@ -20,50 +20,47 @@ short_description: Manage route tables for AWS virtual private clouds
description :
- Manage route tables for AWS virtual private clouds
version_added : " 2.0 "
author : Robert Estelle ( @erydo )
author : Robert Estelle ( @erydo ) , Rob White ( @wimnat )
options :
vpc_id :
lookup :
description :
- VPC ID of the VPC in which to create the route table .
required : true
route_table_id :
- " Look up route table by either tags or by route table ID. Non-unique tag lookup will fail. If no tags are specifed then no lookup for an existing route table is performed and a new route table will be created. To change tags of a route table, you must look up by id. "
required : false
default : tag
choices : [ ' tag ' , ' id ' ]
propagating_vgw_ids :
description :
- The ID of the route table to update or delete .
- " Enable route propagation from virtual gateways specified by ID. "
required : false
default : null
resource_tags :
route_table_id :
description :
- A dictionary array of resource tags of the form : { tag1 : value1 , tag2 : value2 } . Tags in this list are used to uniquely identify route tables within a VPC when the route_table_id is not supplied .
- " The ID of the route table to update or delete. "
required : false
default : null
routes :
description :
- List of routes in the route table . Routes are specified as dicts containing the keys ' dest ' and one of ' gateway_id ' , ' instance_id ' , ' interface_id ' , or ' vpc_peering_connection ' . If ' gateway_id ' is specified , you can refer to the VPC ' s IGW by using the value ' igw ' .
- " List of routes in the route table. Routes are specified as dicts containing the keys ' dest ' and one of ' gateway_id ' , ' instance_id ' , ' interface_id ' , or ' vpc_peering_connection ' . If ' gateway_id ' is specified, you can refer to the VPC ' s IGW by using the value ' igw ' . "
required : true
state :
description :
- " Create or destroy the VPC route table "
required : false
default : present
choices : [ ' present ' , ' absent ' ]
subnets :
description :
- An array of subnets to add to this route table . Subnets may be specified by either subnet ID , Name tag , or by a CIDR such as ' ' .
- " An array of subnets to add to this route table. Subnets may be specified by either subnet ID, Name tag, or by a CIDR such as ' ' . "
required : true
propagating_vgw_ids :
description :
- Enable route propagation from virtual gateways specified by ID .
required : false
wait :
tags :
description :
- Wait for the VPC to be in state ' available ' before returning .
- " A dictionary array of resource tags of the form: { tag1: value1, tag2: value2 }. Tags in this list are used to uniquely identify route tables within a VPC when the route_table_id is not supplied. "
required : false
default : " no "
choices : [ " yes " , " no " ]
wait_timeout :
description :
- How long before wait gives up , in seconds .
default : 300
state :
default : null
aliases : [ " resource_tags " ]
vpc_id :
description :
- Create or destroy the VPC route table
required : false
default : present
choices : [ ' present ' , ' absent ' ]
- " VPC ID of the VPC in which to create the route table. "
required : true
extends_documentation_fragment : aws
@ -73,36 +70,35 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
# Basic creation example:
- name : Set up public subnet route table
local_action :
module : ec2_vpc_route_table
ec2_vpc_route_table :
vpc_id : vpc - 1245678
region : us - west - 1
resource_ tags:
Name : Public
subnets :
- ' {{ jumpbox_subnet.subnet_id}} '
- ' {{ frontend_subnet.subnet_id}} '
- ' {{ vpn_subnet.subnet_id}} '
- " {{ jumpbox_subnet.subnet_id }} "
- " {{ frontend_subnet.subnet_id }} "
- " {{ vpn_subnet.subnet_id }} "
routes :
- dest : 0.0 .0 .0 / 0
gateway_id : ' {{ igw.gateway_id}} '
gateway_id : " {{ igw.gateway_id }} "
register : public_route_table
- name : Set up NAT - protected route table
local_action :
module : ec2_vpc_route_table
ec2_vpc_route_table :
vpc_id : vpc - 1245678
region : us - west - 1
resource_ tags:
- Name : Internal
subnets :
- ' {{ application_subnet.subnet_id}} '
- " {{ application_subnet.subnet_id }} "
- ' Database Subnet '
- ' '
routes :
- dest : 0.0 .0 .0 / 0
instance_id : ' {{ nat.instance_id}} '
instance_id : " {{ nat.instance_id }} "
register : nat_route_table
@ -210,12 +206,12 @@ def find_igw(vpc_conn, vpc_id):
filters = { ' attachment.vpc-id ' : vpc_id } )
if not igw :
r eturn AnsibleIgwSearchException ( ' No IGW found for VPC " {0} " ' .
