugin instead of the ``normal`` Action Plugin
to invoke it. That program flow is currently not documented. Read the
source for information on how that works.
.. _flow_executor_module_common:
Code in :file:`executor/` takes care of assembling the module
to be shipped to the managed node. The module is first read in, then examined
to determine its type. :ref:`PowerShell <flow_powershell_modules>` and
:ref:`JSON-args modules <flow_jsonargs_modules>` are passed through
:ref:`Module Replacer <module_replacer>`. New-style
:ref:`Python modules <flow_python_modules>` are assembled by :ref:`ziploader`.
:ref:`Non-native-want-JSON <flow_want_json_modules>` and
:ref:`Old-Style modules <flow_old_style_modules>` aren't touched by either of
these and pass through unchanged. After the assembling step, one final
modification is made to all modules that have a shebang line. Ansible checks
whether the interpreter in the shebang line has a specific path configured via
an ``ansible_$X_interpreter`` inventory variable. If it does, Ansible
substitutes that path for the interpreter path given in the module. After
this Ansible returns the complete module data and the module type to the
:ref:`Normal Action <_flow_normal_action_plugin>` which continues execution of
the module.
Next we'll go into some details of the two assembler frameworks.
.. _module_replacer:
Module Replacer
The Module Replacer is essentially a preprocessor (like the C Preprocessor for
those familiar with that language). It does straight substitutions of
specific substring patterns in the module file. There are two types of
* Replacements that only happen in the module file. These are public
replacement strings that modules can utilize to get helpful boilerplate or
access to arguments.
- :code:`from ansible.module_utils.MOD_LIB_NAME import *` is replaced with the
contents of the :file:`ansible/module_utils/` These should
only be used with :ref:`new-style Python modules <flow_python_modules>`.
- :code:`#<<INCLUDE_ANSIBLE_MODULE_COMMON>>` is equivalent to
:code:`from ansible.module_utils.basic import *` and should also only apply
to new-style Python modules.
- :code:`# POWERSHELL_COMMON` substitutes the contents of
:file:`ansible/module_utils/powershell.ps1`. It should only be used with
:ref:`new-style Powershell modules <flow_powershell_modules>`.
* Replacements that are used by ``ansible.module_utils`` code. These are internal
replacement patterns. They may be used internally, in the above public
replacements, but shouldn't be used directly by modules.
- :code:`"<<ANSIBLE_VERSION>>"` is substituted with the Ansible version. In
a new-style Python module, it's better to use ``from ansible import
__version__`` and then use ``__version__`` instead.
- :code:`"<<INCLUDE_ANSIBLE_MODULE_COMPLEX_ARGS>>"` is substituted with
a string which is the Python ``repr`` of the :term:`JSON` encoded module
parameters. Using ``repr`` on the JSON string makes it safe to embed in
a Python file. In :ref:`new-style Python modules <flow_python_modules>`
under :ref:`ziploader` this is passed in via an environment variable
- :code:`<<SELINUX_SPECIAL_FILESYSTEMS>>` substitutes a string which is
a comma separated list of file systems which have a file system dependent
security context in SELinux. In new-style Python modules, this is found
by looking up ``SELINUX_SPECIAL_FS`` from the
:envvar:`ANSIBLE_MODULE_CONSTANTS` environment variable. See the
:ref:`ziploader` documentation for details.
- :code:`<<INCLUDE_ANSIBLE_MODULE_JSON_ARGS>>` substitutes the module
parameters as a JSON string. Care must be taken to properly quote the
string as JSON data may contain quotes. This pattern is not substituted
in new-style Python modules as they can get the module parameters via the
environment variable.
- the string :code:`syslog.LOG_USER` is replaced wherever it occurs with the
value of ``syslog_facility`` from the :file:`ansible.cfg` or any
``ansible_syslog_facility`` inventory variable that applies to this host. In
new-style Python modules, you can get the value of the ``syslog_facility``
by looking up ``SYSLOG_FACILITY`` in the :envvar:`ANSIBLE_MODULE_CONSTANTS`
environment variable. See the :ref:`ziploader` documentation for details.
.. _ziploader:
Ziploader differs from :ref:`module_replacer` in that it uses real Python
imports of things in module_utils instead of merely preprocessing the module.
It does this by constructing a zipfile--which includes the module file, files
in :file:`ansible/module_utils` that are imported by the module, and some
boilerplate to pass in the constants. The zipfile is then Base64 encoded and
wrapped in a small Python script which unzips the file on the managed node and
then invokes Python on the file. (Ansible wraps the zipfile in the Python
script so that pipelining will work.)
In ziploader, any imports of Python modules from the ``ansible.module_utils``
package trigger inclusion of that Python file into the zipfile. Instances of
:code:`#<<INCLUDE_ANSIBLE_MODULE_COMMON>>` in the module are turned into
:code:`from ansible.module_utils.basic import *` and
:file:`ansible/module-utils/` is then included in the zipfile. Files
that are included from module_utils are themselves scanned for imports of other
Python modules from module_utils to be included in the zipfile as well.
.. warning::
At present, there are two caveats to how ziploader determines other files
to import:
* Ziploader cannot determine whether an import should be included if it is
a relative import. Always use an absolute import that has
``ansible.module_utils`` in it to allow ziploader to determine that the
file should be included.
* Ziploader does not include Python packages (directories with
:file:``` in them). Ziploader only works on :file:`*.py`
files that are directly in the :file:`ansible/module_utils` directory.
