@ -118,6 +118,25 @@ you must use the alias in your pattern. In the example above, you must use ``hos
[WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring:
[WARNING]: Could not match supplied host pattern, ignoring:
Pattern processing order
The processing is a bit special and happens in the following order:
1. ``:`` and ``,``
2. `` &``
3. ``!``
This positioning only accounts for processing order inside each operation:
``a:b:&c:!d:!e == &c:a:!d:b:!e == !d:a:!e:&c:b``
All of these result in the following:
Host in/is (a or b) AND host in/is all(c) AND host NOT in/is all(d, e).
Now ``a:b:!e:!d:&c`` is a slight change as the ``!e`` gets processed before the ``!d``, though this doesn't make much of a difference:
Host in/is (a or b) AND host in/is all(c) AND host NOT in/is all(e, d).
Advanced pattern options
Advanced pattern options