r ais e AnsibleIgwSearchException ( ' No IGW found for VPC {0} ' .
format ( vpc_id ) )
elif len ( igw ) == 1 :
return igw [ 0 ] . id
else :
raise AnsibleIgwSearchException ( ' Multiple IGWs found for VPC " {0} " ' .
raise AnsibleIgwSearchException ( ' Multiple IGWs found for VPC {0} ' .
format ( vpc_id ) )
@ -251,16 +247,28 @@ def ensure_tags(vpc_conn, resource_id, tags, add_only, check_mode):
def get_route_table_by_id ( vpc_conn , vpc_id , route_table_id ) :
route_tables = vpc_conn . get_all_route_tables (
route_table_ids = [ route_table_id ] , filters = { ' vpc_id ' : vpc_id } )
return route_tables [ 0 ] if route_tables else None
route_table = None
route_tables = vpc_conn . get_all_route_tables ( route_table_ids = [ route_table_id ] , filters = { ' vpc_id ' : vpc_id } )
if route_tables :
route_table = route_tables [ 0 ]
return route_table
def get_route_table_by_tags ( vpc_conn , vpc_id , tags ) :
count = 0
route_table = None
route_tables = vpc_conn . get_all_route_tables ( filters = { ' vpc_id ' : vpc_id } )
for route_table in route_tables :
this_tags = get_resource_tags ( vpc_conn , route_table . id )
for table in route_tables :
this_tags = get_resource_tags ( vpc_conn , table. id )
if tags_match ( tags , this_tags ) :
route_table = table
count + = 1
if count > 1 :
raise RuntimeError ( " Tags provided do not identify a unique route table " )
else :
return route_table
@ -391,75 +399,132 @@ def ensure_propagation(vpc_conn, route_table, propagating_vgw_ids,
return { ' changed ' : changed }
def ensure_route_table_absent ( vpc_conn , vpc_id , route_table_id , resource_tags ,
check_mode ) :
if route_table_id :
route_table = get_route_table_by_id ( vpc_conn , vpc_id , route_table_id )
elif resource_tags :
route_table = get_route_table_by_tags ( vpc_conn , vpc_id , resource_tags )
def ensure_route_table_absent ( connection , module ) :
lookup = module . params . get ( ' lookup ' )
route_table_id = module . params . get ( ' route_table_id ' )
tags = module . params . get ( ' tags ' )
vpc_id = module . params . get ( ' vpc_id ' )
check_mode = module . params . get ( ' check_mode ' )
if lookup == ' tag ' :
if tags is not None :
try :
route_table = get_route_table_by_tags ( connection , vpc_id , tags )
except EC2ResponseError as e :
module . fail_json ( msg = e . message )
except RuntimeError as e :
module . fail_json ( msg = e . args [ 0 ] )
else :
raise AnsibleRouteTableException (
' must provide route_table_id or resource_tags ' )
route_table = None
elif lookup == ' id ' :
try :
route_table = get_route_table_by_id ( connection , vpc_id , route_table_id )
except EC2ResponseError as e :
module . fail_json ( msg = e . message )
if route_table is None :
return { ' changed ' : False }
vpc_conn . delete_route_table ( route_table . id , dry_run = check_mode )
try :
connection . delete_route_table ( route_table . id , dry_run = check_mode )
except EC2ResponseError as e :
module . fail_json ( msg = e . message )
return { ' changed ' : True }
def ensure_route_table_present ( vpc_conn , vpc_id , route_table_id , resource_tags ,
routes , subnets , propagating_vgw_ids ,
check_mode ) :
def get_route_table_info ( route_table ) :
# Add any routes to array
routes = [ ]
for route in route_table . routes :
routes . append ( route . __dict__ )
route_table_info = { ' id ' : route_table . id ,
' routes ' : routes ,
' tags ' : route_table . tags ,
' vpc_id ' : route_table . vpc_id
return route_table_info
def create_route_spec ( connection , routes , vpc_id ) :
