Collections are a distribution format for Ansible content. You can package and distribute playbooks, roles, modules, and plugins using collections.
You can publish any collection to `Ansible Galaxy <>`_ or to a private Automation Hub instance. You can publish certified collections to the Red Hat Automation Hub, part of the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform.
* For the current development status of Collections and FAQ see `Ansible Collections Overview and FAQ <>`_.
Collections follow a simple data structure. None of the directories are required unless you have specific content that belongs in one of them. A collection does require a ``galaxy.yml`` file at the root level of the collection. This file contains all of the metadata that Galaxy and other tools need in order to package, build and publish the collection::
Put general documentation for the collection here. Keep the specific documentation for plugins and modules embedded as Python docstrings. Use the ``docs`` folder to describe how to use the roles and plugins the collection provides, role requirements, and so on. Use markdown and do not add subfolders.
The ``ansible-doc`` command requires the fully qualified collection name (FQCN) to display specific plugin documentation. In this example, ``my_namespace`` is the Galaxy namespace and ``my_collection`` is the collection name within that namespace.
..note:: The Galaxy namespace of an Ansible collection is defined in the ``galaxy.yml`` file. It can be different from the GitHub organization or repository name.
Add a 'per plugin type' specific subdirectory here, including ``module_utils`` which is usable not only by modules, but by most plugins by using their FQCN. This is a way to distribute modules, lookups, filters, and so on without having to import a role in every play.
When coding with ``module_utils`` in a collection, the Python ``import`` statement needs to take into account the FQCN along with the ``ansible_collections`` convention. The resulting Python import will look like ``from ansible_collections.{namespace}.{collection}.plugins.module_utils.{util} import {something}``
- Roles in a collection cannot contain plugins any more. Plugins must live in the collection ``plugins`` directory tree. Each plugin is accessible to all roles in the collection.
You can migrate 'traditional roles' into a collection but they must follow the rules above. You may need to rename roles if they don't conform. You will have to move or link any role-based plugins to the collection specific directories.
For roles imported into Galaxy directly from a GitHub repository, setting the ``role_name`` value in the role's metadata overrides the role name used by Galaxy. For collections, that value is ignored. When importing a collection, Galaxy uses the role directory as the name of the role and ignores the ``role_name`` metadata value.
A collection can store some additional metadata in a ``runtime.yml`` file in the collection's ``meta`` directory. The ``runtime.yml`` file supports the top level keys:
The version of Ansible required to use the collection. Multiple versions can be separated with a comma.
..code:: yaml
requires_ansible: ">=2.10,<2.11"
..note:: although the version is a `PEP440 Version Specifier <>`_ under the hood, Ansible deviates from PEP440 behavior by truncating prerelease segments from the Ansible version. This means that Ansible 2.11.0b1 is compatible with something that ``requires_ansible: ">=2.11"``.
Content in a collection that Ansible needs to load from another location or that has been deprecated/removed.
The top level keys of ``plugin_routing`` are types of plugins, with individual plugin names as subkeys.
To define a new location for a plugin, set the ``redirect`` field to another name.
To deprecate a plugin, use the ``deprecation`` field to provide a custom warning message and the removal version or date. If the plugin has been renamed or moved to a new location, the ``redirect`` field should also be provided. If a plugin is being removed entirely, ``tombstone`` can be used for the fatal error message and removal version or date.
Both the namespace and collection names use the same strict set of requirements. See `Galaxy namespaces <>`_ on the Galaxy docsite for those requirements.
Once the skeleton exists, you can populate the directories with the content you want inside the collection. See `ansible-collections <>`_ GitHub Org to get a better idea of what you can place inside a collection.
To include documentation fragments in your collection:
#. Create the documentation fragment: ``plugins/doc_fragments/fragment_name``.
#. Refer to the documentation fragment with its FQCN.
..code-block:: yaml
- community.kubernetes.k8s_name_options
- community.kubernetes.k8s_auth_options
- community.kubernetes.k8s_resource_options
- community.kubernetes.k8s_scale_options
:ref:`module_docs_fragments` covers the basics for documentation fragments. The `kubernetes <>`_ collection includes a complete example.
You can also share documentation fragments across collections with the FQCN.
* Certain files and folders are excluded when building the collection artifact. See :ref:`ignoring_files_and_folders_collections` to exclude other files you would not want to distribute.
