Windows - Add common util for web requests (#54759)

* Windows - Add common util for web requests

* Use different method of retrieving options from module arg spec

* Added proper version_added for module options

* Fix linting errors

* Fix proxy issues and updated cred docs

* Fix FTP usage with proxy settings

* Removed uneeded function added in bad rebase

* Fix up client certificate auth

* fix new sanity checks

* Edit http agent code and update porting guide
Jordan Borean 5 years ago committed by GitHub
parent 1f3a3fdd3e
commit 015119df8c
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ No notable changes
Modules Modules
======= =======
No notable changes * The ``win_get_url`` and ``win_uri`` module now sends requests with a default ``User-Agent`` of ``ansible-httpget``. This can be changed by using the ``http_agent`` key.
Modules removed Modules removed

@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
# Copyright (c) 2019 Ansible Project
# Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or
Function Get-AnsibleWebRequest {
Creates a System.Net.WebRequest object based on common URL module options in Ansible.
Will create a WebRequest based on common input options within Ansible. This can be used manually or with
The URI to create the web request for.
The protocol method to use, if omitted, will use the default value for the URI protocol specified.
.PARAMETER FollowRedirects
Whether to follow redirect reponses. This is only valid when using a HTTP URI.
all - Will follow all redirects
none - Will follow no redirects
safe - Will only follow redirects when GET or HEAD is used as the Method
A hashtable or dictionary of header values to set on the request. This is only valid for a HTTP URI.
A string to set for the 'User-Agent' header. This is only valid for a HTTP URI.
.PARAMETER MaximumRedirection
The maximum number of redirections that will be followed. This is only valid for a HTTP URI.
The timeout in seconds that defines how long to wait until the request times out.
.PARAMETER ValidateCerts
Whether to validate SSL certificates, default to True.
The path to PFX file to use for X509 authentication. This is only valid for a HTTP URI. This path can either
be a filesystem path (C:\folder\cert.pfx) or a PSPath to a credential (Cert:\CurrentUser\My\<thumbprint>).
.PARAMETER ClientCertPassword
The password for the PFX certificate if required. This is only valid for a HTTP URI.
.PARAMETER ForceBasicAuth
Whether to set the Basic auth header on the first request instead of when required. This is only valid for a
.PARAMETER UrlUsername
The username to use for authenticating with the target.
.PARAMETER UrlPassword
The password to use for authenticating with the target.
.PARAMETER UseDefaultCredential
Whether to use the current user's credentials if available. This will only work when using Become, using SSH with
password auth, or WinRM with CredSSP or Kerberos with credential delegation.
Whether to use the default proxy defined in IE (WinINet) for the user or set no proxy at all. This should not
be set to True when ProxyUrl is also defined.
An explicit proxy server to use for the request instead of relying on the default proxy in IE. This is only
valid for a HTTP URI.
.PARAMETER ProxyUsername
An optional username to use for proxy authentication.
.PARAMETER ProxyPassword
The password for ProxyUsername.
.PARAMETER ProxyUseDefaultCredential
Whether to use the current user's credentials for proxy authentication if available. This will only work when
using Become, using SSH with password auth, or WinRM with CredSSP or Kerberos with credential delegation.
The AnsibleBasic module that can be used as a backup parameter source or a way to return warnings back to the
Ansible controller.
$spec = @{
options = @{}
$spec.options += $ansible_web_request_options
$module = Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec)
$web_request = Get-AnsibleWebRequest -Module $module
Param (
[ValidateSet("all", "none", "safe")]
$FollowRedirects = "safe",
$HttpAgent = "ansible-httpget",
$MaximumRedirection = 50,
$Timeout = 30,
$ValidateCerts = $true,
# Credential params
# Proxy params
$UseProxy = $true,
[ValidateScript({ $_.GetType().FullName -eq 'Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule' })]
# Set module options for parameters unless they were explicitly passed in.
if ($Module) {
foreach ($param in $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.GetEnumerator()) {
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($param.Key)) {
# Was set explicitly we want to use that value
foreach ($alias in @($Param.Key) + $param.Value.Aliases) {
if ($Module.Params.ContainsKey($alias)) {
$var_value = $Module.Params.$alias -as $param.Value.ParameterType
Set-Variable -Name $param.Key -Value $var_value
# Disable certificate validation if requested
# FUTURE: set this on ServerCertificateValidationCallback of the HttpWebRequest once .NET 4.5 is the minimum
if (-not $ValidateCerts) {
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }
# Enable TLS1.1/TLS1.2 if they're available but disabled (eg. .NET 4.5)
$security_protocols = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault
if ([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember("Tls11").Count -gt 0) {
$security_protocols = $security_protocols -bor [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11
if ([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember("Tls12").Count -gt 0) {
$security_protocols = $security_protocols -bor [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $security_protocols
$web_request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($Uri)
if ($Method) {
$web_request.Method = $Method
$web_request.Timeout = $Timeout * 1000
if ($UseDefaultCredential -and $web_request -is [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]) {
$web_request.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
} elseif ($UrlUsername) {
if ($ForceBasicAuth) {
$auth_value = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $UrlUsername, $UrlPassword)))
$web_request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $auth_value")
} else {
$credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.NetworkCredential -ArgumentList $UrlUsername, $UrlPassword
$web_request.Credentials = $credential
if ($ClientCert) {
# Expecting either a filepath or PSPath (Cert:\CurrentUser\My\<thumbprint>)
$cert = Get-Item -LiteralPath $ClientCert -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -eq $cert) {
Write-Error -Message "Client certificate '$ClientCert' does not exist" -Category ObjectNotFound
$crypto_ns = 'System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates'
if ($cert.PSProvider.Name -ne 'Certificate') {
try {
$cert = New-Object -TypeName "$crypto_ns.X509Certificate2" -ArgumentList @(
$ClientCert, $ClientCertPassword
} catch [System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException] {
Write-Error -Message "Failed to read client certificate at '$ClientCert'" -Exception $_.Exception -Category SecurityError
$web_request.ClientCertificates = New-Object -TypeName "$crypto_ns.X509Certificate2Collection" -ArgumentList @(
if (-not $UseProxy) {
$proxy = $null
} elseif ($ProxyUrl) {
