Added basic equivalent to PowerShell modules (#44705)

* Added basic equivalent to PowerShell modules

* changes based on latest review

* Added tests

* ignore sanity test due to how tests are set up

* Changes to work with PSCore

* Added documentation and change updated more modules

* Add some speed optimisations to AddType

* fix some issues in the doc changes

* doc changes
Jordan Borean 6 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 74619c2036
commit 501acae5ab
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
- Added Ansible.Basic C# util that contains a module wrapper and handles common functions like argument parsing and module return. This is gives the user more visibility over what the module has run and aligns PowerShell modules more closely to how Python modules are defined.

@ -166,17 +166,18 @@ Windows new module development
When creating a new module there are a few things to keep in mind:
- Module code is in Powershell (.ps1) files while the documentation is contained in Python (.py) files of the same name
- Avoid using ``Write-Host/Debug/Verbose/Error`` in the module and add what needs to be returned to the ``$result`` variable
- When trying an exception use ``Fail-Json -obj $result -message "exception message here"`` instead
- Avoid using ``Write-Host/Debug/Verbose/Error`` in the module and add what needs to be returned to the ``$module.Result`` variable
- To fail a module, call ``$module.FailJson("failure message here")``, an Exception or ErrorRecord can be set to the second argument for a more descriptive error message
- Most new modules require check mode and integration tests before they are merged into the main Ansible codebase
- Avoid using try/catch statements over a large code block, rather use them for individual calls so the error message can be more descriptive
- Try and catch specific exceptions when using try/catch statements
- Avoid using PSCustomObjects unless necessary
- Look for common functions in ``./lib/ansible/module_utils/powershell/`` and use the code there instead of duplicating work. These can be imported by adding the line ``#Requires -Module *`` where * is the filename to import, and will be automatically included with the module code sent to the Windows target when run via Ansible
- As well as PowerShell module utils, C# module utils are stored in ``./lib/ansible/module_utils/csharp/`` and are automatically imported in a module execution if the line ``#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil *`` is present
- C# and PowerShell module utils achieve the same goal but C# allows a developer to implement low level tasks, such as calling the Win32 API, and can be faster in some cases
- Ensure the code runs under Powershell v3 and higher on Windows Server 2008 and higher; if higher minimum Powershell or OS versions are required, ensure the documentation reflects this clearly
- Ansible runs modules under strictmode version 2.0. Be sure to test with that enabled by putting ``Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0`` at the top of your dev script
- Favour native Powershell cmdlets over executable calls if possible
- If adding an object to ``$result``, ensure any trailing slashes are removed or escaped, as ``ConvertTo-Json`` will fail to convert it
- Use the full cmdlet name instead of aliases, e.g. ``Remove-Item`` over ``rm``
- Use named parameters with cmdlets, e.g. ``Remove-Item -Path C:\temp`` over ``Remove-Item C:\temp``
@ -190,6 +191,62 @@ A very basic powershell module `win_environment <
A slightly more advanced module is `win_uri <>`_ which additionally shows how to use different parameter types (bool, str, int, list, dict, path) and a selection of choices for parameters, how to fail a module and how to handle exceptions.
As part of the new ``AnsibleModule`` wrapper, the input parameters are defined and validated based on an argument
spec. The following options can be set at the root level of the argument spec:
- ``mutually_exclusive``: A list of lists, where the inner list contains module options that cannot be set together
- ``no_log``: Stops the module from emitting any logs to the Windows Event log
- ``options``: A dictionary where the key is the module option and the value is the spec for that option
- ``required``: Will fail when the module option is not set
- ``required_if``: A list of lists where the inner list contains 3 or 4 elements;
* The first element is the module option to check the value against
* The second element is the value of the option specified by the first element, if matched then the required if check is run
* The third element is a list of required module options when the above is matched
* An optional fourth element is a boolean that states whether all module options in the third elements are required (default: ``$false``) or only one (``$true``)
- ``required_one_of``: A list of lists, where the inner list contains module options where at least one must be set
- ``required_together``: A list of lists, where the inner list contains module options that must be set together
- ``supports_check_mode``: Whether the module supports check mode, by default this is ``$false``
The actual input options for a module are set within the ``options`` value as a dictionary. The keys of this dictionary
are the module option names while the values are the spec of that module option. Each spec can have the following
options set:
- ``aliases``: A list of aliases for the module option
- ``choices``: A list of valid values for the module option, if ``type=list`` then each list value is validated against the choices and not the list itself
- ``default``: The default value for the module option if not set
- ``elements``: When ``type=list``, this sets the type of each list value, the values are the same as ``type``
- ``no_log``: Will sanitise the input value before being returned in the ``module_invocation`` return value
- ``removed_in_version``: States when a deprecated module option is to be removed, a warning is displayed to the end user if set
- ``type``: The type of the module option, if not set then it defaults to ``str``. The valid types are;
* ``bool``: A boolean value
* ``dict``: A dictionary value, if the input is a JSON or key=value string then it is converted to dictionary
* ``float``: A float or `Single <>`_ value
* ``int``: An Int32 value
* ``json``: A string where the value is converted to a JSON string if the input is a dictionary
* ``list``: A list of values, ``elements=<type>`` can convert the individual list value types if set. If ``elements=dict`` then ``options`` is defined, the values will be validated against the argument spec. When the input is a string then the string is split by ``,`` and any whitespace is trimmed
* ``path``: A string where values likes ``%TEMP%`` are expanded based on environment values. If the input value starts with ``\\?\`` then no expansion is run
* ``raw``: No conversions occur on the value passed in by Ansible
* ``sid``: Will convert Windows security identifier values or Windows account names to a `SecurityIdentifier <>`_ value
* ``str``: The value is converted to a string
When ``type=dict``, or ``type=list`` and ``elements=dict``, the following keys can also be set for that module option:
- ``apply_defaults``: The value is based on the ``options`` spec defaults for that key if ``True`` and null if ``False``. Only valid when the module option is not defined by the user and ``type=dict``.
- ``mutually_exclusive``: Same as the root level ``mutually_exclusive`` but validated against the values in the sub dict
- ``options``: Same as the root level ``options`` but contains the valid options for the sub option
- ``required_if``: Same as the root level ``required_if`` but validated against the values in the sub dict
- ``required_one_of``: Same as the root level ``required_one_of`` but validated against the values in the sub dict
A module type can also be a delegate function that converts the value to whatever is required by the module option. For
example the following snippet shows how to create a custom type that creates a ``UInt64`` value:
.. code-block:: powershell
$spec = @{
uint64_type = @{ type = [Func[[Object], [UInt64]]]{ [System.UInt64]::Parse($args[0]) } }
$uint64_type = $module.Params.uint64_type
When in doubt, look at some of the other core modules and see how things have been
implemented there.
@ -216,6 +273,11 @@ These are the checks that can be used within Ansible modules:
- ``#Requires -Version x.y``: Added in Ansible 2.5, specifies the version of PowerShell that is required by the module. The module will fail if this requirement is not met.