* If you used the now-deprecated ``Mazer`` tool for any of your collections, delete any and all files it added to your :file:`releases/` directory before you build your collection with ``ansible-galaxy``.
* The current Galaxy maximum tarball size is 2 MB.
You can distribute your collections by publishing them on a distribution server. Distribution servers include Ansible Galaxy, Red Hat Automation Hub, and privately hosted Automation Hub instances. You can publish any collection to Ansible Galaxy and/or to a privately hosted Automation Hub instance. If your collection is certified by Red Hat, you can publish it to the Red Hat Automation Hub.
1. Get a namespace on each distribution server you want to use (Galaxy, private Automation Hub, Red Hat Automation Hub).
2. Get an API token for each distribution server you want to use.
* For Galaxy, see `Galaxy namespaces <>`_ on the Galaxy docsite for details.
* For Automation Hub, see the `Ansible Certified Content FAQ <>`_.
You need an API token for Galaxy and/or Automation Hub to upload your collection. Use the API token(s) to authenticate your connection to the distribution server(s) and protect your content.
You can use the ``--token`` argument with the ``ansible-galaxy`` command (in conjunction with the ``--server`` argument or :ref:`GALAXY_SERVER` setting in your :file:`ansible.cfg` file). You cannot use ``apt-key`` with any servers defined in your :ref:`Galaxy server list <galaxy_server_config>`.
You can configure one or more distribution servers for Galaxy in your :file:`ansible.cfg` file under the ``galaxy_server_list`` section. For each server, you also configure the token.
Once you have a namespace and an API token for each distribution server you want to use, you can distribute your collection by publishing it to Ansible Galaxy, Red Hat Automation Hub, or a privately hosted Automation Hub instance. You can use either the ``ansible-galaxy collection publish`` command or the distribution server (Galaxy, Automation Hub) itself.
Each time you add features or make changes to your collection, you must publish a new version of the collection. For details on versioning, see :ref:`collection_versions`.
By default, ``ansible-galaxy`` uses as the Galaxy server (as listed in the :file:`ansible.cfg` file under :ref:`galaxy_server`). If you are only publishing your collection to Ansible Galaxy, you do not need any further configuration. If you are using Red Hat Automation Hub or any other Galaxy server, see :ref:`Configuring the ansible-galaxy client <galaxy_server_config>`.
The ``ansible-galaxy collection publish`` command triggers an import process, just as if you uploaded the collection through the Galaxy website. The command waits until the import process completes before reporting the status back. If you want to continue without waiting for the import result, use the ``--no-wait`` argument and manually look at the import progress in your `My Imports <>`_ page.
When you upload a collection, it always uploads to the namespace specified in the collection metadata in the ``galaxy.yml`` file, no matter which namespace you select on the website. If you are not an owner of the namespace specified in your collection metadata, the upload request will fail.
Once Galaxy uploads and accepts a collection, you will be redirected to the **My Imports** page, which displays output from the import process, including any errors or warnings about the metadata and content contained in the collection.
Each time you publish your collection, you create a new version. Once you publish a version of a collection, you cannot delete or modify that version. Ensure that everything looks okay before publishing. The only way to change a collection is to release a new version. The latest version of a collection (by highest version number) will be the version displayed everywhere in Galaxy or Automation Hub; however, users will still be able to download older versions.
Collection versions use `Semantic Versioning <>`_ for version numbers. Please read the official documentation for details and examples. In summary:
* Increment minor (for example: y in `x.y.z`) version number for new functionality in a backwards compatible manner (for example new modules/plugins, parameters, return values).
To migrate content from one collection to another, if the collections are parts of `Ansible distribution <>`_:
#. Copy content from the source (old) collection to the target (new) collection.
#. Deprecate the module/plugin with ``removal_version`` scheduled for the next major version in ``meta/runtime.yml`` of the old collection. The deprecation must be released after the copied content has been included in a release of the new collection.