$proxy = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebProxy -ArgumentList $ProxyUrl, $true
} else {
$proxy = $web_request.Proxy
# $web_request.Proxy may return $null for a FTP web request. We only set the credentials if we have an actual
# proxy to work with, otherwise just ignore the credentials property.
if ($null -ne $proxy) {
if ($ProxyUseDefaultCredential) {
# Weird hack, $web_request.Proxy returns an IWebProxy object which only gurantees the Credentials
# property. We cannot set UseDefaultCredentials so we just set the Credentials to the
# DefaultCredentials in the CredentialCache which does the same thing.
$proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials
} elseif ($ProxyUsername) {
$proxy.Credentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.NetworkCredential -ArgumentList @(
$ProxyUsername, $ProxyPassword
} else {
$proxy.Credentials = $null
$web_request.Proxy = $proxy
# Some parameters only apply when dealing with a HttpWebRequest
if ($web_request -is [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]) {
if ($Headers) {
foreach ($header in $Headers.GetEnumerator()) {
switch ($header.Key) {
Accept { $web_request.Accept = $header.Value }
Connection { $web_request.Connection = $header.Value }
Content-Length { $web_request.ContentLength = $header.Value }
Content-Type { $web_request.ContentType = $header.Value }
Expect { $web_request.Expect = $header.Value }
Date { $web_request.Date = $header.Value }
Host { $web_request.Host = $header.Value }
If-Modified-Since { $web_request.IfModifiedSince = $header.Value }
Range { $web_request.AddRange($header.Value) }
Referer { $web_request.Referer = $header.Value }
Transfer-Encoding {
$web_request.SendChunked = $true
$web_request.TransferEncoding = $header.Value
User-Agent { continue }
default { $web_request.Headers.Add($header.Key, $header.Value) }
# For backwards compatibility we need to support setting the User-Agent if the header was set in the task.
# We just need to make sure that if an explicit http_agent module was set then that takes priority.
if ($Headers -and $Headers.ContainsKey("User-Agent")) {
if ($HttpAgent -eq $ansible_web_request_options.http_agent.default) {
$HttpAgent = $Headers['User-Agent']
} elseif ($null -ne $Module) {
$Module.Warn("The 'User-Agent' header and the 'http_agent' was set, using the 'http_agent' for web request")
$web_request.UserAgent = $HttpAgent
switch ($FollowRedirects) {
none { $web_request.AllowAutoRedirect = $false }
safe {
if ($web_request.Method -in @("GET", "HEAD")) {
$web_request.AllowAutoRedirect = $false
} else {
$web_request.AllowAutoRedirect = $true
all { $web_request.AllowAutoRedirect = $true }
if ($MaximumRedirection -eq 0) {
$web_request.AllowAutoRedirect = $false
} else {
$web_request.MaximumAutomaticRedirections = $MaximumRedirection
return $web_request
Function Invoke-WithWebRequest {
Invokes a ScriptBlock with the WebRequest.
Invokes the ScriptBlock and handle extra information like accessing the response stream, closing those streams
safely as well as setting common module return values.
The Ansible.Basic module to set the return values for. This will set the following return values;
elapsed - The total time, in seconds, that it took to send the web request and process the response
msg - The human readable description of the response status code
status_code - An int that is the response status code
The System.Net.WebRequest to call. This can either be manually crafted or created with Get-AnsibleWebRequest.
The ScriptBlock to invoke during the web request. This ScriptBlock should take in the params
Param ([System.Net.WebResponse]$Response, [System.IO.Stream]$Stream)
This scriptblock should manage the response based on what it need to do.
An optional Stream to send to the target during the request.
.PARAMETER IgnoreBadResponse
By default a WebException will be raised for a non 2xx status code and the Script will not be invoked. This
parameter can be set to process all responses regardless of the status code.
.EXAMPLE Basic module that downloads a file
$spec = @{
options = @{
path = @{ type = "path"; required = $true }
$spec.options += $ansible_web_request_options
$module = Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec)
$web_request = Get-AnsibleWebRequest -Module $module
Invoke-WithWebRequest -Module $module -Request $web_request -Script {
Param ([System.Net.WebResponse]$Response, [System.IO.Stream]$Stream)
$fs = [System.IO.File]::Create($module.Params.path)
try {
} finally {
param (
[ValidateScript({ $_.GetType().FullName -eq 'Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule' })]
$start = Get-Date
if ($null -ne $Body) {
$request_st = $Request.GetRequestStream()
try {
} finally {
try {
try {
$web_response = $Request.GetResponse()
} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
# A WebResponse with a status code not in the 200 range will raise a WebException. We check if the
# exception raised contains the actual response and continue on if IgnoreBadResponse is set. We also
# make sure we set the status_code return value on the Module object if possible
if ($_.Exception.PSObject.Properties.Name -match "Response") {
$web_response = $_.Exception.Response
if (-not $IgnoreBadResponse -or $null -eq $web_response) {
$Module.Result.msg = $_.Exception.StatusDescription
$Module.Result.status_code = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
throw $_
} else {
throw $_
if ($Request.RequestUri.IsFile) {
# A FileWebResponse won't have these properties set
$Module.Result.msg = "OK"
$Module.Result.status_code = 200
} else {
$Module.Result.msg = $web_response.StatusDescription
$Module.Result.status_code = $web_response.StatusCode
$response_stream = $web_response.GetResponseStream()
try {
# Invoke the ScriptBlock and pass in WebResponse and ResponseStream
&$Script -Response $web_response -Stream $response_stream
} finally {
} finally {
if ($web_response) {
$Module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-date) - $start).TotalSeconds
$ansible_web_request_options = @{
url = @{ type="str"; required=$true }
method = @{ type="str" }
follow_redirects = @{ type="str"; choices=@("all","none","safe"); default="safe" }
headers = @{ type="dict" }
http_agent = @{ type="str"; default="ansible-httpget" }
maximum_redirection = @{ type="int"; default=50 }
timeout = @{ type="int"; default=30 } # Was defaulted to 10 in win_get_url but 30 in win_uri so we use 30
validate_certs = @{ type="bool"; default=$true }
# Credential options
client_cert = @{ type="str" }
client_cert_password = @{ type="str"; no_log=$true }
force_basic_auth = @{ type="bool"; default=$false }
url_username = @{ type="str"; aliases=@("user", "username") } # user was used in win_uri
url_password = @{ type="str"; aliases=@("password"); no_log=$true }
use_default_credential = @{ type="bool"; default=$false }
# Proxy options
use_proxy = @{ type="bool"; default=$true }
proxy_url = @{ type="str" }
proxy_username = @{ type="str" }
proxy_password = @{ type="str"; no_log=$true }
proxy_use_default_credential = @{ type="bool"; default=$false }
$export_members = @{
Function = "Get-AnsibleWebRequest", "Invoke-WithWebRequest"
Variable = "ansible_web_request_options"
Export-ModuleMember @export_members