- ``#AnsibleRequires -OSVersion x.y``: Added in Ansible 2.5, specifies the OS build version that is required by the module and will fail if this requirement is not met. The actual OS version is derived from ``[Environment]::OSVersion.Version``.
- ``#AnsibleRequires -Become``: Added in Ansible 2.5, forces the exec runner to run the module with ``become``, which is primarily used to bypass WinRM restrictions. If ``ansible_become_user`` is not specified then the ``SYSTEM`` account is used instead.
- ``#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.<module_util>``: Added in Ansible 2.8, specifies a C# module_util to load in for the module execution.
C# module utils can reference other C# utils by adding the line
``using Ansible.<module_util>;`` to the top of the script with all the other
using statements.
Windows module utilities
@ -230,7 +292,56 @@ can be imported by adding the following line to a PowerShell module:
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
This will import the module_util at ``./lib/ansible/module_utils/powershell/Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy.psm1``
and enable calling all of its functions.
and enable calling all of its functions. As of Ansible 2.8, Windows module
utils can also be written in C# and stored at ``lib/ansible/module_utils/csharp``.
These module_utils can be imported by adding the following line to a PowerShell
.. code-block:: powershell
#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic
This will import the module_util at ``./lib/ansible/module_utils/csharp/Ansible.Basic.cs``
and automatically load the types in the executing process. C# module utils can
reference each other and be loaded together by adding the following line to the
using statements at the top of the util:
.. code-block:: csharp
using Ansible.Become;
There are special comments that can be set in a C# file for controlling the
compilation parameters. The following comments can be added to the script;
- ``//AssemblyReference -Name <assembly dll> [-CLR [Core|Framework]]``: The assembly DLL to reference during compilation, the optional ``-CLR`` flag can also be used to state whether to reference when running under .NET Core, Framework, or both (if omitted)
- ``//NoWarn -Name <error id> [-CLR [Core|Framework]]``: A compiler warning ID to ignore when compiling the code, the optional ``-CLR`` works the same as above. A list of warnings can be found at `Compiler errors <>`_
As well as this, the following pre-processor symbols are defined;
- ``CORECLR``: This symbol is present when PowerShell is running through .NET Core
- ``WINDOWS``: This symbol is present when PowerShell is running on Windows
- ``UNIX``: This symbol is present when PowerShell is running on Unix
A combination of these flags help to make a module util interoperable on both
.NET Framework and .NET Core, here is an example of them in action:
.. code-block:: csharp
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
//AssemblyReference -Name Newtonsoft.Json.dll -CLR Core
//AssemblyReference -Name System.Web.Extensions.dll -CLR Framework
// Ignore error CS1702 for all .NET types
//NoWarn -Name CS1702
// Ignore error CS1956 only for .NET Framework
//NoWarn -Name CS1956 -CLR Framework
The following is a list of module_utils that are packaged with Ansible and a general description of what
they do:
@ -251,9 +362,13 @@ distribution for use with custom modules. Custom module_utils are placed in a
folder called ``module_utils`` located in the root folder of the playbook or role
The below example is a role structure that contains two custom module_utils
called ``Ansible.ModuleUtils.ModuleUtil1`` and
C# module utilities can also be stored outside of the standard Ansible distribution for use with custom modules. Like
PowerShell utils, these are stored in a folder called ``module_utils`` and the filename must end in the extension
``.cs``, start with ``Ansible.`` and be named after the namespace defined in the util.
The below example is a role structure that contains two PowerShell custom module_utils called
``Ansible.ModuleUtils.ModuleUtil1``, ``Ansible.ModuleUtils.ModuleUtil2``, and a C# util containing the namespace
@ -262,15 +377,16 @@ called ``Ansible.ModuleUtils.ModuleUtil1`` and
Each module_util must contain at least one function, and a list of functions, aliases and cmdlets to export for use
in a module. This can be a blanket export by using ``*``. For example:
Each PowerShell module_util must contain at least one function that has been exported with ``Export-ModuleMember``
at the end of the file. For example
.. code-block:: powershell
Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Function * -Cmdlet *
Export-ModuleMember -Function Invoke-CustomUtil, Get-CustomInfo
Windows playbook module testing
@ -306,34 +422,53 @@ useful when developing a new module or implementing bug fixes. These
are some steps that need to be followed to set this up:
- Copy the module script to the Windows server
- Copy ``./lib/ansible/module_utils/powershell/Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy.psm1`` to the same directory as the script above
- To stop the script from exiting the editor on a successful run, in ``Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy.psm1`` under the function ``Exit-Json``, replace the last two lines of the function with::
ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $obj -Depth 99
- Copy the folders ``./lib/ansible/module_utils/powershell`` and ``./lib/ansible/module_utils/csharp`` to the same directory as the script above
- Add an extra ``#`` to the start of any ``#Requires -Module`` lines in the module code
- Add the following to the start of the module script that was copied to the server:
- To stop the script from exiting the editor on a failed run, in ``Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy.psm1`` under the function ``Fail-Json``, replace the last two lines of the function with::
.. code-block:: powershell
Write-Error -Message (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $obj -Depth 99)
# Set $ErrorActionPreference to what's set during Ansible execution
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
- Add the following to the start of the module script that was copied to the server::
# Set the first argument file to a JSON that contains the module args
$args = @("$($pwd.Path)\args.json")
### start setup code
# Or instead of an args file, set $complex_args to the pre-processed module args
$complex_args = @{
"_ansible_check_mode" = $false
"_ansible_diff" = $false
"path" = "C:\temp"
"state" = "present"
_ansible_check_mode = $false
_ansible_diff = $false
path = "C:\temp"
state = "present"
Import-Module -Name .\Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy.psm1
### end setup code
You can add more args to ``$complex_args`` as required by the module. The
module can now be run on the Windows host either directly through Powershell
or through an IDE.
# Import any C# utils referenced with '#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil' or 'using Ansible.;
Import-Module -Name "$($pwd.Path)\powershell\Ansible.ModuleUtils.AddType.psm1"
$_csharp_utils = @(
Add-CSharpType -References $_csharp_utils -IncludeDebugInfo
# Import any PowerShell modules referenced with '#Requires -Module`
Import-Module -Name "$($pwd.Path)\powershell\Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy.psm1"
# End of the setup code and start of the module code
You can add more args to ``$complex_args`` as required by the module or define the module options through a JSON file
with the structure::
"_ansible_check_mode": false,
"_ansible_diff": false,
"path": "C:\\temp",
"state": "present"
There are multiple IDEs that can be used to debug a Powershell script, two of
the most popular are
the most popular ones are
- `Powershell ISE`_
- `Visual Studio Code`_
@ -348,7 +483,7 @@ these steps.
- Log onto the Windows server using the same user account that Ansible used to execute the module.
- Navigate to ``%TEMP%\..``. It should contain a folder starting with ``ansible-tmp-``.
- Inside this folder, open the PowerShell script for the module.
- In this script is a raw JSON script under ``$json_raw`` which contains the module arguments under ``module_args``. These args can be assigned manually to the ``$complex_args`` variable that is defined on your debug script.
- In this script is a raw JSON script under ``$json_raw`` which contains the module arguments under ``module_args``. These args can be assigned manually to the ``$complex_args`` variable that is defined on your debug script or put in the ``args.json`` file.
Windows unit testing