.. _flow_passing_module_args:
Passing args
In :ref:`module_replacer`, module arguments are turned into a JSON-ified
string and substituted into the combined module file. In :ref:`ziploader`,
the JSON-ified string is placed in the the :envvar:`ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS`
environment variable. When :code:`ansible.module_utils.basic` is imported,
it places this string in the global variable
``ansible.module_utils.basic.MODULE_COMPLEX_ARGS`` and removes it from the
environment. Modules should not access this variable directly. Instead, they
should instantiate an :class:`AnsibleModule()` and use
:meth:`AnsibleModule.params` to access the parsed version of the arguments.
.. _flow_passing_module_constants:
Passing constants
Currently, there are three constants passed from the controller to the modules:
:ref:`module_replacer`, ``ANSIBLE_VERSION`` and ``SELINUX_SPECIAL_FS`` were
substituted into the global variables
:code:`ansible.module_utils.basic.ANSIBLE_VERSION` and
:code:`ansible.module_utils.basic.SELINUX_SPECIAL_FS`. ``SYSLOG_FACILITY`` didn't
get placed into a variable. Instead, any occurrences of the string
``syslog.LOG_USER`` in the combined module file were replaced with ``syslog.``
followed by the string contained in ``SYSLOG_FACILITY``. All of these have
changed in :ref:`ziploader`.
The Ansible verison can now be used by a module by importing ``__version__``
from ansible::
from ansible import __version__
module.exit_json({'msg': 'module invoked by ansible %s' % __version__})
For now, :code:`ANSIBLE_VERSION` is also available at its old location inside of
``ansible.module_utils.basic``, but that will eventually be removed.
``SELINUX_SPECIAL_FS`` and ``SYSLOG_FACILITY`` have changed much more.
:ref:`ziploader` passes these as another JSON-ified string inside of the
:envvar:`ANSIBLE_MODULE_CONSTANTS` environment variable. When
``ansible.module_utils.basic`` is imported, it places this string in the global
variable :code:`ansible.module_utils.basic.MODULE_CONSTANTS` and removes it from
the environment. The constants are parsed when an :class:`AnsibleModule` is
instantiated. Modules shouldn't access any of those directly. Instead, they
should instantiate an :class:`AnsibleModule` and use
:attr:`AnsibleModule.constants` to access the parsed version of these values.
Unlike the ``ANSIBLE_ARGS`` and ``ANSIBLE_VERSION``, where some efforts were
made to keep the old backwards compatible globals available, these two
constants are not available at their old names. This is a combination of the
degree to which these are internal to the needs of ``module_utils.basic`` and,
in the case of ``SYSLOG_FACILITY``, how hacky and unsafe the previous
implementation was.
Porting code from the :ref:`module_replacer` method of getting
``SYSLOG_FACILITY`` to the new one is a little more tricky than the other
constants and args, due to just how hacky the old way was. Here's an example
of using it in the new way::
import syslog
facility_name = module.constants.get('SYSLOG_FACILITY')
facility = getattr(syslog, facility_name)
syslog.openlog(str(module), 0, facility)
.. _flow_special_considerations:
Special Considerations
.. _flow_pipelining:
Ansible can transfer a module to a remote machine in one of two ways:
* it can write out the module to a temporary file on the remote host and then
use a second connection to the remote host to execute it with the
interpreter that the module needs
* or it can use what's known as pipelining to execute the module by piping it
into the remote interpreter's stdin.
Pipelining only works with modules written in Python at this time because
Ansible only knows that Python supports this mode of operation. Supporting
pipelining means that whatever format the module payload takes before being
sent over the wire must be executable by Python via stdin.

@ -7,409 +7,477 @@ Consult the documentation home page for the full documentation and to see the te
to check your knowledge of Ansible's components and understand how they fit together. It's something you might wish to read for review or
when a term comes up on the mailing list.
An action is a part of a task that specifies which of the modules to run and the arguments to pass to that module. Each task can have only one action, but it may also have other parameters.
Ad Hoc
Refers to running Ansible to perform some quick command, using /usr/bin/ansible, rather than the orchestration language, which is
/usr/bin/ansible-playbook. An example of an ad-hoc command might be rebooting 50 machines in your infrastructure. Anything
you can do ad-hoc can be accomplished by writing a playbook, and playbooks can also glue lots of other operations together.
Refers to a task that is configured to run in the background rather than waiting for completion. If you have a long process
that would run longer than the SSH timeout, it would make sense to launch that task in async mode. Async modes can poll
for completion every so many seconds, or can be configured to "fire and forget" in which case Ansible will not even
check on the task again, it will just kick it off and proceed to future steps. Async modes work with both /usr/bin/ansible
and /usr/bin/ansible-playbook.
Callback Plugin
Refers to some user-written code that can intercept results from Ansible and do something with them. Some supplied examples
in the GitHub project perform custom logging, send email, or even play sound effects.
Check Mode
Refers to running Ansible with the ``--check`` option, which does not make any changes on the remote systems, but only outputs the changes that
might occur if the command ran without this flag. This is analogous to so-called "dry run" modes in other systems, though the user should
be warned that this does not take into account unexpected command failures or cascade effects (which is true of similar modes in other
systems). Use this to get an idea of what might happen, but it is not a substitute for a good staging environment.
Connection Type, Connection Plugin
By default, Ansible talks to remote machines through pluggable libraries. Ansible supports native OpenSSH ('ssh'), or a Python
implementation called 'paramiko'. OpenSSH is preferred if you are using a recent version, and also enables some features
like Kerberos and jump hosts. This is covered in the getting started section.
There are also other connection types like 'accelerate' mode, which must be bootstrapped
over one of the SSH-based connection types but is very fast, and local mode, which acts on the local system.
Users can also write their own connection plugins.
A conditional is an expression that evaluates to true or false that decides whether a given task will be executed on a given
machine or not. Ansible's conditionals are powered by the 'when' statement, and are
discussed in the playbook documentation.
