@ -76,154 +76,154 @@ except ImportError:
def find_dvspg_by_name(dv_switch, portgroup_name):
portgroups = dv_switch.portgroup
for pg in portgroups:
if pg.name == portgroup_name:
return pg
return None
class VMwareDvsHost(object):
def __init__(self, module):
self.module = module
self.dv_switch = None
self.uplink_portgroup = None
self.host = None
self.dv_switch = None
self.nic = None
self.content = connect_to_api(self.module)
self.state = self.module.params['state']
self.switch_name = self.module.params['switch_name']
self.esxi_hostname = self.module.params['esxi_hostname']
self.vmnics = self.module.params['vmnics']
def process_state(self):
dvs_host_states = {
'absent': {
'present': self.state_destroy_dvs_host,
'absent': self.state_exit_unchanged,
'present': {
'update': self.state_update_dvs_host,
'present': self.state_exit_unchanged,
'absent': self.state_create_dvs_host,
except vmodl.RuntimeFault as runtime_fault:
except vmodl.MethodFault as method_fault:
except Exception as e:
def find_dvs_uplink_pg(dv_switch):
# There should only always be a single uplink port group on
# a distributed virtual switch
def find_dvspg_by_name(self):
portgroups = self.dv_switch.portgroup
if len(dv_switch.config.uplinkPortgroup):
return dv_switch.config.uplinkPortgroup[0]
for pg in portgroups:
if pg.name == self.portgroup_name:
return pg
return None
def find_dvs_uplink_pg(self):
# There should only always be a single uplink port group on
# a distributed virtual switch
# operation should be edit, add and remove
def modify_dvs_host(dv_switch, host, operation, uplink_portgroup=None, vmnics=None):
spec = vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch.ConfigSpec()
spec.configVersion = dv_switch.config.configVersion
spec.host = [vim.dvs.HostMember.ConfigSpec()]
spec.host[0].operation = operation
spec.host[0].host = host
if operation in ("edit", "add"):
spec.host[0].backing = vim.dvs.HostMember.PnicBacking()
count = 0
for nic in vmnics:
spec.host[0].backing.pnicSpec[count].pnicDevice = nic
spec.host[0].backing.pnicSpec[count].uplinkPortgroupKey = uplink_portgroup.key
count += 1
task = dv_switch.ReconfigureDvs_Task(spec)
changed, result = wait_for_task(task)
return changed, result
def state_destroy_dvs_host(module):
operation = "remove"
host = module.params['host']
dv_switch = module.params['dv_switch']
changed = True
result = None
if not module.check_mode:
changed, result = modify_dvs_host(dv_switch, host, operation)
module.exit_json(changed=changed, result=str(result))
def state_exit_unchanged(module):
def state_update_dvs_host(module):
dv_switch = module.params['dv_switch']
uplink_portgroup = module.params['uplink_portgroup']
vmnics = module.params['vmnics']
host = module.params['host']
operation = "edit"
changed = True
result = None
if not module.check_mode:
changed, result = modify_dvs_host(dv_switch, host, operation, uplink_portgroup, vmnics)
module.exit_json(changed=changed, result=str(result))
def state_create_dvs_host(module):
dv_switch = module.params['dv_switch']
uplink_portgroup = module.params['uplink_portgroup']
vmnics = module.params['vmnics']
host = module.params['host']
operation = "add"
changed = True
result = None
if not module.check_mode:
changed, result = modify_dvs_host(dv_switch, host, operation, uplink_portgroup, vmnics)
module.exit_json(changed=changed, result=str(result))
def find_host_attached_dvs(esxi_hostname, dv_switch):
for dvs_host_member in dv_switch.config.host:
if dvs_host_member.config.host.name == esxi_hostname:
return dvs_host_member.config.host
return None
def check_uplinks(dv_switch, host, vmnics):
pnic_device = []
for dvs_host_member in dv_switch.config.host:
if dvs_host_member.config.host == host:
for pnicSpec in dvs_host_member.config.backing.pnicSpec:
return collections.Counter(pnic_device) == collections.Counter(vmnics)
if len(self.dv_switch.config.uplinkPortgroup):
return self.dv_switch.config.uplinkPortgroup[0]
return None
# operation should be edit, add and remove
def modify_dvs_host(self, operation):
spec = vim.DistributedVirtualSwitch.ConfigSpec()
spec.configVersion = self.dv_switch.config.configVersion