@ -649,7 +649,8 @@ def _find_module_utils(module_name, b_module_data, module_path, module_args, tas
b_module_data = b_module_data.replace(REPLACER_WINDOWS, b'#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy')
elif'#Requires -Module', b_module_data, re.IGNORECASE) \
or'#Requires -Version', b_module_data, re.IGNORECASE)\
or'#AnsibleRequires -OSVersion', b_module_data, re.IGNORECASE):
or'#AnsibleRequires -OSVersion', b_module_data, re.IGNORECASE) \
or'#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil', b_module_data, re.IGNORECASE):
module_style = 'new'
module_substyle = 'powershell'
elif REPLACER_JSONARGS in b_module_data:

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -19,9 +19,8 @@ Function Add-CSharpType {
[Switch] Whether to return the loaded Assembly
.PARAMETER AnsibleModule
TODO - This is an AnsibleModule object that is used to derive the
TempPath and Debug values.
TempPath is set to the TmpDir property of the class
[Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule] used to derive the TempPath and Debug values.
TempPath is set to the Tmpdir property of the class
IncludeDebugInfo is set when the Ansible verbosity is >= 3
@ -69,8 +68,8 @@ Function Add-CSharpType {
# pattern used to find referenced assemblies in the code
$assembly_pattern = "^//\s*AssemblyReference\s+-Name\s+(?<Name>[\w.]*)(\s+-CLR\s+(?<CLR>Core|Framework))?$"
$no_warn_pattern = "^//\s*NoWarn\s+-Name\s+(?<Name>[\w\d]*)(\s+-CLR\s+(?<CLR>Core|Framework))?$"
$assembly_pattern = [Regex]"//\s*AssemblyReference\s+-Name\s+(?<Name>[\w.]*)(\s+-CLR\s+(?<CLR>Core|Framework))?"
$no_warn_pattern = [Regex]"//\s*NoWarn\s+-Name\s+(?<Name>[\w\d]*)(\s+-CLR\s+(?<CLR>Core|Framework))?"
# PSCore vs PSDesktop use different methods to compile the code,
# PSCore uses Roslyn and can compile the code purely in memory
@ -99,29 +98,26 @@ Function Add-CSharpType {
foreach ($reference in $References) {
# scan through code and add any assemblies that match
# //AssemblyReference -Name ... [-CLR Core]
$sr = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StringReader -ArgumentList $reference
try {
while ($null -ne ($line = $sr.ReadLine())) {
if ($line -imatch $assembly_pattern) {
# verify the reference is not for .NET Framework
if ($Matches.ContainsKey("CLR") -and $Matches.CLR -ne "Core") {
$assembly_path = $Matches.Name
if (-not ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($assembly_path))) {
$assembly_path = Join-Path -Path $lib_assembly_location -ChildPath $assembly_path
$assemblies.Add([Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MetadataReference]::CreateFromFile($assembly_path)) > $null
if ($line -imatch $no_warn_pattern) {
if ($Matches.ContainsKey("CLR") -and $Matches.CLR -ne "Core") {
$ignore_warnings.Add($Matches.Name, [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ReportDiagnostic]::Suppress)
# //NoWarn -Name ... [-CLR Core]
$assembly_matches = $assembly_pattern.Matches($reference)
foreach ($match in $assembly_matches) {
$clr = $match.Groups["CLR"].Value
if ($clr -and $clr -ne "Core") {
$assembly_path = $match.Groups["Name"]
if (-not ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($assembly_path))) {
$assembly_path = Join-Path -Path $lib_assembly_location -ChildPath $assembly_path
} finally {
$assemblies.Add([Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MetadataReference]::CreateFromFile($assembly_path)) > $null
$warn_matches = $no_warn_pattern.Matches($reference)
foreach ($match in $warn_matches) {
$clr = $match.Groups["CLR"].Value
if ($clr -and $clr -ne "Core") {
$ignore_warnings.Add($match.Groups["Name"], [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ReportDiagnostic]::Suppress)
$syntax_trees.Add([Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpSyntaxTree]::ParseText($reference, $parse_options)) > $null
@ -203,7 +199,7 @@ Function Add-CSharpType {
# configure compile options based on input
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Module") {
$temp_path = $AnsibleModule.TmpDir
$temp_path = $AnsibleModule.Tmpdir
$include_debug = $AnsibleModule.Verbosity -ge 3
} else {
$temp_path = $TempPath
@ -231,34 +227,32 @@ Function Add-CSharpType {
# create a code snippet for each reference and check if we need
# to reference any extra assemblies
# //AssemblyReference -Name ... [-CLR Framework]
$ignore_warnings = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$compile_units = [System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.CodeDom.CodeSnippetCompileUnit]]@()
foreach ($reference in $References) {
$sr = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StringReader -ArgumentList $reference
try {
while ($null -ne ($line = $sr.ReadLine())) {
if ($line -imatch $assembly_pattern) {
# verify the reference is not for .NET Core
if ($Matches.ContainsKey("CLR") -and $Matches.CLR -ne "Framework") {
$assemblies.Add($Matches.Name) > $null
if ($line -imatch $no_warn_pattern) {
if ($Matches.ContainsKey("CLR") -and $Matches.CLR -ne "Framework") {
$warning_id = $Matches.Name
# /nowarn should only contain the numeric part
if ($warning_id.StartsWith("CS")) {
$warning_id = $warning_id.Substring(2)
$ignore_warnings.Add($warning_id) > $null
# scan through code and add any assemblies that match
# //AssemblyReference -Name ... [-CLR Framework]
# //NoWarn -Name ... [-CLR Framework]
$assembly_matches = $assembly_pattern.Matches($reference)
foreach ($match in $assembly_matches) {
$clr = $match.Groups["CLR"].Value
if ($clr -and $clr -ne "Framework") {
$assemblies.Add($match.Groups["Name"].Value) > $null
$warn_matches = $no_warn_pattern.Matches($reference)
foreach ($match in $warn_matches) {
$clr = $match.Groups["CLR"].Value
if ($clr -and $clr -ne "Framework") {
$warning_id = $match.Groups["Name"].Value
# /nowarn should only contain the numeric part
if ($warning_id.StartsWith("CS")) {
$warning_id = $warning_id.Substring(2)
} finally {
$ignore_warnings.Add($warning_id) > $null
$compile_units.Add((New-Object -TypeName System.CodeDom.CodeSnippetCompileUnit -ArgumentList $reference)) > $null
@ -270,7 +264,7 @@ Function Add-CSharpType {
# compile the code together and check for errors
$provider = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider
$compile = $provider.CompileAssemblyFromDom($compile_parameters, $compile_units.ToArray())
$compile = $provider.CompileAssemblyFromDom($compile_parameters, $compile_units)
if ($compile.Errors.HasErrors) {
$msg = "Failed to compile C# code: "
foreach ($e in $compile.Errors) {

