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Tests the main ZFS class, non-destructive version.
from unittest.mock import patch
import pytest # type: ignore
from simplezfs.exceptions import ValidationError
from simplezfs.pe_helper import PEHelperBase
from simplezfs.types import Dataset, DatasetType
from simplezfs.zfs import ZFS, get_zfs
from simplezfs.zfs_cli import ZFSCli
from simplezfs.zfs_native import ZFSNative
class TestZFS:
def test_init_noparam(self):
assert ZFS()
def test_get_metadata_namespace(self):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace='pytest')
assert zfs.metadata_namespace == 'pytest'
def test_set_metadata_namespace(self):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace='prod')
zfs.metadata_namespace = 'pytest'
assert zfs.metadata_namespace == 'pytest'
def test_get_pe_helper_default(self):
zfs = ZFS()
assert zfs.pe_helper is None
def test_get_pe_helper_set_valid(self):
zfs = ZFS()
assert zfs.pe_helper is None
zfs.pe_helper = PEHelperBase()
assert zfs.pe_helper is not None
assert isinstance(zfs.pe_helper, PEHelperBase)
def test_get_property_notimplemented(self):
zfs = ZFS()
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
zfs.get_property('tank/test1', 'compression')
def test_get_property_all(self):
Uses "all" and expects a ValidationError.
zfs = ZFS()
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
zfs.get_property('tank/test', 'all')
assert 'get_properties' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_get_property_all_meta(self):
Tests that <namespace>:all is allowed.
def mock_get_property(myself, dataset, key, is_metadata):
assert dataset == 'tank/test'
assert key == 'testns:all'
assert is_metadata is True
with patch.object(ZFS, '_get_property', new=mock_get_property):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace='testns')
zfs.get_property('tank/test', 'all', metadata=True)
def test_property_dataset_validation_unhappy(self):
def mock_get_property(myself, dataset, key, is_metadata):
assert False, 'this should not have been called'
with patch.object(ZFS, '_get_property', new=mock_get_property):
zfs = ZFS()
with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
zfs.get_property('tan#k/test', 'compression')
def test_get_property_meta_nooverwrite_invalidns_unhappy(self):
Tests the validation of the metadata namespace, coming from the ctor.
def mock_get_property(myself, dataset, key, is_metadata):
assert False, 'This should not have been called'
with patch.object(ZFS, '_get_property', new=mock_get_property):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace=' ')
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
zfs.get_property('tank/test', 'test', metadata=True)
assert 'not match' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_get_property_meta_overwrite_invalidns_unhappy(self):
Tests the validation of the metadata namespace, coming from overwrite parameter.
def mock_get_property(myself, dataset, key, is_metadata):
assert False, 'This should not have been called'
with patch.object(ZFS, '_get_property', new=mock_get_property):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace='pytest')
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
zfs.get_property('tank/test', 'test', metadata=True, overwrite_metadata_namespace=' ')
assert 'not match' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_get_property_poolname_nometa_happy(self):
Tests that the name of the pool (first or root dataset) can be queried.
def mock_get_property(myself, dataset, key, is_metadata):
assert dataset == 'tank'
assert key == 'compression'
assert is_metadata is False
with patch.object(ZFS, '_get_property', new=mock_get_property):
zfs = ZFS()
zfs.get_property('tank', 'compression')
def test_get_property_poolname_invalid_nometa_unhappy(self):
Tests the pool name validation.
def mock_get_property(myself, dataset, key, is_meta):
assert False, 'This should not have been called'
with patch.object(ZFS, '_get_property', new=mock_get_property):
zfs = ZFS()
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
zfs.get_property(' ', 'compression')
assert 'malformed' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_get_property_nometa_happy(self):
def mock_get_property(myself, dataset: str, key: str, is_metadata: bool):
assert dataset == 'tank/test'
assert key == 'compression'
assert is_metadata is False
with patch.object(ZFS, '_get_property', new=mock_get_property):
zfs = ZFS()
zfs.get_property('tank/test', 'compression')
def test_get_property_meta_ns_happy(self):
def mock_get_property(myself, dataset, key, is_metadata):
assert dataset == 'tank/test'
assert key == 'testns:testprop'
assert is_metadata is True
with patch.object(ZFS, '_get_property', new=mock_get_property):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace='testns')
zfs.get_property('tank/test', 'testprop', metadata=True)
def test_get_property_meta_nsoverwrite_happy(self):
def mock_get_property(myself, dataset, key, is_metadata):
assert dataset == 'tank/test'
assert key == 'testns:testprop'
assert is_metadata is True
with patch.object(ZFS, '_get_property', new=mock_get_property):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace='pytest')
zfs.get_property('tank/test', 'testprop', metadata=True, overwrite_metadata_namespace='testns')
def test_get_property_nometa_nons_unhappy(self):
Tests that it bails out if no metadata namespace has been set and none is given.
