@ -259,6 +259,55 @@ EXAMPLES = r'''
method: POST
src: /path/to/my/file.json
remote_src: yes
- name: Pause play until a URL is reachable from this host
url: ""
follow_redirects: none
method: GET
register: _result
until: _result.status == 200
retries: 720 # 720 * 5 seconds = 1hour (60*60/5)
delay: 5 # Every 5 seconds
# There are issues in a supporting Python library that is discussed in
# https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/52705 where a proxy is defined
# but you want to bypass proxy use on CIDR masks by using no_proxy
- name: Work around a python issue that doesn't support no_proxy envvar
follow_redirects: none
validate_certs: false
timeout: 5
url: "http://{{ ip_address }}:{{ port | default(80) }}"
register: uri_data
failed_when: false
changed_when: false
environment: |
{% for no_proxy in (lookup('env', 'no_proxy') | regex_replace('\s*,\s*', ' ') ).split() %}
{% if no_proxy | regex_search('\/') and
no_proxy | ipaddr('net') != '' and
no_proxy | ipaddr('net') != false and
ip_address | ipaddr(no_proxy) is not none and
ip_address | ipaddr(no_proxy) != false %}
'no_proxy': '{{ ip_address }}'
{% elif no_proxy | regex_search(':') != '' and
no_proxy | regex_search(':') != false and
no_proxy == ip_address + ':' + (port | default(80)) %}
'no_proxy': '{{ ip_address }}:{{ port | default(80) }}'
{% elif no_proxy | ipaddr('host') != '' and
no_proxy | ipaddr('host') != false and
no_proxy == ip_address %}
'no_proxy': '{{ ip_address }}'
{% elif no_proxy | regex_search('^(\*|)\.') != '' and
no_proxy | regex_search('^(\*|)\.') != false and
no_proxy | regex_replace('\*', '') in ip_address %}
'no_proxy': '{{ ip_address }}'
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
RETURN = r'''