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from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Literal, NewType, Sequence, TypeAlias, TypedDict
from .volume import VolumeName
ServiceName = NewType("ServiceName", str)
ContainerName = NewType("ContainerName", str)
class ServiceDef(TypedDict, total=False):
container_name: ContainerName
depends_on: Sequence[ServiceName]
volumes: Sequence[VolumeDef]
# === Service Volumes
_VolumeShort = NewType("_VolumeShort", str)
"format: [SOURCE:]TARGET[:MODE] where MODE is either rw or ro"
class _VolumeGeneral(TypedDict, total=False):
read_only: bool
# volume type: volume
class _VolumeNaturalConfig(TypedDict, total=False):
nocopy: bool
class _VolumeNaturalRequired(TypedDict, total=True):
type: Literal["volume"]
source: VolumeName
target: str
class _VolumeNatural(_VolumeNaturalRequired, _VolumeGeneral, total=False):
volume: _VolumeNaturalConfig
# volume type: bind
class _VolumeBindConfig(TypedDict, total=False):
propagation: str
class _VolumeBindRequired(TypedDict, total=True):
type: Literal["bind"]
source: str
target: str
class _VolumeBind(_VolumeBindRequired, _VolumeGeneral, total=False):
volume: _VolumeBindConfig
# volume type: tmpfs
class _VolumeTmpfsConfig(TypedDict, total=False):
size: int
"in bytes"
class _VolumeTmpfsRequired(TypedDict, total=True):
type: Literal["tmpfs"]
target: str
class _VolumeTmpfs(_VolumeTmpfsRequired, _VolumeGeneral, total=False):
tmpfs: _VolumeTmpfsConfig
# volume type: npipe
class _VolumeNpipeRequired(TypedDict, total=True):
type: Literal["npipe"]
target: str
class _VolumeNpipe(_VolumeNpipeRequired, _VolumeGeneral, total=False):
# end volume types
_VolumeLong: TypeAlias = _VolumeNatural | _VolumeBind | _VolumeTmpfs | _VolumeNpipe
VolumeDef: TypeAlias = _VolumeShort | _VolumeLong