# LEZ + CSS WebExtension improving the *Lösungseinzugszentrale* of KIT via CSS. Contains only usable improvements for tutors. **This project is not officially supported by KIT or any other institutions assigned to KIT.** ## Installation ### Mozilla Firefox Download the addon from [here](https://banananet.work/downloads/lez-plus-css.xpi), go to the [Addon Manager](about:addons) and select *Install addon From File ...*. ### Google Chrome Clone the repository to your computer and install the extension in your browser as temporary / unpacked extension. See https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/tut_debugging ## Improvements - Enable horizontal scrollbars - Monospace fonts for numbers / checksums - Improves review table - Hides names of students (keeps the students number) - Swaps red background with orange border (indicating an invalid points value) - Improves solution table - Hides status column (status indicated by color by default) ## Repository - Original Repository: https://git.banananet.work/zocker/lez-plus-css - Official Clone: https://git.scc.kit.edu/urwai/lez-plus-css - Issue Tracker: https://git.scc.kit.edu/urwai/lez-plus-css/issues ### License Released under MIT License, see file `LICENSE`. ### Notes CSS Injection Code inspired by https://github.com/iamdiogo/DarkCloud (also released under MIT).