You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

293 lines
11 KiB

4 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import atexit
from getpass import getpass
import http.client
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import xdg.BaseDirectory
# Helpers
def jsonToObj(cls, dataDict):
transDict = cls.TRANS
return cls(**{transDict.get(key, key): val for key, val in dataDict.items() if transDict.get(key, key) is not None})
# Class Invalid
class TtRssCounters:
def __init__(feeds=None, labels=None, categories=None, tags=None):
self.feeds = feeds
self.labels = labels
self.categories = categories
self.tags = tags
class Category:
"id": "catId",
"order_id": "orderId",
def __init__(self, catId, title=None, unread=None, orderId=None):
self.catId = catId
self.title = title
self.unread = unread
self.orderId = orderId
def fromJson(cls, jsonData):
#return cls(**jsonToInput(cls.TRANS, jsonData))
return jsonToObj(cls, jsonData)
class Feed:
"id": "feedId",
"feed_url": "url",
"cat_id": "catId",
"last_updated": "lastUpdated",
"order_id": "orderId",
"has_icon": None,
def __init__(self, feedId, title=None, url=None, catId=None, unread=None, lastUpdated=None, orderId=None):
self.feedId = feedId
self.title = title
self.url = url
self.catId = catId
self.unread = unread
self.lastUpdated = lastUpdated
self.orderId = orderId
def fromJson(cls, jsonData):
#return cls(**jsonToInput(cls.TRANS, jsonData))
return jsonToObj(cls, jsonData)
def toJson(self):
#return objToJson(self)
class Headline:
"id": "headlineId",
"guid": None,
"is_updated": "isUpdated",
"link": "url",
"feed_id": "feedId",
"feed_title": "feedTitle",
"comments_count": None,
"comments_link": None,
"always_display_attachments": None,
"note": None,
"lang": None,
"content": None,
"flavor_image": None,
"flavor_stream": None,
def __init__(self, headlineId, unread, marked, published, updated, isUpdated, title, url, feedId, tags, labels, feedTitle, author, score):
self.headlineId = headlineId
self.unread = unread
self.marked = marked
self.published = published
self.updated = updated
self.isUpdated = isUpdated
self.title = title
self.url = url
self.feedId = feedId
self.tags = tags
self.labels = labels
self.feedTitle = feedTitle = author
self.score = score
def fromJson(cls, jsonData):
#return cls(**jsonToInput(cls.TRANS, jsonData))
return jsonToObj(cls, jsonData)
class TtRssInstance:
def __init__(self, host, endpoint="/api/"):
self._host = host
self._endpoint = endpoint
self._sid = None
self.__conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(host)
atexit.register(lambda: self.__conn.close())
def __raiseError(self, op, info):
if type(info) == 'dict':
if 'error' not in info:
if 'content' not in info:
raise Exception(f"Invalid info for error: {info}")
info = info['content']
err = info['error']
err = info
raise Exception(f"API Call {op} failed: {info['error']}")
def _get(self, op, sendSid=True, **parameters):
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
post_body = {k: v for k, v in parameters.items() if v is not None}
post_body['op'] = op
if sendSid:
if self.__sid is None:
raise Exception(f"Login required before API Call {op}")
post_body['sid'] = self.__sid
self.__conn.request('POST', self._endpoint, json.dumps(post_body), headers)
res = self.__conn.getresponse()
if res.status != 200:
raise Exception(f"Return Code is {res.status} {res.reason}!")
ret = json.loads('utf8'))
return ret
def _getSafe(self, op, sendSid=True, **parameters):
r = self._get(op, sendSid=sendSid, **parameters)
if r['status'] != 0:
if r['content']['error'] == 'NOT_LOGGED_IN':
raise Exception(f"Authentication failed!")