#. When the next major release of the old collection is prepared:
* remove the module/plugin from the old collection
* remove the symlink stored in ``plugin/modules`` directory if appropriate (mainly when removing from ``community.general`` and ````)
* remove related unit and integration tests
* remove specific module utils
* remove specific documentation fragments if there are any in the old collection
* add a changelog fragment containing entries for ``removed_features`` and ``breaking_changes``; you can see an example of a changelog fragment in this `pull request <>`_
* change ``meta/runtime.yml`` in the old collection:
* add ``redirect`` to the corresponding module/plugin's entry
* in particular, add ``redirect`` for the removed module utils and documentation fragments if applicable
* remove ``removal_version`` from there
* remove related entries from ``tests/sanity/ignore.txt`` files if exist
* remove changelog fragments for removed content that are not yet part of the changelog (in other words, do not modify `changelogs/changelog.yaml` and do not delete files mentioned in it)
* remove requirements that are no longer required in ``tests/unit/requirements.txt``, ``tests/requirements.yml`` and ``galaxy.yml``
Maintainers for the old collection have to make sure that the PR is merged in a way that it does not break user experience and semantic versioning:
#. A new version containing the merged PR must not be released before the collection the content has been moved to has been released again, with that content contained in it. Otherwise the redirects cannot work and users relying on that content will experience breakage.
#. Once 1.0.0 of the collection from which the content has been removed has been released, such PRs can only be merged for a new **major** version (in other words, 2.0.0, 3.0.0, and so on).
The ``BOTMETA.yml``, for example in `community.general collection repository <>`_, is the source of truth for:
* The ``migrated_to:`` key must be added explicitly for every *file*. You cannot add ``migrated_to`` at the directory level. This is to allow module and plugin webdocs to be redirected to the new collection docs.
*``migrated_to:`` MUST be added for every:
* module
* plugin
* module_utils
* contrib/inventory script
* You do NOT need to add ``migrated_to`` for:
* Unit tests
* Integration tests
* ReStructured Text docs (anything under ``docs/docsite/rst/``)
* Files that never existed in ``ansible/ansible:devel``
The main tool for testing collections is ``ansible-test``, Ansible's testing tool described in :ref:`developing_testing`. You can run several compile and sanity checks, as well as run unit and integration tests for plugins using ``ansible-test``. When you test collections, test against the ansible-core version(s) you are targeting.
You must always execute ``ansible-test`` from the root directory of a collection. You can run ``ansible-test`` in Docker containers without installing any special requirements. The Ansible team uses this approach in Shippable both in the ansible/ansible GitHub repository and in the large community collections such as `community.general <>`_ and ` <>`_. The examples below demonstrate running tests in Docker containers.
Compile and sanity tests
To run all compile and sanity tests::
ansible-test sanity --docker default -v
See :ref:`testing_compile` and :ref:`testing_sanity` for more information. See the :ref:`full list of sanity tests <all_sanity_tests>` for details on the sanity tests and how to fix identified issues.
Unit tests
You must place unit tests in the appropriate``tests/unit/plugins/`` directory. For example, you would place tests for ``plugins/module_utils/foo/`` in ``tests/unit/plugins/module_utils/foo/`` or ``tests/unit/plugins/module_utils/foo/bar/``. For examples, see the `unit tests in community.general <>`_.
To run all unit tests for all supported Python versions::
ansible-test units --docker default -v
To run all unit tests only for a specific Python version::
ansible-test units --docker default -v --python 3.6
To run only a specific unit test::
ansible-test units --docker default -v --python 3.6 tests/unit/plugins/module_utils/foo/
You can specify Python requirements in the ``tests/unit/requirements.txt`` file. See :ref:`testing_units` for more information, especially on fixture files.
Integration tests
You must place integration tests in the appropriate ``tests/integration/targets/`` directory. For module integration tests, you can use the module name alone. For example, you would place integration tests for ``plugins/modules/`` in a directory called ``tests/integration/targets/foo/``. For non-module plugin integration tests, you must add the plugin type to the directory name. For example, you would place integration tests for ``plugins/connections/`` in a directory called ``tests/integration/targets/connection_bar/``. For lookup plugins, the directory must be called ``lookup_foo``, for inventory plugins, ``inventory_foo``, and so on.
You can write two different kinds of integration tests:
* Ansible role tests run with ``ansible-playbook`` and validate various aspects of the module. They can depend on other integration tests (usually named ``prepare_bar`` or ``setup_bar``, which prepare a service or install a requirement named ``bar`` in order to test module ``foo``) to set-up required resources, such as installing required libraries or setting up server services.
