@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ options:
notes :
- rsync must be installed on both the local and remote host .
- For the C ( synchronize ) module , the " local host " is the host ` the synchronize task originates on ` , and the " destination host " is the host ` synchronize is connecting to ` .
- The " local host " can be changed to a different host by using ` delegate_to : ` . This enables copying between two remote hosts or entirely on one remote machine .
- " The user and permissions for the synchronize `src` are those of the user running the Ansible task on the local host (or the remote_user for a delegate_to host when delegate_to is used).
- The user and permissions for the synchronize ` dest ` are those of the ` remote_user ` on the destination host or the ` become_user ` if ` become : yes ` is active .
- The " local host " can be changed to a different host by using ` delegate_to ` . This enables copying between two remote hosts or entirely on one remote machine .
- " The user and permissions for the synchronize `src` are those of the user running the Ansible task on the local host (or the remote_user for a delegate_to host when delegate_to is used). "
- The user and permissions for the synchronize ` dest ` are those of the ` remote_user ` on the destination host or the ` become_user ` if ` become = yes ` is active .
- In 2.0 .0 .0 a bug in the synchronize module made become occur on the " local host " . This was fixed in 2.0 .1 .
- Expect that dest = ~ / x will be ~ < remote_user > / x even if using sudo .
- Inspect the verbose output to validate the destination user / host / path