Diff Mode
A ``--diff`` flag can be passed to Ansible to show how template files change when they are overwritten, or how they might change when used
with ``--check`` mode. These diffs come out in unified diff format.
Facts are simply things that are discovered about remote nodes. While they can be used in playbooks and templates just like variables, facts
are things that are inferred, rather than set. Facts are automatically discovered by Ansible when running plays by executing the internal 'setup'
module on the remote nodes. You never have to call the setup module explicitly, it just runs, but it can be disabled to save time if it is
not needed or you can tell ansible to collect only a subset of the full facts via the `gather_subset:` option. For the convenience of users who are switching from other configuration management systems, the fact module will also pull in facts from the 'ohai' and 'facter' tools if they are installed, which are fact libraries from Chef and Puppet, respectively. (These may also be disabled via `gather_subset:`)
Filter Plugin
A filter plugin is something that most users will never need to understand. These allow for the creation of new Jinja2 filters, which
are more or less only of use to people who know what Jinja2 filters are. If you need them, you can learn how to write them in the API
docs section.
Ansible talks to remote nodes in parallel and the level of parallelism can be set either by passing ``--forks``, or editing the default in a configuration
file. The default is a very conservative 5 forks, though if you have a lot of RAM, you can easily set this to a value like 50 for increased
Gather Facts (Boolean)
Facts are mentioned above. Sometimes when running a multi-play playbook, it is desirable to have some plays that don't bother with fact
computation if they aren't going to need to utilize any of these values. Setting `gather_facts: False` on a playbook allows this implicit
fact gathering to be skipped.
Globbing is a way to select lots of hosts based on wildcards, rather than the name of the host specifically, or the name of the group
they are in. For instance, it is possible to select "www*" to match all hosts starting with "www". This concept is pulled directly
from Func, one of Michael's earlier projects. In addition to basic globbing, various set operations are also possible, such as
'hosts in this group and not in another group', and so on.
A group consists of several hosts assigned to a pool that can be conveniently targeted together, and also given variables that they share in
Group Vars
The "group_vars/" files are files that live in a directory alongside an inventory file, with an optional filename named after each group.
This is a convenient place to put variables that will be provided to a given group, especially complex data structures, so that these
variables do not have to be embedded in the inventory file or playbook.
Handlers are just like regular tasks in an Ansible playbook (see Tasks), but are only run if the Task contains a "notify" directive and
also indicates that it changed something. For example, if a config file is changed then the task referencing the config file templating
operation may notify a service restart handler. This means services can be bounced only if they need to be restarted.
Handlers can be used for things other than service restarts, but service restarts are the most common usage.
A host is simply a remote machine that Ansible manages. They can have individual variables assigned to them, and can also be organized
in groups. All hosts have a name they can be reached at (which is either an IP address or a domain name) and optionally a port number
if they are not to be accessed on the default SSH port.
Host Specifier
Each Play in Ansible maps a series of tasks (which define the role, purpose, or orders of a system) to a set of systems.
This "hosts:" directive in each play is often called the hosts specifier.
It may select one system, many systems, one or more groups, or even some hosts that are in one group and explicitly not in another.
Host Vars
Just like "Group Vars", a directory alongside the inventory file named "host_vars/" can contain a file named after each hostname in
the inventory file, in YAML format. This provides a convenient place to assign variables to the host without having to embed
them in the inventory file. The Host Vars file can also be used to define complex data structures that can't be represented in the
inventory file.
The concept that change commands should only be applied when they need to be applied, and that it is better to describe the desired
state of a system than the process of how to get to that state. As an analogy, the path from North Carolina in the United States to
California involves driving a very long way West, but if I were instead in Anchorage, Alaska, driving a long way west is no longer
the right way to get to California. Ansible's Resources like you to say "put me in California" and then decide how to get there. If
you were already in California, nothing needs to happen, and it will let you know it didn't need to change anything.
The idea that playbook files (which are nothing more than lists of plays) can include other lists of plays, and task lists
can externalize lists of tasks in other files, and similarly with handlers. Includes can be parameterized, which means that the
loaded file can pass variables. For instance, an included play for setting up a WordPress blog may take a parameter called "user"
and that play could be included more than once to create a blog for both "alice" and "bob".
A file (by default, Ansible uses a simple INI format) that describes Hosts and Groups in Ansible. Inventory can also be provided
via an "Inventory Script" (sometimes called an "External Inventory Script").
Inventory Script
A very simple program (or a complicated one) that looks up hosts, group membership for hosts, and variable information from an external
resource -- whether that be a SQL database, a CMDB solution, or something like LDAP. This concept was adapted from Puppet (where it is
called an "External Nodes Classifier") and works more or less exactly the same way.
Jinja2 is the preferred templating language of Ansible's template module. It is a very simple Python template language that is generally
readable and easy to write.
Ansible uses JSON for return data from remote modules. This allows modules to be written in any language, not just Python.
Lazy Evaluation
In general, Ansible evaluates any variables in playbook content at the last possible second, which means that if you define a data structure
that data structure itself can define variable values within it, and everything "just works" as you would expect. This also means variable
strings can include other variables inside of those strings.
A collection of modules made available to /usr/bin/ansible or an Ansible playbook.
Limit Groups
By passing ``--limit somegroup`` to ansible or ansible-playbook, the commands can be limited to a subset of hosts. For instance,
this can be used to run a playbook that normally targets an entire set of servers to one particular server.
Local Action
A local_action directive in a playbook targeting remote machines means that the given step will actually occur on the local
machine, but that the variable '{{ ansible_hostname }}' can be passed in to reference the remote hostname being referred to in
that step. This can be used to trigger, for example, an rsync operation.