for route_spec in routes :
rename_key ( route_spec , ' dest ' , ' destination_cidr_block ' )
if ' gateway_id ' in route_spec and route_spec [ ' gateway_id ' ] and \
route_spec [ ' gateway_id ' ] . lower ( ) == ' igw ' :
igw = find_igw ( connection , vpc_id )
route_spec [ ' gateway_id ' ] = igw
return routes
def ensure_route_table_present ( connection , module ) :
lookup = module . params . get ( ' lookup ' )
propagating_vgw_ids = module . params . get ( ' propagating_vgw_ids ' , [ ] )
route_table_id = module . params . get ( ' route_table_id ' )
subnets = module . params . get ( ' subnets ' )
tags = module . params . get ( ' tags ' )
vpc_id = module . params . get ( ' vpc_id ' )
check_mode = module . params . get ( ' check_mode ' )
try :
routes = create_route_spec ( connection , module . params . get ( ' routes ' ) , vpc_id )
except AnsibleIgwSearchException as e :
module . fail_json ( msg = e [ 0 ] )
changed = False
tags_valid = False
if route_table_id :
route_table = get_route_table_by_id ( vpc_conn , vpc_id , route_table_id )
elif resource_tags :
route_table = get_route_table_by_tags ( vpc_conn , vpc_id , resource_tags )
tags_valid = route_table is not None
else :
raise AnsibleRouteTableException (
' must provide route_table_id or resource_tags ' )
if check_mode and route_table is None :
return { ' changed ' : True }
if lookup == ' tag ' :
if tags is not None :
try :
route_table = get_route_table_by_tags ( connection , vpc_id , tags )
except EC2ResponseError as e :
module . fail_json ( msg = e . message )
except RuntimeError as e :
module . fail_json ( msg = e . args [ 0 ] )
else :
route_table = None
elif lookup == ' id ' :
try :
route_table = get_route_table_by_id ( connection , vpc_id , route_table_id )
except EC2ResponseError as e :
module . fail_json ( msg = e . message )
# If no route table returned then create new route table
if route_table is None :
print route_table . keys ( )
try :
route_table = vpc_conn . create_route_table ( vpc_id )
route_table = connection . create_route_table ( vpc_id , check_mode )
changed = True
except EC2ResponseError , e :
module . fail_json ( msg = e . message )
if routes is not None :
try :
result = ensure_routes ( connection , route_table , routes , propagating_vgw_ids , check_mode )
changed = changed or result [ ' changed ' ]
except EC2ResponseError as e :
raise AnsibleRouteTableException (
' Unable to create route table {0} , error: {1} '
. format ( route_table_id or resource_tags , e )
module . fail_json ( msg = e . message )
if propagating_vgw_ids is not None :
result = ensure_propagation ( vpc_conn , route_table ,
result = ensure_propagation ( vpc_conn , route_table_id ,
propagating_vgw_ids ,
check_mode = check_mode )
changed = changed or result [ ' changed ' ]
if not tags_valid and resource_tags is not None :
result = ensure_tags ( vpc_conn , route_table . id , resource_tags ,
if not tags_valid and tags is not None :
result = ensure_tags ( connectio n, route_table . id , tags,
add_only = True , check_mode = check_mode )
changed = changed or result [ ' changed ' ]
if routes is not None :
try :
result = ensure_routes ( vpc_conn , route_table , routes ,
propagating_vgw_ids , check_mode )
changed = changed or result [ ' changed ' ]
except EC2ResponseError as e :
raise AnsibleRouteTableException (
' Unable to ensure routes for route table {0} , error: {1} '
. format ( route_table , e )
if subnets :
associated_subnets = [ ]
try :
