@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ version_added: "2.4"
- "Trishna Guha (@trishnaguha)"
- "Sebastiaan van Doesselaar (@sebasdoes)"
- "Kedar Kekan (@kedarX)"
short_description: Manage the aggregate of local users on Cisco IOS XR device
- This module provides declarative management of the local usernames
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ description:
configuration that are not explicitly defined.
extends_documentation_fragment: iosxr
- Tested against IOS XR 6.1.2
- Tested against IOS XRv 6.1.2
@ -45,9 +46,10 @@ options:
Please note that this option is not same as C(provider username).
- The password to be configured on the Cisco IOS XR device. The
password needs to be provided in clear and it will be encrypted
on the device.
- The password to be configured on the Cisco IOS XR device. The password
needs to be provided in clear text. Password is encrypted on the device
when used with I(cli) and by Ansible when used with I(netconf)
using the same MD5 hash technique with salt size of 3.
Please note that this option is not same as C(provider password).
@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ options:
- Instructs the module to consider the
resource definition absolute. It will remove any previously
configured usernames on the device with the exception of the
`admin` user (the current defined set of users).
`admin` user and the current defined set of users.
type: bool
default: false
@ -119,11 +121,11 @@ EXAMPLES = """
- name: create a new user
name: ansible
configured_password: test
configured_password: mypassword
state: present
- name: remove all users except admin
purge: yes
purge: True
- name: set multiple users to group sys-admin
@ -161,15 +163,38 @@ commands:
- username ansible secret password group sysadmin
- username admin secret admin
description: NetConf rpc xml sent to device with transport C(netconf)
returned: always (empty list when no xml rpc to send)
type: list
version_added: 2.5
- '<config xmlns:xc=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0\">
<aaa xmlns=\"http://cisco.com/ns/yang/Cisco-IOS-XR-aaa-lib-cfg\">
<usernames xmlns=\"http://cisco.com/ns/yang/Cisco-IOS-XR-aaa-locald-cfg\">
<username xc:operation=\"merge\">
from functools import partial
import os
from functools import partial
from copy import deepcopy
import collections
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible.module_utils.network.common.utils import remove_default_spec
from ansible.module_utils.network.iosxr.iosxr import get_config, load_config
from ansible.module_utils.network.iosxr.iosxr import iosxr_argument_spec
from ansible.module_utils.network.iosxr.iosxr import get_config, load_config, is_netconf, is_cliconf
from ansible.module_utils.network.iosxr.iosxr import iosxr_argument_spec, build_xml, etree_findall
from base64 import b64decode
@ -184,221 +209,424 @@ except ImportError:
def search_obj_in_list(name, lst):
for o in lst:
if o['name'] == name:
return o
class PublicKeyManager(object):
def __init__(self, module, result):
self._module = module
self._result = result
return None
def convert_key_to_base64(self):
""" IOS-XR only accepts base64 decoded files, this converts the public key to a temp file.
if self._module.params['aggregate']:
name = 'aggregate'
name = self._module.params['name']
if self._module.params['public_key_contents']:
key = self._module.params['public_key_contents']
elif self._module.params['public_key']:
readfile = open(self._module.params['public_key'], 'r')
key = readfile.read()
splitfile = key.split()[1]
def map_obj_to_commands(updates, module):
commands = list()
want, have = updates
base64key = b64decode(splitfile)
base64file = open('/tmp/publickey_%s.b64' % (name), 'wb')
for w in want:
name = w['name']
state = w['state']
return '/tmp/publickey_%s.b64' % (name)
obj_in_have = search_obj_in_list(name, have)
def copy_key_to_node(self, base64keyfile):
""" Copy key to IOS-XR node. We use SFTP because older IOS-XR versions don't handle SCP very well.