@ -8,23 +8,12 @@
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
#AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic #AnsibleRequires -CSharpUtil Ansible.Basic
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.AddType
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.FileUtil #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.FileUtil
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.WebRequest
$spec = @{ $spec = @{
options = @{ options = @{
url = @{ type='str'; required=$true }
dest = @{ type='path'; required=$true } dest = @{ type='path'; required=$true }
timeout = @{ type='int'; default=10 }
headers = @{ type='dict'; default=@{} }
validate_certs = @{ type='bool'; default=$true }
url_username = @{ type='str'; aliases=@( 'username' ) }
url_password = @{ type='str'; aliases=@( 'password' ); no_log=$true }
force_basic_auth = @{ type='bool'; default=$false }
use_proxy = @{ type='bool'; default=$true }
proxy_url = @{ type='str' }
proxy_username = @{ type='str' }
proxy_password = @{ type='str'; no_log=$true }
force = @{ type='bool'; default=$true } force = @{ type='bool'; default=$true }
checksum = @{ type='str' } checksum = @{ type='str' }
checksum_algorithm = @{ type='str'; default='sha1'; choices = @("md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512") } checksum_algorithm = @{ type='str'; default='sha1'; choices = @("md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512") }
@ -35,21 +24,12 @@ $spec = @{
) )
supports_check_mode = $true supports_check_mode = $true
} }
$spec.options += $ansible_web_request_options
$module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec) $module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec)
$url = $module.Params.url $url = $module.Params.url
$dest = $module.Params.dest $dest = $module.Params.dest
$timeout = $module.Params.timeout
$headers = $module.Params.headers
$validate_certs = $module.Params.validate_certs
$url_username = $module.Params.url_username
$url_password = $module.Params.url_password
$force_basic_auth = $module.Params.force_basic_auth
$use_proxy = $module.Params.use_proxy
$proxy_url = $module.Params.proxy_url
$proxy_username = $module.Params.proxy_username
$proxy_password = $module.Params.proxy_password
$force = $module.Params.force $force = $module.Params.force
$checksum = $module.Params.checksum $checksum = $module.Params.checksum
$checksum_algorithm = $module.Params.checksum_algorithm $checksum_algorithm = $module.Params.checksum_algorithm
@ -58,103 +38,11 @@ $checksum_url = $module.Params.checksum_url
$module.Result.elapsed = 0 $module.Result.elapsed = 0
$module.Result.url = $url $module.Result.url = $url
Function Invoke-AnsibleWebRequest {
Creates a WebRequest and invokes a ScriptBlock with the response passed in.
It handles the common module options like credential, timeout, proxy options
in a single location to reduce code duplication.
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][ScriptBlock]$Script, # Invoked in this cmdlet
$Credential # Either a String (force_basic_auth) or NetCredentials
$web_request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($Uri)
$web_request.Method = $Method.($web_request.GetType().Name)
foreach ($header in $headers.GetEnumerator()) {
# some headers need to be set on the property itself
switch ($header.Key) {
Accept { $web_request.Accept = $header.Value }
Connection { $web_request.Connection = $header.Value }
Content-Length { $web_request.ContentLength = $header.Value }
Content-Type { $web_request.ContentType = $header.Value }
Expect { $web_request.Expect = $header.Value }
Date { $web_request.Date = $header.Value }
Host { $web_request.Host = $header.Value }
If-Modified-Since { $web_request.IfModifiedSince = $header.Value }
Range { $web_request.AddRange($header.Value) }
Referer { $web_request.Referer = $header.Value }
Transfer-Encoding {
$web_request.SendChunked = $true
$web_request.TransferEncoding = $header.Value
User-Agent { $web_request.UserAgent = $header.Value }
default { $web_request.Headers.Add($header.Key, $header.Value) }
if ($timeout) {
$web_request.Timeout = $timeout * 1000
if (-not $UseProxy) {
$web_request.Proxy = $null
} elseif ($Proxy) {
$web_request.Proxy = $Proxy
if ($Credential) {
if ($Credential -is [String]) {
# force_basic_auth=yes is set
$web_request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $Credential")
} else {
$web_request.Credentials = $Credential
try {
$web_response = $web_request.GetResponse()
$response_stream = $web_response.GetResponseStream()
try {
# Invoke the ScriptBlock and pass in the WebResponse and ResponseStream
&$Script -Response $web_response -Stream $response_stream
} finally {
if ($Uri.IsFile) {
# A FileWebResponse won't have these properties set
$module.Result.msg = "OK"
$module.Result.status_code = 200
} else {
$module.Result.msg = [string]$web_response.StatusDescription
$module.Result.status_code = [int]$web_response.StatusCode
} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
$module.Result.status_code = [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
$module.FailJson("Error requesting '$Uri'. $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} finally {
if ($web_response) {
Function Get-ChecksumFromUri { Function Get-ChecksumFromUri {
param( param(
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]$Module, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]$Module,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Uri]$Uri, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Uri]$Uri,
[Uri]$SourceUri, [Uri]$SourceUri
) )
$script = { $script = {
@ -176,18 +64,10 @@ Function Get-ChecksumFromUri {
Write-Output -InputObject $hash_from_file Write-Output -InputObject $hash_from_file
} }
$invoke_args = @{ $web_request = Get-AnsibleWebRequest -Uri $Uri -Module $Module
Module = $Module
Uri = $Uri
Method = @{
FileWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+File]::DownloadFile
FtpWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::DownloadFile
HttpWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Http]::Get
Script = $script
try { try {
Invoke-AnsibleWebRequest @invoke_args @RequestParams Invoke-WithWebRequest -Module $Module -Request $web_request -Script $script
} catch { } catch {
$Module.FailJson("Error when getting the remote checksum from '$Uri'. $($_.Exception.Message)", $_) $Module.FailJson("Error when getting the remote checksum from '$Uri'. $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} }
@ -203,8 +83,7 @@ Function Compare-ModifiedFile {
param( param(
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]$Module, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]$Module,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Uri]$Uri, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Uri]$Uri,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Dest, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Dest
) )
$dest_last_mod = (Get-AnsibleItem -Path $Dest).LastWriteTimeUtc $dest_last_mod = (Get-AnsibleItem -Path $Dest).LastWriteTimeUtc
@ -213,17 +92,15 @@ Function Compare-ModifiedFile {
if ($Uri.IsFile) { if ($Uri.IsFile) {
$src_last_mod = (Get-AnsibleItem -Path $Uri.AbsolutePath).LastWriteTimeUtc $src_last_mod = (Get-AnsibleItem -Path $Uri.AbsolutePath).LastWriteTimeUtc
} else { } else {
$invoke_args = @{ $web_request = Get-AnsibleWebRequest -Uri $Uri -Module $Module
Module = $Module $web_request.Method = switch ($web_request.GetType().Name) {
Uri = $Uri FtpWebRequest { [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::GetDateTimestamp }
Method = @{ HttpWebRequest { [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Http]::Head }
FtpWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::GetDateTimestamp
HttpWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Http]::Head
Script = { param($Response, $Stream); $Response.LastModified }
} }
$script = { param($Response, $Stream); $Response.LastModified }
try { try {
$src_last_mod = Invoke-AnsibleWebRequest @invoke_args @RequestParams $src_last_mod = Invoke-WithWebRequest -Module $Module -Request $web_request -Script $script
} catch { } catch {
$Module.FailJson("Error when requesting 'Last-Modified' date from '$Uri'. $($_.Exception.Message)", $_) $Module.FailJson("Error when requesting 'Last-Modified' date from '$Uri'. $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} }
@ -263,8 +140,7 @@ Function Invoke-DownloadFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Uri]$Uri, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][Uri]$Uri,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Dest, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$Dest,
[String]$Checksum, [String]$Checksum,
[String]$ChecksumAlgorithm, [String]$ChecksumAlgorithm
) )
# Check $dest parent folder exists before attempting download, which avoids unhelpful generic error message. # Check $dest parent folder exists before attempting download, which avoids unhelpful generic error message.
@ -312,54 +188,15 @@ Function Invoke-DownloadFile {
$Module.Result.changed = $true $Module.Result.changed = $true
} }
} }
$web_request = Get-AnsibleWebRequest -Uri $Uri -Module $Module
$invoke_args = @{
Module = $Module
Uri = $Uri
Method = @{
FileWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+File]::DownloadFile
FtpWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Ftp]::DownloadFile
HttpWebRequest = [System.Net.WebRequestMethods+Http]::Get
Script = $download_script
$module_start = Get-Date
try { try {
Invoke-AnsibleWebRequest @invoke_args @RequestParams Invoke-WithWebRequest -Module $Module -Request $web_request -Script $download_script
} catch { } catch {
$Module.FailJson("Unknown error downloading '$Uri' to '$Dest': $($_.Exception.Message)", $_) $Module.FailJson("Error downloading '$Uri' to '$Dest': $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} finally {
$Module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
} }
} }
if (-not $use_proxy -and ($proxy_url -or $proxy_username -or $proxy_password)) {
$module.Warn("Not using a proxy on request, however a 'proxy_url', 'proxy_username' or 'proxy_password' was defined.")
$proxy = $null
if ($proxy_url) {
$proxy = New-Object System.Net.WebProxy($proxy_url, $true)
if ($proxy_username -and $proxy_password) {
$proxy_credential = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($proxy_username, $proxy_password)
$proxy.Credentials = $proxy_credential
$credentials = $null
if ($url_username) {
if ($force_basic_auth) {
$credentials = [convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($url_username+":"+$url_password))
} else {
$credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($url_username, $url_password)
if (-not $validate_certs) {
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }
# Use last part of url for dest file name if a directory is supplied for $dest # Use last part of url for dest file name if a directory is supplied for $dest
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $dest -PathType Container) { if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $dest -PathType Container) {
$uri = [System.Uri]$url $uri = [System.Uri]$url
@ -380,24 +217,6 @@ if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $dest -PathType Container) {
$module.Result.dest = $dest $module.Result.dest = $dest
# Enable TLS1.1/TLS1.2 if they're available but disabled (eg. .NET 4.5)
$security_protocols = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault
if ([Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember("Tls11").Count -gt 0) {
$security_protocols = $security_protocols -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11
if ([Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember("Tls12").Count -gt 0) {
$security_protocols = $security_protocols -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $security_protocols
$request_params = @{
Credential = $credentials
Headers = $headers
Timeout = $timeout
UseProxy = $use_proxy
Proxy = $proxy
if ($checksum) { if ($checksum) {
$checksum = $checksum.Trim().ToLower() $checksum = $checksum.Trim().ToLower()
} }
@ -415,20 +234,20 @@ if ($checksum_url) {
$module.FailJson("Unsupported 'checksum_url' value for '$dest': '$checksum_url'") $module.FailJson("Unsupported 'checksum_url' value for '$dest': '$checksum_url'")
} }
$checksum = Get-ChecksumFromUri -Module $Module -Uri $checksum_uri -SourceUri $url -RequestParams $request_params $checksum = Get-ChecksumFromUri -Module $Module -Uri $checksum_uri -SourceUri $url
} }
if ($force -or -not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $dest)) { if ($force -or -not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $dest)) {
# force=yes or dest does not exist, download the file # force=yes or dest does not exist, download the file
# Note: Invoke-DownloadFile will compare the checksums internally if dest exists # Note: Invoke-DownloadFile will compare the checksums internally if dest exists
Invoke-DownloadFile -Module $module -Uri $url -Dest $dest -Checksum $checksum ` Invoke-DownloadFile -Module $module -Uri $url -Dest $dest -Checksum $checksum `
-ChecksumAlgorithm $checksum_algorithm -RequestParams $request_params -ChecksumAlgorithm $checksum_algorithm
} else { } else {
# force=no, we want to check the last modified dates and only download if they don't match # force=no, we want to check the last modified dates and only download if they don't match
$is_modified = Compare-ModifiedFile -Module $module -Uri $url -Dest $dest -RequestParams $request_params $is_modified = Compare-ModifiedFile -Module $module -Uri $url -Dest $dest
if ($is_modified) { if ($is_modified) {
Invoke-DownloadFile -Module $module -Uri $url -Dest $dest -Checksum $checksum ` Invoke-DownloadFile -Module $module -Uri $url -Dest $dest -Checksum $checksum `
-ChecksumAlgorithm $checksum_algorithm -RequestParams $request_params -ChecksumAlgorithm $checksum_algorithm
} }
} }

