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Python interpreter discovery (#50163)
* Python interpreter discovery * No longer blindly default to only `/usr/bin/python` * `ansible_python_interpreter` defaults to `auto_legacy`, which will discover the platform Python interpreter on some platforms (but still favor `/usr/bin/python` if present for backward compatibility). Use `auto` to always use the discovered interpreter, append `_silent` to either value to suppress warnings. * includes new doc utility method `get_versioned_doclink` to generate a major.minor versioned doclink against docs.ansible.com (or some other config-overridden URL) * docs revisions for python interpreter discovery (cherry picked from commit 5b53c0012ab7212304c28fdd24cb33fd8ff755c2) * verify output on some distros, cleanuppull/53099/head
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- Python interpreter discovery - The first time a Python module runs on a target, Ansible will attempt to discover the
proper default Python interpreter to use for the target platform/version (instead of immediately defaulting to
``/usr/bin/python``). You can override this behavior by setting ``ansible_python_interpreter`` or via config. (see
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
.. _interpreter_discovery:
Interpreter Discovery
Most Ansible modules that execute under a POSIX environment require a Python
interpreter on the target host. Unless configured otherwise, Ansible will
attempt to discover a suitable Python interpreter on each target host
the first time a Python module is executed for that host.
To control the discovery behavior:
* for individual hosts and groups, use the ``ansible_python_interpreter`` inventory variable
* globally, use the ``interpreter_python`` key in the ``[defaults]`` section of ``ansible.cfg``
Use one of the following values:
auto_legacy : (default in 2.8)
Detects the target OS platform, distribution, and version, then consults a
table listing the correct Python interpreter and path for each
platform/distribution/version. If an entry is found, and ``/usr/bin/python`` is absent, uses the discovered interpreter (and path). If an entry
is found, and ``/usr/bin/python`` is present, uses ``/usr/bin/python``
and issues a warning.
This exception provides temporary compatibility with previous versions of
Ansible that always defaulted to ``/usr/bin/python``, so if you have
installed Python and other dependencies at ``usr/bin/python`` on some hosts,
Ansible will find and use them with this setting.
If no entry is found, or the listed Python is not present on the
target host, searches a list of common Python interpreter
paths and uses the first one found; also issues a warning that future
installation of another Python interpreter could alter the one chosen.
auto : (future default in 2.12)
Detects the target OS platform, distribution, and version, then consults a
table listing the correct Python interpreter and path for each
platform/distribution/version. If an entry is found, uses the discovered
If no entry is found, or the listed Python is not present on the
target host, searches a list of common Python interpreter
paths and uses the first one found; also issues a warning that future
installation of another Python interpreter could alter the one chosen.
Same as ``auto_legacy``, but does not issue warnings.
Same as ``auto``, but does not issue warnings.
You can still set ``ansible_python_interpreter`` to a specific path at any
variable level (for example, in host_vars, in vars files, in playbooks, etc.).
Setting a specific path completely disables automatic interpreter discovery; Ansible always uses the path specified.