associated_subnets = find_subnets ( vpc_ conn, vpc_id , subnets )
associated_subnets = find_subnets ( connection , vpc_id , subnets )
except EC2ResponseError as e :
raise AnsibleRouteTableException (
' Unable to find subnets for route table {0} , error: {1} '
@ -467,8 +532,7 @@ def ensure_route_table_present(vpc_conn, vpc_id, route_table_id, resource_tags,
try :
result = ensure_subnet_associations (
vpc_conn , vpc_id , route_table , associated_subnets , check_mode )
result = ensure_subnet_associations ( connection , vpc_id , route_table , associated_subnets , check_mode )
changed = changed or result [ ' changed ' ]
except EC2ResponseError as e :
raise AnsibleRouteTableException (
@ -476,23 +540,21 @@ def ensure_route_table_present(vpc_conn, vpc_id, route_table_id, resource_tags,
. format ( route_table , e )
return {
' changed ' : changed ,
' route_table_id ' : route_table . id ,
module . exit_json ( changed = changed , route_table = get_route_table_info ( route_table ) )
def main ( ) :
argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec ( )
argument_spec . update (
dict (
vpc_id = dict ( default = None , required = True ) ,
route_table_id = dict ( default = None , required = False ) ,
lookup = dict ( default = ' tag ' , required = False , choices = [ ' tag ' , ' id ' ] ) ,
propagating_vgw_ids = dict ( default = None , required = False , type = ' list ' ) ,
r esource_tags = dict ( default = None , required = False , type = ' dict ' ) ,
r oute_table_id = dict ( default = None , required = False ) ,
routes = dict ( default = None , required = False , type = ' list ' ) ,
state = dict ( default = ' present ' , choices = [ ' present ' , ' absent ' ] ) ,
subnets = dict ( default = None , required = False , type = ' list ' ) ,
state = dict ( default = ' present ' , choices = [ ' present ' , ' absent ' ] )
tags = dict ( default = None , required = False , type = ' dict ' , aliases = [ ' resource_tags ' ] ) ,
vpc_id = dict ( default = None , required = True )
@ -511,34 +573,18 @@ def main():
else :
module . fail_json ( msg = " region must be specified " )
vpc_id = module . params . get ( ' vpc_id ' )
lookup = module . params . get ( ' lookup ' )
route_table_id = module . params . get ( ' route_table_id ' )
resource_tags = module . params . get ( ' resource_tags ' )
propagating_vgw_ids = module . params . get ( ' propagating_vgw_ids ' , [ ] )
routes = module . params . get ( ' routes ' )
for route_spec in routes :
rename_key ( route_spec , ' dest ' , ' destination_cidr_block ' )
if ' gateway_id ' in route_spec and route_spec [ ' gateway_id ' ] and \
route_spec [ ' gateway_id ' ] . lower ( ) == ' igw ' :
igw = find_igw ( connection , vpc_id )
route_spec [ ' gateway_id ' ] = igw
subnets = module . params . get ( ' subnets ' )
state = module . params . get ( ' state ' , ' present ' )
if lookup == ' id ' and route_table_id is None :
module . fail_json ( " You must specify route_table_id if lookup is set to id " )
try :
if state == ' present ' :
result = ensure_route_table_present (
connection , vpc_id , route_table_id , resource_tags ,
routes , subnets , propagating_vgw_ids , module . check_mode
result = ensure_route_table_present ( connection , module )
elif state == ' absent ' :
result = ensure_route_table_absent (
connection , vpc_id , route_table_id , resource_tags ,
module . check_mode
result = ensure_route_table_absent ( connection , module )
except AnsibleRouteTableException as e :
module . fail_json ( msg = str ( e ) )