Local Connection
By using "connection: local" in a playbook, or passing "-c local" to /usr/bin/ansible, this indicates that we are managing the local
host and not a remote machine.
Lookup Plugin
A lookup plugin is a way to get data into Ansible from the outside world. These are how such things as "with_items", a basic looping plugin, are implemented,
but there are also lookup plugins like "with_file" which loads data from a file, and even ones for querying environment variables,
DNS text records, or key value stores. Lookup plugins can also be accessed in templates, e.g., ``{{ lookup('file','/path/to/file') }}``.
Generally, Ansible is not a programming language. It prefers to be more declarative, though various constructs like "with_items"
allow a particular task to be repeated for multiple items in a list. Certain modules, like yum and apt, are actually optimized
for this, and can install all packages given in those lists within a single transaction, dramatically speeding up total
time to configuration.
Modules are the units of work that Ansible ships out to remote machines. Modules are kicked off by either /usr/bin/ansible or
/usr/bin/ansible-playbook (where multiple tasks use lots of different modules in conjunction). Modules can be implemented in any
language, including Perl, Bash, or Ruby -- but can leverage some useful communal library code if written in Python. Modules just
have to return JSON or simple key=value pairs. Once modules are executed on remote machines, they are removed, so no long running
daemons are used. Ansible refers to the collection of available modules as a 'library'.
The concept that IT systems are not managed one system at a time, but by interactions between multiple systems, and groups of systems, in
well defined orders. For instance, a web server may need to be updated before a database server, and pieces on the web server may need
to be updated after *THAT* database server, and various load balancers and monitoring servers may need to be contacted. Ansible models
entire IT topologies and workflows rather than looking at configuration from a "one system at a time" perspective.
The act of a task registering a change event and informing a handler task that another action needs to be run at the end of the play.
If a handler is notified by multiple tasks, it will still be run only once. Handlers are run in the order they are listed, not
in the order that they are notified.
Many software automation systems use this word to mean different things. Ansible uses it as a conductor would conduct an orchestra.
A datacenter or cloud architecture is full of many systems, playing many parts -- web servers, database servers, maybe load balancers,
monitoring systems, continuous integration systems, etc. In performing any process, it is necessary to touch systems in particular orders,
often to simulate rolling updates or to deploy software correctly. Some system may perform some steps, then others, then previous systems
already processed may need to perform more steps. Along the way, emails may need to be sent or web services contacted. Ansible
orchestration is all about modeling that kind of process.
By default, Ansible manages machines over SSH. The library that Ansible uses by default to do this is a Python-powered library called
paramiko. The paramiko library is generally fast and easy to manage, though users desiring Kerberos or Jump Host support may wish to switch
to a native SSH binary such as OpenSSH by specifying the connection type in their playbook, or using the "-c ssh" flag.
Playbooks are the language by which Ansible orchestrates, configures, administers, or deploys systems. They are called playbooks partially because it's a sports analogy, and it's supposed to be fun using them. They aren't workbooks :)
A playbook is a list of plays. A play is minimally a mapping between a set of hosts selected by a host specifier (usually chosen by groups, but sometimes by hostname
globs) and the tasks which run on those hosts to define the role that those systems will perform. There
can be one or many plays in a playbook.
Pull Mode
By default, Ansible runs in push mode, which allows it very fine-grained control over when it talks to each system. Pull mode is
provided for when you would rather have nodes check in every N minutes on a particular schedule. It uses a program called ansible-pull and can also be set up (or reconfigured) using a push-mode playbook. Most Ansible users use push mode, but pull mode is included for variety and the sake
of having choices.
ansible-pull works by checking configuration orders out of git on a crontab and then managing the machine locally, using the local
connection plugin.
Push Mode
Push mode is the default mode of Ansible. In fact, it's not really a mode at all -- it's just how Ansible works when you aren't
thinking about it. Push mode allows Ansible to be fine-grained and conduct nodes through complex orchestration processes without
waiting for them to check in.
Register Variable
The result of running any task in Ansible can be stored in a variable for use in a template or a conditional statement.
The keyword used to define the variable is called 'register', taking its name from the idea of registers in assembly
programming (though Ansible will never feel like assembly programming). There are an infinite number of variable names
you can use for registration.
Resource Model
Ansible modules work in terms of resources. For instance, the file module will select a particular file
and ensure that the attributes of that resource match a particular model. As an example, we might wish to change the owner of /etc/motd
to 'root' if it is not already set to root, or set its mode to '0644' if it is not already set to '0644'. The resource models
are 'idempotent' meaning change commands are not run unless needed, and Ansible will bring the system back to a desired
state regardless of the actual state -- rather than you having to tell it how to get to the state.
Roles are units of organization in Ansible. Assigning a role to a group of hosts (or a set of groups, or host patterns, etc.) implies that they should implement a specific behavior. A role
may include applying certain variable values, certain tasks, and certain handlers -- or just one or more of these things. Because of the file structure associated with a role, roles become
redistributable units that allow you to share behavior among playbooks -- or even with other users.
Rolling Update
The act of addressing a number of nodes in a group N at a time to avoid updating them all at once and bringing the system
offline. For instance, in a web topology of 500 nodes handling very large volume, it may be reasonable to update 10 or 20
machines at a time, moving on to the next 10 or 20 when done. The "serial:" keyword in an Ansible playbook controls the
size of the rolling update pool. The default is to address the batch size all at once, so this is something that you must
opt-in to. OS configuration (such as making sure config files are correct) does not typically have to use the rolling update
model, but can do so if desired.