if (self._module.params['host'] is None or self._module.params['provider']['host'] is None):
return False
if state == 'absent' and obj_in_have:
commands.append('no username ' + name)
elif state == 'present' and not obj_in_have:
user_cmd = 'username ' + name
if (self._module.params['username'] is None or self._module.params['provider']['username'] is None):
return False
if w['configured_password']:
commands.append(user_cmd + ' secret ' + w['configured_password'])
if w['group']:
commands.append(user_cmd + ' group ' + w['group'])
elif w['groups']:
for group in w['groups']:
commands.append(user_cmd + ' group ' + group)
if self._module.params['aggregate']:
name = 'aggregate'
name = self._module.params['name']
elif state == 'present' and obj_in_have:
user_cmd = 'username ' + name
src = base64keyfile
dst = '/harddisk:/publickey_%s.b64' % (name)
if module.params['update_password'] == 'always' and w['configured_password']:
commands.append(user_cmd + ' secret ' + w['configured_password'])
if w['group'] and w['group'] != obj_in_have['group']:
commands.append(user_cmd + ' group ' + w['group'])
elif w['groups']:
for group in w['groups']:
commands.append(user_cmd + ' group ' + group)
user = self._module.params['username'] or self._module.params['provider']['username']
node = self._module.params['host'] or self._module.params['provider']['host']
password = self._module.params['password'] or self._module.params['provider']['password']
ssh_keyfile = self._module.params['ssh_keyfile'] or self._module.params['provider']['ssh_keyfile']
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
if not ssh_keyfile:
ssh.connect(node, username=user, password=password)
ssh.connect(node, username=user, allow_agent=True)
sftp = ssh.open_sftp()
sftp.put(src, dst)
return commands
def addremovekey(self, command):
""" Add or remove key based on command
if (self._module.params['host'] is None or self._module.params['provider']['host'] is None):
return False
if (self._module.params['username'] is None or self._module.params['provider']['username'] is None):
return False
def map_config_to_obj(module):
data = get_config(module, config_filter='username')
users = data.strip().rstrip('!').split('!')
user = self._module.params['username'] or self._module.params['provider']['username']
node = self._module.params['host'] or self._module.params['provider']['host']
password = self._module.params['password'] or self._module.params['provider']['password']
ssh_keyfile = self._module.params['ssh_keyfile'] or self._module.params['provider']['ssh_keyfile']
if not users:
return list()
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
if not ssh_keyfile:
ssh.connect(node, username=user, password=password)
ssh.connect(node, username=user, allow_agent=True)
ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh.exec_command('%s \r' % (command))
readmsg = ssh_stdout.read(100) # We need to read a bit to actually apply for some reason
if ('already' in readmsg) or ('removed' in readmsg) or ('really' in readmsg):
ssh_stdout.read(1) # We need to read a bit to actually apply for some reason
instances = list()
return readmsg
for user in users:
user_config = user.strip().splitlines()
def run(self):
if self._module.params['state'] == 'present':
if not self._module.check_mode:
key = self.convert_key_to_base64()
copykeys = self.copy_key_to_node(key)
if copykeys is False:
self._result['warnings'].append('Please set up your provider before running this playbook')
name = user_config[0].strip().split()[1]
group = None
if self._module.params['aggregate']:
for user in self._module.params['aggregate']:
cmdtodo = "admin crypto key import authentication rsa username %s harddisk:/publickey_aggregate.b64" % (user)
addremove = self.addremovekey(cmdtodo)
if addremove is False:
self._result['warnings'].append('Please set up your provider before running this playbook')
cmdtodo = "admin crypto key import authentication rsa username %s harddisk:/publickey_%s.b64" % \
(self._module.params['name'], self._module.params['name'])
addremove = self.addremovekey(cmdtodo)
if addremove is False:
self._result['warnings'].append('Please set up your provider before running this playbook')
elif self._module.params['state'] == 'absent':
if not self._module.check_mode:
if self._module.params['aggregate']:
for user in self._module.params['aggregate']:
cmdtodo = "admin crypto key zeroize authentication rsa username %s" % (user)
