Document descriptions updated to match UCS Manager online help. (#34534)

Property checking variable argument setup simplified.
David Soper 7 years ago committed by Dag Wieers
parent 2039366380
commit 06cbc422c1

@ -27,24 +27,39 @@ options:
default: present
- Name of the SAN Connectivity Policy
- The name of the SAN Connectivity Policy.
- This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters.
- "You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), \"_\" (underscore), : (colon), and . (period)."
- You cannot change this name after the policy is created.
required: yes
- Description for the SAN Connectivity Policy
- A description of the policy.
- Cisco recommends including information about where and when to use the policy.
- Enter up to 256 characters.
- "You can use any characters or spaces except the following:"
- "` (accent mark), \ (backslash), ^ (carat), \" (double quote), = (equal sign), > (greater than), < (less than), or ' (single quote)."
aliases: [ descr ]
- WWNN Pool name
- Name of the WWNN pool to use for WWNN assignment.
default: default
- List of vHBAs contained in the SAN Connectivity Policy
- Each list element has the following suboptions
- name (Name of the vHBA (required))
- vhba_template (vHBA template (required))
- adapter_policy ('' (default), Linux, Solaris, VMware, Windows, WindowsBoot, or default)
- order (string specifying vHBA assignment order (unspecified (default), '1', '2', etc.)
- List of vHBAs used by the SAN Connectivity Policy.
- vHBAs used by the SAN Connectivity Policy must be created from a vHBA template.
- "Each list element has the following suboptions:"
- "= name"
- " The name of the virtual HBA (required)."
- "= vhba_template"
- " The name of the virtual HBA template (required)."
- "- adapter_policy"
- " The name of the Fibre Channel adapter policy."
- " A user defined policy can be used, or one of the system defined policies (default, Linux, Solaris, VMware, Windows, WindowsBoot)"
- " [Default: default]"
- "- order"
- " String specifying the vHBA assignment order (e.g., '1', '2')."
- " [Default: unspecified]"
- Org dn (distinguished name)
@ -157,16 +172,14 @@ def main():
if mo:
mo_exists = True
# check top-level mo props
kwargs = {}
kwargs['descr'] = san_connectivity['descr']
kwargs = dict(descr=san_connectivity['descr'])
if (mo.check_prop_match(**kwargs)):
# top-level props match, check next level mo/props
# vnicFcNode object
child_dn = dn + '/fc-node'
mo_1 = ucs.login_handle.query_dn(child_dn)
if mo_1:
kwargs = {}
kwargs['ident_pool_name'] = san_connectivity['wwnn_pool']
kwargs = dict(ident_pool_name=san_connectivity['wwnn_pool'])
if (mo_1.check_prop_match(**kwargs)):
if not san_connectivity.get('vhba_list'):
props_match = True