@ -3,35 +3,36 @@
# Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$store_name_values = ([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName]).GetEnumValues() | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString() }
$store_location_values = ([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation]).GetEnumValues() | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString() }
$store_name_values = ([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName]).GetEnumValues()
$store_location_values = ([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation]).GetEnumValues()
$params = Parse-Args $args -supports_check_mode $true
$check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_check_mode" -type "bool" -default $false
$state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "state" -type "str" -default "present" -validateset "absent", "exported", "present"
$path = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "path" -type "path" -failifempty ($state -eq "present" -or $state -eq "exported")
$thumbprint = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "thumbprint" -type "str" -failifempty ($state -eq "exported")
$store_name = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "store_name" -type "str" -default "My" -validateset $store_name_values
$store_location = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "store_location" -type "str" -default "LocalMachine" -validateset $store_location_values
$password = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "password" -type "str"
$key_exportable = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "key_exportable" -type "bool" -default $true
$key_storage = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "key_storage" -type "str" -default "default" -validateset "default", "machine", "user"
$file_type = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "file_type" -type "str" -default "der" -validateset "der", "pem", "pkcs12"
$result = @{
changed = $false
thumbprints = @()
$spec = @{
options = @{
state = @{ type = "str"; default = "present"; choices = "absent", "exported", "present" }
path = @{ type = "path" }
thumbprint = @{ type = "str" }
store_name = @{ type = "str"; default = "My"; choices = $store_name_values }
store_location = @{ type = "str"; default = "LocalMachine"; choices = $store_location_values }
password = @{ type = "str"; no_log = $true }
key_exportable = @{ type = "bool"; default = $true }
key_storage = @{ type = "str"; default = "default"; choices = "default", "machine", "user" }
file_type = @{ type = "str"; default = "der"; choices = "der", "pem", "pkcs12" }
required_if = @(
@("state", "absent", @("path", "thumbprint"), $true),
@("state", "exported", @("path", "thumbprint")),
@("state", "present", @("path"))
supports_check_mode = $true
$module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec)
Function Get-CertFile($path, $password, $key_exportable, $key_storage) {
Function Get-CertFile($module, $path, $password, $key_exportable, $key_storage) {
# parses a certificate file and returns X509Certificate2Collection
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Leaf)) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "File at '$path' either does not exist or is not a file"
$module.FailJson("File at '$path' either does not exist or is not a file")
# must set at least the PersistKeySet flag so that the PrivateKey
@ -52,13 +53,13 @@ Function Get-CertFile($path, $password, $key_exportable, $key_storage) {
try {
$certs.Import($path, $password, $store_flags)
} catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to load cert from file: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Failed to load cert from file: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
return $certs
Function New-CertFile($cert, $path, $type, $password) {
Function New-CertFile($module, $cert, $path, $type, $password) {
$content_type = switch ($type) {
"pem" { [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Cert }
"der" { [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType]::Cert }
@ -72,18 +73,18 @@ Function New-CertFile($cert, $path, $type, $password) {
$missing_key = $true
if ($missing_key) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Cannot export cert with key as PKCS12 when the key is not marked as exportable or not accesible by the current user"
$module.FailJson("Cannot export cert with key as PKCS12 when the key is not marked as exportable or not accesible by the current user")
if (Test-Path -Path $path) {
Remove-Item -Path $path -Force
$result.changed = $true
$module.Result.changed = $true
try {
$cert_bytes = $cert.Export($content_type, $password)
} catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to export certificate as bytes: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Failed to export certificate as bytes: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
# Need to manually handle a PEM file
@ -95,26 +96,26 @@ Function New-CertFile($cert, $path, $type, $password) {
$file_encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII
$cert_bytes = $file_encoding.GetBytes($cert_content)
} elseif ($type -eq "pkcs12") {
$result.key_exported = $false
$module.Result.key_exported = $false
if ($cert.PrivateKey -ne $null) {
$result.key_exportable = $cert.PrivateKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.Exportable
$module.Result.key_exportable = $cert.PrivateKey.CspKeyContainerInfo.Exportable
if (-not $check_mode) {
if (-not $module.CheckMode) {
try {
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($path, $cert_bytes)
} catch [System.ArgumentNullException] {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to write cert to file, cert was null: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Failed to write cert to file, cert was null: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} catch [System.IO.IOException] {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to write cert to file due to IO exception: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Failed to write cert to file due to IO Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException, System>Security.SecurityException] {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to write cert to file due to permission: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Failed to write cert to file due to permissions: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to write cert to file: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Failed to write cert to file: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
