Ansible has several mailing lists. Your first post to the mailing list will be moderated (to reduce spam), so please allow up to a day or so for your first post to appear.
Ansible has several mailing lists. Your first post to the mailing list will be moderated (to reduce spam), so please allow up to a day or so for your first post to appear.
* `Ansible Announce list <!forum/ansible-announce>`_ is a read-only list that shares information about new releases of Ansible, and also rare infrequent event information, such as announcements about an upcoming AnsibleFest, which is our official conference series. Worth subscribing to!
* `Ansible Announce list <!forum/ansible-announce>`_ is a read-only list that shares information about new releases of Ansible, and also rare infrequent event information, such as announcements about an upcoming AnsibleFest, which is our official conference series. Worth subscribing to!
* `Ansible AWX List <!forum/awx-project>`_ is for `Ansible AWX <>`_
* `Ansible AWX List <!forum/awx-project>`_ is for `Ansible AWX <>`_
* `Ansible Container List <!forum/ansible-container>`_ is for users and developers of the Ansible Container project.
* `Ansible Development List <!forum/ansible-devel>`_ is for learning how to develop on Ansible, asking about prospective feature design, or discussions about extending ansible or features in progress.
* `Ansible Development List <!forum/ansible-devel>`_ is for learning how to develop on Ansible, asking about prospective feature design, or discussions about extending ansible or features in progress.
* `Ansible Lockdown List <!forum/ansible-lockdown>`_ is for all things related to Ansible Lockdown projects, including DISA STIG automation and CIS Benchmarks.
* `Ansible Lockdown List <!forum/ansible-lockdown>`_ is for all things related to Ansible Lockdown projects, including DISA STIG automation and CIS Benchmarks.
* `Ansible Outreach List <!forum/ansible-outreach>`_ help with promoting Ansible and `Ansible Meetups <>`_
* `Ansible Outreach List <!forum/ansible-outreach>`_ help with promoting Ansible and `Ansible Meetups <>`_