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version: "3.3"
# - if executed inside a service, commands have the same environment vars available
# - the volume will be cleared before restoring
# - the command will always be executed where the volume is mounted
# - you can access secrets in files by using $(cat $SECRET_FILE)
# === Backups
# - backup/restore commands need to write to STDOUT / read from STDIN
# enable backups of this volume (defaults to true)
work.banananet.podman.backup.enable: "true"
# container/service to run commands in (takes precedence over .image)
# service will ignore .stop if required
work.banananet.podman.backup.container: database
# image to use to run commands (by default
work.banananet.podman.backup.image: NONE
# mount target if backup is run in the image (defaults to /_volume)
work.banananet.podman.backup.mount-target: /myvol
# will stop compose to backup/restore volume (true/false, true by default)
work.banananet.podman.backup.stop: "true"
# backup command, executed in .container/.image
work.banananet.podman.backup.backup-cmd: >-
mysqldump --all-databases
# restore command, executed in .container/.image
work.banananet.podman.backup.restore-cmd: >-
mysql --user=root --password=$MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD
# === Compressing
# - both commands must read from STDIN and write to STDOUT
# - you may also compress inside the orignal container, this allows to compress outside or using another image
# image to run compress commands in (defaults to host)
work.banananet.podman.backup.compress-image: # meaning host
# command to compress backup (none by default)
work.banananet.podman.backup.compress-cmd: gzip -9 -
# command to decompress backup on restore ("<.compress-cmd> -d" or none by default)
work.banananet.podman.backup.decompress-cmd: gzip -9 -d -