You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR MIT
Package key implements key and text events and operations.
The InputOp operations is used for declaring key input handlers. Use
an implementation of the Queue interface from package ui to receive
package key
import (
// InputOp declares a handler ready for key events.
// Key events are in general only delivered to the
// focused key handler. Set the Focus flag to request
// the focus.
type InputOp struct {
Tag event.Tag
Focus bool
// HideInputOp request that any on screen text input
// be hidden.
type HideInputOp struct{}
// A FocusEvent is generated when a handler gains or loses
// focus.
type FocusEvent struct {
Focus bool
// An Event is generated when a key is pressed. For text input
// use EditEvent.
type Event struct {
// Name of the key. For letters, the upper case form is used, via
// unicode.ToUpper. The shift modifier is taken into account, all other
// modifiers are ignored. For example, the "shift-1" and "ctrl-shift-1"
// combinations both give the Name "!" with the US keyboard layout.
Name string
// Modifiers is the set of active modifiers when the key was pressed.
Modifiers Modifiers
// An EditEvent is generated when text is input.
type EditEvent struct {
Text string
// Modifiers
type Modifiers uint32
const (
// ModCtrl is the ctrl modifier key.
ModCtrl Modifiers = 1 << iota
// ModCommand is the command modifier key
// found on Apple keyboards.
// ModShift is the shift modifier key.
// ModAlt is the alt modifier key, or the option
// key on Apple keyboards.
// ModSuper is the "logo" modifier key, often
// represented by a Windows logo.
const (
// Names for special keys.
NameLeftArrow = "←"
NameRightArrow = "→"
NameUpArrow = "↑"
NameDownArrow = "↓"
NameReturn = "⏎"
NameEnter = "⌤"
NameEscape = "⎋"
NameHome = "⇱"
NameEnd = "⇲"
NameDeleteBackward = "⌫"
NameDeleteForward = "⌦"
NamePageUp = "⇞"
NamePageDown = "⇟"
NameTab = "⇥"
// Contain reports whether m contains all modifiers
// in m2.
func (m Modifiers) Contain(m2 Modifiers) bool {
return m&m2 == m2
func (h InputOp) Add(o *op.Ops) {
data := o.Write(opconst.TypeKeyInputLen, h.Tag)
data[0] = byte(opconst.TypeKeyInput)
if h.Focus {
data[1] = 1
func (h HideInputOp) Add(o *op.Ops) {
data := o.Write(opconst.TypeHideInputLen)
data[0] = byte(opconst.TypeHideInput)
func (EditEvent) ImplementsEvent() {}
func (Event) ImplementsEvent() {}
func (FocusEvent) ImplementsEvent() {}
func (e Event) String() string {
return "{" + string(e.Name) + " " + e.Modifiers.String() + "}"
func (m Modifiers) String() string {
var strs []string
if m.Contain(ModCtrl) {
strs = append(strs, "ModCtrl")
if m.Contain(ModCommand) {
strs = append(strs, "ModCommand")
if m.Contain(ModShift) {
strs = append(strs, "ModShift")
if m.Contain(ModAlt) {
strs = append(strs, "ModAlt")
if m.Contain(ModSuper) {
strs = append(strs, "ModSuper")
return strings.Join(strs, "|")