You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, TypeVar, TypedDict, Union
Weekdays = Union[
class TvmazeCountry(TypedDict):
name: str
code: str
timezone: str
class TvmazeEmbeddings(TypedDict, total=False):
show: TvmazeShow
seasons: List[TvmazeSeason]
episodes: List[TvmazeEpisode]
class TvmazeEpisode(TypedDict):
id: int
url: str
name: str
season: int
number: int
type: str
airdate: str
airtime: str
airstamp: str
runtime: int
rating: TvmazeRating
image: TvmazeImage
summary: str
class TvmazeEpisodeEmbedded(TvmazeEpisode):
_embedded: TvmazeEmbeddings
class TvmazeExternalIds(TypedDict):
tvrage: Optional[int]
thetvdb: Optional[int]
imdb: Optional[str]
class TvmazeImage(TypedDict):
medium: Optional[str]
original: str
def select_best_image(*image_list: TvmazeImage) -> Optional[str]:
for image in image_list:
if image is not None:
found = image.get("original") or image.get("medium")
if found:
return found
return None
class TvmazeNetwork(TypedDict):
id: int
name: str
country: TvmazeCountry
webChannel: Optional[Any]
dvdCountry: Optional[TvmazeCountry]
class TvmazeRating(TypedDict):
average: int
class TvmazeSchedule(TypedDict):
time: str
days: List[Weekdays]
class TvmazeSeason(TypedDict):
id: int
url: str
number: int
name: str
episodeOrder: int
premiereDate: str
endDate: str
network: TvmazeNetwork
webChannel: Optional[Any]
image: TvmazeImage
summary: str
class TvmazeShow(TypedDict):
id: int
url: str
name: str
type: str
language: str
genres: List[str]
status: str
runtime: int
averageRuntime: int
premiered: str
ended: str
officialSite: str
schedule: TvmazeSchedule
rating: TvmazeRating
weight: int
externals: TvmazeExternalIds
image: TvmazeImage
summary: str
updated: int
class TvmazeShowEmbedded(TvmazeShow):
_embedded: TvmazeEmbeddings
T = TypeVar("T", bound=Dict)
def add_embedding(object: T, key: str, value: Any, parent_key: str = "_embedded") -> T:
if parent_key not in object:
object[parent_key] = {}
object[parent_key][key] = value
return object