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Tests the ZFSCli class, non-distructive version.
from unittest.mock import patch, PropertyMock
import pytest
import subprocess
from simplezfs.exceptions import ValidationError
from simplezfs.types import Dataset, DatasetType
from simplezfs.validation import validate_dataset_path
from simplezfs.zfs_cli import ZFSCli
class TestZFSCli:
def test_init_noparam(self):
instance = ZFSCli() # noqa: F841
@pytest.mark.parametrize('identifier,name,parent,dstype,pool', [
('pool/test', 'test', 'pool', DatasetType.FILESET, 'pool'),
('pool/test@st', 'test@st', 'pool', DatasetType.SNAPSHOT, 'pool'),
('pool/test1/test@snap-12', 'test@snap-12', 'pool/test1', DatasetType.SNAPSHOT, 'pool'),
('tank/test#bm1', 'test#bm1', 'tank', DatasetType.BOOKMARK, 'tank'),
('tank/test1/test#bmark-12', 'test#bmark-12', 'tank/test1', DatasetType.BOOKMARK, 'tank'),
('pool/test2', 'test2', 'pool', DatasetType.VOLUME, 'pool'),
('pool/test2/test', 'test', 'pool/test2', DatasetType.VOLUME, 'pool'),
def test_parse_dataset_identifier_valid(self, is_zvol, identifier, name, parent, dstype, pool):
Tests the happy path.
is_zvol.return_value = dstype == DatasetType.VOLUME
ds = ZFSCli.parse_dataset_identifier(identifier)
assert isinstance(ds, Dataset)
assert == name
assert ds.parent == parent
assert ds.type == dstype
assert ds.full_path == identifier
assert ds.pool == pool
@pytest.mark.parametrize('identifier', [' /asd', ' /asd', '\0/asd', 'mirrored/asd', 'raidz fun/asd'])
def test_parse_dataset_identifier_invalid(self, identifier):
with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
def test_is_zvol_ok_exists(self, exists):
exists.return_value = True
assert ZFSCli.is_zvol('newpool/newvol')
def test_is_zvol_ok_not_exists(self, exists):
exists.return_value = False
assert not ZFSCli.is_zvol('newpool/newfileset')
def test_is_zvol_ok_not_exists_pool(self, exists):
Tests that is_zvol can cope with pool-level filesets
exists.return_value = False
assert not ZFSCli.is_zvol('newpool')
def test_find_executable_parameter(self, which):
which.return_value = None
zfs = ZFSCli(zfs_exe='asdf')
assert zfs.executable == 'asdf'
def test_find_executable_path(self, which):
which.return_value = 'test_return'
zfs = ZFSCli()
assert zfs.executable == 'test_return'
def test_find_executable_path_fail(self, which):
which.return_value = None
with pytest.raises(OSError) as excinfo:
zfs = ZFSCli()
assert 'not find executable' in str(excinfo.value)
def test_list_dataset_noparent_happy(self, subproc):
test_stdout = '''tank 213G 13.3G 96K none
tank/system 128G 13.3G 96K none
tank/system/home 86.6G 13.3G 86.6G /home
tank/system/root 14.9G 13.3G 14.9G /'''
subproc.return_value = subprocess.CompletedProcess(args=[], returncode=0, stdout=test_stdout, stderr='')
zfs = ZFSCli(zfs_exe='/bin/true')
lst = zfs.list_datasets()
assert ['/bin/true', 'list', '-H', '-r', '-t', 'all'] == subproc.call_args[0][0]
assert len(lst) == 4
assert lst[0].pool == 'tank'
assert lst[0].parent is None
assert lst[1].name == 'system'
assert lst[1].parent == 'tank'
assert lst[1].type == DatasetType.FILESET
assert lst[3].name == 'root'
assert lst[3].full_path == 'tank/system/root'
def test_list_dataset_parent_pool_str_happy(self, subproc):
test_stdout = '''tank 213G 13.3G 96K none
tank/system 128G 13.3G 96K none
tank/system/home 86.6G 13.3G 86.6G /home
tank/system/root 14.9G 13.3G 14.9G /'''
subproc.return_value = subprocess.CompletedProcess(args=[], returncode=0, stdout=test_stdout, stderr='')
zfs = ZFSCli(zfs_exe='/bin/true')
lst = zfs.list_datasets(parent='tank')
assert ['/bin/true', 'list', '-H', '-r', '-t', 'all', 'tank'] == subproc.call_args[0][0]
assert len(lst) == 4
assert lst[0].pool == 'tank'
assert lst[0].parent is None
assert lst[1].name == 'system'
assert lst[1].parent == 'tank'
assert lst[1].type == DatasetType.FILESET
assert lst[3].name == 'root'
assert lst[3].full_path == 'tank/system/root'
def test_list_dataset_parent_pool_dataset_happy(self, subproc):
Supplies a dataset as parent.