*```` tests run directly as scripts. They can set up inventory files, and execute ``ansible-playbook`` or ``ansible-inventory`` with various settings.
For examples, see the `integration tests in community.general <>`_. See also :ref:`testing_integration` for more details.
Since integration tests can install requirements, and set-up, start and stop services, we recommended running them in docker containers or otherwise restricted environments whenever possible. By default, ``ansible-test`` supports Docker images for several operating systems. See the `list of supported docker images <>`_ for all options. Use the ``default`` image mainly for platform-independent integration tests, such as those for cloud modules. The following examples use the ``centos8`` image.
To execute all integration tests for a collection::
ansible-test integration --docker centos8 -v
If you want more detailed output, run the command with ``-vvv`` instead of ``-v``. Alternatively, specify ``--retry-on-error`` to automatically re-run failed tests with higher verbosity levels.
To execute only the integration tests in a specific directory::
You can specify multiple target names. Each target name is the name of a directory in ``tests/integration/targets/``.
Contributing to collections
If you want to add functionality to an existing collection, modify a collection you are using to fix a bug, or change the behavior of a module in a collection, clone the git repository for that collection and make changes on a branch. You can combine changes to a collection with a local checkout of Ansible (``source hacking/env-setup``).
This section describes the process for `community.general <>`_. To contribute to other collections, replace the folder names ``community`` and ``general`` with the namespace and collection name of a different collection.
We assume that you have included ``~/dev/ansible/collections/`` in :ref:`COLLECTIONS_PATHS`, and if that path mentions multiple directories, that you made sure that no other directory earlier in the search path contains a copy of ``community.general``. Create the directory ``~/dev/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/community``, and in it clone `the community.general Git repository <>`_ or a fork of it into the folder ``general``::
Now you can use this checkout of ``community.general`` in playbooks and roles with whichever version of Ansible you have installed locally, including a local checkout of ``ansible/ansible``'s ``devel`` branch.
For collections hosted in the ``ansible_collections`` GitHub org, create a branch and commit your changes on the branch. When you are done (remember to add tests, see :ref:`testing_collections`), push your changes to your fork of the collection and create a Pull Request. For other collections, especially for collections not hosted on GitHub, check the ```` of the collection for information on contributing to it.
We recommend that you use the `antsibull-changelog <>`_ tool to generate Ansible-compatible changelogs for your collection. The Ansible changelog uses the output of this tool to collate all the collections included in an Ansible release into one combined changelog for the release.
Ansible here refers to the Ansible 2.10 or later release that includes a curated set of collections.
Understanding antsibull-changelog
The ``antsibull-changelog`` tool allows you to create and update changelogs for Ansible collections that are compatible with the combined Ansible changelogs. This is an update to the changelog generator used in prior Ansible releases. The tool adds three new changelog fragment categories: ``breaking_changes``, ``security_fixes`` and ``trivial``. The tool also generates the ``changelog.yaml`` file that Ansible uses to create the combined ``CHANGELOG.rst`` file and Porting Guide for the release.
See :ref:`changelogs_how_to` and the `antsibull-changelog documentation <>`_ for complete details.
The collection maintainers set the changelog policy for their collections. See the individual collection contributing guidelines for complete details.
#. Initialize changelogs for your repository: :code:`antsibull-changelog init <path/to/your/collection>`.
#. Optionally, edit the ``changelogs/config.yaml`` file to customize the location of the generated changelog ``.rst`` file or other options. See `Bootstrapping changelogs for collections <>`_ for details.
To generate changelogs from the changelog fragments you created:
#. Optionally, validate your changelog fragments: :code:`antsibull-changelog lint`.
#. Generate the changelog for your release: :code:`antsibull-changelog release [--version version_number]`.
Add the ``--reload-plugins`` option if you ran the ``antsibull-changelog release`` command previously and the version of the collection has not changed. ``antsibull-changelog`` caches the information on all plugins and does not update its cache until the collection version changes.
* If are not using this tool, include the properly formatted ``changelog.yaml`` file into your collection. See the `changelog.yaml format <>`_ for details.
* Add a link to own changelogs or release notes in any format by opening an issue at with the HTML link to that information.
For the first two options, Ansible pulls the changelog details from Galaxy so your changelogs must be included in the collection version on Galaxy that is included in the upcoming Ansible release.