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44 lines
731 B

import greenfoot.*; // (World, Actor, GreenfootImage, Greenfoot and MouseInfo)
import Java.awt.Color;
* Zeigt einen Text an.
* @author Felix Stupp
* @version 10.05.2016
public class Label extends GUI_Interface {
Color foreC = Color.WHITE;
Color backC = Color.BLACK;
int textSize = 1;
String text = "";
private void redraw() {
GreenfootImage tI = new GreenfootImage(text,textSize,foreC,backC);
public int getTextSize() {
return textSize;
public void setTextSize(int s) {
if(textSize != s && s > 0) {
textSize = s;
public String getText() {
return text;
public void setText(String s) {
if(text != s) {
text = s;