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# Copyright: (c) 2018 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# FUTURE: this could be swapped out for our bundled version of distro to move more complete platform
# logic to the targets, so long as we maintain Py2.6 compat and don't need to do any kind of script assembly
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import json
import platform
import io
import os
def read_utf8_file(path, encoding='utf-8'):
if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
return None
with io.open(path, 'r', encoding=encoding) as fd:
content = fd.read()
return content
def get_platform_info():
result = dict(platform_dist_result=[])
if hasattr(platform, 'dist'):
result['platform_dist_result'] = platform.dist()
osrelease_content = read_utf8_file('/etc/os-release')
# try to fall back to /usr/lib/os-release
if not osrelease_content:
osrelease_content = read_utf8_file('/usr/lib/os-release')
result['osrelease_content'] = osrelease_content
return result
def main():
info = get_platform_info()
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
# Copyright: (c) 2018 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import bisect
import json
import pkgutil
import re
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
from ansible.module_utils.distro import LinuxDistribution
from ansible.utils.display import Display
from ansible.utils.plugin_docs import get_versioned_doclink
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from traceback import format_exc
display = Display()
foundre = re.compile(r'(?s)PLATFORM[\r\n]+(.*)FOUND(.*)ENDFOUND')
class InterpreterDiscoveryRequiredError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, interpreter_name, discovery_mode):
super(InterpreterDiscoveryRequiredError, self).__init__(message)
self.interpreter_name = interpreter_name
self.discovery_mode = discovery_mode
def __str__(self):
return self.message
def __repr__(self):
# TODO: proper repr impl
return self.message
def discover_interpreter(action, interpreter_name, discovery_mode, task_vars):
# interpreter discovery is a 2-step process with the target. First, we use a simple shell-agnostic bootstrap to
# get the system type from uname, and find any random Python that can get us the info we need. For supported
# target OS types, we'll dispatch a Python script that calls plaform.dist() (for older platforms, where available)
# and brings back /etc/os-release (if present). The proper Python path is looked up in a table of known
# distros/versions with included Pythons; if nothing is found, depending on the discovery mode, either the
# default fallback of /usr/bin/python is used (if we know it's there), or discovery fails.
# FUTURE: add logical equivalence for "python3" in the case of py3-only modules?
if interpreter_name != 'python':
raise ValueError('Interpreter discovery not supported for {0}'.format(interpreter_name))
host = task_vars.get('inventory_hostname', 'unknown')
res = None
platform_type = 'unknown'
found_interpreters = ['/usr/bin/python'] # fallback value
is_auto_legacy = discovery_mode.startswith('auto_legacy')
is_silent = discovery_mode.endswith('_silent')
platform_python_map = C.config.get_config_value('INTERPRETER_PYTHON_DISTRO_MAP', variables=task_vars)
bootstrap_python_list = C.config.get_config_value('INTERPRETER_PYTHON_FALLBACK', variables=task_vars)
display.vvv(msg="Attempting {0} interpreter discovery".format(interpreter_name), host=host)
# not all command -v impls accept a list of commands, so we have to call it once per python
command_list = ["command -v '%s'" % py for py in bootstrap_python_list]
shell_bootstrap = "echo PLATFORM; uname; echo FOUND; {0}; echo ENDFOUND".format('; '.join(command_list))
# FUTURE: in most cases we probably don't want to use become, but maybe sometimes we do?
res = action._low_level_execute_command(shell_bootstrap, sudoable=False)
raw_stdout = res.get('stdout', '')
match = foundre.match(raw_stdout)
if not match:
display.debug('raw interpreter discovery output: {0}'.format(raw_stdout), host=host)
raise ValueError('unexpected output from Python interpreter discovery')
platform_type = match.groups()[0].lower().strip()
found_interpreters = [interp.strip() for interp in match.groups()[1].splitlines() if interp.startswith('/')]
display.debug("found interpreters: {0}".format(found_interpreters), host=host)
if not found_interpreters:
action._discovery_warnings.append('No python interpreters found for host {0} (tried {1})'.format(host, bootstrap_python_list))
# this is lame, but returning None or throwing an exception is uglier
return '/usr/bin/python'
if platform_type != 'linux':
raise NotImplementedError('unsupported platform for extended discovery: {0}'.format(platform_type))
platform_script = pkgutil.get_data('ansible.executor.discovery', 'python_target.py')
# FUTURE: respect pipelining setting instead of just if the connection supports it?
if action._connection.has_pipelining:
res = action._low_level_execute_command(found_interpreters[0], sudoable=False, in_data=platform_script)
