from __future__ import annotations import base64 import dataclasses from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime import gzip import json import math import logging import re from typing import ( Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, NewType, Optional, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, ) import magic import requests from pony import orm from pony.orm.core import Query as PonyQuery from .common import trim db = orm.Database() SafeStr = NewType("SafeStr", str) """ Use this type for strings which are expected to be safe to insert into SQL statements. They may be included into a SQL statement by quoting them manually: f"SELECT * FROM '{safe_str}'" DO NOT CAST STRINGS WHICH MAY BE SET BY USERS TO PREVENT SQL INJECTION ATTACKS. """ T = TypeVar("T") class Query( List[T], PonyQuery, ): """ This class may be used to reflect PonyQuerys with all their "kind of" list behavior. Only use it for type hintings. """ pass THUMBNAIL_ALLOWED_TYPES = [ "image/avif", "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/webp", ] THUMBNAIL_HEADERS = { "Accept": ",".join(THUMBNAIL_ALLOWED_TYPES) + ",*/*;q=0.9", "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0", } THUMBNAIL_TARGET = 16 / 9 def thumbnail_sort_key(width: int, height: int) -> Tuple: return ( abs((width / height) - THUMBNAIL_TARGET), width * height, ) #### ## Model Extensions #### @dataclass class TagRootElement: base: Tagable children: List[TagTreeElement] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: []) def share_score(self, points: float) -> PreferenceScoreAppender: if points == 0 or len(self.children) <= 0: return PreferenceScoreAppender() single_share = points / len(self.children) shares = (child.share_score(single_share) for child in self.children) return PreferenceScoreAppender(shares) @dataclass class TagTreeElement: base: Tag children: List[TagTreeElement] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: []) def share_score(self, points: float) -> PreferenceScoreAppender: if len(self.children) <= 0: return PreferenceScoreAppender(PreferenceScore({self.base: points})) children_fraction = len(self.children) base_fraction = children_fraction + 1 single_share = points / (base_fraction + children_fraction) base_share = PreferenceScore({self.base: single_share * base_fraction}) shares = (child.share_score(single_share) for child in self.children) return base_share & shares TagElement = Union[TagRootElement, TagTreeElement] class Tagable: ## abstracted @property def assigned_tags(self) -> Set[Tag]: """ Tags which are directly assigned to this object by the user or automatic actions. """ raise NotImplementedError("") @property def inherited_tags(self) -> Set[Tag]: """ Tags, which are inherited by any other means than super/sub-tag relationships. This relationship does not declare a distance between this tags and assigned tags. """ return set() @property def super_tags(self) -> Set[Tag]: """ Tags, which are inherited only by super/sub-tag relationships. This relationship does declare a distance between this tags and assigned tags. """ return set() ## implemented @property def direct_tags(self) -> Set[Tag]: return self.assigned_tags | self.inherited_tags @property def __tag_hierachy(self) -> Tuple[TagRootElement, Set[Tag]]: root = TagRootElement( base=self, children=[TagTreeElement(tag) for tag in self.direct_tags], ) stack: List[TagTreeElement] = root.children[:] used: Set[Tag] = self.direct_tags while len(stack) > 0: cur = stack.pop(0) for tag in cur.base.super_tags: if tag not in used: elem = TagTreeElement(tag) cur.children.append(elem) stack.append(elem) used.add(tag) return root, used @property def tag_hierachy(self) -> TagRootElement: return self.__tag_hierachy[0] @property def all_tags(self) -> Set[Tag]: return self.