@ -50,254 +50,192 @@ class ModuleArgsParser(object):
src: a
dest: b
This class exists so other things don't have to remember how this
all works. Pass it "part1" and "part2", and the parse function
will tell you about the modules in a predictable way.
This class has some of the logic to canonicalize these into the form
- module: <module_name>
delegate_to: <optional>
args: <args>
Args may also be munged for certain shell command parameters.
def __init__(self, task=None):
self._ds = None
self._task = task
def _get_delegate_to(self):
def _split_module_string(self, str):
Returns the value of the delegate_to key from the task datastructure,
or None if the value was not directly specified
when module names are expressed like:
action: copy src=a dest=b
the first part of the string is the name of the module
and the rest are strings pertaining to the arguments.
return self._ds.get('delegate_to', None)
def _get_old_style_action(self):
Searches the datastructure for 'action:' or 'local_action:' keywords.
When local_action is found, the delegate_to value is set to the localhost
IP, otherwise delegate_to is left as None.
tokens = str.split()
if len(tokens) > 1:
return (tokens[0], " ".join(tokens[1:]))
return (tokens[0], "")
- None
- None (if neither keyword is found), or a dictionary containing:
the module name to be executed
a dictionary containing the arguments to the module
None or 'localhost'
def _handle_shell_weirdness(self, action, args):
given an action name and an args dictionary, return the
proper action name and args dictionary. This mostly is due
to shell/command being treated special and nothing else
# determine if this is an 'action' or 'local_action'
if 'action' in self._ds:
action_data = self._ds.get('action', '')
delegate_to = None
elif 'local_action' in self._ds:
action_data = self._ds.get('local_action', '')
delegate_to = 'localhost'
return None
# don't handle non shell/command modules in this function
# TODO: in terms of the whole app, should 'raw' also fit here?
if action not in ['shell', 'command']:
return (action, args)
# now we get the arguments for the module, which may be a
# string of key=value pairs, a dictionary of values, or a
# dictionary with a special 'args:' value in it
if isinstance(action_data, dict):
action = self._get_specified_module(action_data)
args = dict()
if 'args' in action_data:
args = self._get_args_from_ds(action, action_data)
del action_data['args']
other_args = action_data.copy()
# remove things we don't want in the args
if 'module' in other_args:
del other_args['module']
elif isinstance(action_data, basestring):
action_data = action_data.strip()
if not action_data:
raise AnsibleError("when using 'action:' or 'local_action:', the module name must be specified", object=self._task)
# split up the string based on spaces, where the first
# item specified must be a valid module name
parts = action_data.split(' ', 1)
action = parts[0]
if action not in module_finder:
raise AnsibleError("the module '%s' was not found in the list of loaded modules" % action, object=self._task)
if len(parts) > 1:
args = self._get_args_from_action(action, ' '.join(parts[1:]))
args = {}
raise AnsibleError('module args must be specified as a dictionary or string', object=self._task)
new_args = {}
return dict(action=action, args=args, delegate_to=delegate_to)
# the shell module really is the command module with an additional
# parameter
if action == 'shell':
action = 'command'
new_args['_uses_shell'] = True
def _get_new_style_action(self):
Searches the datastructure for 'module_name:', where the module_name is a
valid module loaded by the module_finder plugin.
# make sure the non-key-value params hop in the data
new_args['_raw_params'] = args['_raw_params']
- None
return (action, new_args)
- None (if no valid module is found), or a dictionary containing:
the module name to be executed
a dictionary containing the arguments to the module
def _normalize_parameters(self, thing, action=None):
arguments can be fuzzy. Deal with all the forms.
# for all keys in the datastructure, check to see if the value
# corresponds to a module found by the module_finder plugin
action = None
for item in self._ds:
if item in module_finder:
action = item
# none of the keys matched a known module name
return None
# now we get the arguments for the module, which may be a
# string of key=value pairs, a dictionary of values, or a
# dictionary with a special 'args:' value in it
action_data = self._ds.get(action, '')
if isinstance(action_data, dict):
args = dict()
if 'args' in action_data:
args = self._get_args_from_ds(action, action_data)
del action_data['args']
other_args = action_data.copy()
# remove things we don't want in the args
if 'module' in other_args:
del other_args['module']
# how we normalize depends if we figured out what the module name is
# yet. If we have already figured it out, it's an 'old style' invocation.
# otherwise, it's not
if action is not None:
args = self._normalize_old_style_args(thing)
args = self._get_args_from_action(action, action_data.strip())
(action, args) = self._normalize_new_style_args(thing)
return dict(action=action, args=args, delegate_to=None)
# this can occasionally happen, simplify
if 'args' in args:
args = args['args']
def _get_args_from_ds(self, action, action_data):
return (action, args)
def _normalize_old_style_args(self, thing):
Gets the module arguments from the 'args' value of the
action_data, when action_data is a dict. The value of
'args' can be either a string or a dictionary itself, so
we use parse_kv() to split up the key=value pairs when
a string is found.