@ -43,36 +43,6 @@ options:
type: bool type: bool
default: yes default: yes
version_added: "2.0" version_added: "2.0"
- Add custom HTTP headers to a request (as a dictionary).
type: dict
version_added: '2.4'
- Basic authentication username.
type: str
aliases: [ username ]
- Basic authentication password.
type: str
aliases: [ password ]
- If C(yes), will add a Basic authentication header on the initial request.
- If C(no), will use Microsoft's WebClient to handle authentication.
type: bool
default: no
version_added: "2.5"
- If C(no), SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only be used
on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates.
- If C(skip_certificate_validation) was set, it overrides this option.
type: bool
default: yes
version_added: '2.4'
checksum: checksum:
description: description:
- If a I(checksum) is passed to this parameter, the digest of the - If a I(checksum) is passed to this parameter, the digest of the
@ -104,33 +74,27 @@ options:
type: str type: str
version_added: "2.8" version_added: "2.8"
proxy_url: proxy_url:
- The full URL of the proxy server to download through.
type: str
version_added: "2.0" version_added: "2.0"
proxy_username: proxy_username:
- Proxy authentication username.
type: str
version_added: "2.0" version_added: "2.0"
proxy_password: proxy_password:
- Proxy authentication password.
type: str
version_added: "2.0" version_added: "2.0"
version_added: "2.4"
use_proxy: use_proxy:
description: version_added: "2.4"
- If C(no), it will not use a proxy, even if one is defined in an environment follow_redirects:
variable on the target hosts. version_added: "2.9"
type: bool maximum_redirection:
default: yes version_added: "2.9"
version_added: '2.4' client_cert:
timeout: version_added: "2.9"
description: client_cert_password:
- Timeout in seconds for URL request. version_added: "2.9"
type: int method:
default: 10 description:
version_added : '2.4' - This option is not for use with C(win_get_url) and should be ignored.
version_added: "2.9"
notes: notes:
- If your URL includes an escaped slash character (%2F) this module will convert it to a real slash. - If your URL includes an escaped slash character (%2F) this module will convert it to a real slash.
This is a result of the behaviour of the System.Uri class as described in This is a result of the behaviour of the System.Uri class as described in
@ -138,6 +102,8 @@ notes:
- Since Ansible 2.8, the module will skip reporting a change if the remote - Since Ansible 2.8, the module will skip reporting a change if the remote
checksum is the same as the local local even when C(force=yes). This is to checksum is the same as the local local even when C(force=yes). This is to
better align with M(get_url). better align with M(get_url).
- url_windows
seealso: seealso:
- module: get_url - module: get_url
- module: uri - module: uri