__tag_hierachy[1] T = TypeVar("T", bound=Tagable) @dataclass class PreferenceScore: points: Dict[Tag, float] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: {}) def __add__(self, other: PreferenceScoreCompatible) -> PreferenceScore: return (self & other).calculate() def __and__(self, other: PreferenceScoreCompatible) -> PreferenceScoreAppender: return PreferenceScoreAppender(self, other) def __mul__(self, scalar: float) -> PreferenceScore: return PreferenceScore( {tag: score * scalar for tag, score in self.points.items()} ) def __neg__(self) -> PreferenceScore: return self * -1 def adapt_score(self, tagable: Tagable, score: float) -> PreferenceScore: return (self & tagable.tag_hierachy.share_score(score)).calculate() def calculate_score(self, object: Tagable) -> float: return math.fsum( self.points[tag] for tag in object.all_tags if tag in self.points ) def order_by_score(self, objects: Iterable[T]) -> List[T]: return sorted(objects, key=lambda o: self.calculate_score(o)) def get_first_by_score(self, objects: Iterable[T]) -> List[T]: return min(objects, key=lambda o: self.calculate_score(o)) @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: str) -> PreferenceScore: dicts: Dict = json.loads(data) return cls({Tag[id]: score for id, score in dicts.items()}) @classmethod def from_base64(cls, in_data: str, encoding: str = "utf-8") -> PreferenceScore: data = in_data.encode(encoding) data = base64.decodebytes(data) data = gzip.decompress(data) data = data.decode(encoding) data = PreferenceScore.from_json(data) return data def to_json(self) -> str: return json.dumps({ score for tag, score in self.points.items()}) def to_base64(self, encoding: str = "utf-8") -> str: data = self.to_json() data = data.encode(encoding) data = gzip.compress( data=data, compresslevel=9, ) data = base64.encodebytes(data) data = data.decode(encoding) return data class PreferenceScoreAppender: points_list: List[PreferenceScore] def __init__(self, *args: PreferenceScoreCompatible): self.points_list = [] for preference in args: self.__append(preference) def __append(self, preference: PreferenceScoreCompatible): if isinstance(preference, PreferenceScore): self.points_list.append(preference) elif isinstance(preference, PreferenceScoreAppender): self.points_list.extend(preference.points_list) else: for sub_pref in preference: self.__append(sub_pref) def __and__(self, other: PreferenceScoreCompatible) -> PreferenceScoreAppender: return PreferenceScoreAppender(self, other) def calculate(self) -> PreferenceScore: combined: Dict[Tag, List[float]] = {} for preference in self.points_list: for tag, score in preference.points.items(): if tag not in combined: combined[tag] = [] combined[tag].append(score) return PreferenceScore( {tag: math.fsum(scores) for tag, scores in combined.items()} ) PreferenceScoreCompatibleSimple = Union[PreferenceScore, PreferenceScoreAppender] PreferenceScoreCompatible = Union[ PreferenceScoreCompatibleSimple, Iterable[PreferenceScoreCompatibleSimple] ] def generate_preference_list( base: PreferenceScore, object_gen: Callable[[], List[MediaElement]], score_adapt: float, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[MediaElement]: res_ids = list[int]() tag_map = dict[MediaCollection, Tag]() element_list = object_gen() for element in element_list: for link in element.collection_links: if link.collection not in tag_map: tag = Tag(title="Automatic") tag.use_for_preferences = True link.collection.tag_list.add(tag) tag_map[link.collection] = tag orm.flush() while True: if len(element_list) <= 0: break first_element = base.get_first_by_score(element_list) res_ids.append( if limit is not None and limit <= len(res_ids): break first_element.watched = True # simulative base = base.adapt_score(first_element, score_adapt) element_list = object_gen() orm.rollback() return [MediaElement[i] for i in res_ids] @dataclass class CollectionStats: to_watch_count: int ignored_count: int # but not watched watched_count: int to_watch_seconds: int ignored_seconds: int # but not watched watched_seconds: int @property def full_count(self) -> int: return self.to_watch_count + self.ignored_count + self.watched_count @property def full_seconds(self) -> int: return self.to_watch_seconds + self.ignored_seconds + self.watched_seconds @classmethod def from_collection(cls, collection: MediaCollection) -> CollectionStats: to_watch_count = 0 ignored_count = 0 watched_count = 0 to_watch_seconds = 0 ignored_seconds = 0 watched_seconds = 0 for link in collection.media_links: media = link.element if media.watched: watched_count += 1 watched_seconds += media.length else: watched_seconds += media.progress if media.ignored: ignored_count += 1 ignored_seconds += media.left_length else: to_watch_count += 1 to_watch_seconds += media.left_length return CollectionStats( to_watch_count=to_watch_count, ignored_count=ignored_count, watched_count=watched_count, to_watch_seconds=to_watch_seconds, ignored_seconds=ignored_seconds, watched_seconds=watched_seconds, ) #### ## Models #### ## Tag & Selection Score's class Tag(db.Entity, Tagable): id: int = orm.PrimaryKey(int, auto=True) title: str = orm.Required(str) notes: str = orm.Optional(str) use_for_preferences: bool = orm.Required(bool, default=True) super_tag_list: Iterable[Tag] = orm.Set(lambda: Tag, reverse="sub_tag_list") sub_tag_list: Iterable[Tag] = orm.Set(lambda: Tag, reverse="super_tag_list") _collection_list: Iterable[MediaCollection] = orm.Set(lambda: MediaCollection) _media_list: Iterable[MediaElement] = orm.Set(lambda: MediaElement) @property def assigned_tags(self) -> Set[Tag]: return {self} @property def super_tags(self) -> Set[Tag]: return set(self.super_tag_list) ## Element <-> Collection Linking class MediaCollectionLink(db.Entity): collection: MediaCollection = orm.Required(lambda: MediaCollection) element: MediaElement = orm.Required(lambda: MediaElement) orm.PrimaryKey(collection, element) season: int = orm.Required(int, default=0) episode: int = orm.Required(int, default=0) orm.composite_index(season, episode) @property def element_id(self): return @property def element_release_date(self): return self.element.release_date @staticmethod def sort_key(link: MediaCollectionLink) -> Tuple: return ( link.season, link.episode, link.element.release_date,, ) @staticmethod def sorted(iterable: Iterable[MediaCollectionLink]) -> List[MediaCollectionLink]: return sorted(iterable, key=MediaCollectionLink.sort_key) ## Media Elements class MediaElement(db.Entity, Tagable): id: int = orm.PrimaryKey(int, auto=True) uri: str = orm.Required(str, unique=True) title: str = orm.Optional(str) description: str = orm.Optional(orm.LongStr, nullable=True) thumbnail: MediaThumbnail = orm.Optional(lambda: MediaThumbnail) notes: str = orm.Optional(str) release_date: datetime = orm.Optional(datetime) extractor_name: str = orm.Optional(str) extractor_key: str = orm.Optional(str) orm.composite_index(extractor_name, extractor_key) last_updated: datetime = orm.Optional(datetime) watched: bool = orm.Required(bool, default=False) ignored: bool = orm.Required(bool, column="ignored", default=False) progress: int = orm.Required(int, default=0) length: int = orm.Optional(int) tag_list: Iterable[Tag] = orm.Set(lambda: Tag) uris: Iterable[MediaUriMapping] = orm.Set(lambda: MediaUriMapping) collection_links: Iterable[MediaCollectionLink] = orm.Set( lambda: MediaCollectionLink ) blocked_by: Set[MediaElement] = orm.Set(lambda: MediaElement, reverse="is_blocking") is_blocking: Set[MediaElement] = orm.Set(lambda: MediaElement, reverse="blocked_by") @property def was_extracted(self) -> bool: return self.last_updated is not None @property def _left_length(self) -> int: return self.length - self.progress @property def left_length(self) -> int: return 0 if self.watched else self._left_length @property def ignored_recursive(self) -> bool: return ( orm.count( link for link in self.collection_links if link.collection.ignored == True ) > 0 ) @property def ignored_any(self) -> bool: return self.ignored or self.ignored_recursive @property def skip_over(self) -> bool: return self.ignored or self.watched @property def can_considered(self) -> bool: if self.skip_over: return False if self.release_date > return False if orm.exists(e for e in self.blocked_by if not e.skip_over): return False ordered_collections: Query[MediaCollection] = l.collection for l in self.collection_links if l.collection.watch_in_order ) for collection in ordered_collections: next = collection.next_episode if next is not None and self != next.element: return False return True @property def