@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ class VaultCLI(CLI):
enc_str_parser.add_argument('-p', '--prompt', dest='encrypt_string_prompt',
help="Prompt for the string to encrypt")
enc_str_parser.add_argument('--show-input', dest='show_string_input', default=False, action='store_true',
help='Do not hide input when prompted for the string to encrypt')
enc_str_parser.add_argument('-n', '--name', dest='encrypt_string_names',
help="Specify the variable name")
@ -300,8 +302,13 @@ class VaultCLI(CLI):
# TODO: could prompt for which vault_id to use for each plaintext string
# currently, it will just be the default
# could use private=True for shadowed input if useful
prompt_response = display.prompt(msg)
hide_input = not context.CLIARGS['show_string_input']
if hide_input:
msg = "String to encrypt (hidden): "
msg = "String to encrypt:"
prompt_response = display.prompt(msg, private=hide_input)
if prompt_response == '':
raise AnsibleOptionsError('The plaintext provided from the prompt was empty, not encrypting')