@ -8,59 +8,34 @@
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.CamelConversion #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.CamelConversion
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.FileUtil #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.FileUtil
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy #Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.WebRequest
$spec = @{ $spec = @{
options = @{ options = @{
url = @{ type = "str"; required = $true }
method = @{
type = "str"
default = "GET"
content_type = @{ type = "str" } content_type = @{ type = "str" }
headers = @{ type = "dict" }
body = @{ type = "raw" } body = @{ type = "raw" }
dest = @{ type = "path" } dest = @{ type = "path" }
user = @{ type = "str" }
password = @{ type = "str"; no_log = $true }
force_basic_auth = @{ type = "bool"; default = $false }
creates = @{ type = "path" } creates = @{ type = "path" }
removes = @{ type = "path" } removes = @{ type = "path" }
follow_redirects = @{
type = "str"
default = "safe"
choices = "all", "none", "safe"
maximum_redirection = @{ type = "int"; default = 50 }
return_content = @{ type = "bool"; default = $false } return_content = @{ type = "bool"; default = $false }
status_code = @{ type = "list"; elements = "int"; default = @(200) } status_code = @{ type = "list"; elements = "int"; default = @(200) }
timeout = @{ type = "int"; default = 30 }
validate_certs = @{ type = "bool"; default = $true }
client_cert = @{ type = "path" }
client_cert_password = @{ type = "str"; no_log = $true }
} }
supports_check_mode = $true supports_check_mode = $true
} }
$spec.options += $ansible_web_request_options
$spec.options.method.default = "GET"
$module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec) $module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec)
$url = $module.Params.url $url = $module.Params.url
$method = $module.Params.method.ToUpper() $method = $module.Params.method.ToUpper()
$content_type = $module.Params.content_type $content_type = $module.Params.content_type
$headers = $module.Params.headers
$body = $module.Params.body $body = $module.Params.body
$dest = $module.Params.dest $dest = $module.Params.dest
$user = $module.Params.user
$password = $module.Params.password
$force_basic_auth = $module.Params.force_basic_auth
$creates = $module.Params.creates $creates = $module.Params.creates
$removes = $module.Params.removes $removes = $module.Params.removes
$follow_redirects = $module.Params.follow_redirects
$maximum_redirection = $module.Params.maximum_redirection
$return_content = $module.Params.return_content $return_content = $module.Params.return_content
$status_code = $module.Params.status_code $status_code = $module.Params.status_code
$timeout = $module.Params.timeout
$validate_certs = $module.Params.validate_certs
$client_cert = $module.Params.client_cert
$client_cert_password = $module.Params.client_cert_password
$JSON_CANDIDATES = @('text', 'json', 'javascript') $JSON_CANDIDATES = @('text', 'json', 'javascript')
@ -83,104 +58,91 @@ if ($removes -and -not (Test-AnsiblePath -Path $removes)) {
$module.ExitJson() $module.ExitJson()
} }
# Enable TLS1.1/TLS1.2 if they're available but disabled (eg. .NET 4.5) $client = Get-AnsibleWebRequest -Module $module
$security_protocols = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault
if ([Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember("Tls11").Count -gt 0) { if ($null -ne $content_type) {
$security_protocols = $security_protocols -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11 $client.ContentType = $content_type
if ([Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember("Tls12").Count -gt 0) {
$security_protocols = $security_protocols -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
} }
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $security_protocols
$client = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($url) $response_script = {
$client.Method = $method param($Response, $Stream)
$client.Timeout = $timeout * 1000
# Disable redirection if requested ForEach ($prop in $Response.PSObject.Properties) {
switch($follow_redirects) { $result_key = Convert-StringToSnakeCase -string $prop.Name
"none" { $prop_value = $prop.Value
$client.AllowAutoRedirect = $false # convert and DateTime values to ISO 8601 standard
} if ($prop_value -is [System.DateTime]) {
"safe" { $prop_value = $prop_value.ToString("o", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
if (@("GET", "HEAD") -notcontains $method) {
$client.AllowAutoRedirect = $false
} else {
$client.AllowAutoRedirect = $true
} }
$module.Result.$result_key = $prop_value
} }
default {
$client.AllowAutoRedirect = $true # manually get the headers as not all of them are in the response properties
foreach ($header_key in $Response.Headers.GetEnumerator()) {
$header_value = $Response.Headers[$header_key]
$header_key = $header_key.Replace("-", "") # replace - with _ for snake conversion
$header_key = Convert-StringToSnakeCase -string $header_key
$module.Result.$header_key = $header_value
} }
if ($maximum_redirection -eq 0) {
# 0 is not a valid option, need to disable redirection through AllowAutoRedirect
$client.AllowAutoRedirect = $false
} else {
$client.MaximumAutomaticRedirections = $maximum_redirection
if (-not $validate_certs) { # we only care about the return body if we need to return the content or create a file
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true } if ($return_content -or $dest) {
} # copy to a MemoryStream so we can read it multiple times
$memory_st = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.MemoryStream
try {
if ($null -ne $content_type) { if ($return_content) {
$client.ContentType = $content_type $memory_st.Seek(0, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) > $null
} $content_bytes = $memory_st.ToArray()
$module.Result.content = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($content_bytes)
if ($module.Result.ContainsKey("content_type") -and $module.Result.content_type -Match ($JSON_CANDIDATES -join '|')) {
try {
$module.Result.json = ([Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::FromJson($module.Result.content))
} catch [System.ArgumentException] {
# Simply continue, since 'text' might be anything
if ($dest) {
$memory_st.Seek(0, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) > $null
$changed = $true
if (Test-AnsiblePath -Path $dest) {
$actual_checksum = Get-FileChecksum -path $dest -algorithm "sha1"
if ($headers) { $sp = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider
$req_headers = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebHeaderCollection $content_checksum = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($sp.ComputeHash($memory_st)).Replace("-", "").ToLower()
foreach ($header in $headers.GetEnumerator()) {
# some headers need to be set on the property itself if ($actual_checksum -eq $content_checksum) {
switch ($header.Key) { $changed = $false
Accept { $client.Accept = $header.Value } }
Connection { $client.Connection = $header.Value } }
Content-Length { $client.ContentLength = $header.Value }
Content-Type { $client.ContentType = $header.Value } $module.Result.changed = $changed
Expect { $client.Expect = $header.Value } if ($changed -and (-not $module.CheckMode)) {
Date { $client.Date = $header.Value } $memory_st.Seek(0, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) > $null
Host { $client.Host = $header.Value } $file_stream = [System.IO.File]::Create($dest)
If-Modified-Since { $client.IfModifiedSince = $header.Value } try {
Range { $client.AddRange($header.Value) } $memory_st.CopyTo($file_stream)
Referer { $client.Referer = $header.Value } } finally {
Transfer-Encoding { $file_stream.Flush()
$client.SendChunked = $true $file_stream.Close()
$client.TransferEncoding = $header.Value }
} }
User-Agent { $client.UserAgent = $header.Value } } finally {
default { $req_headers.Add($header.Key, $header.Value) } $memory_st.Close()
} }
} }
if ($client_cert) { if ($status_code -notcontains $Response.StatusCode) {
if (-not (Test-AnsiblePath -Path $client_cert)) { $module.FailJson("Status code of request '$([int]$Response.StatusCode)' is not in list of valid status codes $status_code : $($Response.StatusCode)'.")
$module.FailJson("Client certificate '$client_cert' does not exit")
try {
$certs = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection -ArgumentList $client_cert, $client_cert_password
$client.ClientCertificates = $certs
} catch [System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException] {
$module.FailJson("Failed to read client certificate '$client_cert': $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} catch {
$module.FailJson("Unhandled exception when reading client certificate at '$client_cert': $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} }
} }
if ($user -and $password) { $body_st = $null
if ($force_basic_auth) {
$basic_value = [Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("$($user):$($password)"))
$client.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $basic_value")
} else {
$sec_password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $password -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $user, $sec_password
$client.Credentials = $credential
} elseif ($user -or $password) {
$module.Warn("Both 'user' and 'password' parameters are required together, skipping authentication")
if ($null -ne $body) { if ($null -ne $body) {
if ($body -is [System.Collections.IDictionary] -or $body -is [System.Collections.IList]) { if ($body -is [System.Collections.IDictionary] -or $body -is [System.Collections.IList]) {
$body_string = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $body -Compress $body_string = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $body -Compress
@ -191,118 +153,17 @@ if ($null -ne $body) {
} }
$buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($body_string) $buffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($body_string)
$req_st = $client.GetRequestStream() $body_st = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.MemoryStream -ArgumentList @(,$buffer)
try {
$req_st.Write($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length)
} finally {
} }
$module_start = Get-Date
try { try {
$response = $client.GetResponse() Invoke-WithWebRequest -Module $module -Request $client -Script $response_script -Body $body_st -IgnoreBadResponse
} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
$module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
$response = $null
if ($_.Exception.PSObject.Properties.Name -match "Response") {
# was a non-successful response but we at least have a response and
# should parse it below according to module input
$response = $_.Exception.Response
# in the case a response (or empty response) was on the exception like in
# a timeout scenario, we should still fail
if ($null -eq $response) {
$module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
$module.FailJson("WebException occurred when sending web request: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} catch [System.Net.ProtocolViolationException] {
$module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds
$module.FailJson("ProtocolViolationException when sending web request: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
} catch { } catch {
$module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds $module.FailJson("Unhandled exception occurred when sending web request. Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_)
$module.FailJson("Unhandled exception occured when sending web request. Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)", $_) } finally {
} if ($null -ne $body_st) {
$module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-Date) - $module_start).TotalSeconds $body_st.Dispose()
ForEach ($prop in $ {
$result_key = Convert-StringToSnakeCase -string $prop.Name
$prop_value = $prop.Value
# convert and DateTime values to ISO 8601 standard
if ($prop_value -is [System.DateTime]) {
$prop_value = $prop_value.ToString("o", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
} }
$module.Result.$result_key = $prop_value
# manually get the headers as not all of them are in the response properties
foreach ($header_key in $response.Headers.GetEnumerator()) {
$header_value = $response.Headers[$header_key]
$header_key = $header_key.Replace("-", "") # replace - with _ for snake conversion
$header_key = Convert-StringToSnakeCase -string $header_key
$module.Result.$header_key = $header_value
# we only care about the return body if we need to return the content or create a file
if ($return_content -or $dest) {
$resp_st = $response.GetResponseStream()
# copy to a MemoryStream so we can read it multiple times
$memory_st = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.MemoryStream
try {
if ($return_content) {
$memory_st.Seek(0, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) > $null
$content_bytes = $memory_st.ToArray()
$module.Result.content = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($content_bytes)
if ($module.Result.ContainsKey("content_type") -and $module.Result.content_type -Match ($JSON_CANDIDATES -join '|')) {
try {
$module.Result.json = ([Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::FromJson($module.Result.content))
} catch [System.ArgumentException] {
# Simply continue, since 'text' might be anything
if ($dest) {
$memory_st.Seek(0, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) > $null
$changed = $true
if (Test-AnsiblePath -Path $dest) {
$actual_checksum = Get-FileChecksum -path $dest -algorithm "sha1"
$sp = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider
$content_checksum = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($sp.ComputeHash($memory_st)).Replace("-", "").ToLower()
if ($actual_checksum -eq $content_checksum) {
$changed = $false
$module.Result.changed = $changed
if ($changed -and (-not $module.CheckMode)) {
$memory_st.Seek(0, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) > $null
$file_stream = [System.IO.File]::Create($dest)
try {
} finally {
} finally {
if ($status_code -notcontains $response.StatusCode) {
$module.FailJson("Status code of request '$([int]$response.StatusCode)' is not in list of valid status codes $status_code : $($response.StatusCode)'.")
} }
$module.ExitJson() $module.ExitJson()

