@ -346,6 +346,47 @@ def too_old(added):
return added_float < TOO_OLD_TO_BE_NOTABLE
def process_options(module, options):
option_names = []
if options:
for (k, v) in iteritems(options):
# Error out if there's no description
if 'description' not in v:
raise AnsibleError("Missing required description for parameter '%s' in '%s' " % (k, module))
# Make sure description is a list of lines for later formatting
if isinstance(v['description'], string_types):
v['description'] = [v['description']]
elif not isinstance(v['description'], (list, tuple)):
raise AnsibleError("Invalid type for options['%s']['description']."
" Must be string or list of strings. Got %s" %
(k, type(v['description'])))
# Error out if required isn't a boolean (people have been putting
# information on when something is required in here. Those need
# to go in the description instead).
required_value = v.get('required', False)
if not isinstance(required_value, bool):
raise AnsibleError("Invalid required value '%s' for parameter '%s' in '%s' (must be truthy)" % (required_value, k, module))
# Strip old version_added information for options
if 'version_added' in v and too_old(v['version_added']):
del v['version_added']
if 'suboptions' in v and v['suboptions']:
if isinstance(v['suboptions'], dict):
process_options(module, v['suboptions'])
elif isinstance(v['suboptions'][0], dict):
process_options(module, v['suboptions'][0])
return option_names
def process_plugins(module_map, templates, outputname, output_dir, ansible_version, plugin_type):
for module_index, module in enumerate(module_map):
@ -417,38 +458,7 @@ def process_plugins(module_map, templates, outputname, output_dir, ansible_versi
if too_old(added):
del doc['version_added']
option_names = []
if 'options' in doc and doc['options']:
for (k, v) in iteritems(doc['options']):
# Error out if there's no description
if 'description' not in doc['options'][k]:
raise AnsibleError("Missing required description for parameter '%s' in '%s' " % (k, module))
# Make sure description is a list of lines for later formatting
if isinstance(doc['options'][k]['description'], string_types):
doc['options'][k]['description'] = [doc['options'][k]['description']]
elif not isinstance(doc['options'][k]['description'], (list, tuple)):
raise AnsibleError("Invalid type for options['%s']['description']."
" Must be string or list of strings. Got %s" %
(k, type(doc['options'][k]['description'])))
# Error out if required isn't a boolean (people have been putting
# information on when something is required in here. Those need
# to go in the description instead).
required_value = doc['options'][k].get('required', False)
if not isinstance(required_value, bool):
raise AnsibleError("Invalid required value '%s' for parameter '%s' in '%s' (must be truthy)" % (required_value, k, module))
# Strip old version_added information for options
if 'version_added' in doc['options'][k] and too_old(doc['options'][k]['version_added']):
del doc['options'][k]['version_added']
doc['option_keys'] = option_names
doc['option_keys'] = process_options(module, doc.get('options'))
doc['filename'] = fname
doc['source'] = module_map[module]['source']
doc['docuri'] = doc['module'].replace('_', '-')