addremove = self.addremovekey(cmdtodo)
if addremove is False:
self._result['warnings'].append('Please set up your provider before running this playbook')
cmdtodo = "admin crypto key zeroize authentication rsa username %s" % (self._module.params['name'])
addremove = self.addremovekey(cmdtodo)
if addremove is False:
self._result['warnings'].append('Please set up your provider before running this playbook')
elif self._module.params['purge'] is True:
if not self._module.check_mode:
cmdtodo = "admin crypto key zeroize authentication rsa all"
addremove = self.addremovekey(cmdtodo)
if addremove is False:
self._result['warnings'].append('Please set up your provider before running this playbook')
if len(user_config) > 1:
group_or_secret = user_config[1].strip().split()
if group_or_secret[0] == 'group':
group = group_or_secret[1]
return self._result
obj = {
'name': name,
'state': 'present',
'configured_password': None,
'group': group
return instances
def search_obj_in_list(name, lst):
for o in lst:
if o['name'] == name:
return o
return None
class ConfigBase(object):
def __init__(self, module, result, flag=None):
self._module = module
self._result = result
self._want = list()
self._have = list()
def get_param_value(key, item, module):
def get_param_value(self, key, item):
# if key doesn't exist in the item, get it from module.params
if not item.get(key):
value = module.params[key]
value = self._module.params[key]
# if key does exist, do a type check on it to validate it
value_type = module.argument_spec[key].get('type', 'str')
type_checker = module._CHECK_ARGUMENT_TYPES_DISPATCHER[value_type]
value_type = self._module.argument_spec[key].get('type', 'str')
type_checker = self._module._CHECK_ARGUMENT_TYPES_DISPATCHER[value_type]
value = item[key]
# validate the param value (if validator func exists)
validator = globals().get('validate_%s' % key)
if all((value, validator)):
validator(value, module)
validator(value, self._module)
return value
def map_params_to_obj(self):
users = self._module.params['aggregate']
def map_params_to_obj(module):
users = module.params['aggregate']
aggregate = list()
if not users:
if not module.params['name'] and module.params['purge']:
return list()
elif not module.params['name']:
module.fail_json(msg='username is required')
if not self._module.params['name'] and self._module.params['purge']:
elif not self._module.params['name']:
self._module.fail_json(msg='username is required')
aggregate = [{'name': module.params['name']}]
aggregate = [{'name': self._module.params['name']}]
aggregate = list()
for item in users:
if not isinstance(item, dict):
aggregate.append({'name': item})
elif 'name' not in item:
module.fail_json(msg='name is required')
self._module.fail_json(msg='name is required')
objects = list()
for item in aggregate:
get_value = partial(get_param_value, item=item, module=module)
get_value = partial(self.get_param_value, item=item)
item['configured_password'] = get_value('configured_password')
item['group'] = get_value('group')
item['groups'] = get_value('groups')
item['state'] = get_value('state')
return objects
class CliConfiguration(ConfigBase):
def __init__(self, module, result):
super(CliConfiguration, self).__init__(module, result)
def convert_key_to_base64(module):
""" IOS-XR only accepts base64 decoded files, this converts the public key to a temp file.
if module.params['aggregate']:
name = 'aggregate'
name = module.params['name']
def map_config_to_obj(self):
data = get_config(self._module, config_filter='username')
users = data.strip().rstrip('!').split('!')
if module.params['public_key_contents']:
key = module.params['public_key_contents']
elif module.params['public_key']:
readfile = open(module.params['public_key'], 'r')
key = readfile.read()
splitfile = key.split()[1]
for user in users:
user_config = user.strip().splitlines()
base64key = b64decode(splitfile)
base64file = open('/tmp/publickey_%s.b64' % (name), 'wb')
name = user_config[0].strip().split()[1]
group = None
return '/tmp/publickey_%s.b64' % (name)
if len(user_config) > 1:
group_or_secret = user_config[1].strip().split()
if group_or_secret[0] == 'group':
group = group_or_secret[1]
obj = {
'name': name,
'state': 'present',
'configured_password': None,
'group': group
def copy_key_to_node(module, base64keyfile):
""" Copy key to IOS-XR node. We use SFTP because older IOS-XR versions don't handle SCP very well.