$result.changed = $true
$module.Result.changed = $true
Function Get-CertFileType($path, $password) {
@ -147,17 +148,27 @@ Function Get-CertFileType($path, $password) {
$store_name = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName]::$store_name
$store_location = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.Storelocation]::$store_location
$state = $module.Params.state
$path = $module.Params.path
$thumbprint = $module.Params.thumbprint
$store_name = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName]"$($module.Params.store_name)"
$store_location = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.Storelocation]"$($module.Params.store_location)"
$password = $module.Params.password
$key_exportable = $module.Params.key_exportable
$key_storage = $module.Params.key_storage
$file_type = $module.Params.file_type
$module.Result.thumbprints = @()
$store = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store -ArgumentList $store_name, $store_location
try {
} catch [System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException] {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Unable to open the store as it is not readable: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Unable to open the store as it is not readable: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} catch [System.Security.SecurityException] {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Unable to open the store with the current permissions: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Unable to open the store with the current permissions: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Unable to open the store: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Unable to open the store: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
$store_certificates = $store.Certificates
@ -166,45 +177,43 @@ try {
$cert_thumbprints = @()
if ($path -ne $null) {
$certs = Get-CertFile -path $path -password $password -key_exportable $key_exportable -key_storage $key_storage
$certs = Get-CertFile -module $module -path $path -password $password -key_exportable $key_exportable -key_storage $key_storage
foreach ($cert in $certs) {
$cert_thumbprints += $cert.Thumbprint
} elseif ($thumbprint -ne $null) {
$cert_thumbprints += $thumbprint
} else {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Either path or thumbprint must be set when state=absent"
foreach ($cert_thumbprint in $cert_thumbprints) {
$result.thumbprints += $cert_thumbprint
$module.Result.thumbprints += $cert_thumbprint
$found_certs = $store_certificates.Find([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType]::FindByThumbprint, $cert_thumbprint, $false)
if ($found_certs.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($found_cert in $found_certs) {
try {
if (-not $check_mode) {
if (-not $module.CheckMode) {
} catch [System.Security.SecurityException] {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Unable to remove cert with thumbprint '$cert_thumbprint' with the current permissions: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Unable to remove cert with thumbprint '$cert_thumbprint' with current permissions: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Unable to remove cert with thumbprint '$cert_thumbprint': $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Unable to remove cert with thumbprint '$cert_thumbprint': $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
$result.changed = $true
$module.Result.changed = $true
} elseif ($state -eq "exported") {
# TODO: Add support for PKCS7 and exporting a cert chain
$result.thumbprints += $thumbprint
$module.Result.thumbprints += $thumbprint
$export = $true
if (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Container) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Cannot export cert to path '$path' as it is a directory"
$module.FailJson("Cannot export cert to path '$path' as it is a directory")
} elseif (Test-Path -Path $path -PathType Leaf) {
$actual_cert_type = Get-CertFileType -path $path -password $password
if ($actual_cert_type -eq $file_type) {
try {
$certs = Get-CertFile -path $path -password $password -key_exportable $key_exportable -key_storage $key_storage
$certs = Get-CertFile -module $module -path $path -password $password -key_exportable $key_exportable -key_storage $key_storage
} catch {
# failed to load the file so we set the thumbprint to something
# that will fail validation
@ -220,27 +229,27 @@ try {
if ($export) {
$found_certs = $store_certificates.Find([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType]::FindByThumbprint, $thumbprint, $false)
if ($found_certs.Count -ne 1) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Found $($found_certs.Count) certs when only expecting 1"
$module.FailJson("Found $($found_certs.Count) certs when only expecting 1")
New-CertFile -cert $found_certs -path $path -type $file_type -password $password
New-CertFile -module $module -cert $found_certs -path $path -type $file_type -password $password
} else {
$certs = Get-CertFile -path $path -password $password -key_exportable $key_exportable -key_storage $key_storage
$certs = Get-CertFile -module $module -path $path -password $password -key_exportable $key_exportable -key_storage $key_storage
foreach ($cert in $certs) {
$result.thumbprints += $cert.Thumbprint
$module.Result.thumbprints += $cert.Thumbprint
$found_certs = $store_certificates.Find([System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType]::FindByThumbprint, $cert.Thumbprint, $false)
if ($found_certs.Count -eq 0) {
try {
if (-not $check_mode) {
if (-not $module.CheckMode) {
} catch [System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException] {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Unable to import certificate with thumbprint '$($cert.Thumbprint)' with the current permissions: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Unable to import certificate with thumbprint '$($cert.Thumbprint)' with the current permissions: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Unable to import certificate with thumbprint '$($cert.Thumbprint)': $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Unable to import certificate with thumbprint '$($cert.Thumbprint)': $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
$result.changed = $true
$module.Result.changed = $true
@ -248,4 +257,4 @@ try {
Exit-Json -obj $result

