@ -77,144 +77,36 @@ EXAMPLES = '''
RETURN = '''
description: k/v pairs of parameters passed into module
returned: always
type: dict
sample: {"logging": false, "master": true, "stratum": "11"}
- k/v pairs of existing ntp options
returned: always
type: dict
sample: {"logging": true, "master": true, "stratum": "8"}
description: k/v pairs of ntp options after module execution
returned: always
type: dict
sample: {"logging": false, "master": true, "stratum": "11"}
description: command sent to the device
returned: always
type: list
sample: ["no ntp logging", "ntp master 11"]
description: check to see if a change was made on the device
returned: always
type: boolean
sample: true
import re
from ansible.module_utils.nxos import get_config, load_config, run_commands
from ansible.module_utils.nxos import nxos_argument_spec, check_args
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
import re
def execute_show_command(command, module, command_type='cli_show'):
if module.params['transport'] == 'cli':
if 'show run' not in command:
command += ' | json'
cmds = [command]
body = run_commands(module, cmds)
elif module.params['transport'] == 'nxapi':
cmds = [command]
body = run_commands(module, cmds)
return body
def get_current(module):
cmd = ('show running-config', 'show ntp logging')
output = run_commands(module, ({'command': cmd[0], 'output': 'text'},
{'command': cmd[1], 'output': 'text'}))
def flatten_list(command_lists):
flat_command_list = []
for command in command_lists:
if isinstance(command, list):
return flat_command_list
def apply_key_map(key_map, table):
new_dict = {}
for key, value in table.items():
new_key = key_map.get(key)
if new_key:
value = table.get(key)
if value:
new_dict[new_key] = str(value)
new_dict[new_key] = value
return new_dict
def get_ntp_master(module):
command = 'show run | inc ntp.master'
master_string = execute_show_command(command, module, command_type='cli_show_ascii')
if master_string:
if master_string[0]:
match = re.search("^ntp master(?: (\d+))", output[0], re.M)
if match:
master = True
stratum = match.group(1)
master = False
master = False
if master is True:
stratum = str(master_string[0].split()[2])
stratum = None
return master, stratum
logging = 'Enabled' in output[1]
def get_ntp_log(module):
command = 'show ntp logging'
body = execute_show_command(command, module)[0]
logging_string = body['loggingstatus']
if 'enabled' in logging_string:
ntp_log = True
ntp_log = False
return ntp_log
def get_ntp_options(module):
existing = {}
existing['logging'] = get_ntp_log(module)
existing['master'], existing['stratum'] = get_ntp_master(module)
return existing
def config_ntp_options(delta, flip=False):
master = delta.get('master')
stratum = delta.get('stratum')
log = delta.get('logging')
ntp_cmds = []
if flip:
log = not log
master = not master
if log is not None:
if log is True:
ntp_cmds.append('ntp logging')
elif log is False:
ntp_cmds.append('no ntp logging')
if master is not None:
if master is True:
if not stratum:
stratum = ''
ntp_cmds.append('ntp master {0}'.format(stratum))
elif master is False:
ntp_cmds.append('no ntp master')
return ntp_cmds
return {'master': master, 'stratum': stratum, 'logging': logging}
def main():
@ -227,84 +119,69 @@ def main():
required_together = [('master', 'stratum')]
module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
required_one_of=[['master', 'logging']],
warnings = list()
check_args(module, warnings)
master = module.params['master']
stratum = module.params['stratum']
logging = module.params['logging']
state = module.params['state']
if stratum:
if master is None:
module.fail_json(msg='The master param must be supplied when '
'stratum is supplied')
stratum_int = int(stratum)
if stratum_int < 1 or stratum_int > 15:
raise ValueError
except ValueError:
module.fail_json(msg='Stratum must be an integer between 1 and 15')
module.fail_json(msg='stratum must be an integer between 1 and 15')
existing = get_ntp_options(module)
end_state = existing
desired = {'master': master, 'stratum': stratum, 'logging': logging}
current = get_current(module)
args = dict(master=master, stratum=stratum, logging=logging)
result = {'changed': False}
changed = False
proposed = dict((k, v) for k, v in args.items() if v is not None)
commands = list()
if master is False:
proposed['stratum'] = None
stratum = None
if state == 'absent':
if current['master']:
commands.append('no ntp master')
if current['logging']:
commands.append('no ntp logging')
elif state == 'present':
if desired['master'] and desired['master'] != current['master']:
if desired['stratum']:
commands.append('ntp master %s' % stratum)
commands.append('ntp master')
elif desired['stratum'] and desired['stratum'] != current['stratum']:
commands.append('ntp master %s' % stratum)
delta = dict(set(proposed.items()).difference(existing.items()))
delta_stratum = delta.get('stratum')
if delta_stratum:
delta['master'] = True
commands = []
if state == 'present':
if delta:
command = config_ntp_options(delta)
if command:
elif state == 'absent':
if existing:
isection = dict(set(proposed.items()).intersection(
command = config_ntp_options(isection, flip=True)
if command:
cmds = flatten_list(commands)
if cmds:
if module.check_mode:
module.exit_json(changed=True, commands=cmds)
if desired['logging'] and desired['logging'] != current['logging']:
if desired['logging']:
commands.append('ntp logging')
changed = True
load_config(module, cmds)
end_state = get_ntp_options(module)
if 'configure' in cmds:
commands.append('no ntp logging')
result['commands'] = commands
result['updates'] = commands
results = {}
results['proposed'] = proposed
results['existing'] = existing
results['updates'] = cmds
results['changed'] = changed
results['warnings'] = warnings
results['end_state'] = end_state
if commands:
if not module.check_mode:
load_config(module, commands)
result['changed'] = True
result['warnings'] = warnings
if __name__ == '__main__':