@ -37,36 +37,11 @@ options:
description: description:
- The body of the HTTP request/response to the web service. - The body of the HTTP request/response to the web service.
type: raw type: raw
- Username to use for authentication.
type: str
version_added: '2.4'
- Password to use for authentication.
type: str
version_added: '2.4'
- By default the authentication information is only sent when a webservice
responds to an initial request with a 401 status. Since some basic auth
services do not properly send a 401, logins will fail.
- This option forces the sending of the Basic authentication header upon
the initial request.
type: bool
default: no
version_added: '2.5'
dest: dest:
description: description:
- Output the response body to a file. - Output the response body to a file.
type: path type: path
version_added: '2.3' version_added: '2.3'
- Extra headers to set on the request, see the examples for more details on
how to set this.
type: dict
creates: creates:
description: description:
- A filename, when it already exists, this step will be skipped. - A filename, when it already exists, this step will be skipped.
@ -93,61 +68,36 @@ options:
type: list type: list
default: [ 200 ] default: [ 200 ]
version_added: '2.4' version_added: '2.4'
timeout: url_username:
description: description:
- Specifies how long the request can be pending before it times out (in seconds). - The username to use for authentication.
- The value 0 (zero) specifies an indefinite time-out. - Was originally called I(user) but was changed to I(url_username) in
- A Domain Name System (DNS) query can take up to 15 seconds to return or time out. Ansible 2.9.
If your request contains a host name that requires resolution, and you set version_added: "2.4"
C(timeout) to a value greater than zero, but less than 15 seconds, it can url_password:
take 15 seconds or more before your request times out. description:
type: int - The password for I(url_username).
default: 30 - Was originally called I(password) but was changed to I(url_password) in
version_added: '2.4' Ansible 2.9.
version_added: "2.4"
follow_redirects: follow_redirects:
description: version_added: "2.4"
- Whether or not the C(win_uri) module should follow redirects.
- C(all) will follow all redirects.
- C(none) will not follow any redirects.
- C(safe) will follow only "safe" redirects, where "safe" means that the client is only
doing a C(GET) or C(HEAD) on the URI to which it is being redirected.
type: str
choices: [ all, none, safe ]
default: safe
version_added: '2.4'
maximum_redirection: maximum_redirection:
description: version_added: "2.4"
- Specifies how many times C(win_uri) redirects a connection to an alternate
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) before the connection fails.
- If C(maximum_redirection) is set to 0 (zero)
or C(follow_redirects) is set to C(none),
or set to C(safe) when not doing C(GET) or C(HEAD) it prevents all redirection.
type: int
default: 50
version_added: '2.4'
- If C(no), SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only
set to C(no) used on personally controlled sites using self-signed
type: bool
default: yes
version_added: '2.4'
client_cert: client_cert:
description: version_added: "2.4"
- Specifies the client certificate (.pfx) that is used for a secure web request.
- The WinRM connection must be authenticated with C(CredSSP) if the
certificate file is not password protected.
- Other authentication types can set I(client_cert_password) when the cert
is password protected.
type: path
version_added: '2.4'
client_cert_password: client_cert_password:
description: version_added: "2.5"
- The password for the client certificate (.pfx) file that is used for a use_proxy:
secure web request. version_added: "2.9"
type: str proxy_url:
version_added: '2.5' version_added: "2.9"
version_added: "2.9"
version_added: "2.9"
- url_windows
seealso: seealso:
- module: uri - module: uri
- module: win_get_url - module: win_get_url