def mock_get_property(myself, dataset, key, is_metadata):
assert False, 'This should not have been called'
with patch.object(ZFS, '_get_property', new=mock_get_property):
zfs = ZFS()
assert zfs.metadata_namespace is None
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
zfs.get_property('tank/test', 'testprop', metadata=True)
assert 'no metadata namespace set' == str(excinfo.value)
def test_get_property_meta_ns_noflag_invalid(self):
Tests that it bails out if the syntax indicates a metadata property is requested but metadata flag is false.
def mock_get_property(myself, dataset, key, is_metadata):
assert False, 'This should not have been called'
with patch.object(ZFS, '_get_property', new=mock_get_property):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace='testns')
with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
zfs.get_property('tank/test', 'testns:testprop', metadata=False)
def test_get_properties_notimplemented(self):
zfs = ZFS()
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
def test_get_properties_poolname_nometa_happy(self):
def mock_get_properties(myself, dataset, include_metadata):
assert dataset == 'tank'
assert include_metadata is False
with patch.object(ZFS, '_get_properties', new=mock_get_properties):
zfs = ZFS()
def test_get_properties_dataset_unhappy(self):
Tests that it validates the dataset name
def mock_get_properties(myself, dataset, include_metadata):
assert False, 'this should not have been called'
with patch.object(ZFS, '_get_properties', new=mock_get_properties):
zfs = ZFS()
with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
def test_set_property_notimplemented(self):
zfs = ZFS()
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
zfs.set_property('tank/test1', 'compression', 'lz4')
def test_set_property_all_nometa_unhappy(self):
zfs = ZFS()
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
zfs.set_property('tank/test', 'all', 'test')
assert 'valid property name' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_set_property_all_meta_happy(self):
def mock_set_property(myself, dataset, key, value, is_metadata):
assert 'tank/test' == dataset
assert 'testns:all' == key
assert 'test' == value
assert is_metadata
with patch.object(ZFS, '_set_property', new=mock_set_property):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace='testns')
zfs.set_property('tank/test', 'all', 'test', metadata=True)
def test_set_property_dataset_validation_unhappy(self):
def mock_set_property(myself, dataset, key, value, is_metadata):
assert False, 'This should not have been called'
with patch.object(ZFS, '_set_property', new=mock_set_property):
zfs = ZFS()
with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
zfs.set_property('ta#nk/test', 'compression', 'lz4')
def test_set_property_meta_nooverwrite_invalidns_unhappy(self):
Tests the validation of the metadata namespace, coming from the ctor.
def mock_set_property(myself, dataset, key, value, is_metadata):
assert False, 'This should not have been called'
with patch.object(ZFS, '_set_property', new=mock_set_property):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace=' ')
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
zfs.set_property('tank/test', 'test', 'test', metadata=True)
assert 'not match' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_set_property_meta_overwrite_invalidns_unhappy(self):
def mock_set_property(myself, dataset, key, value, is_metadata):
assert False, 'This should not have been called'
with patch.object(ZFS, '_set_property', new=mock_set_property):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace='pytest')
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
zfs.set_property('tank/test', 'test', 'test', metadata=True, overwrite_metadata_namespace=' ')
assert 'not match' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_set_property_poolname_nometa_happy(self):
def mock_set_property(myself, dataset, key, value, is_metadata):
assert dataset == 'tank'
assert key == 'compression'
assert value == 'lz4'
assert not is_metadata
with patch.object(ZFS, '_set_property', new=mock_set_property):
zfs = ZFS()
zfs.set_property('tank', 'compression', 'lz4')
def test_set_property_poolname_invalid_nometa_unhappy(self):
def mock_set_property(myself, dataset, key, value, is_metadata):
assert False, 'This should not have been called'
with patch.object(ZFS, '_set_property', new=mock_set_property):
zfs = ZFS()
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
zfs.set_property(' ', 'compression', 'lz4')
assert 'malformed' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_set_property_nometa_happy(self):
def mock_set_property(myself, dataset, key, value, is_metadata):
assert dataset == 'tank/test'
assert key == 'compression'
assert value == 'lz4'
assert not is_metadata
with patch.object(ZFS, '_set_property', new=mock_set_property):
zfs = ZFS()
zfs.set_property('tank/test', 'compression', 'lz4')
def test_set_property_meta_ns_happy(self):
def mock_set_property(myself, dataset, key, value, is_metadata):
assert dataset == 'tank/test'
assert key == 'testns:testprop'
assert value == 'testval'