test_stdout = '''tank 213G 13.3G 96K none
tank/system 128G 13.3G 96K none
tank/system/home 86.6G 13.3G 86.6G /home
tank/system/root 14.9G 13.3G 14.9G /'''
subproc.return_value = subprocess.CompletedProcess(args=[], returncode=0, stdout=test_stdout, stderr='')
zfs = ZFSCli(zfs_exe='/bin/true')
lst = zfs.list_datasets(parent=Dataset(pool='tank', name='system', full_path='tank', parent='tank', type=DatasetType.FILESET))
assert ['/bin/true', 'list', '-H', '-r', '-t', 'all', 'tank'] == subproc.call_args[0][0]
assert len(lst) == 4
assert lst[0].pool == 'tank'
assert lst[0].parent is None
assert lst[1].name == 'system'
assert lst[1].parent == 'tank'
assert lst[1].type == DatasetType.FILESET
assert lst[3].name == 'root'
assert lst[3].full_path == 'tank/system/root'
def test_list_dataset_parent_fileset_str_happy(self, subproc):
Specifies a parent as a string.
test_stdout = '''tank/system 128G 13.3G 96K none
tank/system/home 86.6G 13.3G 86.6G /home
tank/system/root 14.9G 13.3G 14.9G /'''
subproc.return_value = subprocess.CompletedProcess(args=[], returncode=0, stdout=test_stdout, stderr='')
zfs = ZFSCli(zfs_exe='/bin/true')
lst = zfs.list_datasets(parent='tank/system')
assert ['/bin/true', 'list', '-H', '-r', '-t', 'all', 'tank/system'] == subproc.call_args[0][0]
assert len(lst) == 3
assert lst[0].name == 'system'
assert lst[0].parent == 'tank'
assert lst[0].type == DatasetType.FILESET
assert lst[2].name == 'root'
assert lst[2].full_path == 'tank/system/root'
def test_list_dataset_parent_fileset_dataset_happy(self, subproc):
Specifies a parent as a dataset.
test_stdout = '''tank/system 128G 13.3G 96K none
tank/system/home 86.6G 13.3G 86.6G /home
tank/system/root 14.9G 13.3G 14.9G /'''
subproc.return_value = subprocess.CompletedProcess(args=[], returncode=0, stdout=test_stdout, stderr='')
zfs = ZFSCli(zfs_exe='/bin/true')
lst = zfs.list_datasets(parent=Dataset(pool='tank', full_path='tank/system', name='system', parent='tank', type=DatasetType.FILESET))
assert ['/bin/true', 'list', '-H', '-r', '-t', 'all', 'tank/system'] == subproc.call_args[0][0]
assert len(lst) == 3
assert lst[0].name == 'system'
assert lst[0].parent == 'tank'
assert lst[0].type == DatasetType.FILESET
assert lst[2].name == 'root'
assert lst[2].full_path == 'tank/system/root'
def test_list_dataset_cmd_error_noparent(self, subproc):
def mock_handle_command_error(myself, proc, dataset = None):
assert type(proc) == subprocess.CompletedProcess
assert proc.returncode == 42
assert proc.stderr == 'test'
assert dataset is None
raise Exception('test')
subproc.return_value = subprocess.CompletedProcess(args=[], returncode=42, stdout='', stderr='test')
with patch.object(ZFSCli, 'handle_command_error', new=mock_handle_command_error):
zfs = ZFSCli(zfs_exe='/bin/true')
with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
assert 'test' == str(excinfo.value)
def test_list_dataset_cmd_error_parent(self, subproc):
def mock_handle_command_error(myself, proc, dataset):
assert type(proc) == subprocess.CompletedProcess
assert proc.returncode == 42
assert proc.stderr == 'test'
assert dataset == 'tank/test'
raise Exception('test')
subproc.return_value = subprocess.CompletedProcess(args=[], returncode=42, stdout='', stderr='test')
with patch.object(ZFSCli, 'handle_command_error', new=mock_handle_command_error):
zfs = ZFSCli(zfs_exe='/bin/true')
with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
assert 'test' == str(excinfo.value)