@ -3,67 +3,59 @@
# Copyright: (c) 2015, Jon Hawkesworth (@jhawkesworth) <>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic
$spec = @{
options = @{
name = @{ type = "str"; required = $true }
level = @{ type = "str"; choices = "machine", "process", "user"; required = $true }
state = @{ type = "str"; choices = "absent", "present"; default = "present" }
value = @{ type = "str" }
required_if = @(,@("state", "present", @("value")))
supports_check_mode = $true
$params = Parse-Args -arguments $args -supports_check_mode $true
$check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_check_mode" -type "bool" -default $false
$diff_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_diff" -type "bool" -default $false
$module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec)
$name = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "name" -type "str" -failifempty $true
$state = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "state" -type "str" -default "present" -validateset "absent","present"
$value = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "value" -type "str"
$level = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "level" -type "str" -validateSet "machine","user","process" -failifempty $true
$name = $
$level = $module.Params.level
$state = $module.Params.state
$value = $module.Params.value
$before_value = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($name, $level)
$result = @{
before_value = $before_value
changed = $false
value = $value
$module.Result.before_value = $before_value
$module.Result.value = $value
# When removing environment, set value to $null if set
if ($state -eq "absent" -and $value) {
Add-Warning -obj $result -message "When removing environment variable '$name' it should not have a value '$value' set"
$module.Warn("When removing environment variable '$name' it should not have a value '$value' set")
$value = $null
} elseif ($state -eq "present" -and (-not $value)) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "When state=present, value must be defined and not an empty string, if you wish to remove the envvar, set state=absent"
$module.FailJson("When state=present, value must be defined and not an empty string, if you wish to remove the envvar, set state=absent")
if ($state -eq "present" -and $before_value -ne $value) {
$module.Diff.before = @{ $level = @{} }
if ($before_value) {
$module.Diff.before.$level.$name = $before_value
$module.Diff.after = @{ $level = @{} }
if ($value) {
$module.Diff.after.$level.$name = $value
if (-not $check_mode) {
if ($state -eq "present" -and $before_value -ne $value) {
if (-not $module.CheckMode) {
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($name, $value, $level)
$result.changed = $true
if ($diff_mode) {
if ($before_value -eq $null) {
$result.diff = @{
prepared = " [$level]`n+$name = $value`n"
} else {
$result.diff = @{
prepared = " [$level]`n-$name = $before_value`n+$name = $value`n"
$module.Result.changed = $true
} elseif ($state -eq "absent" -and $before_value -ne $null) {
if (-not $check_mode) {
if (-not $module.CheckMode) {
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($name, $null, $level)
$result.changed = $true
if ($diff_mode) {
$result.diff = @{
prepared = " [$level]`n-$name = $before_value`n"
$module.Result.changed = $true
Exit-Json -obj $result