spec.host = [vim.dvs.HostMember.ConfigSpec()]
spec.host[0].operation = operation
spec.host[0].host = self.host
if operation in ("edit", "add"):
spec.host[0].backing = vim.dvs.HostMember.PnicBacking()
count = 0
for nic in self.vmnics:
spec.host[0].backing.pnicSpec[count].pnicDevice = nic
spec.host[0].backing.pnicSpec[count].uplinkPortgroupKey = self.uplink_portgroup.key
count += 1
task = self.dv_switch.ReconfigureDvs_Task(spec)
changed, result = wait_for_task(task)
return changed, result
def state_destroy_dvs_host(self):
operation = "remove"
changed = True
result = None
if not self.module.check_mode:
changed, result = self.modify_dvs_host(operation)
self.module.exit_json(changed=changed, result=str(result))
def state_exit_unchanged(self):
def state_update_dvs_host(self):
operation = "edit"
changed = True
result = None
if not self.module.check_mode:
changed, result = self.modify_dvs_host(operation)
self.module.exit_json(changed=changed, result=str(result))
def state_create_dvs_host(self):
operation = "add"
changed = True
result = None
if not self.module.check_mode:
changed, result = self.modify_dvs_host(operation)
self.module.exit_json(changed=changed, result=str(result))
def find_host_attached_dvs(self):
for dvs_host_member in self.dv_switch.config.host:
if dvs_host_member.config.host.name == self.esxi_hostname:
return dvs_host_member.config.host
def check_dvs_host_state(module):
return None
switch_name = module.params['switch_name']
esxi_hostname = module.params['esxi_hostname']
vmnics = module.params['vmnics']
def check_uplinks(self):
pnic_device = []
content = connect_to_api(module)
module.params['content'] = content
for dvs_host_member in self.dv_switch.config.host:
if dvs_host_member.config.host == self.host:
for pnicSpec in dvs_host_member.config.backing.pnicSpec:
dv_switch = find_dvs_by_name(content, switch_name)
return collections.Counter(pnic_device) == collections.Counter(self.vmnics)
if dv_switch is None:
raise Exception("A distributed virtual switch %s does not exist" % switch_name)
def check_dvs_host_state(self):
self.dv_switch = find_dvs_by_name(self.content, self.switch_name)
uplink_portgroup = find_dvs_uplink_pg(dv_switch)
if self.dv_switch is None:
raise Exception("A distributed virtual switch %s does not exist" % self.switch_name)
if uplink_portgroup is None:
raise Exception("An uplink portgroup does not exist on the distributed virtual switch %s" % switch_name)
self.uplink_portgroup = self.find_dvs_uplink_pg()
module.params['dv_switch'] = dv_switch
module.params['uplink_portgroup'] = uplink_portgroup
if self.uplink_portgroup is None:
raise Exception("An uplink portgroup does not exist on the distributed virtual switch %s"
% self.switch_name)
host = find_host_attached_dvs(esxi_hostname, dv_switch)
self.host = self.find_host_attached_dvs()
if host is None:
# We still need the HostSystem object to add the host
# to the distributed vswitch
host = find_hostsystem_by_name(content, esxi_hostname)
if host is None:
module.fail_json(msg="The esxi_hostname %s does not exist in vCenter" % esxi_hostname)
module.params['host'] = host
return 'absent'
module.params['host'] = host
if check_uplinks(dv_switch, host, vmnics):
return 'present'
if self.host is None:
# We still need the HostSystem object to add the host
# to the distributed vswitch
self.host = find_hostsystem_by_name(self.content, self.esxi_hostname)
if self.host is None:
self.module.fail_json(msg="The esxi_hostname %s does not exist in vCenter" % self.esxi_hostname)
return 'absent'
return 'update'
if self.check_uplinks():
return 'present'
return 'update'
def main():
@ -239,27 +239,8 @@ def main():
module.fail_json(msg='pyvmomi is required for this module')
dvs_host_states = {
'absent': {
'present': state_destroy_dvs_host,
'absent': state_exit_unchanged,
'present': {
'update': state_update_dvs_host,
'present': state_exit_unchanged,
'absent': state_create_dvs_host,
except vmodl.RuntimeFault as runtime_fault:
except vmodl.MethodFault as method_fault:
except Exception as e:
vmware_dvs_host = VMwareDvsHost(module)
from ansible.module_utils.vmware import *
from ansible.module_utils.basic import *