assigned_tags(self) -> Set[Tag]: return set(self.tag_list) @property def inherited_tags(self) -> Set[Tag]: result = set() for link in self.collection_links: result |= link.collection.direct_tags return result def merge_to(self, other: MediaElement): if self.watched: other.watched = True if self.ignored: other.ignored = True if self.progress >= 0 and other.progress <= 0: other.progress = self.progress for uri_map in self.uris: uri_map.element = other for link in self.collection_links: if not MediaCollectionLink.get(collection=link.collection, element=other): link.element = other self.delete() # will also delete still existing uri mappings and collection links orm.flush() def add_single_uri(self, uri: str) -> bool: mapping: MediaUriMapping = MediaUriMapping.get(uri=uri) if not mapping: logging.debug(f"Add URI mapping {uri!r} to media {!r}") MediaUriMapping( uri=uri, element=self, ) return True if mapping.element != self: raise Exception( f"URI duplicated for two different media's: {uri}" ) # TODO may replace with merge call return False def add_uris(self, uri_list: Iterable[str]) -> bool: return all(self.add_single_uri(uri) for uri in set(uri_list)) def before_insert(self): self.before_update() def before_update(self): self.add_single_uri(self.uri) @property def info_link(self): return f"/media/{}" class MediaThumbnail(db.Entity): id: int = orm.PrimaryKey(int, auto=True) uri: str = orm.Required(str, unique=True) last_downloaded: datetime = orm.Optional(datetime, default=None, nullable=True) last_accessed: datetime = orm.Optional(datetime, default=None, nullable=True) mime_type: str = orm.Optional(str, default="") data: bytes = orm.Optional(bytes, default=None, nullable=True, lazy=True) elements: Set[MediaElement] = orm.Set(lambda: MediaElement) @classmethod def from_uri(cls, uri: str) -> MediaThumbnail: return cls.get(uri=uri) or MediaThumbnail(uri=uri) def access(self): self.last_accessed = def download(self) -> bool: res = requests.get(url=self.uri, headers=THUMBNAIL_HEADERS) mime = magic.from_buffer(res.content, mime=True) if mime not in THUMBNAIL_ALLOWED_TYPES: return False self.mime_type = mime = res.content self.last_downloaded = return True def prepare(self) -> bool: if self.last_downloaded is not None: return True return def access_data(self): self.prepare() self.access() def receive_data(self) -> bytes: self.access_data() return class MediaUriMapping(db.Entity): id: int = orm.PrimaryKey(int, auto=True) uri: str = orm.Required(str, unique=True) element: MediaElement = orm.Required(MediaElement) ## Media Collections class MediaCollection(db.Entity, Tagable): id: int = orm.PrimaryKey(int, auto=True) uri: str = orm.Required(str, unique=True) title: str = orm.Optional(str) notes: str = orm.Optional(str) release_date: datetime = orm.Optional(datetime) creator: MediaCollection = orm.Optional(lambda: MediaCollection, nullable=True) extractor_name: str = orm.Optional(str) extractor_key: str = orm.Optional(str) orm.composite_index(extractor_name, extractor_key) last_updated: datetime = orm.Optional(datetime) keep_updated: bool = orm.Required(bool, default=False) watch_in_order_auto: bool = orm.Required(bool, default=True) pinned: bool = orm.Required(bool, default=False) ignored: bool = orm.Required(bool, default=False) watch_in_order: bool = orm.Required(bool, default=True) tag_list: Iterable[Tag] = orm.Set(lambda: Tag) uris: Iterable[CollectionUriMapping] = orm.Set(lambda: CollectionUriMapping) media_links: Iterable[MediaCollectionLink] = orm.Set(MediaCollectionLink) created_collections: Set[MediaCollection] = orm.Set(lambda: MediaCollection) @property def is_creator(self) -> bool: return self == self.creator @property def has_creator(self) -> bool: return self.creator is not None @property def is_root_collection(self) -> bool: return self.is_creator or not self.has_creator @property def was_extracted(self) -> bool: return self.last_updated is not None def __to_watch_episodes(self) -> Query | Iterable[MediaCollectionLink]: return link for link in self.media_links if not link.element.skip_over ) @property def next_episode(self) -> Optional[MediaCollectionLink]: return ( for link in self.media_links if not link.element.skip_over) .order_by(MediaCollectionLink.sort_key) .first() ) @property def completed(self) -> bool: return self.