A core software component of Ansible that is the power behind /usr/bin/ansible directly -- and corresponds to the invocation
of each task in a playbook. The Runner is something Ansible developers may talk about, but it's not really user land
See "Rolling Update".
Ansible does not require root logins, and since it's daemonless, definitely does not require root level daemons (which can
be a security concern in sensitive environments). Ansible can log in and perform many operations wrapped in a sudo command,
and can work with both password-less and password-based sudo. Some operations that don't normally work with sudo (like scp
file transfer) can be achieved with Ansible's copy, template, and fetch modules while running in sudo mode.
SSH (Native)
Native OpenSSH as an Ansible transport is specified with "-c ssh" (or a config file, or a directive in the playbook)
and can be useful if wanting to login via Kerberized SSH or using SSH jump hosts, etc. In 1.2.1, 'ssh' will be used by default if the OpenSSH binary
on the control machine is sufficiently new. Previously, Ansible selected 'paramiko' as a default.
Using a client that supports ControlMaster and ControlPersist is recommended for maximum performance -- if you don't have that and don't need Kerberos, jump hosts, or other features, paramiko is a good choice. Ansible will warn you if it doesn't detect ControlMaster/ControlPersist capability.
Ansible allows tagging resources in a playbook with arbitrary keywords, and then running only the parts of the playbook that
correspond to those keywords. For instance, it is possible to have an entire OS configuration, and have certain steps
labeled "ntp", and then run just the "ntp" steps to reconfigure the time server information on a remote host.
Playbooks exist to run tasks. Tasks combine an action (a module and its arguments) with a name and optionally some other keywords (like looping directives). Handlers are also tasks, but they are a special kind of task that do not run unless they are notified by name when a task reports an underlying change on a remote system.
Ansible can easily transfer files to remote systems, but often it is desirable to substitute variables in other files. Variables
may come from the inventory file, Host Vars, Group Vars, or Facts. Templates use the Jinja2 template engine and can also include logical
constructs like loops and if statements.
Ansible uses "Connection Plugins" to define types of available transports. These are simply how Ansible will reach out to managed systems. Transports included are paramiko, SSH (using OpenSSH), and local.
An optional conditional statement attached to a task that is used to determine if the task should run or not. If the expression following the "when:" keyword evaluates to false, the task will be ignored.
Van Halen
For no particular reason, other than the fact that Michael really likes them, all Ansible 0.x and 1.x releases are codenamed after Van Halen songs. There is no preference given to David Lee Roth vs. Sammy Lee Hagar-era songs, and instrumentals are also allowed. It is unlikely that there will ever be a Jump release, but a Van Halen III codename release is possible. You never know.
Vars (Variables)
As opposed to Facts, variables are names of values (they can be simple scalar values -- integers, booleans, strings) or complex ones (dictionaries/hashes, lists) that can be used in templates and playbooks. They are declared things, not things that are inferred from the remote system's current state or nature (which is what Facts are).
Ansible does not want to force people to write programming language code to automate infrastructure, so Ansible uses YAML to define playbook configuration languages and also variable files. YAML is nice because it has a minimum of syntax and is very clean and easy for people to skim. It is a good data format for configuration files and humans, but also machine readable. Ansible's usage of YAML stemmed from Michael's first use of it inside of Cobbler around 2006. YAML is fairly popular in the dynamic language community and the format has libraries available
for serialization in many languages (Python, Perl, Ruby, etc.).
.. glossary::
An action is a part of a task that specifies which of the modules to
run and which arguments to pass to that module. Each task can have
only one action, but it may also have other parameters.
Ad Hoc
Refers to running Ansible to perform some quick command, using
:command:`/usr/bin/ansible`, rather than the :term:`orchestration`
language, which is :command:`/usr/bin/ansible-playbook`. An example
of an ad hoc command might be rebooting 50 machines in your
infrastructure. Anything you can do ad hoc can be accomplished by
writing a :term:`playbook <playbooks>` and playbooks can also glue
lots of other operations together.
Refers to a task that is configured to run in the background rather
than waiting for completion. If you have a long process that would
run longer than the SSH timeout, it would make sense to launch that
task in async mode. Async modes can poll for completion every so many
seconds or can be configured to "fire and forget", in which case
Ansible will not even check on the task again; it will just kick it
off and proceed to future steps. Async modes work with both
:command:`/usr/bin/ansible` and :command:`/usr/bin/ansible-playbook`.
Callback Plugin
Refers to some user-written code that can intercept results from
Ansible and do something with them. Some supplied examples in the
GitHub project perform custom logging, send email, or even play sound
Check Mode
Refers to running Ansible with the ``--check`` option, which does not
make any changes on the remote systems, but only outputs the changes
that might occur if the command ran without this flag. This is
analogous to so-called "dry run" modes in other systems, though the
user should be warned that this does not take into account unexpected
command failures or cascade effects (which is true of similar modes in
other systems). Use this to get an idea of what might happen, but do
not substitute it for a good staging environment.
Connection Plugin
By default, Ansible talks to remote machines through pluggable
libraries. Ansible supports native OpenSSH (:term:`SSH (Native)`) or
a Python implementation called :term:`paramiko`. OpenSSH is preferred
if you are using a recent version, and also enables some features like
Kerberos and jump hosts. This is covered in the :ref:`getting
started section <remote_connection_information>`. There are also
other connection types like ``accelerate`` mode, which must be
bootstrapped over one of the SSH-based connection types but is very
fast, and local mode, which acts on the local system. Users can also
write their own connection plugins.
A conditional is an expression that evaluates to true or false that
decides whether a given task is executed on a given machine or not.
Ansible's conditionals are powered by the 'when' statement, which are
discussed in the :doc:`playbook documentation <playbooks>`.
