Add a section to the docs describing how to debug conditional statements - how to get Ansible to show you whether your `when:` clause evaluates to `true` or `false`.
I ran into trouble with this and couldn't find anything in the docs. Thought I'd add it.
- Docs Pull Request
+label: docsite_pr
If your conditional ``when`` statement is not behaving as you intended, you can add a ``debug`` statement to determine if the condition evaluates to ``true`` or ``false``. A common cause of unexpected behavior in conditionals is testing an integer as a string or a string as an integer. To debug a conditional statement, add the entire statement as the ``var:`` value in a ``debug`` task. Ansible then shows the test and how the statement evaluates. For example, here is a set of tasks and sample output:
..code-block:: yaml
- name: check value of return code
var: bar_status.rc
- name: check test for rc value as string
var: bar_status.rc == "127"
- name: check test for rc value as integer
var: bar_status.rc == 127
..code-block:: ansible-output
TASK [check value of return code] *********************************************************************************
ok: [foo-1] => {
"bar_status.rc": "127"
TASK [check test for rc value as string] **************************************************************************
ok: [foo-1] => {
"bar_status.rc == \"127\"": false
TASK [check test for rc value as integer] *************************************************************************