self.__raiseError(op, r)
return r['content']
def getApiLevel(self):
r = self._get("getApiLevel")
if r['status'] != 0:
return 0 # Asume api level 0 on fail
return r['content']['level']
def getVersion(self):
return self._getSafe("getVersion")['version']
def login(self, username, password):
r = self._get("login", sendSid=False, user=username, password=password)
if r['status'] != 0:
err = r['content']['error']
if err == 'API_DISABLED':
raise Exception(f"API disabled for user {username}")
elif err == 'LOGIN_ERROR':
raise Exception(f"Login failed for user {username}")
self.__raiseError('login', err)
self.__sid = r['content']['session_id']
return True
def logout(self):
r = self._get("logout")
if r['status'] != 0:
err = r['content']['error']
if err != 'NOT_LOGGED_IN':
self.__raiseError('logout', err)
self._sid = None
return True
def isLoggedIn(self):
if self.__sid is None:
return False
r = self._get("isLoggedIn")
if r['status'] != 0:
err = r['content']['error']
if err == 'NOT_LOGGED_IN':
return False
self.__raiseError('logout', err)
return r['status']['content']['status']
def getUnread(self):
return int(self._getSafe("getUnread")['unread'])
# TODO Broken
def getCounters(self, feeds=True, labels=True, categories=True, tags=False):
mode = ''
if feeds:
mode += 'f'
if labels:
mode += 'l'
if categories:
mode += 'c'
if tags:
mode += 't'
r = self._getSafe("getCounters", output_mode=mode)
#return TtRssCounters(r.get('feeds', None), r.get('labels', None), r.get('categories', None), r.get('tags', None))
return r
def getFeeds(self, cat_id=-3, unread_only=False, limit=None, offset=None, include_nested=False):
r = self._getSafe("getFeeds", cat_id=cat_id, unread_only=unread_only, limit=limit, offset=offset, include_nested=include_nested)
return [Feed.fromJson(data) for data in r]
def getCategories(self, unread=False, nested=False, empty=True):
r = self._getSafe('getCategories', unread_only=unread, enable_nested=nested, include_empty=empty)
return [Category.fromJson(data) for data in r]
def getHeadlines(self, feed_id=None, cat_id=None, limit=None, skip=None, show_excerpt=False, show_content=False, view_mode='all_articles', include_attachments=False, since_id=None, nested=None, order_by=None, sanitize=True, force_update=False, has_sandbox=False):
is_cat = False
send_feed_id = feed_id
if cat_id is not None:
if feed_id is not None:
raise Exception("cat_id and feed_id cannot be set both!")
is_cat = True
send_feed_id = cat_id
r = self._getSafe('getHeadlines', feed_id=send_feed_id, limit=limit, skip=skip, show_excerpt=show_excerpt, show_content=show_content, view_mode=view_mode, include_attachments=include_attachments, since_id=since_id, include_nested=nested, order_by=order_by, sanitize=sanitize, force_update=force_update, has_sandbox=has_sandbox)
return [Headline.fromJson(data) for data in r]
# Main Code
def func_articles(server, args):
filtered = {key: value for key, value in args.__dict__.items() if key in ["feed_id", "cat_id", "limit", "skip", "view_mode", "since_id", "include_nested", "order_by"]}
headlines = server.getHeadlines(**filtered)
if args.only_url:
for h in headlines:
print(json.dumps([h.objToJson() for h in headlines]))
def parser_articles(sub):
p = sub.add_parser('articles', help="Get articles")
p.add_argument('--feed-id', dest='feed_id', help="Only output articles for this feed, cannot be used with --cat-id")
p.add_argument('--cat-id', dest='cat_id', help="Only output articles for feeds of this category, cannot be used with --feed-id")
p.add_argument('--limit', dest='limit', type=int, help="Maximum count of articles")
p.add_argument('--skip', '--offset', dest='skip', type=int, help="Skip this amount of feeds first")
p.add_argument('--view-mode', '--filter', dest='view_mode', choices=['all_articles', 'unread', 'adaptive', 'marked', 'updated'], default='all_articles', help='Only show articles of certain type')
p.add_argument('--only-url', dest='only_url', action='store_true', help="Only output urls of articles instead of full article info")
def configure_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Allows access to feeds and articles of a Tiny Tiny RSS instance using the API.")
#parser.add_argument('--proto', '--protocol', dest='proto', default='https', choices=['http', 'https'], help="The protocol used to access the api, defaults to https")
parser.add_argument('-H', '--host', '--url', dest='url', required=True, help="URL of the TT-RSS instace to access, examples:,")
parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', '--username', dest='user', required=True, help="Name of the user used to access the instance")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pass', '--password', dest='passwd', help="Password of the user used to access the instance")
parser.add_argument('-P', '--pass-stdin', '--password-stdin', action='store_true', dest='passStdin', help="Read the password for the user used to access the instance from stdin")
sub = parser.add_subparsers(help="Operations", dest='op', description="Operations available to send to server")
return parser
def parse(args):
return configure_parser().parse_args(args=args)
def main():
APP_NAME = "ttrss-cli"
URL_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(?P<proto>(https?://)?)(?P<host>[^:/ ]+)(:(?P<port>\d+))?(?P<path>.*)$')
# Retrieve args from config and shell
storedArgs = sys.argv.copy()
for d in xdg.BaseDirectory.load_config_paths(APP_NAME):
with open(os.path.join(d, "config.txt")) as f:
storedArgs = [line.strip() for line in f if line.strip()[0] != '#'] + storedArgs
# Parse args
args = parse(storedArgs)
# Read Pass if stdin
passwd = args.passwd
if args.passStdin:
passwd = getpass()
# Check for pass
if passwd is None:
raise ValueError("Password is missing!") # TODO make more beautiful for user
# Parse url
urlM = URL_REGEX.match(args.url).groupdict()
host = urlM['host']
# Call api
# TODO Support scheme (http / https)
# TODO Support port
server = TtRssInstance(host)
server.login(args.user, passwd)
args.func(server, args)
if __name__ == "__main__":