assert is_metadata
with patch.object(ZFS, '_set_property', new=mock_set_property):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace='testns')
zfs.set_property('tank/test', 'testprop', 'testval', metadata=True)
def test_set_property_meta_nsoverwrite_happy(self):
def mock_set_property(myself, dataset, key, value, is_metadata):
assert dataset == 'tank/test'
assert key == 'testns:testprop'
assert value == 'testval'
assert is_metadata
with patch.object(ZFS, '_set_property', new=mock_set_property):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace='pytest')
zfs.set_property('tank/test', 'testprop', 'testval', metadata=True, overwrite_metadata_namespace='testns')
def test_set_property_nometa_nons_unhappy(self):
def mock_set_property(myself, dataset, key, value, is_metadata):
assert False, 'This should not have been called'
with patch.object(ZFS, '_set_property', new=mock_set_property):
zfs = ZFS()
assert zfs.metadata_namespace is None
with pytest.raises(ValidationError) as excinfo:
zfs.set_property('tank/test', 'testprop', 'testval', metadata=True)
assert 'no metadata namespace set' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_set_property_meta_ns_noflag_inalid(self):
def mock_set_property(myself, dataset, key, value, is_metadata):
assert False, 'This should not have been called'
with patch.object(ZFS, '_set_property', new=mock_set_property):
zfs = ZFS(metadata_namespace='testns')
with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
zfs.set_property('tank/test', 'testns:testprop', 'testval', metadata=False)
def test_create_snapshot_call(self):
Tests the call parameters with which create_snapshot calls create_dataset
def mock_create_dataset(myself, name, dataset_type=DatasetType.FILESET, properties=None,
metadata_properties=None, mount_helper=None, sparse=False, size=None, recursive=False):
assert name == 'test/test@testsnap'
assert dataset_type == DatasetType.SNAPSHOT
assert properties == {'test': 'test'}
assert metadata_properties is None
assert mount_helper is None
assert sparse is False
assert size is None
assert recursive is False
return Dataset(name='test@testsnap', full_path='test/test@testsnap', pool='test',
parent='test', type=dataset_type)
with patch.object(ZFS, 'create_dataset', new=mock_create_dataset):
zfs = ZFS()
ds = zfs.create_snapshot('test/test', 'testsnap', properties=dict(test='test'))
assert == 'test@testsnap'
def test_create_fileset_call(self):
Tests the call parameters with which create_fileset calls create_dataset
def mock_create_dataset(myself, name, dataset_type=DatasetType.FILESET, properties=None,
metadata_properties=None, mount_helper=None, sparse=False, size=None, recursive=False):
assert name == 'test/testfs'
assert dataset_type == DatasetType.FILESET
assert properties == {'test': 'test', 'mountpoint': '/test/testfs'}
assert metadata_properties is None
assert mount_helper is None
assert sparse is False
assert size is None
assert recursive is False
return Dataset(name='testfs', full_path='test/testfs', pool='test', parent='test', type=dataset_type)
with patch.object(ZFS, 'create_dataset', new=mock_create_dataset):
zfs = ZFS()
ds = zfs.create_fileset('test/testfs', mountpoint='/test/testfs', properties=dict(test='test'),
assert == 'testfs'
def test_create_volume_call(self):
Tests the call parameters with which create_volume calls create_dataset
def mock_create_dataset(myself, name, dataset_type=DatasetType.FILESET, properties=None,
metadata_properties=None, mount_helper=None, sparse=False, size=None, recursive=False):
assert name == 'test/testvol'
assert dataset_type == DatasetType.VOLUME
assert properties == {'test': 'test', 'blocksize': str(64 * 1024)}
assert metadata_properties is None
assert mount_helper is None
assert sparse is True
assert size == 1024 * 1024 * 1024
assert recursive is False
return Dataset(name='testvol', full_path='test/testvol', pool='test', parent='test', type=dataset_type)
with patch.object(ZFS, 'create_dataset', new=mock_create_dataset):
zfs = ZFS()
ds = zfs.create_volume('test/testvol', size=1024 * 1024 * 1024, sparse=True, blocksize=64 * 1024,
properties=dict(test='test'), recursive=False)
assert == 'testvol'
def test_notimplemented(self):
zfs = ZFS()
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
zfs.create_bookmark('snap@shot', 'test')
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
class TestZFSGetZFS:
def test_get_zfs_default(self, which):
which.return_value = '/bin/true'
zfs = get_zfs()
assert type(zfs) == ZFSCli
assert zfs.metadata_namespace is None
assert zfs.executable == '/bin/true'
def test_get_zfs_cli(self, which):
which.return_value = '/bin/true'
zfs = get_zfs('cli')
assert type(zfs) == ZFSCli
assert zfs.executable == '/bin/true'
def test_get_zfs_cli_args(self):
zfs = get_zfs('cli', metadata_namespace='asdf', zfs_exe='/bin/true')
assert type(zfs) == ZFSCli
assert zfs.metadata_namespace == 'asdf'
assert zfs.executable == '/bin/true'
def test_get_zfs_native(self):
zfs = get_zfs('native')
assert type(zfs) == ZFSNative
def test_get_zfs_invalid(self):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):