Diff Mode
A ``--diff`` flag can be passed to Ansible to show how template files
change when they are overwritten or how they might change when used
with ``--check`` mode. These diffs come out in unified diff format.
A core software component of Ansible that is the power behind
:command:`/usr/bin/ansible` directly -- and corresponds to the
invocation of each task in a :term:`playbook <playbooks>`. The
Executor is something Ansible developers may talk about, but it's not
really user land vocabulary.
Facts are simply things that are discovered about remote nodes. While
they can be used in :term:`playbooks` and templates just like
variables, facts are things that are inferred, rather than set. Facts
are automatically discovered by Ansible when running plays by
executing the internal :ref:`setup module <setup>` on the remote nodes. You
never have to call the setup module explicitly, it just runs, but it
can be disabled to save time if it is not needed or you can tell
ansible to collect only a subset of the full facts via the
``gather_subset:`` option. For the convenience of users who are
switching from other configuration management systems, the fact module
will also pull in facts from the :program:`ohai` and :program:`facter`
tools if they are installed. These are fact libraries from Chef and
Puppet, respectively. (These may also be disabled via
Filter Plugin
A filter plugin is something that most users will never need to
understand. These allow for the creation of new :term:`Jinja2`
filters, which are more or less only of use to people who know what
Jinja2 filters are. If you need them, you can learn how to write them
in the :ref:`API docs section <developing_filter_plugins>`.
Ansible talks to remote nodes in parallel and the level of parallelism
can be set either by passing ``--forks`` or editing the default in
a configuration file. The default is a very conservative five (5)
forks, though if you have a lot of RAM, you can easily set this to
a value like 50 for increased parallelism.
Gather Facts (Boolean)
:term:`Facts` are mentioned above. Sometimes when running a multi-play
:term:`playbook <playbooks>`, it is desirable to have some plays that
don't bother with fact computation if they aren't going to need to
utilize any of these values. Setting ``gather_facts: False`` on
a playbook allows this implicit fact gathering to be skipped.
Globbing is a way to select lots of hosts based on wildcards, rather
than the name of the host specifically, or the name of the group they
are in. For instance, it is possible to select ``ww*`` to match all
hosts starting with ``www``. This concept is pulled directly from
:program:`Func`, one of Michael DeHaan's (an Ansible Founder) earlier
projects. In addition to basic globbing, various set operations are
also possible, such as 'hosts in this group and not in another group',
and so on.
A group consists of several hosts assigned to a pool that can be
conveniently targeted together, as well as given variables that they
share in common.
Group Vars
The :file:`group_vars/` files are files that live in a directory
alongside an inventory file, with an optional filename named after
each group. This is a convenient place to put variables that are
provided to a given group, especially complex data structures, so that
these variables do not have to be embedded in the :term:`inventory`
file or :term:`playbook <playbooks>`.
Handlers are just like regular tasks in an Ansible
:term:`playbook <playbooks>` (see :term:`Tasks`) but are only run if
the Task contains a ``notify`` directive and also indicates that it
changed something. For example, if a config file is changed, then the
task referencing the config file templating operation may notify
a service restart handler. This means services can be bounced only if
they need to be restarted. Handlers can be used for things other than
service restarts, but service restarts are the most common usage.
A host is simply a remote machine that Ansible manages. They can have
individual variables assigned to them, and can also be organized in
groups. All hosts have a name they can be reached at (which is either
an IP address or a domain name) and, optionally, a port number, if they
are not to be accessed on the default SSH port.
Host Specifier
Each :term:`Play <plays>` in Ansible maps a series of :term:`tasks` (which define the role,
purpose, or orders of a system) to a set of systems.
This ``hosts:`` directive in each play is often called the hosts specifier.
It may select one system, many systems, one or more groups, or even
some hosts that are in one group and explicitly not in another.
Host Vars
Just like :term:`Group Vars`, a directory alongside the inventory file named
:file:`host_vars/` can contain a file named after each hostname in the
inventory file, in :term:`YAML` format. This provides a convenient place to
assign variables to the host without having to embed them in the
:term:`inventory` file. The Host Vars file can also be used to define complex
data structures that can't be represented in the inventory file.
The concept that change commands should only be applied when they need
to be applied, and that it is better to describe the desired state of
a system than the process of how to get to that state. As an analogy,
the path from North Carolina in the United States to California
involves driving a very long way West but if I were instead in
Anchorage, Alaska, driving a long way west is no longer the right way
to get to California. Ansible's Resources like you to say "put me in
California" and then decide how to get there. If you were already in
California, nothing needs to happen, and it will let you know it
didn't need to change anything.
The idea that :term:`playbook <playbooks>` files (which are nothing
more than lists of :term:`plays`) can include other lists of plays,
and task lists can externalize lists of :term:`tasks` in other files,
and similarly with :term:`handlers`. Includes can be parameterized,
which means that the loaded file can pass variables. For instance, an
included play for setting up a WordPress blog may take a parameter
called ``user`` and that play could be included more than once to
create a blog for both ``alice`` and ``bob``.
A file (by default, Ansible uses a simple INI format) that describes
:term:`Hosts <Host>` and :term:`Groups <Group>` in Ansible. Inventory
can also be provided via an :term:`Inventory Script` (sometimes called
an "External Inventory Script").
Inventory Script
A very simple program (or a complicated one) that looks up
:term:`hosts <Host>`, :term:`group` membership for hosts, and variable
information from an external resource -- whether that be a SQL
database, a CMDB solution, or something like LDAP. This concept was
adapted from Puppet (where it is called an "External Nodes
Classifier") and works more or less exactly the same way.