# FUTURE: implement on-disk case (via script action or ?)
raise NotImplementedError('pipelining support required for extended interpreter discovery')
platform_info = json.loads(res.get('stdout'))
distro, version = _get_linux_distro(platform_info)
if not distro or not version:
raise NotImplementedError('unable to get Linux distribution/version info')
version_map = platform_python_map.get(distro.lower().strip())
if not version_map:
raise NotImplementedError('unsupported Linux distribution: {0}'.format(distro))
platform_interpreter = _version_fuzzy_match(version, version_map)
# provide a transition period for hosts that were using /usr/bin/python previously (but shouldn't have been)
if is_auto_legacy:
if platform_interpreter != '/usr/bin/python' and '/usr/bin/python' in found_interpreters:
# FIXME: support comments in sivel's deprecation scanner so we can get reminded on this
if not is_silent:
msg="Distribution {0} {1} should use {2}, but is using "
"/usr/bin/python for backward compatibility with prior Ansible releases. "
"A future Ansible release will default to using the discovered platform "
"python for this host. See {3} for more information"
.format(distro, version, platform_interpreter,
return '/usr/bin/python'
if platform_interpreter not in found_interpreters:
if platform_interpreter not in bootstrap_python_list:
# sanity check to make sure we looked for it
if not is_silent:
action._discovery_warnings \
.append("Platform interpreter {0} is missing from bootstrap list"
if not is_silent:
action._discovery_warnings \
.append("Distribution {0} {1} should use {2}, but is using {3}, since the "
"discovered platform python interpreter was not present. See {4} "
"for more information."
.format(distro, version, platform_interpreter, found_interpreters[0],
return found_interpreters[0]
return platform_interpreter
except NotImplementedError as ex:
display.vvv(msg='Python interpreter discovery fallback ({0})'.format(to_text(ex)), host=host)
except Exception as ex:
if not is_silent:
display.warning(msg='Unhandled error in Python interpreter discovery for host {0}: {1}'.format(host, to_text(ex)))
display.debug(msg='Interpreter discovery traceback:\n{0}'.format(to_text(format_exc())), host=host)
if res and res.get('stderr'):
display.vvv(msg='Interpreter discovery remote stderr:\n{0}'.format(to_text(res.get('stderr'))), host=host)
if not is_silent:
action._discovery_warnings \
.append("Platform {0} is using the discovered Python interpreter at {1}, but future installation of "
"another Python interpreter could change this. See {2} "
"for more information."
.format(platform_type, found_interpreters[0],
return found_interpreters[0]
def _get_linux_distro(platform_info):
dist_result = platform_info.get('platform_dist_result', [])
if len(dist_result) == 3 and any(dist_result):
return dist_result[0], dist_result[1]
osrelease_content = platform_info.get('osrelease_content')
if not osrelease_content:
return '', ''
osr = LinuxDistribution._parse_os_release_content(osrelease_content)
return osr.get('id', ''), osr.get('version_id', '')
def _version_fuzzy_match(version, version_map):
# try exact match first
res = version_map.get(version)
if res:
return res
sorted_looseversions = sorted([LooseVersion(v) for v in version_map.keys()])
find_looseversion = LooseVersion(version)
# slot match; return nearest previous version we're newer than
kpos = bisect.bisect(sorted_looseversions, find_looseversion)
if kpos == 0:
# older than everything in the list, return the oldest version
# TODO: warning-worthy?
return version_map.get(sorted_looseversions[0].vstring)
# TODO: is "past the end of the list" warning-worthy too (at least if it's not a major version match)?
# return the next-oldest entry that we're newer than...
return version_map.get(sorted_looseversions[kpos - 1].vstring)
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
non_local # workaround to allow override of ansible_python_interpreter; disables coverage on this integration target
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <michael.dehaan@gmail.com>
# (c) 2016, Toshio Kuratomi <tkuratomi@ansible.com>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
__metaclass__ = type
import sys
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
def main():
result = dict(changed=False)
module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=dict(
facts=dict(type=dict, default={})
result['ansible_facts'] = module.params['facts']
result['running_python_interpreter'] = sys.executable
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
- name: ensure we can override ansible_python_interpreter
ansible_python_interpreter: overriddenpython
- ansible_python_interpreter == 'overriddenpython'
fail_msg: "'ansible_python_interpreter' appears to be set at a high precedence to {{ ansible_python_interpreter }},
which breaks this test."