if (module.params['host'] is None or module.params['provider']['host'] is None):
return False
def map_obj_to_commands(self):
commands = list()
if (module.params['username'] is None or module.params['provider']['username'] is None):
return False
for w in self._want:
name = w['name']
state = w['state']
if module.params['aggregate']:
name = 'aggregate'
name = module.params['name']
obj_in_have = search_obj_in_list(name, self._have)
src = base64keyfile
dst = '/harddisk:/publickey_%s.b64' % (name)
if state == 'absent' and obj_in_have:
commands.append('no username ' + name)
elif state == 'present' and not obj_in_have:
user_cmd = 'username ' + name
if w['configured_password']:
commands.append(user_cmd + ' secret ' + w['configured_password'])
if w['group']:
commands.append(user_cmd + ' group ' + w['group'])
elif w['groups']:
for group in w['groups']:
commands.append(user_cmd + ' group ' + group)
user = module.params['username'] or module.params['provider']['username']
node = module.params['host'] or module.params['provider']['host']
password = module.params['password'] or module.params['provider']['password']
ssh_keyfile = module.params['ssh_keyfile'] or module.params['provider']['ssh_keyfile']
elif state == 'present' and obj_in_have:
user_cmd = 'username ' + name
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
if not ssh_keyfile:
ssh.connect(node, username=user, password=password)
if self._module.params['update_password'] == 'always' and w['configured_password']:
commands.append(user_cmd + ' secret ' + w['configured_password'])
if w['group'] and w['group'] != obj_in_have['group']:
commands.append(user_cmd + ' group ' + w['group'])
elif w['groups']:
for group in w['groups']:
commands.append(user_cmd + ' group ' + group)
if self._module.params['purge']:
want_users = [x['name'] for x in self._want]
have_users = [x['name'] for x in self._have]
for item in set(have_users).difference(set(want_users)):
if item != 'admin':
commands.append('no username %s' % item)
if 'no username admin' in commands:
self._module.fail_json(msg='cannot delete the `admin` account')
self._result['commands'] = []
if commands:
commit = not self._module.check_mode
diff = load_config(self._module, commands, commit=commit)
if diff:
self._result['diff'] = dict(prepared=diff)
self._result['commands'] = commands
self._result['changed'] = True
def run(self):
return self._result
class NCConfiguration(ConfigBase):
def __init__(self, module, result):
super(NCConfiguration, self).__init__(module, result)
self._locald_meta = collections.OrderedDict()
self._locald_group_meta = collections.OrderedDict()
def generate_md5_hash(self, arg):
Generate MD5 hash with randomly generated salt size of 3.