Jinja2 is the preferred templating language of Ansible's template
module. It is a very simple Python template language that is
generally readable and easy to write.
Ansible uses JSON for return data from remote modules. This allows
modules to be written in any language, not just Python.
Lazy Evaluation
In general, Ansible evaluates any variables in
:term:`playbook <playbooks>` content at the last possible second,
which means that if you define a data structure that data structure
itself can define variable values within it, and everything "just
works" as you would expect. This also means variable strings can
include other variables inside of those strings.
A collection of modules made available to :command:`/usr/bin/ansible`
or an Ansible :term:`playbook <playbooks>`.
Limit Groups
By passing ``--limit somegroup`` to :command:`ansible` or
:command:`ansible-playbook`, the commands can be limited to a subset
of :term:`hosts <Host>`. For instance, this can be used to run
a :term:`playbook <playbooks>` that normally targets an entire set of
servers to one particular server.
Local Action
A local_action directive in a :term:`playbook <playbooks>` targeting
remote machines means that the given step will actually occur on the
local machine, but that the variable ``{{ ansible_hostname }}`` can be
passed in to reference the remote hostname being referred to in that
step. This can be used to trigger, for example, an rsync operation.
Local Connection
By using ``connection: local`` in a :term:`playbook <playbooks>`, or
passing ``-c local`` to :command:`/usr/bin/ansible`, this indicates
that we are managing the local host and not a remote machine.
Lookup Plugin
A lookup plugin is a way to get data into Ansible from the outside
world. These are how such things as ``with_items``, a basic looping
plugin, are implemented. There are also lookup plugins like
``with_file`` which load data from a file and ones for querying
environment variables, DNS text records, or key value stores. Lookup
plugins can also be accessed in templates, e.g.,
``{{ lookup('file','/path/to/file') }}``.
Generally, Ansible is not a programming language. It prefers to be
more declarative, though various constructs like ``with_items`` allow
a particular task to be repeated for multiple items in a list.
Certain modules, like :ref:`yum <yum>` and :ref:`apt <apt>`, are actually
optimized for this, and can install all packages given in those lists
within a single transaction, dramatically speeding up total time to
Modules are the units of work that Ansible ships out to remote
machines. Modules are kicked off by either
:command:`/usr/bin/ansible` or :command:`/usr/bin/ansible-playbook`
(where multiple tasks use lots of different modules in conjunction).
Modules can be implemented in any language, including Perl, Bash, or
Ruby -- but can leverage some useful communal library code if written
in Python. Modules just have to return :term:`JSON`. Once modules are
executed on remote machines, they are removed, so no long running
daemons are used. Ansible refers to the collection of available
modules as a :term:`library`.
The concept that IT systems are not managed one system at a time, but
by interactions between multiple systems and groups of systems in
well defined orders. For instance, a web server may need to be
updated before a database server and pieces on the web server may
need to be updated after *THAT* database server and various load
balancers and monitoring servers may need to be contacted. Ansible
models entire IT topologies and workflows rather than looking at
configuration from a "one system at a time" perspective.
The act of a :term:`task <tasks>` registering a change event and
informing a :term:`handler <handlers>` task that another
:term:`action` needs to be run at the end of the :term:`play <plays>`. If
a handler is notified by multiple tasks, it will still be run only
once. Handlers are run in the order they are listed, not in the order
that they are notified.
Many software automation systems use this word to mean different
things. Ansible uses it as a conductor would conduct an orchestra.
A datacenter or cloud architecture is full of many systems, playing
many parts -- web servers, database servers, maybe load balancers,
monitoring systems, continuous integration systems, etc. In
performing any process, it is necessary to touch systems in particular
orders, often to simulate rolling updates or to deploy software
correctly. Some system may perform some steps, then others, then
previous systems already processed may need to perform more steps.
Along the way, emails may need to be sent or web services contacted.
Ansible orchestration is all about modeling that kind of process.
By default, Ansible manages machines over SSH. The library that
Ansible uses by default to do this is a Python-powered library called
paramiko. The paramiko library is generally fast and easy to manage,
though users desiring Kerberos or Jump Host support may wish to switch
to a native SSH binary such as OpenSSH by specifying the connection
type in their :term:`playbooks`, or using the ``-c ssh`` flag.
Playbooks are the language by which Ansible orchestrates, configures,
administers, or deploys systems. They are called playbooks partially
because it's a sports analogy, and it's supposed to be fun using them.
They aren't workbooks :)
A :term:`playbook <playbooks>` is a list of plays. A play is
minimally a mapping between a set of :term:`hosts <Host>` selected by a host
specifier (usually chosen by :term:`groups <Group>` but sometimes by
hostname :term:`globs <Globbing>`) and the :term:`tasks` which run on those
hosts to define the role that those systems will perform. There can be
one or many plays in a playbook.
Pull Mode
By default, Ansible runs in :term:`push mode`, which allows it very
fine-grained control over when it talks to each system. Pull mode is
provided for when you would rather have nodes check in every N minutes
on a particular schedule. It uses a program called
:command:`ansible-pull` and can also be set up (or reconfigured) using
a push-mode :term:`playbook <playbooks>`. Most Ansible users use push
mode, but pull mode is included for variety and the sake of having
:command:`ansible-pull` works by checking configuration orders out of
git on a crontab and then managing the machine locally, using the
:term:`local connection` plugin.
Push Mode
Push mode is the default mode of Ansible. In fact, it's not really
a mode at all -- it's just how Ansible works when you aren't thinking
about it. Push mode allows Ansible to be fine-grained and conduct
nodes through complex orchestration processes without waiting for them
to check in.