__to_watch_episodes().count() <= 0 @property def assigned_tags(self) -> Set[Tag]: return set(self.tag_list) @property def stats(self) -> CollectionStats: return CollectionStats.from_collection(self) def add_episode( self, media: MediaElement, season: int = 0, episode: int = 0 ) -> MediaCollectionLink: link: MediaCollectionLink = MediaCollectionLink.get( collection=self, element=media ) if link is None: link = MediaCollectionLink(collection=self, element=media) link.season, link.episode = season, episode orm.flush() return link def add_single_uri(self, uri: str) -> bool: mapping: CollectionUriMapping = CollectionUriMapping.get(uri=uri) if not mapping: logging.debug(f"Add URI mapping {uri!r} to collection {!r}") CollectionUriMapping( uri=uri, element=self, ) return True if mapping.element != self: raise Exception( f"URI duplicated for two different collections's: {uri}" ) # TODO may replace with merge call return False def add_uris(self, uri_list: Iterable[str]) -> bool: return all(self.add_single_uri(uri) for uri in set(uri_list)) def before_insert(self): self.before_update() def before_update(self): self.add_single_uri(self.uri) @property def info_link(self): return f"/collection/{}" class CollectionUriMapping(db.Entity): id: int = orm.PrimaryKey(int, auto=True) uri: str = orm.Required(str, unique=True) element: MediaCollection = orm.Required(MediaCollection) SQL_WHITESPACE_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(\s|\n)+") def sql_cleanup(sql: str) -> str: return SQL_WHITESPACE_PATTERN.sub(" ", sql).strip() def update_element_lookup_cache(collection_ids: List[int] = []): f"Rebuild element_lookup_cache for {len(collection_ids) if collection_ids else 'all'} collections …" ) def filter_clause(c_id: str): return sql_where_in(c_id, collection_ids) if collection_ids else "true" orm.flush() sql = [ f""" DELETE QUICK FROM element_lookup_cache WHERE {filter_clause("collection")}; """, f""" INSERT INTO element_lookup_cache (collection, element1, element2) SELECT AS collection, l1.element AS element1, l2.element AS element2 FROM mediacollection c INNER JOIN mediacollectionlink l1 ON = l1.collection INNER JOIN mediacollectionlink l2 ON = l2.collection INNER JOIN mediaelement e1 ON l1.element = INNER JOIN mediaelement e2 ON l2.element = WHERE ( l1.season, l1.episode, e1.release_date, ) <( l2.season, l2.episode, e2.release_date, ) AND c.watch_in_order AND {filter_clause("")} GROUP BY collection, element1, element2 """, ] for q in sql: db.execute(sql_cleanup(q)) #### ## Custom Table Framework #### # TODO replace fixed table names with dynamic resolved ones CUSTOM_TABLE_DEFINITIONS: Mapping[SafeStr, str] = { SafeStr(table_name): trim(table_sql) for table_name, table_sql in { "element_lookup_cache": """ CREATE TABLE element_lookup_cache( collection INT(11) NOT NULL, element1 INT(11) NOT NULL, element2 INT(11) NOT NULL ) SELECT AS collection, l1.element AS element1, l2.element AS element2 FROM mediacollection c INNER JOIN mediacollectionlink l1 ON = l1.collection INNER JOIN mediacollectionlink l2 ON = l2.collection INNER JOIN mediaelement e1 ON l1.element = INNER JOIN mediaelement e2 ON l2.element = WHERE ( l1.season, l1.episode, e1.release_date, ) <( l2.season, l2.episode, e2.release_date, ) AND c.watch_in_order GROUP BY collection, element1, element2; ALTER TABLE `element_lookup_cache` ADD PRIMARY KEY(`element1`, `element2`, `collection`); ALTER TABLE `element_lookup_cache` ADD INDEX(`collection`); """, } } def table_exists(table_name: SafeStr) -> bool: # TODO may be mariadb specific return db.exists(f"SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Name = '{table_name}'") def setup_custom_tables(): """ Creates & fills custom tables (especially cache tables) if they do not exist. This should not destroy already existing data and should behave indempotent. """ for table_name, table_sql in CUSTOM_TABLE_DEFINITIONS.items(): if not table_exists(table_name): db.execute(table_sql)