- Fix templating task action with host-specific vars (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/75568)
- Since ansible/2.11 doc site was removed, the current relative messages point to a 404 url, this fixes it by chainging the target to ansible-core/2.11
- ansible-galaxy - Fix a bug with build_ignore when installing collections from source (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/75528).
- ansible-galaxy - Improve error message from dependency resolution when a candidate has inconsistent requirements (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/75139).
- ansible-playbook, more robust handling of --list-hosts and undefined vars in hosts keyword.
- command module, clarify order of remove/creates checks.
- command module, correctly handles chdir to symlinks.
- command module, move to standarized messages in 'msg' vs abusing 'stdout'.
- command module, now all options work in ad-hoc execution.
- command module, now always returns what we documented as 'returns always'.
- get_bin_path, clarify with quotes what the missing required executable is.
- make previous versions compatible we new attributres w/o implementing them.
- paramiko_ssh - mark connection as connected when ``_connect()`` is called (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/74081)
- setup module should now not truncate hpux interface names.
- validate_argument_spec, correct variable precedence and merge method and add missing examples
- variable manager, avoid sourcing delegated variables when no inventory hostname is present. This affects scenarios like syntax check and imports.