- action_data:
a dictionary of values, which may or may not contain a
key named 'args'
- a dictionary of values, representing the arguments to the
module action specified
deals with fuzziness in old-style (action/local_action) module invocations
returns tuple of (module_name, dictionary_args)
possible example inputs:
{ 'local_action' : 'shell echo hi' }
{ 'action' : 'shell echo hi' }
{ 'local_action' : { 'module' : 'ec2', 'x' : 1, 'y': 2 }}
standardized outputs like:
( 'command', { _raw_params: 'echo hi', _uses_shell: True }
args = action_data.get('args', {}).copy()
if isinstance(args, basestring):
if action in ('command', 'shell'):
args = parse_kv(args, check_raw=True)
if isinstance(thing, dict):
# form is like: local_action: { module: 'xyz', x: 2, y: 3 } ... uncommon!
args = thing
elif isinstance(thing, basestring):
# form is like: local_action: copy src=a dest=b ... pretty common
args = parse_kv(thing)
args = parse_kv(args)
raise AnsibleParsingError("unexpected parameter type in action: %s" % type(thing), obj=self._task)
return args
def _get_args_from_action(self, action, action_data):
def _normalize_new_style_args(self, thing):
Gets the module arguments from the action data when it is
specified as a string of key=value pairs. Special handling
is used for the command/shell modules, which allow free-
form syntax for the options.
- action:
the module to be executed
- action_data:
a string of key=value pairs (and possibly free-form arguments)
- A dictionary of values, representing the arguments to the
module action specified OR a string of key=value pairs (when
the module action is command or shell)
deals with fuzziness in new style module invocations
accepting key=value pairs and dictionaries, and always returning dictionaries
returns tuple of (module_name, dictionary_args)
possible example inputs:
{ 'shell' : 'echo hi' }
{ 'ec2' : { 'region' : 'xyz' }
{ 'ec2' : 'region=xyz' }
standardized outputs like:
('ec2', { region: 'xyz'} )
tokens = action_data.split()
if len(tokens) == 0:
return {}
joined = " ".join(tokens)
if action in ('command', 'shell'):
return parse_kv(joined, check_raw=True)
return parse_kv(joined)
def _get_specified_module(self, action_data):
gets the module if specified directly in the arguments, ie:
- action:
module: foo
action = None
args = None
if isinstance(thing, dict):
# form is like: copy: { src: 'a', dest: 'b' } ... common for structured (aka "complex") args
thing = thing.copy()
if 'module' in thing:
action = thing['module']
args = thing.copy()
del args['module']
elif isinstance(thing, basestring):
# form is like: copy: src=a dest=b ... common shorthand throughout ansible
(action, args) = self._split_module_string(thing)
args = parse_kv(args)
- action_data:
a dictionary of values, which may or may not contain the
key 'module'
# need a dict or a string, so giving up
raise AnsibleParsingError("unexpected parameter type in action: %s" % type(thing), obj=self._task)
- a string representing the module specified in the data, or
None if that key was not found
return action_data.get('module')
return (action, args)
def parse(self, ds):
Given a task in one of the supported forms, parses and returns
returns the action, arguments, and delegate_to values for the
- ds:
a dictionary datastructure representing the task as parsed
from a YAML file
- A tuple containing 3 values:
the action (module name) to be executed
the args for the action
the delegate_to option (which may be None, if no delegate_to
option was specified and this is not a local_action)
task, dealing with all sorts of levels of fuzziness.
assert type(ds) == dict
self._ds = ds
# first we try to get the module action/args based on the
# new-style format, where the module name is the key
result = self._get_new_style_action()
if result is None:
# failing that, we resort to checking for the old-style syntax,
# where 'action' or 'local_action' is the key
result = self._get_old_style_action()
if result is None:
raise AnsibleError('no action specified for this task', object=self._task)
# if the action is set to 'shell', we switch that to 'command' and
# set the special parameter '_uses_shell' to true in the args dict
if result['action'] == 'shell':
result['action'] = 'command'
result['args']['_uses_shell'] = True
# finally, we check to see if a delegate_to value was specified
# in the task datastructure (and raise an error for local_action,
# which essentially means we're delegating to localhost)
specified_delegate_to = self._get_delegate_to()
if specified_delegate_to is not None:
if result['delegate_to'] is not None:
raise AnsibleError('delegate_to cannot be used with local_action')
thing = None
action = None
delegate_to = None
args = dict()
if 'action' in ds:
# an old school 'action' statement
thing = ds['action']
delegate_to = None
action, args = self._normalize_parameters(thing)
elif 'local_action' in ds:
# local_action is similar but also implies a delegate_to
if action is not None:
raise AnsibleError("action and local_action are mutually exclusive")
thing = ds.get('local_action', '')
delegate_to = 'localhost'
action, args = self._normalize_parameters(thing)
result['delegate_to'] = specified_delegate_to
return (result['action'], result['args'], result['delegate_to'])
# module: <stuff> is the more new-style invocation
if action is not None:
raise AnsibleError("conflicting action statements")
# walk the input dictionary to see we recognize a module name
for (item, value) in ds.iteritems():
if item in module_finder:
# finding more than one module name is a problem
if action is not None:
raise AnsibleError("conflicting action statements")
action = item
thing = value
action, args = self._normalize_parameters(value, action=action)
# if we didn't see any module in the task at all, it's not a task really
if action is None:
raise AnsibleParserError("no action detected in task", obj=self._task)
# shell modules require special handling
(action, args) = self._handle_shell_weirdness(action, args)
return (action, args, delegate_to)