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#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Pydantic verifier for config structure """
from enum import Enum
2 years ago
from typing import Optional, Any
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
from pydantic import conlist # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
# TODO: Move from has_key to iterators and "is in"
class OSEnum(str, Enum):
""" List of all supported OS-es """
LINUX = "linux"
WINDOWS = "windows"
class VMControllerTypeEnum(str, Enum):
""" List of all supported controlled plugins. This is only done for VM controller plugins !
I do not expect many new ones. And typos in config can be a waste of time. Let's see if I am right. """
VAGRANT = "vagrant"
RUNNING_VM = "running_vm"
class CalderaConfig:
""" Configuration for the Caldera server """
apikey: str
2 years ago
def has_key(self, keyname: str) -> bool:
""" Checks if a key exists
Required for compatibility with DotMap which is used in Unit tests
if keyname in self.__dict__.keys():
return True
return False
class VMController:
""" Configuration for the VM controller """
vm_type: VMControllerTypeEnum
vagrantfilepath: str
ip: Optional[str] = "" # pylint: disable=invalid-name
2 years ago
def has_key(self, keyname: str) -> bool:
""" Checks if a key exists
Required for compatibility with DotMap which is used in Unit tests
if keyname in self.__dict__.keys():
return True
return False
# def __dict__(self):
# return {"vm_type": self.vm_type,
# "vagrantfilepath": self.vagrantfilepath,
# "ip": self.ip}
class Attacker:
""" Configuration for a attacker VM """
name: str
vm_controller: VMController
vm_name: str
nicknames: Optional[list[str]]
machinepath: str
os: OSEnum # pylint: disable=invalid-name
use_existing_machine: bool = False
playground: Optional[str] = None
2 years ago
def has_key(self, keyname: str) -> bool:
""" Checks if a key exists
Required for compatibility with DotMap which is used in Unit tests
if keyname in self.__dict__.keys():
return True
return False
2 years ago
def get(self, keyname: str, default: Any = None) -> Any:
""" Returns the value of a specific key
Required for compatibility with DotMap which is used in Unit tests
if self.has_key(keyname):
return self.__dict__[keyname]
return default
class Target:
""" Configuration for a target VM """
name: str
vm_controller: VMController
vm_name: str
os: OSEnum # pylint: disable=invalid-name
paw: str
group: str
machinepath: str
sensors: Optional[list[str]]
nicknames: Optional[list[str]]
active: bool = True
use_existing_machine: bool = False
playground: Optional[str] = None
halt_needs_force: Optional[str] = None
ssh_user: Optional[str] = None
ssh_password: Optional[str] = None
ssh_keyfile: Optional[str] = None
vulnerabilities: Optional[list[str]] = None
2 years ago
def has_key(self, keyname: str) -> bool:
""" Checks if a key exists
Required for compatibility with DotMap which is used in Unit tests
if keyname in self.__dict__.keys():
return True
return False
2 years ago
def get(self, keyname: str, default: Any = None) -> Any:
""" Returns the value of a specific key
Required for compatibility with DotMap which is used in Unit tests
if self.has_key(keyname):
return self.__dict__[keyname]
return default
class AttackConfig:
""" Generic configuration for attacks """
caldera_obfuscator: str = "plain-text"
caldera_jitter: str = "4/8"
nap_time: int = 5
2 years ago
def has_key(self, keyname: str) -> bool:
""" Checks if a key exists
Required for compatibility with DotMap which is used in Unit tests
if keyname in self.__dict__.keys():
return True
return False
class AttackList:
""" A list of attacks to run. Either plugin based or caldera based """
linux: Optional[list[str]]
windows: Optional[list[str]]
2 years ago
def has_key(self, keyname: str) -> bool:
""" Checks if a key exists
Required for compatibility with DotMap which is used in Unit tests
if keyname in self.__dict__.keys():
return True
return False
2 years ago
def get(self, keyname: str, default: Any = None) -> Any:
""" Returns the value of a specific key
Required for compatibility with DotMap which is used in Unit tests
if self.has_key(keyname):
return self.__dict__[keyname]
return default
class Results:
""" What to do with the results """
loot_dir: str
2 years ago
def has_key(self, keyname: str) -> bool:
""" Checks if a key exists
Required for compatibility with DotMap which is used in Unit tests
if keyname in self.__dict__.keys():
return True
return False
class MainConfig:
""" Central configuration for PurpleDome """
caldera: CalderaConfig
attackers: conlist(Attacker, min_items=1) # type: ignore
targets: conlist(Target, min_items=1) # type: ignore
attacks: AttackConfig
caldera_attacks: AttackList
plugin_based_attacks: AttackList
results: Results
# Free form configuration for plugins
attack_conf: Optional[dict]
sensor_conf: Optional[dict]
2 years ago
def has_key(self, keyname: str) -> bool:
""" Checks if a key exists
Required for compatibility with DotMap which is used in Unit tests
if keyname in self.__dict__.keys():
return True
return False
# TODO: Check for name duplication