# cptar Plugin for ZSH This plugin adds the command `cptar` which allows copy directories using `tar`. Using two `tar` processes can be faster if copying to a different hard drive than using `cp`, because `cp` reads and writes file per file, but the two `tar` processes try to read and write simultaneously. `pv` adds a cache between both processes to optimize speed and shows you how fast the process is progressing. Because estimating the time left requires measuring the size of the source files, this feature is not built in to speed up the process. ## Repository clones The original repository will be stored on [GitHub](https://github.com/Zocker1999NET/zsh-cptar). You can use the original reopsitory if you want to use GitHub. Also issues and pull requests will be collected there for convenience. This repository will be cloned to my own server. You can use the [clone](https://git.banananet.work/zsh-plugins/cptar) instead of this repository if you want to avoid use GitHub. ## Installation ### Prerequisites - `mkdir` - `pv` - `tar` ### zsh (without plugin support) 1. Clone project 2. Add following line to your `.zshrc`: ```sh SOURCE "path/to/repo/cptar.plugin.zsh" ``` ### oh-my-zsh 1. Clone project into `~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/cptar` 2. Add `cptar` to your plugin list ```sh plugins=(… cptar …) ``` ### Antigen 1. Add following line to your `.zshrc`: ```sh antigen bundle Zocker1999NET/zsh-cptar # GitHub if default repository unchanged antigen bundle https://git.banananet.work/zsh-plugins/cptar # Own Server ``` or 1. Add the repository to your plugin list ```sh antigen bundles <