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
class ModuleDocFragment(object):
# Standard files documentation fragment
- The URL to make the request with.
required: yes
type: str
- The HTTP Method of the request.
type: str
- Whether or the module should follow redirects.
- C(all) will follow all redirect.
- C(none) will not follow any redirect.
- C(safe) will follow only "safe" redirects, where "safe" means that the
client is only doing a C(GET) or C(HEAD) on the URI to which it is being
- all
- none
- safe
default: safe
type: str
- Extra headers to set on the request.
- This should be a dictionary where the key is the header name and the
value is the value for that header.
type: dict
- Header to identify as, generally appears in web server logs.
- This is set to the C(User-Agent) header on a HTTP request.
default: ansible-httpget
type: str
version_added: "2.9"
- Specify how many times the module will redirect a connection to an
alternative URI before the connection fails.
- If set to C(0) or I(follow_redirects) is set to C(none), or C(safe) when
not doing a C(GET) or C(HEAD) it prevents all redirection.
default: 50
type: int
- Specifies how long the request can be pending before it times out (in
- Set to C(0) to specify an infinite timeout.
default: 30
type: int
version_added: "2.4"
- If C(no), SSL certificates will not be validated.
- This should only be used on personally controlled sites using self-signed
default: yes
type: bool
version_added: "2.4"
- The path to the client certificate (.pfx) that is used for X509
authentication. This path can either be the path to the C(pfx) on the
filesystem or the PowerShell certificate path
- The WinRM connection must be authenticated with C(CredSSP) or C(become)
is used on the task if the certificate file is not password protected.
- Other authentication types can set I(client_cert_password) when the cert
is password protected.
type: str
- The password for I(client_cert) if the cert is password protected.
type: str
- By default the authentication header is only sent when a webservice
responses to an initial request with a 401 status. Since some basic auth
services do not properly send a 401, logins will fail.
- This option forces the sending of the Basic authentication header upon
the original request.
default: no
type: bool
version_added: "2.5"
- The username to use for authentication.
type: str
- user
- username
- The password for I(url_username).
type: str
- password
- Uses the current user's credentials when authenticating with a server
protected with C(NTLM), C(Kerberos), or C(Negotiate) authentication.
- Sites that use C(Basic) auth will still require explicit credentials
through the I(url_username) and I(url_password) options.
- The module will only have access to the user's credentials if using
C(become) with a password, you are connecting with SSH using a password,
or connecting with WinRM using C(CredSSP) or C(Kerberos with delegation).
- If not using C(become) or a different auth method to the ones stated
above, there will be no default credentials available and no
authentication will occur.
default: no
type: bool
version_added: "2.9"
- If C(no), it will not use the proxy defined in IE for the current user.
default: yes
type: bool
- An explicit proxy to use for the request.
- By default, the request will use the IE defined proxy unless I(use_proxy)
is set to C(no).
type: str
- The username to use for proxy authentication.
type: str
- The password for I(proxy_username).
type: str
- Uses the current user's credentials when authenticating with a proxy host
protected with C(NTLM), C(Kerberos), or C(Negotiate) authentication.
- Proxies that use C(Basic) auth will still require explicit credentials
through the I(proxy_username) and I(proxy_password) options.
- The module will only have access to the user's credentials if using
C(become) with a password, you are connecting with SSH using a password,
or connecting with WinRM using C(CredSSP) or C(Kerberos with delegation).
- If not using C(become) or a different auth method to the ones stated
above, there will be no default credentials available and no proxy
authentication will occur.
default: no
type: bool
version_added: "2.9"
- module: win_inet_proxy