@ -2,21 +2,20 @@
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$params = Parse-Args $args -supports_check_mode $true
$data = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "data" -type "str" -default "pong"
$spec = @{
options = @{
data = @{ type = "str"; default = "pong" }
supports_check_mode = $true
$module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec)
$data = $
if ($data -eq "crash") {
throw "boom"
$result = @{
changed = $false
ping = $data
Exit-Json $result
$ = $data

@ -4,65 +4,80 @@
# Copyright: (c) 2017, Dag Wieers (@dagwieers) <>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.CamelConversion
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.FileUtil
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$params = Parse-Args -arguments $args -supports_check_mode $true
$check_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "_ansible_check_mode" -type "bool" -default $false
$url = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "url" -type "str" -failifempty $true
$method = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params "method" -type "str" -default "GET" -validateset "CONNECT","DELETE","GET","HEAD","MERGE","OPTIONS","PATCH","POST","PUT","REFRESH","TRACE"
$content_type = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "content_type" -type "str"
$headers = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "headers"
$body = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "body"
$dest = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "dest" -type "path"
$user = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "user" -type "str"
$password = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "password" -type "str"
$force_basic_auth = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "force_basic_auth" -type "bool" -default $false
$creates = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "creates" -type "path"
$removes = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "removes" -type "path"
$follow_redirects = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "follow_redirects" -type "str" -default "safe" -validateset "all","none","safe"
$maximum_redirection = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "maximum_redirection" -type "int" -default 50
$return_content = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "return_content" -type "bool" -default $false
$status_code = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "status_code" -type "list" -default @(200)
$timeout = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "timeout" -type "int" -default 30
$validate_certs = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "validate_certs" -type "bool" -default $true
$client_cert = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "client_cert" -type "path"
$client_cert_password = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $params -name "client_cert_password" -type "str"
$spec = @{
options = @{
url = @{ type = "str"; required = $true }
method = @{
type = "str"
default = "GET"
content_type = @{ type = "str" }
headers = @{ type = "dict" }
body = @{ type = "raw" }
dest = @{ type = "path" }
user = @{ type = "str" }
password = @{ type = "str"; no_log = $true }
force_basic_auth = @{ type = "bool"; default = $false }
creates = @{ type = "path" }
removes = @{ type = "path" }
follow_redirects = @{
type = "str"
default = "safe"
choices = "all", "none", "safe"
maximum_redirection = @{ type = "int"; default = 50 }
return_content = @{ type = "bool"; default = $false }
status_code = @{ type = "list"; elements = "int"; default = @(200) }
timeout = @{ type = "int"; default = 30 }
validate_certs = @{ type = "bool"; default = $true }
client_cert = @{ type = "path" }
client_cert_password = @{ type = "str"; no_log = $true }
supports_check_mode = $true
$module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec)
$url = $module.Params.url
$method = $module.Params.method
$content_type = $module.Params.content_type
$headers = $module.Params.headers
$body = $module.Params.body
$dest = $module.Params.dest
$user = $module.Params.user
$password = $module.Params.password
$force_basic_auth = $module.Params.force_basic_auth
$creates = $module.Params.creates
$removes = $module.Params.removes
$follow_redirects = $module.Params.follow_redirects
$maximum_redirection = $module.Params.maximum_redirection
$return_content = $module.Params.return_content
$status_code = $module.Params.status_code
$timeout = $module.Params.timeout
$validate_certs = $module.Params.validate_certs
$client_cert = $module.Params.client_cert
$client_cert_password = $module.Params.client_cert_password
$JSON_CANDIDATES = @('text', 'json', 'javascript')
$result = @{
changed = $false
elapsed = 0
url = $url
$module.Result.elapsed = 0
$module.Result.url = $url
if ($creates -and (Test-AnsiblePath -Path $creates)) {
$result.skipped = $true
Exit-Json -obj $result -message "The 'creates' file or directory ($creates) already exists."
$module.Result.skipped = $true
$module.Result.msg = "The 'creates' file or directory ($creates) already exists."
if ($removes -and -not (Test-AnsiblePath -Path $removes)) {
$result.skipped = $true
Exit-Json -obj $result -message "The 'removes' file or directory ($removes) does not exist."
if ($status_code) {
$status_code = foreach ($code in $status_code) {
try {
catch [System.InvalidCastException] {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to convert '$code' to an integer. Status codes must be provided in numeric format."
$module.Result.skipped = $true
$module.Result.msg = "The 'removes' file or directory ($removes) does not exist."
# Enable TLS1.1/TLS1.2 if they're available but disabled (eg. .NET 4.5)
@ -114,7 +129,7 @@ if ($headers) {
$req_headers = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebHeaderCollection
foreach ($header in $headers.GetEnumerator()) {
# some headers need to be set on the property itself
switch ($header.Name) {
switch ($header.Key) {
Accept { $client.Accept = $header.Value }
Connection { $client.Connection = $header.Value }
Content-Length { $client.ContentLength = $header.Value }
@ -130,7 +145,7 @@ if ($headers) {
$client.TransferEncoding = $header.Value
User-Agent { $client.UserAgent = $header.Value }
default { $req_headers.Add($header.Name, $header.Value) }
default { $req_headers.Add($header.Key, $header.Value) }
@ -138,15 +153,15 @@ if ($headers) {
if ($client_cert) {
if (-not (Test-AnsiblePath -Path $client_cert)) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Client certificate '$client_cert' does not exist"
$module.FailJson("Client certificate '$client_cert' does not exit")
try {
$certs = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection -ArgumentList $client_cert, $client_cert_password
$client.ClientCertificates = $certs
} catch [System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException] {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to read client certificate '$client_cert': $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Failed to read client certificate '$client_cert': $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} catch {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Unhandled exception when reading client certificate at '$client_cert': $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.FailJson("Unhandled exception when reading client certificate at '$client_cert': $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
@ -160,7 +175,7 @@ if ($user -and $password) {
$client.Credentials = $credential
} elseif ($user -or $password) {
Add-Warning -obj $result -message "Both 'user' and 'password' parameters are required together, skipping authentication"
$module.Warn("Both 'user' and 'password' parameters are required together, skipping authentication")
if ($null -ne $body) {
@ -187,7 +202,7 @@ $module_start = Get-Date
try {
$response = $client.GetResponse()
} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
$result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
$module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
$response = $null
if ($_.Exception.PSObject.Properties.Name -match "Response") {
# was a non-successful response but we at least have a response and
@ -198,17 +213,17 @@ try {
# in the case a response (or empty response) was on the exception like in
# a timeout scenario, we should still fail
if ($null -eq $response) {
$result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "WebException occurred when sending web request: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
$module.FailJson("WebException occurred when sending web request: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} catch [System.Net.ProtocolViolationException] {
$result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "ProtocolViolationException when sending web request: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
$module.FailJson("ProtocolViolationException when sending web request: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} catch {
$result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Unhandled exception occured when sending web request. Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
$module.FailJson("Unhandled exception occured when sending web request. Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
$result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
$module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
ForEach ($prop in $ {
$result_key = Convert-StringToSnakeCase -string $prop.Name
@ -217,7 +232,7 @@ ForEach ($prop in $ {
if ($prop_value -is [System.DateTime]) {
$prop_value = $prop_value.ToString("o", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
$result.$result_key = $prop_value
$module.Result.$result_key = $prop_value
# manually get the headers as not all of them are in the response properties
@ -225,7 +240,7 @@ foreach ($header_key in $response.Headers.GetEnumerator()) {
$header_value = $response.Headers[$header_key]
$header_key = $header_key.Replace("-", "") # replace - with _ for snake conversion
$header_key = Convert-StringToSnakeCase -string $header_key
$result.$header_key = $header_value
$module.Result.$header_key = $header_value
# we only care about the return body if we need to return the content or create a file
@ -241,10 +256,10 @@ if ($return_content -or $dest) {
if ($return_content) {
$memory_st.Seek(0, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) > $null
$content_bytes = $memory_st.ToArray()
$result.content = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($content_bytes)
if ($result.ContainsKey("content_type") -and $result.content_type -Match ($JSON_CANDIDATES -join '|')) {
$module.Result.content = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($content_bytes)
if ($module.Result.ContainsKey("content_type") -and $module.Result.content_type -Match ($JSON_CANDIDATES -join '|')) {
try {
$result.json = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $result.content
$module.Result.json = ([Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::FromJson($module.Result.content))
} catch [System.ArgumentException] {
# Simply continue, since 'text' might be anything
@ -266,8 +281,8 @@ if ($return_content -or $dest) {
$result.changed = $changed
if ($changed -and (-not $check_mode)) {
$module.Result.changed = $changed
if ($changed -and (-not $module.CheckMode)) {
$memory_st.Seek(0, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) > $null
$file_stream = [System.IO.File]::Create($dest)
try {
@ -284,7 +299,7 @@ if ($return_content -or $dest) {
if ($status_code -notcontains $response.StatusCode) {
Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Status code of request '$([int]$response.StatusCode)' is not in list of valid status codes $status_code : '$($response.StatusCode)'."
$module.FailJson("Status code of request '$([int]$response.StatusCode)' is not in list of valid status codes $status_code : $($response.StatusCode)'.")
Exit-Json -obj $result