Register Variable
The result of running any :term:`task <tasks>` in Ansible can be
stored in a variable for use in a template or a conditional statement.
The keyword used to define the variable is called ``register``, taking
its name from the idea of registers in assembly programming (though
Ansible will never feel like assembly programming). There are an
infinite number of variable names you can use for registration.
Resource Model
Ansible modules work in terms of resources. For instance, the
:ref:`file module <file>` will select a particular file and ensure
that the attributes of that resource match a particular model. As an
example, we might wish to change the owner of :file:`/etc/motd` to
``root`` if it is not already set to ``root``, or set its mode to
``0644`` if it is not already set to ``0644``. The resource models
are :term:`idempotent <idempotency>` meaning change commands are not
run unless needed, and Ansible will bring the system back to a desired
state regardless of the actual state -- rather than you having to tell
it how to get to the state.
Roles are units of organization in Ansible. Assigning a role to
a group of :term:`hosts <Host>` (or a set of :term:`groups <group>`,
or :term:`host patterns <Globbing>`, etc.) implies that they should
implement a specific behavior. A role may include applying certain
variable values, certain :term:`tasks`, and certain :term:`handlers`
-- or just one or more of these things. Because of the file structure
associated with a role, roles become redistributable units that allow
you to share behavior among :term:`playbooks` -- or even with other users.
Rolling Update
The act of addressing a number of nodes in a group N at a time to
avoid updating them all at once and bringing the system offline. For
instance, in a web topology of 500 nodes handling very large volume,
it may be reasonable to update 10 or 20 machines at a time, moving on
to the next 10 or 20 when done. The ``serial:`` keyword in an Ansible
:term:`playbooks` control the size of the rolling update pool. The
default is to address the batch size all at once, so this is something
that you must opt-in to. OS configuration (such as making sure config
files are correct) does not typically have to use the rolling update
model, but can do so if desired.
.. seealso::
:term:`Rolling Update`
Ansible does not require root logins, and since it's daemonless,
definitely does not require root level daemons (which can be
a security concern in sensitive environments). Ansible can log in and
perform many operations wrapped in a sudo command, and can work with
both password-less and password-based sudo. Some operations that
don't normally work with sudo (like scp file transfer) can be achieved
with Ansible's :ref:`copy <copy>`, :ref:`template <template>`, and
:ref:`fetch <fetch>` modules while running in sudo mode.
SSH (Native)
Native OpenSSH as an Ansible transport is specified with ``-c ssh``
(or a config file, or a directive in the :term:`playbook <playbooks>`)
and can be useful if wanting to login via Kerberized SSH or using SSH
jump hosts, etc. In 1.2.1, ``ssh`` will be used by default if the
OpenSSH binary on the control machine is sufficiently new.
Previously, Ansible selected ``paramiko`` as a default. Using
a client that supports ``ControlMaster`` and ``ControlPersist`` is
recommended for maximum performance -- if you don't have that and
don't need Kerberos, jump hosts, or other features, ``paramiko`` is
a good choice. Ansible will warn you if it doesn't detect
ControlMaster/ControlPersist capability.
Ansible allows tagging resources in a :term:`playbook <playbooks>`
with arbitrary keywords, and then running only the parts of the
playbook that correspond to those keywords. For instance, it is
possible to have an entire OS configuration, and have certain steps
labeled ``ntp``, and then run just the ``ntp`` steps to reconfigure
the time server information on a remote host.
:term:`Playbooks` exist to run tasks. Tasks combine an :term:`action`
(a module and its arguments) with a name and optionally some other
keywords (like :term:`looping directives <loops>`). :term:`Handlers`
are also tasks, but they are a special kind of task that do not run
unless they are notified by name when a task reports an underlying
change on a remote system.
Ansible can easily transfer files to remote systems but often it is
desirable to substitute variables in other files. Variables may come
from the :term:`inventory` file, :term:`Host Vars`, :term:`Group
Vars`, or :term:`Facts`. Templates use the :term:`Jinja2` template
engine and can also include logical constructs like loops and if
Ansible uses :term:``Connection Plugins`` to define types of available
transports. These are simply how Ansible will reach out to managed
systems. Transports included are :term:`paramiko`,
:term:`ssh <SSH (Native)>` (using OpenSSH), and
:term:`local <Local Connection>`.
An optional conditional statement attached to a :term:`task <tasks>` that is used to
determine if the task should run or not. If the expression following
the ``when:`` keyword evaluates to false, the task will be ignored.
Vars (Variables)
As opposed to :term:`Facts`, variables are names of values (they can
be simple scalar values -- integers, booleans, strings) or complex
ones (dictionaries/hashes, lists) that can be used in templates and
:term:`playbooks`. They are declared things, not things that are
inferred from the remote system's current state or nature (which is
what Facts are).
Ansible does not want to force people to write programming language
code to automate infrastructure, so Ansible uses YAML to define
:term:`playbook <playbooks>` configuration languages and also variable
files. YAML is nice because it has a minimum of syntax and is very
clean and easy for people to skim. It is a good data format for
configuration files and humans, but also machine readable. Ansible's
usage of YAML stemmed from Michael DeHaan's first use of it inside of
Cobbler around 2006. YAML is fairly popular in the dynamic language
community and the format has libraries available for serialization in
many languages (Python, Perl, Ruby, etc.).
.. seealso::

@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ module_set_locale
This boolean value controls whether or not Ansible will prepend locale-specific environment variables (as specified
via the :doc:`module_lang` configuration option). By default this is enabled, and results in the LANG and LC_MESSAGES
via the :ref:`module_lang` configuration option). By default this is enabled, and results in the LANG and LC_MESSAGES
being set when the module is executed on the given remote system.
.. note::