- name: snag some facts to validate for later
distro: '{{ ansible_distribution | default("unknown") | lower }}'
distro_version: '{{ ansible_distribution_version | default("unknown") }}'
os_family: '{{ ansible_os_family | default("unknown") }}'
- name: test that python discovery is working and that fact persistence makes it only run once
- name: clear facts to force interpreter discovery to run
meta: clear_facts
- name: trigger discovery with auto
ansible_python_interpreter: auto
register: auto_out
- name: get the interpreter being used on the target to execute modules
# keep this set so we can verify we didn't repeat discovery
ansible_python_interpreter: auto
register: echoout
- assert:
- auto_out.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python is defined
- echoout.running_python_interpreter == auto_out.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python
# verify that discovery didn't run again (if it did, we'd have the fact in the result)
- echoout.ansible_facts is not defined or echoout.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python is not defined
- name: test that auto_legacy gives a dep warning when /usr/bin/python present but != auto result
- name: clear facts to force interpreter discovery to run
meta: clear_facts
- name: trigger discovery with auto_legacy
ansible_python_interpreter: auto_legacy
register: legacy
- name: check for dep warning (only on platforms where auto result is not /usr/bin/python and legacy is)
- legacy.deprecations | default([]) | length > 0
# only check for a dep warning if legacy returned /usr/bin/python and auto didn't
when: legacy.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python == '/usr/bin/python' and
auto_out.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python != '/usr/bin/python'
- name: test that auto_silent never warns and got the same answer as auto
- name: clear facts to force interpreter discovery to run
meta: clear_facts
- name: initial task to trigger discovery
ansible_python_interpreter: auto_silent
register: auto_silent_out
- assert:
- auto_silent_out.warnings is not defined
- auto_silent_out.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python == auto_out.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python
- name: test that auto_legacy_silent never warns and got the same answer as auto_legacy
- name: clear facts to force interpreter discovery to run
meta: clear_facts
- name: trigger discovery with auto_legacy_silent
ansible_python_interpreter: auto_legacy_silent
register: legacy_silent
- assert:
- legacy_silent.warnings is not defined
- legacy_silent.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python == legacy.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python
- name: ensure modules can't set discovered_interpreter_X or ansible_X_interpreter
- test_echo_module:
ansible_discovered_interpreter_bogus: from module
discovered_interpreter_bogus: from_module
ansible_bogus_interpreter: from_module
test_fact: from_module
register: echoout
- assert:
- test_fact == 'from_module'
- discovered_interpreter_bogus | default('nope') == 'nope'
- ansible_bogus_interpreter | default('nope') == 'nope'
# this one will exist in facts, but with its prefix removed
- ansible_facts['ansible_bogus_interpreter'] | default('nope') == 'nope'
- ansible_facts['discovered_interpreter_bogus'] | default('nope') == 'nope'
- name: fedora assertions
- auto_out.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python == '/usr/bin/python3'
when: distro == 'fedora' and distro_version is version('23', '>=')
- name: rhel assertions
# rhel 6/7
- (auto_out.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python == '/usr/bin/python' and distro_version is version('8','<')) or distro_version is version('8','>=')
# rhel 8+
- (auto_out.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python == '/usr/libexec/platform-python' and distro_version is version('8','>=')) or distro_version is version('8','<')
when: distro == 'redhat'
- name: ubuntu assertions
# ubuntu < 16
- (auto_out.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python == '/usr/bin/python' and distro_version is version('16.04','<')) or distro_version is version('16.04','>=')
# ubuntu >= 16
- (auto_out.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python == '/usr/bin/python3' and distro_version is version('16.04','>=')) or distro_version is version('16.04','<')
when: distro == 'ubuntu'
- name: mac assertions
- auto_out.ansible_facts.discovered_interpreter_python == '/usr/bin/python'
when: os_family == 'darwin'
- meta: clear_facts
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