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
path: '{{win_cert_dir}}\subj-cert.pem'
store_location: FakeLocation
register: fail_fake_location
failed_when: "fail_fake_location.msg != 'Get-AnsibleParam: Argument store_location needs to be one of CurrentUser,LocalMachine but was FakeLocation.'"
failed_when: "fail_fake_location.msg != 'value of store_location must be one of: CurrentUser, LocalMachine, got: FakeLocation'"
- name: fail with invalid store name
@ -13,27 +13,27 @@
path: '{{win_cert_dir}}\subj-cert.pem'
store_name: FakeName
register: fail_fake_name
failed_when: "fail_fake_name.msg != 'Get-AnsibleParam: Argument store_name needs to be one of AddressBook,AuthRoot,CertificateAuthority,Disallowed,My,Root,TrustedPeople,TrustedPublisher but was FakeName.'"
failed_when: "fail_fake_name.msg != 'value of store_name must be one of: AddressBook, AuthRoot, CertificateAuthority, Disallowed, My, Root, TrustedPeople, TrustedPublisher, got: FakeName'"
- name: fail when state=present and no path is set
state: present
register: fail_present_no_path
failed_when: "fail_present_no_path.msg != 'Get-AnsibleParam: Missing required argument: path'"
failed_when: "fail_present_no_path.msg != 'state is present but all of the following are missing: path'"
- name: fail when state=exported and no path is set
state: exported
thumbprint: ABC
register: fail_export_no_path
failed_when: "fail_export_no_path.msg != 'Get-AnsibleParam: Missing required argument: path'"
failed_when: "fail_export_no_path.msg != 'state is exported but all of the following are missing: path'"
- name: fail when state=exported and no thumbprint is set
state: exported
path: '{{win_cert_dir}}'
register: fail_export_no_thumbprint
failed_when: "fail_export_no_thumbprint.msg != 'Get-AnsibleParam: Missing required argument: thumbprint'"
failed_when: "fail_export_no_thumbprint.msg != 'state is exported but all of the following are missing: thumbprint'"
- name: fail to export thumbprint when path is a dir
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
state: absent
register: fail_absent_no_path_or_thumbprint
failed_when: fail_absent_no_path_or_thumbprint.msg != 'Either path or thumbprint must be set when state=absent'
failed_when: "fail_absent_no_path_or_thumbprint.msg != 'state is absent but any of the following are missing: path, thumbprint'"
- name: import pem certificate (check)

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
- name: test Ansible.Basic.cs
register: ansible_basic_test
- name: assert test Ansible.Basic.cs
- == "success"

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
state: present
level: machine
register: create_fail_null
failed_when: create_fail_null.msg != "When state=present, value must be defined and not an empty string, if you wish to remove the envvar, set state=absent"
failed_when: 'create_fail_null.msg != "state is present but all of the following are missing: value"'
- name: fail to create environment value with empty value
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
state: present
level: machine
register: create_fail_empty_string
failed_when: create_fail_null.msg != "When state=present, value must be defined and not an empty string, if you wish to remove the envvar, set state=absent"
failed_when: create_fail_empty_string.msg != "When state=present, value must be defined and not an empty string, if you wish to remove the envvar, set state=absent"
- name: create test environment value for machine check

@ -51,37 +51,6 @@
- win_ping_ps1_result is not changed
- == 'bleep'
# TODO: this will have to be removed once PS basic is implemented
- name: test win_ping with extra args to verify that v2 module replacer escaping works as expected
data: bloop
a_null: null
a_boolean: true
another_boolean: false
a_number: 299792458
another_number: 22.7
yet_another_number: 6.022e23
a_string: |
it's magic
- first
- 2
- 3.0
- the_thing: the_value
- the_other_thing: 0
- the_list_of_things: [1, 2, 3, 5]
register: win_ping_extra_args_result
- name: check that win_ping with extra args succeeds and ignores everything except data
- win_ping_extra_args_result is not failed
- win_ping_extra_args_result is not changed
- == 'bloop'
- name: test win_ping using data=crash so that it throws an exception
data: crash

@ -83,3 +83,4 @@ test/integration/targets/win_script/files/test_script.ps1 PSAvoidUsingWriteHost
test/integration/targets/win_script/files/test_script_creates_file.ps1 PSAvoidUsingCmdletAliases
test/integration/targets/win_script/files/test_script_with_args.ps1 PSAvoidUsingWriteHost
test/integration/targets/win_script/files/test_script_with_splatting.ps1 PSAvoidUsingWriteHost
test/integration/targets/win_csharp_utils/library/ansible_basic_tests.ps1 PSUseDeclaredVarsMoreThanAssignments # test setup requires vars to be set globally and not referenced in the same scope

@ -702,6 +702,7 @@ class ModuleValidator(Validator):
# check "shape" of each module name
module_requires = r'(?im)^#\s*requires\s+\-module(?:s?)\s*(Ansible\.ModuleUtils\..+)'
csharp_requires = r'(?im)^#\s*ansiblerequires\s+\-csharputil\s*(Ansible\..+)'
found_requires = False
for req_stmt in re.finditer(module_requires, self.text):
@ -725,12 +726,33 @@ class ModuleValidator(Validator):
msg='Module #Requires should not end in .psm1: "%s"' % module_name
for req_stmt in re.finditer(csharp_requires, self.text):
found_requires = True
# this will bomb on dictionary format - "don't do that"
module_list = [x.strip() for x in',')]
if len(module_list) > 1:
msg='Ansible C# util requirements do not support multiple utils per statement: "%s"' %
module_name = module_list[0]
if module_name.lower().endswith('.cs'):
msg='Module #AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil should not end in .cs: "%s"' % module_name
# also accept the legacy #POWERSHELL_COMMON replacer signal
if not found_requires and REPLACER_WINDOWS not in self.text:
msg='No Ansible.ModuleUtils module requirements/imports found'
msg='No Ansible.ModuleUtils or C# Ansible util requirements/imports found'
def _find_ps_docs_py_file(self):
