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from __future__ import annotations
from abc import abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Set
class UriHolder:
### abstracted
def _primary_uri(self) -> str:
"""Returns the primary uri of this object in a naive way."""
def _set_primary_uri(self, uri: str) -> None:
"""Sets the primary uri of this object in a naive way."""
def _get_uri_set(self) -> Set[str]:
"""Returns the uri set of this object in a naive way."""
def _set_uri_set(self, uri_set: Set[str]) -> None:
"""Sets the uri set of this object in a naive way."""
def _add_uri_to_set(self, uri: str) -> bool:
"""Adds a uri to the uri set of this object in a naive way.
Returns True if the uri was not in the uri set before.
def _remove_uri_from_set(self, uri: str) -> bool:
"""Removes a uri to the uri set of this object in a naive way.
Returns True if the uri was in the uri set before.
### implemented
def primary_uri(self) -> str:
"""Returns the current primary uri of this object."""
return self._primary_uri
def is_primary_uri(self, compare_uri: str) -> bool:
"""Returns True if the given uri is equal to the current primary uri."""
return self.primary_uri == compare_uri
def set_primary_uri(self, uri: str) -> bool:
"""Sets the current primary of this object.
It will also add the uri to the uri set.
Returns True if the uri was not in the uri set before.
ret = self._add_uri_to_set(uri) # might fail, so try first
return ret
def set_as_only_uri(self, uri: str) -> None:
self._set_uri_set({uri}) # might fail, so try first
def add_single_uri(self, uri: str) -> bool:
return self._add_uri_to_set(uri)
def add_uris(self, uri_list: Iterable[Optional[str]]) -> bool:
return any([self.add_single_uri(uri) for uri in set(uri_list) if uri])