:param arg:
:return passwd:
cmd = "openssl passwd -salt `openssl rand -base64 3` -1 "
return os.popen(cmd + arg).readlines()[0].strip()
def map_obj_to_xml_rpc(self):
('aaa_locald', {'xpath': 'aaa/usernames', 'tag': True, 'ns': True}),
('username', {'xpath': 'aaa/usernames/username', 'tag': True, 'attrib': "operation"}),
('a:name', {'xpath': 'aaa/usernames/username/name'}),
('a:configured_password', {'xpath': 'aaa/usernames/username/secret', 'operation': 'edit'}),
('aaa_locald', {'xpath': 'aaa/usernames', 'tag': True, 'ns': True}),
('username', {'xpath': 'aaa/usernames/username', 'tag': True, 'attrib': "operation"}),
('a:name', {'xpath': 'aaa/usernames/username/name'}),
('usergroups', {'xpath': 'aaa/usernames/username/usergroup-under-usernames', 'tag': True, 'operation': 'edit'}),
('usergroup', {'xpath': 'aaa/usernames/username/usergroup-under-usernames/usergroup-under-username', 'tag': True, 'operation': 'edit'}),
('a:group', {'xpath': 'aaa/usernames/username/usergroup-under-usernames/usergroup-under-username/name', 'operation': 'edit'}),
state = self._module.params['state']
_get_filter = build_xml('aaa', opcode="filter")
running = get_config(self._module, source='running', config_filter=_get_filter)
elements = etree_findall(running, 'username')
users = list()
for element in elements:
name_list = etree_findall(element, 'name')
list_size = len(name_list)
if list_size == 1:
self._have.append({'name': name_list[0].text, 'group': None, 'groups': None})
elif list_size == 2:
self._have.append({'name': name_list[0].text, 'group': name_list[1].text, 'groups': None})
elif list_size > 2:
name_iter = iter(name_list)
tmp_list = list()
for name in name_iter:
self._have.append({'name': name_list[0].text, 'group': None, 'groups': tmp_list})
locald_params = list()
locald_group_params = list()
opcode = None
if state == 'absent':
opcode = "delete"
for want_item in self._want:
if want_item['name'] in users:
want_item['configured_password'] = None
elif state == 'present':
opcode = "merge"
for want_item in self._want:
if want_item['name'] not in users:
want_item['configured_password'] = self.generate_md5_hash(want_item['configured_password'])
if want_item['group'] is not None:
if want_item['groups'] is not None:
for group in want_item['groups']:
want_item['group'] = group
ssh.connect(node, username=user, allow_agent=True)
sftp = ssh.open_sftp()
sftp.put(src, dst)
if self._module.params['update_password'] == 'always' and want_item['configured_password'] is not None:
want_item['configured_password'] = self.generate_md5_hash(want_item['configured_password'])
want_item['configured_password'] = None
obj_in_have = search_obj_in_list(want_item['name'], self._have)
if want_item['group'] is not None and want_item['group'] != obj_in_have['group']:
elif want_item['groups'] is not None:
for group in want_item['groups']:
want_item['group'] = group
purge_params = list()
if self._module.params['purge']:
want_users = [x['name'] for x in self._want]
have_users = [x['name'] for x in self._have]
for item in set(have_users).difference(set(want_users)):
if item != 'admin':
purge_params.append({'name': item})
self._result['xml'] = []
_edit_filter_list = list()
if opcode is not None:
if locald_params:
_edit_filter_list.append(build_xml('aaa', xmap=self._locald_meta,
params=locald_params, opcode=opcode))
def addremovekey(module, command):
""" Add or remove key based on command
if (module.params['host'] is None or module.params['provider']['host'] is None):
return False
if locald_group_params:
_edit_filter_list.append(build_xml('aaa', xmap=self._locald_group_meta,
params=locald_group_params, opcode=opcode))
if (module.params['username'] is None or module.params['provider']['username'] is None):
return False
if purge_params:
_edit_filter_list.append(build_xml('aaa', xmap=self._locald_meta,
params=purge_params, opcode="delete"))
user = module.params['username'] or module.params['provider']['username']
node = module.params['host'] or module.params['provider']['host']
password = module.params['password'] or module.params['provider']['password']
ssh_keyfile = module.params['ssh_keyfile'] or module.params['provider']['ssh_keyfile']
diff = None
if _edit_filter_list:
commit = not self._module.check_mode
diff = load_config(self._module, _edit_filter_list, commit=commit, running=running,
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
if not ssh_keyfile:
ssh.connect(node, username=user, password=password)
ssh.connect(node, username=user, allow_agent=True)
ssh_stdin, ssh_stdout, ssh_stderr = ssh.exec_command('%s \r' % (command))
readmsg = ssh_stdout.read(100) # We need to read a bit to actually apply for some reason
if ('already' in readmsg) or ('removed' in readmsg) or ('really' in readmsg):
ssh_stdout.read(1) # We need to read a bit to actually apply for some reason
if diff:
if self._module._diff:
self._result['diff'] = dict(prepared=diff)
return readmsg
self._result['xml'] = _edit_filter_list
self._result['changed'] = True
def run(self):
return self._result
def main():
@ -424,14 +652,16 @@ def main():
# remove default in aggregate spec, to handle common arguments
mutually_exclusive = [('name', 'aggregate'), ('public_key', 'public_key_contents'), ('group', 'groups')]
argument_spec = dict(
aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec, aliases=['users', 'collection']),
aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec, aliases=['users', 'collection'],
purge=dict(type='bool', default=False)
mutually_exclusive = [('name', 'aggregate'), ('public_key', 'public_key_contents'), ('group', 'groups')]
module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
@ -449,77 +679,27 @@ def main():
'installed. It can be installed using `pip install paramiko`'
warnings = list()
result = {'changed': False, 'warnings': []}
if module.params['password'] and not module.params['configured_password']:
'The "password" argument is used to authenticate the current connection. ' +
'To set a user password use "configured_password" instead.'