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# Due to the special environment setup required for proxies, you can manually test out the proxy options with
--- ---
- name: set fact out special testing dir - name: set fact out special testing dir
set_fact: set_fact:

@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
dest: '{{ testing_dir }}\timeout.txt' dest: '{{ testing_dir }}\timeout.txt'
timeout: 3 timeout: 3
register: timeout_req register: timeout_req
failed_when: timeout_req.msg != "Error requesting 'https://" + httpbin_host + "/delay/7'. The operation has timed out" failed_when: 'timeout_req.msg != "Error downloading ''https://" + httpbin_host + "/delay/7'' to ''" + testing_dir + "\\timeout.txt'': The operation has timed out"'
- name: send request with headers - name: send request with headers
win_get_url: win_get_url:

@ -443,3 +443,43 @@
- not content_array is changed - not content_array is changed
- content_array.content == '[{"abc":"def"}]' - content_array.content == '[{"abc":"def"}]'
- content_array.json == [{"abc":"def"}] - content_array.json == [{"abc":"def"}]
- name: send request with explicit http_agent
url: https://{{httpbin_host}}/get
http_agent: test-agent
return_content: yes
register: http_agent_option
- name: assert send request with explicit http_agent
- http_agent_option.json.headers['User-Agent'] == 'test-agent'
- name: send request with explicit User-Agent header
url: https://{{httpbin_host}}/get
User-Agent: test-agent
return_content: yes
register: http_agent_header
- name: assert send request with explicit User-Agent header
- http_agent_header.json.headers['User-Agent'] == 'test-agent'
- name: send request with explicit http_agent and header (http_agent wins)
url: https://{{httpbin_host}}/get
http_agent: test-agent-option
User-Agent: test-agent-header
return_content: yes
register: http_agent_combo
- name: assert send request with explicit http_agent and header (http_agent wins)
- http_agent_combo.json.headers['User-Agent'] == 'test-agent-option'
- http_agent_combo.warnings[0] == "The 'User-Agent' header and the 'http_agent' was set, using the 'http_agent' for web request"

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_eventlog.ps1 PSCustomUseLiteralPath
lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_feature.ps1 PSCustomUseLiteralPath lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_feature.ps1 PSCustomUseLiteralPath
lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_file_version.ps1 PSCustomUseLiteralPath lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_file_version.ps1 PSCustomUseLiteralPath
lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_firewall_rule.ps1 PSUseApprovedVerbs lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_firewall_rule.ps1 PSUseApprovedVerbs
lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_get_url.ps1 PSUsePSCredentialType # Credential param can take a base64 encoded string as well as a PSCredential
lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_hotfix.ps1 PSCustomUseLiteralPath lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_hotfix.ps1 PSCustomUseLiteralPath
lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_hotfix.ps1 PSUseApprovedVerbs lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_hotfix.ps1 PSUseApprovedVerbs
lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_iis_virtualdirectory.ps1 PSCustomUseLiteralPath lib/ansible/modules/windows/win_iis_virtualdirectory.ps1 PSCustomUseLiteralPath
