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#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Pydantic verifier for config structure """
from pydantic.dataclasses import dataclass
from pydantic import conlist, BaseModel
from typing import Literal, Optional, TypedDict, Union
from enum import Enum
class OSEnum(str, Enum):
linux = "linux"
windows = "windows"
class CalderaConfig:
apikey: str
class Attacker:
name: str
vm_controller: dict
vm_name: str
machinepath: str
os: OSEnum
use_existing_machine: bool = False
class VMController:
type: str
vagrantfilepath: str
ip: Optional[str] = ""
class Target:
name: str
vm_controller: VMController
vm_name: str
os: OSEnum
paw: str
group: str
machinepath: str
sensors: Optional[list[str]]
active: bool = True
use_existing_machine: bool = False
playground: Optional[str] = None
halt_needs_force: Optional[str] = None
ssh_user: Optional[str] = None
ssh_password: Optional[str] = None
ssh_keyfile: Optional[str] = None
vulnerabilities: list[str] = None
class AttackConfig:
nap_time: int
caldera_obfuscator: str
caldera_jitter: str
class AttackList:
linux: Optional[list[str]]
windows: Optional[list[str]]
class Results:
loot_dir: str
class MainConfig():
caldera: CalderaConfig
attackers: conlist(Attacker, min_items=1)
targets: conlist(Target, min_items=1)
attacks: AttackConfig
caldera_attacks: AttackList
plugin_based_attacks: AttackList
results: Results
# Free form configuration for plugins
attack_conf: dict
sensor_conf: dict
# TODO: Check for name duplication