result = {'changed': False}
want = map_params_to_obj(module)
have = map_config_to_obj(module)
config_object = None
if is_cliconf(module):
module.deprecate(msg="cli support for 'iosxr_user' is deprecated. Use transport netconf instead",
version="4 releases from v2.5")
config_object = CliConfiguration(module, result)
elif is_netconf(module):
config_object = NCConfiguration(module, result)
commands = map_obj_to_commands((want, have), module)
if config_object:
result = config_object.run()
if module.params['purge']:
want_users = [x['name'] for x in want]
have_users = [x['name'] for x in have]
for item in set(have_users).difference(want_users):
if item != 'admin':
commands.append('no username %s' % item)
result['commands'] = commands
result['warnings'] = warnings
if 'no username admin' in commands:
module.fail_json(msg='cannot delete the `admin` account')
if commands:
commit = not module.check_mode
diff = load_config(module, commands, commit=commit)
if diff:
result['diff'] = dict(prepared=diff)
result['changed'] = True
if module.params['state'] == 'present' and (module.params['public_key_contents'] or module.params['public_key']):
if not module.check_mode:
key = convert_key_to_base64(module)
copykeys = copy_key_to_node(module, key)
if copykeys is False:
warnings.append('Please set up your provider before running this playbook')
if module.params['aggregate']:
for user in module.params['aggregate']:
cmdtodo = "admin crypto key import authentication rsa username %s harddisk:/publickey_aggregate.b64" % (user)
addremove = addremovekey(module, cmdtodo)
if addremove is False:
warnings.append('Please set up your provider before running this playbook')
cmdtodo = "admin crypto key import authentication rsa username %s harddisk:/publickey_%s.b64" % (module.params['name'], module.params['name'])
addremove = addremovekey(module, cmdtodo)
if addremove is False:
warnings.append('Please set up your provider before running this playbook')
elif module.params['state'] == 'absent':
if not module.check_mode:
if module.params['aggregate']:
for user in module.params['aggregate']:
cmdtodo = "admin crypto key zeroize authentication rsa username %s" % (user)
addremove = addremovekey(module, cmdtodo)
if addremove is False:
warnings.append('Please set up your provider before running this playbook')
cmdtodo = "admin crypto key zeroize authentication rsa username %s" % (module.params['name'])
addremove = addremovekey(module, cmdtodo)
if addremove is False:
warnings.append('Please set up your provider before running this playbook')
elif module.params['purge'] is True:
if not module.check_mode:
cmdtodo = "admin crypto key zeroize authentication rsa all"
addremove = addremovekey(module, cmdtodo)
if addremove is False:
warnings.append('Please set up your provider before running this playbook')
if module.params['public_key_contents'] or module.params['public_key']:
pubkey_object = PublicKeyManager(module, result)
result = pubkey_object.run()