function recht() { # Load configuration values local serverUrl="${ZSH_PLUGIN_RECHT_SERVER_URL:-}" local docsDir="${ZSH_PLUGIN_RECHT_DOCS_DIR:-~/.zsh-recht-docs}"; local docViewer="${ZSH_PLUGIN_RECHT_DOC_VIEWER:-xdg-open}"; # Create output directory if not exists already mkdir --parents "$docsDir"; # Load arguments local docName="$1"; local docPartUrl="${1:l}/$1"; if <<<"$1" grep "/" >/dev/null; then # Load argument as docPartUrl if it seems to be a path instead of a name docName="$(<<< "$1" grep --only-matching --perl-regexp '(?<=/)[^/]*$')"; docPartUrl="$1"; fi # Complain if name / path is not given if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Missing document name to open!" >/dev/stderr; return 1; fi # Generate local path and remote url local docPath=~/"Documents/Uni/Recht/_docs/${docName}.pdf"; local docUrl="${serverUrl}/${docPartUrl}.pdf"; # Download if local version not given if [ ! -e "$docPath" ]; then echo "Download document from gesetze-im-internet …"; curl --fail --silent --output "$docPath" "$docUrl"; fi # Try to open document if [ -e "$docPath" ]; then $docViewer "$docPath" >/dev/null 2>&1 &!; else echo "Document $1 not found" >/dev/stderr; return 1; fi }